Ed Rendell Mansplains Why Hillary Will Win
Submitted by edg on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 3:54pm
"Will he [Donald Trump] have some appeal to working-class Dems in Levittown or Bristol? Sure,” Rendell said. “For every one, he’ll lose one and a half, two Republican women. Trump’s comments like, 'You can’t be a 10 if you’re flat-chested, that’ll come back to haunt him.'"
And then, he offered this, perhaps jokingly:
“There are probably more ugly women in America than attractive women. People take that stuff personally."
Source: Washington Post
Good to know, Ed. Good to know. Good to know, that is, that misogyny is alive and well in the Clinton Campaign.

What a disgusting piece of crap.
Ed Rendell needs to crawl back under his rock and stay there.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Actually, he should go back to the mud.
He's a pig.
Honest Mud Doesn't Deserve That Fate.
Make Rendell wallow in tar sands and fracking fluids.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Silly edg...
Republican misogyny is waaaaayyyy worse than Democratic misogyny.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
What Albright Said?
Don't recall any Republicans saying anything like the consignment of non-Hillbot women to "Get Thee To Gehenna!"
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
A charmer indeed.
I bet he's a real hit at parties.
from a reasonably stable genius.
He's the head of the convention host committee!
Doesn't that speak volumes. The devolution (devilution?) of the Democratic party.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ed Rendell looked to deliver
a blow to Trump and ended up punching his own teeth out. Hillary's surrogates will be as pathetic against Trump as Jeb's were.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
Don't be surprised...
…if he does wind up having to deliver some sort of 'blow' to Trump.
Ed Rendell - AKA Mega Maid (Spaceballs).
Heh-people are taking note
"Rendell and the centrist Dems do deserve a moment of sympathy. When you have nothing positive to sell voters, you have to get creative. Trolling for votes by calling your potential supporters “ugly” is seriously creative."
lol, Fast Eddie is getting creamed on Philly news shows.
They caught his fat ass coming off an escalator at 30th Street Station to ask him about what he said. I don't like the guy but I give him credit when it comes to political crap
He admitted what he said was incredibly stupid.
But then said IF anyone was offended, he apologizes.
What an idiot. In January, he talked
about voting for Bloomberg if Bernie won the Dem nominee.
Hillary and her acolytes are very stuck in the 90s.