I can't believe there isn't riots in the streets. It's only our right to vote that has vanished.
Mine vanished today. So did my husband's.
10 years voting as Democrats and at some time in April... our affiliation was changed on us. I saw the digital document. Not my handwriting. They couldn't find my husbands change. Just that he registered as an Independent from the get go in 2006. Which is a lie because he's been able to vote in all the closed primaries here for 10 years.
It's beyond bullshit. The entire process is rigged and ridiculous.
I'm so sorry your friend's vote was so hard to do. But so glad she was able to vote. I have been feeling horrible all day. Thank you for all your kind comments today about this.
reporting this to the Sanders' campaign and to your BOE. Sorry to hear it in any case.
0 users have voted.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I was pretty sure you would, but so many won't, so just had to ask. = )
It makes one wonder if someone stood in the polling places with a rifle and said you will vote for HRC or else, if the media would bother to report it.
0 users have voted.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
A favored tactic of theirs is to rush to accuse others of having used a favored tactic of theirs.
They know that all they have to do is make sure the media gets their Big Lie version out first. By the time anyone can say, “No, we have proof that you’re the ones using that tactic,” to the public it’ll just sound like “I know you are but what am I?”
And besides, anyone who doesn’t take even the most preposterous government-media stories at face value is a “truther,” right? Nyah nyah nyah so there.
You said that they get their lie out first. There is no chance to point out the facts when none of the media will listen. If they do say anything, it is in the form of a question regarding "how do you explain what we have chosen to state as fact." So what we are left with is looking bad for calling people liars to their face which is generally not a good optic or trying to present the facts in a way that does not make them look like a liar but makes like we are trying to cover up something. It's the old "Have you quit beating your wife?" tactic of making a person look bad no matter what the answer is. *sigh*
A good example of what you said is that whole "He is doing negative campaigning" stupidity.
0 users have voted.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
it makes no difference: on the talk shows they’ll still plug away with, “How do you explain [umpteenth iteration of Big Lie], hmm?” (audience of shills applauds)
He turned every legitimate grievance around on me, so I would end up defending myself for the exact thing he had done, and he would never have to answer for his actions. The other thing he did to discredit me was to take any statement I made and either take it completely out of context or simplify it so much it sounded ridiculous and then repeat the simplification over and over to show me how "silly" and/or "crazy" I am.
It seems to me that this is what the MSM and Hillary people on DK do to Bernie. They are not willing to engage in a good faith discussion.
can follow up with the voter fraud staff and Sanders staff and see what they discovered. This needs to be uncovered and brought to light. Team Clinton and the MSM are going nuts with propaganda they are so afraid of a Sanders win. We need hard evidence to counter them.
This evening, this news was the reply. I gave her (and five of her friends) the numbers to the KY AG election fraud hotline, and a Sanders number to also report election fraud.
In Olav Jakobsen Høyem's version of Nynorsk based on Trøndersk, ð was always silent and was introduced for etymological reasons.
Holy smokes, where did THAT ^^^ come from?
0 users have voted.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
We had our ballots for several weeks but I had checked our registrations a few times and felt confident that our old tradition of sitting at the dinner table together and going through the voting process as a family. Then me and my son drop off the ballots. It's just our way of doing it. Because we've moved around a lot while in the military and every place is different way of voting - so we just adopted our own way and that's how the kids saw us vote and how they do it now.
But... I found out at the election office that we aren't the only ones here in Oregon who vote the night before and drop them off the day of.
I felt foolish for a tiny bit - then I felt like a seething ball of anger.
I've reported it all and have learned that a provisional ballot is useless.
One of the finest mythological poems is the humorous Thrymskvida (“Lay of Thrym”), which tells how the giant Thrym steals the hammer of the thunder god Thor and demands the goddess Freyja in marriage for its return.
Riots, that is. Not violent riots, but shut down city functionality kind of riots. Would riots be the right word to use? Protest just doesn't sound like a strong enough word for that. Either way, it is clear that nobody in charge of anything that matters is going to do anything to address the corruption and fraud we are seeing. Democrats either A) are too afraid to cross Hillary, or B) are just as corrupt as she is, and Republicans either A) are hoping to see Hillary win in November, or B) really don't want a socialist to get the presidency. The MSM is also completely against us, effectively leaving a large portion of the voting population completely clueless about how screwed up the elections have been on the Democrat side this go around. Hell, Trump was bragging about how this rigged election process is just another piece of ammo he's going to be using against Hillary in their first debate. It's sad that Trump is pretty much going to be more informative than the news channels on this issue.
Nonviolent street protests can be vulnerable to provocateurs, and even if not violent at all, can be spun as such and subject the participants to police brutality,
This a.m. NPR (now sponsored by Koch Industries) finally reported the mess at the NV state nominating convention and made it sound like Bernie supporters were violent. (Nice timing for the story, just when Bernie won Oregon and pushed Hillary to a virtual tie in Ky.)
If major media can spin loudness, nonviolent body-language, and a few OTT insults into "violence" when there ample video and no evidence of violence at all, street protests will be no different.
I'm no huge fan of CS Lewis generally, but in That Hideous Strength (a thoroughly nasty book, not recommended) a character from another century, proposing to start a social movement, is informed: "They have an engine called the Press, whereby people are deceived."
As someone who has worked in journalism, and still finds some sparks of vitality in some of it, it pains me to say this, but in terms of national media, that is exactly right.
My understanding is that real brainstorming means everyone involved throws out every idea that pops into mind, even if it seems ridiculous. No pre-filtering.
"WE NEED NOVEL TACTICS" said Euterpe2. I agree. And I'll stick my neck out with a weird idea to start the ball rolling. What about flash mob protests? Maybe several targeted at specific places in a town or city instead of going for one large protest announced far in advance. I've seen a lot of musical flash mobs, singing, dancing, or orchestra, and so has most everyone. Perhaps if the flash mobs are singing protest song(s), it will be harder for police or whomever to pretend they were violent.
Okay. Somebody else spout an idea. It might take a bunch of goofy ones to come up with a good one or two. So come on, give a goofy idea.
One of my concerns is reaching people who are brainwashed because they don't know where to look beyond national media.
Unfiltered...SAMIZDAT promotion? Make sticky labels giving addresses of websites/twitter accounts where accurate info (and connections) can be found. Example: "How your vote gets stolen! What national media won't tell you. #[Hashtag]" Stick sticky labels on giveaway books. Leave the books for people to pick up, wherever. (I think we also will need a variety of more progressive news websites, especially since TOP has foundered. There are good sites including this, but not aimed at educating mainstream audiences.)
Open question, what leverage do we have on election fraud? Who has power to make changes happen, what kind of persuasion would it take?
would be a good vessel for educating the masses as to what's been happening? I think a lot of Lee's videos do a great job of being both informative and entertaining. And a possible (and quite probably silly) idea I've thought up before is having people playing stuff like that out of the backs of their vehicles out in public.
Something that'd be neat if it could be done is if the channels for the MSM could be hijacked, replacing the regular broadcast with something actually informative. Don't know how/if it could be done, and it might be unlawful, but then again, so is rigging an election.
Edit: also could go the bland wartime route of dropping "propaganda" fliers over areas. Anybody got a plane and lots of paper?
protests-and if that doesn't reflect the circus that we now have as an "election" process, I don't know what does. Not to mention, clowns are pretty much recognized as being non-violent (except in a clownish way). Your clown "identity" can also reflect an injustice-we can dress up as prisoners and "cops", clown judges, clown political characters (heh) etc. National Nurses United also had some terrific anti-Gropenfeuhrer protests against Ahnold, using floats with "richie-rich" characters on them, and following him around to every campaign stop. Come to think of it, they are a terrific very progressive union, (they endorsed Bernie very early on, and have been strong supporters, very active for his campaign) they organize actions for single payer and Wall Street controls, and are masters at creative organizing and protesting non-violently (eg their "Robin Hood tax" movement). They would be a great group to emulate and even reach out to for a new party. They are key organizers of the Chicago People's Summit, I'm sure they will be cooking up some really good ideas.
Lewis was an excellent writer who had some fine insights and knew how to tell a compelling story. I used to love his children's Narnia series and even enjoyed some of his Christian apologetics despite being a very confirmed agnostic/ecletic adherent of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Where I get stuck worst with Lewis is his take on women, of whom I happen to be one, at least in this lifetime. In That Hideous Strength Lewis heavy-handedly makes it clear that we are here basically for procreation and as pleasant companions and sidekicks to men. For instance, any intellectual ambitions we may have are utterly de trop. The main female character, Jane, is chastized for having used birth control, in this way frustrating God, who had prepared through generations of selective breeding for her to produce a son who was supposed to change history and whose conception had to take place at a certain moment. Bad girl, wanting to make choices about her own reproduction! Poor Jane is tortured by an obese lesbian villainess, the personification of women rejecting their God-given role, who burns Jane's breasts with cigarettes, partly in an effort to get information, partly for fun. Jane also has been having prophetic visions; in the denoument, with the villains defeated, Jane is told by the Director (a single male with the worst case of plantar fasciitis in history): "You will have no more visions. Have children instead." The same Director describes the proper course of a good woman's life as running from the fresh, sexy bloom of a spring floweret to the rough, reddened middle/old age of a dried up rose-hip. (And if a good woman is feeling discontented for some reason with this sort of life, she can always run out and buy a new hat!)
I also found the punishment of the villains, directly by Act of God, to be so OTT ridiculous and disgusting that it spoiled the suspension of disbelief. Finally, in spite of Lewis's great talent, learning and skill, his insistence much of the time on outright Christian (and specifically Anglican-flavored) plots leaves an off-taste to me.
etc., seem, in terms of comeuppance, to be viewed by most as the Gold Standard of a Good Thing even now, 70 years later. All the more so in 1945 when That Hideous Strength was published.
Here’s the British prime minister last year (from the link itself, evidently the original headline was “Cameron slaps Archbishop [for] Dresden apology; PM says bomber command heroes saved Europe [from] Hitler”):
In contrast to life, the art of That Hideous Strength — over-the-top as it undoubtedly is — shows laser-guided karma hitting the folks who deserve it and only the folks who deserve it, rather than myriads of innocents.
Wouldn’t it have been interesting to have been a fly on the wall, listening to Tolkien and Lewis discussing their respective views about each other’s works, as well as literature in general, G~d, life, the Universe, and everything?
Although Tolkien was a Roman Catholic, he never hits his readers over the head with his church’s strict views on birth control, LGBTs, or the role of women. Thank G~d for that.
saying, "Oh, well" but are reporting this and doing follow ups. The ones who stayed home apparently are fine with a Clinton II administration. or more likely a Trump one.
0 users have voted.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Bush stole two elections, but the Supreme Court gave him the cover for the shenanigans in Florida. And it was close enough for him to steal Ohio.
But what is happening in this years election where people have had their party affiliations changed, the exit polls show that Bernie should be winning yet Hillary does, reports of votes being changed right in front of people from Bernie to Hillary and then what happened in Nevada. Kevin on Shadowproof has the best reporting of what happened there. I'll find the link to the article.
Yes, people need to be outraged about the election being stolen. But remember that the cops will be ready for any disturbance at the convention. And the Hillary supporters will cheer us getting beat up
0 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I did note, though, that the fire station did not have our party listed with the other info. They asked me which I wanted to vote, Democratic or Republican!
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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
otherwise just posting this is hearsay. Also, make sure people are reporting voter fraud to the Supervisor of Elections, or the Sanders campaign. If we can't prove this is happening, it isn't.
I know it's a lot later, now, so maybe nobody will see this, but my work schedule is ... Unique, and this is the first I could post anything.
Uggghhhh! The image posting software won't upload it. Says it's too big. It has always resized, before. So, I'll do it in a few days. In hotel rooms, lousy internet connections, working within the limitations of an iPad.
0 users have voted.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
She was the KY democrat running ads of her shooting a shotgun. She is Sec of State.
Her job isn't to insure people vote but to insure they vote for Hillary!
She says so herself!
0 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
electoral fraud and corruption in the "Democratic" Party is astonishing.
Usually, (isn't it pathetic that "usually" happens?) when an institution has become completely corrupted, as the case seems, it cannot be redeemed from the inside. Honest folks have to leave and form a new organization, which then has to out-compete the old one or it then collapses from within.
Such a new political venture is not Bernie's to create. He has a day-job AND a part-time gig! The job of creating an American Progressive Party is yours to do. I mean you, dear reader :=)
Do not waste time on the illusory promise of any existing fringe party, such as the Greens.
They have their own internal baggage, about which outsiders know nothing.
You have to start afresh. With the fresh energy of the Bernie youth movement and the savvy of you old hippies.
Why don't you c99ers start the project of founding the American Progressive Party?
Why waste a single other breath on the DP or any of its subsidiaries?
Why don't you organize local meet-ups, like the Portland one from last week? With the agenda being the American Progressive Party?
Now is the time. Nothing will get better; there will never be a "good moment." Start now.
Remember this: the ones who create the game, make the rules :=)
0 users have voted.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
It's awful
I can't believe there isn't riots in the streets. It's only our right to vote that has vanished.
Mine vanished today. So did my husband's.
10 years voting as Democrats and at some time in April... our affiliation was changed on us. I saw the digital document. Not my handwriting. They couldn't find my husbands change. Just that he registered as an Independent from the get go in 2006. Which is a lie because he's been able to vote in all the closed primaries here for 10 years.
It's beyond bullshit. The entire process is rigged and ridiculous.
I'm so sorry your friend's vote was so hard to do. But so glad she was able to vote. I have been feeling horrible all day. Thank you for all your kind comments today about this.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I hope you have or will be
reporting this to the Sanders' campaign and to your BOE. Sorry to hear it in any case.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Have reported and filed in both cases
Sanders has an Oregon voter protection staff. I emailed them and called them while outside the office of elections.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thank you. That is good to know.
I was pretty sure you would, but so many won't, so just had to ask. = )
It makes one wonder if someone stood in the polling places with a rifle and said you will vote for HRC or else, if the media would bother to report it.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
If they did they’d spin it as a false flag op by Bernie or Trump
A favored tactic of theirs is to rush to accuse others of having used a favored tactic of theirs.
They know that all they have to do is make sure the media gets their Big Lie version out first. By the time anyone can say, “No, we have proof that you’re the ones using that tactic,” to the public it’ll just sound like “I know you are but what am I?”
And besides, anyone who doesn’t take even the most preposterous government-media stories at face value is a “truther,” right? Nyah nyah nyah so there.
Accurate except for one small point = )
You said that they get their lie out first. There is no chance to point out the facts when none of the media will listen. If they do say anything, it is in the form of a question regarding "how do you explain what we have chosen to state as fact." So what we are left with is looking bad for calling people liars to their face which is generally not a good optic or trying to present the facts in a way that does not make them look like a liar but makes like we are trying to cover up something. It's the old "Have you quit beating your wife?" tactic of making a person look bad no matter what the answer is. *sigh*
A good example of what you said is that whole "He is doing negative campaigning" stupidity.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Oh, very true. A Big Lie can have been refuted 10,000 times, and
it makes no difference: on the talk shows they’ll still plug away with, “How do you explain [umpteenth iteration of Big Lie], hmm?” (audience of shills applauds)
This is the exact technique that my abusive ex-husband used.
He turned every legitimate grievance around on me, so I would end up defending myself for the exact thing he had done, and he would never have to answer for his actions. The other thing he did to discredit me was to take any statement I made and either take it completely out of context or simplify it so much it sounded ridiculous and then repeat the simplification over and over to show me how "silly" and/or "crazy" I am.
It seems to me that this is what the MSM and Hillary people on DK do to Bernie. They are not willing to engage in a good faith discussion.
Surely this happened to others as well. Perhaps you
can follow up with the voter fraud staff and Sanders staff and see what they discovered. This needs to be uncovered and brought to light. Team Clinton and the MSM are going nuts with propaganda they are so afraid of a Sanders win. We need hard evidence to counter them.
I told your story this morning...
This evening, this news was the reply. I gave her (and five of her friends) the numbers to the KY AG election fraud hotline, and a Sanders number to also report election fraud.
In Olav Jakobsen Høyem's version of Nynorsk based on Trøndersk, ð was always silent and was introduced for etymological reasons.
Holy smokes, where did THAT ^^^ come from?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I felt very foolish at first
We had our ballots for several weeks but I had checked our registrations a few times and felt confident that our old tradition of sitting at the dinner table together and going through the voting process as a family. Then me and my son drop off the ballots. It's just our way of doing it. Because we've moved around a lot while in the military and every place is different way of voting - so we just adopted our own way and that's how the kids saw us vote and how they do it now.
But... I found out at the election office that we aren't the only ones here in Oregon who vote the night before and drop them off the day of.
I felt foolish for a tiny bit - then I felt like a seething ball of anger.
I've reported it all and have learned that a provisional ballot is useless.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Let’s call it what it is — a placebo ballot. n/t
I was a Poll observer for Arizona's "Primary"
And that's what the woman who was handing out Provisional ballots was calling them.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It came from outer space? :D
It seems to have come from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eth
Eth is not to be confused with Eh. Stanley Cup Hockey Playoff Time at Casa Damnit, eh.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Must have fallen out of Ford Prefect’s Sub-*Etha* Sens-O-Matic.
I think we should all include random facts in our posts n/t
One of the finest mythological poems is the humorous Thrymskvida (“Lay of Thrym”), which tells how the giant Thrym steals the hammer of the thunder god Thor and demands the goddess Freyja in marriage for its return.
Wondering if there should be
Riots, that is. Not violent riots, but shut down city functionality kind of riots. Would riots be the right word to use? Protest just doesn't sound like a strong enough word for that. Either way, it is clear that nobody in charge of anything that matters is going to do anything to address the corruption and fraud we are seeing. Democrats either A) are too afraid to cross Hillary, or B) are just as corrupt as she is, and Republicans either A) are hoping to see Hillary win in November, or B) really don't want a socialist to get the presidency. The MSM is also completely against us, effectively leaving a large portion of the voting population completely clueless about how screwed up the elections have been on the Democrat side this go around. Hell, Trump was bragging about how this rigged election process is just another piece of ammo he's going to be using against Hillary in their first debate. It's sad that Trump is pretty much going to be more informative than the news channels on this issue.
Nonviolent riots are an oxymoron.
Nonviolent street protests can be vulnerable to provocateurs, and even if not violent at all, can be spun as such and subject the participants to police brutality,
This a.m. NPR (now sponsored by Koch Industries) finally reported the mess at the NV state nominating convention and made it sound like Bernie supporters were violent. (Nice timing for the story, just when Bernie won Oregon and pushed Hillary to a virtual tie in Ky.)
If major media can spin loudness, nonviolent body-language, and a few OTT insults into "violence" when there ample video and no evidence of violence at all, street protests will be no different.
I'm no huge fan of CS Lewis generally, but in That Hideous Strength (a thoroughly nasty book, not recommended) a character from another century, proposing to start a social movement, is informed: "They have an engine called the Press, whereby people are deceived."
As someone who has worked in journalism, and still finds some sparks of vitality in some of it, it pains me to say this, but in terms of national media, that is exactly right.
Let's Brainstorm Novel Tactics
My understanding is that real brainstorming means everyone involved throws out every idea that pops into mind, even if it seems ridiculous. No pre-filtering.
"WE NEED NOVEL TACTICS" said Euterpe2. I agree. And I'll stick my neck out with a weird idea to start the ball rolling. What about flash mob protests? Maybe several targeted at specific places in a town or city instead of going for one large protest announced far in advance. I've seen a lot of musical flash mobs, singing, dancing, or orchestra, and so has most everyone. Perhaps if the flash mobs are singing protest song(s), it will be harder for police or whomever to pretend they were violent.
Okay. Somebody else spout an idea. It might take a bunch of goofy ones to come up with a good one or two. So come on, give a goofy idea.
Flash protest
I like that!
One of my concerns is reaching people who are brainwashed because they don't know where to look beyond national media.
Unfiltered...SAMIZDAT promotion? Make sticky labels giving addresses of websites/twitter accounts where accurate info (and connections) can be found. Example: "How your vote gets stolen! What national media won't tell you. #[Hashtag]" Stick sticky labels on giveaway books. Leave the books for people to pick up, wherever. (I think we also will need a variety of more progressive news websites, especially since TOP has foundered. There are good sites including this, but not aimed at educating mainstream audiences.)
Open question, what leverage do we have on election fraud? Who has power to make changes happen, what kind of persuasion would it take?
Would you consider putting up a tactics diary?
Maybe Redacted Tonight
would be a good vessel for educating the masses as to what's been happening? I think a lot of Lee's videos do a great job of being both informative and entertaining. And a possible (and quite probably silly) idea I've thought up before is having people playing stuff like that out of the backs of their vehicles out in public.
Something that'd be neat if it could be done is if the channels for the MSM could be hijacked, replacing the regular broadcast with something actually informative. Don't know how/if it could be done, and it might be unlawful, but then again, so is rigging an election.
Edit: also could go the bland wartime route of dropping "propaganda" fliers over areas. Anybody got a plane and lots of paper?
I've always liked the idea of dressing up as clowns for
protests-and if that doesn't reflect the circus that we now have as an "election" process, I don't know what does. Not to mention, clowns are pretty much recognized as being non-violent (except in a clownish way). Your clown "identity" can also reflect an injustice-we can dress up as prisoners and "cops", clown judges, clown political characters (heh) etc. National Nurses United also had some terrific anti-Gropenfeuhrer protests against Ahnold, using floats with "richie-rich" characters on them, and following him around to every campaign stop. Come to think of it, they are a terrific very progressive union, (they endorsed Bernie very early on, and have been strong supporters, very active for his campaign) they organize actions for single payer and Wall Street controls, and are masters at creative organizing and protesting non-violently (eg their "Robin Hood tax" movement). They would be a great group to emulate and even reach out to for a new party. They are key organizers of the Chicago People's Summit, I'm sure they will be cooking up some really good ideas.
I kind of liked “That Hideous Strength,” despite the kookiness
One thing you can say about it for sure: the villains get their comeuppance.
Getting squished to a pulp by a trampling elephant
is come-uppance all right.
Lewis was an excellent writer who had some fine insights and knew how to tell a compelling story. I used to love his children's Narnia series and even enjoyed some of his Christian apologetics despite being a very confirmed agnostic/ecletic adherent of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Where I get stuck worst with Lewis is his take on women, of whom I happen to be one, at least in this lifetime. In That Hideous Strength Lewis heavy-handedly makes it clear that we are here basically for procreation and as pleasant companions and sidekicks to men. For instance, any intellectual ambitions we may have are utterly de trop. The main female character, Jane, is chastized for having used birth control, in this way frustrating God, who had prepared through generations of selective breeding for her to produce a son who was supposed to change history and whose conception had to take place at a certain moment. Bad girl, wanting to make choices about her own reproduction! Poor Jane is tortured by an obese lesbian villainess, the personification of women rejecting their God-given role, who burns Jane's breasts with cigarettes, partly in an effort to get information, partly for fun. Jane also has been having prophetic visions; in the denoument, with the villains defeated, Jane is told by the Director (a single male with the worst case of plantar fasciitis in history): "You will have no more visions. Have children instead." The same Director describes the proper course of a good woman's life as running from the fresh, sexy bloom of a spring floweret to the rough, reddened middle/old age of a dried up rose-hip. (And if a good woman is feeling discontented for some reason with this sort of life, she can always run out and buy a new hat!)
I also found the punishment of the villains, directly by Act of God, to be so OTT ridiculous and disgusting that it spoiled the suspension of disbelief. Finally, in spite of Lewis's great talent, learning and skill, his insistence much of the time on outright Christian (and specifically Anglican-flavored) plots leaves an off-taste to me.
Much prefer his friend John Ronald Reuel Tolkein.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
All very true! Still, in real life Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki,
etc., seem, in terms of comeuppance, to be viewed by most as the Gold Standard of a Good Thing even now, 70 years later. All the more so in 1945 when That Hideous Strength was published.
Here’s the British prime minister last year (from the link itself, evidently the original headline was “Cameron slaps Archbishop [for] Dresden apology; PM says bomber command heroes saved Europe [from] Hitler”):
This year President Obama will go to Hiroshima but will not offer an apology. An apology would still be considered inappropriate, or even an outrage, by too many of us back home.
In contrast to life, the art of That Hideous Strength — over-the-top as it undoubtedly is — shows laser-guided karma hitting the folks who deserve it and only the folks who deserve it, rather than myriads of innocents.
Wouldn’t it have been interesting to have been a fly on the wall, listening to Tolkien and Lewis discussing their respective views about each other’s works, as well as literature in general, G~d, life, the Universe, and everything?
Although Tolkien was a Roman Catholic, he never hits his readers over the head with his church’s strict views on birth control, LGBTs, or the role of women. Thank G~d for that.
I'm torn between feeling sorry for you
and being so damn angry at these crooks who took away your right to vote.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Hopefully, people are not just
saying, "Oh, well" but are reporting this and doing follow ups. The ones who stayed home apparently are fine with a Clinton II administration. or more likely a Trump one.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
This is the most blatantly corrupt election ever
Bush stole two elections, but the Supreme Court gave him the cover for the shenanigans in Florida. And it was close enough for him to steal Ohio.
But what is happening in this years election where people have had their party affiliations changed, the exit polls show that Bernie should be winning yet Hillary does, reports of votes being changed right in front of people from Bernie to Hillary and then what happened in Nevada. Kevin on Shadowproof has the best reporting of what happened there. I'll find the link to the article.
Yes, people need to be outraged about the election being stolen. But remember that the cops will be ready for any disturbance at the convention. And the Hillary supporters will cheer us getting beat up
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Hmm, I didn't receive mail like that. No problems here.
I did note, though, that the fire station did not have our party listed with the other info. They asked me which I wanted to vote, Democratic or Republican!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Please get a copy of the letter and post it,
otherwise just posting this is hearsay. Also, make sure people are reporting voter fraud to the Supervisor of Elections, or the Sanders campaign. If we can't prove this is happening, it isn't.
Please. Important.
Here it is.
I know it's a lot later, now, so maybe nobody will see this, but my work schedule is ... Unique, and this is the first I could post anything.
Uggghhhh! The image posting software won't upload it. Says it's too big. It has always resized, before. So, I'll do it in a few days. In hotel rooms, lousy internet connections, working within the limitations of an iPad.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Remember Allison?
She was the KY democrat running ads of her shooting a shotgun. She is Sec of State.
Her job isn't to insure people vote but to insure they vote for Hillary!
She says so herself!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
TY Bisbo for calling this out. To an outsider, the scale of
electoral fraud and corruption in the "Democratic" Party is astonishing.
Usually, (isn't it pathetic that "usually" happens?) when an institution has become completely corrupted, as the case seems, it cannot be redeemed from the inside. Honest folks have to leave and form a new organization, which then has to out-compete the old one or it then collapses from within.
Such a new political venture is not Bernie's to create. He has a day-job AND a part-time gig! The job of creating an American Progressive Party is yours to do. I mean you, dear reader :=)
Do not waste time on the illusory promise of any existing fringe party, such as the Greens.
They have their own internal baggage, about which outsiders know nothing.
You have to start afresh. With the fresh energy of the Bernie youth movement and the savvy of you old hippies.
Why don't you c99ers start the project of founding the American Progressive Party?
Why waste a single other breath on the DP or any of its subsidiaries?
Why don't you organize local meet-ups, like the Portland one from last week? With the agenda being the American Progressive Party?
Now is the time. Nothing will get better; there will never be a "good moment." Start now.
Remember this: the ones who create the game, make the rules :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Is it just me, but don't wish sometimes the comedians would get