Election night results- Kentucky and Oregon
Submitted by Borkrom on Tue, 05/17/2016 - 5:00pm
Okay, I am not from Kentucky, but Indiana. I am hoping Bernie squeaks out a win in this primary, but not sure what will happen.
But I thought to post this initial essay until Alphalop gets online to host the results party.
Lets hope for the best.
Update- changed the title- lets go Oregon ducks and beavers
My hope for Oregon is to be a solid win for Bernie.

Exactly. Things don't change all that much
no gain but no real loss, if it's this close. Plus she needed a "win". Morale, you know....
As close as this is
The delegates will be split fairly evenly. So that's something, anyway.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I want to make all of the assholes say it......
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Fayette county dropped all their results- Bernie still leading
This actually isn't terrible folks
For some inexplicable reason, Hillary has some strength in this state; also, of course, there's the fixers.
So far, this isn't so bad.
Right now, though if we can get to the magic number that's great, the main thing is to keep her from getting there.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Kentucky 86.4%- HRC 47.1 Sanders 46.3
It will be very close.
I counted outstanding precincts by various votes group- it is going to be very close. I am hoping for a very slim Bernie win, but it will come down to the last votes. Come on Bernie!!!!
I wanted Bernie to get
just a tad over 50% of the delegates.
You can't always get what you want
But if you try
Sometimes you find
You get what you need.
I hope so.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I'm surprised the media hasn't called
called it for Hillary already.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Keep the faith- no worries
I need to catch my commuter train.
No matter the outcome in Kentucky, at least Bernie fought it to an almost win or draw in a state she should have beat him and she campaigned like crazy- she is such a weak candidate and person.
Lets look for doing well in Oregon.
Thanks so much
and check in again when you get home and we'll sweat together over Oregon.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
have a concern about Oregon
as Janet has pointed out, we're not immune to shenanigans. Davis and Hibbitts are well respected pollsters and they had Hillary up 15%. Now on a personal level I dislike them quite a bit. They're know-it-alls who didn't really listen to my business pitch. I provide statistics services for companies like theirs. I talked to them briefly, came away thinking "boy, are they #$#%&^s." But they've been pretty accurate. I hope, however, that they've made a major blunder on this one.
Meanwhile in Kentucky, if Bernie had been up by a point with 84% in and then down by a point with 86% in then Hillary must have gotten every single one of those 8,000 or so votes. Kind of peculiar but par for this primary season.
I find that shocking
actually, unbelievable.
It may be right, but its very surprising to me.
Cheating, corruption, rigging, liars...
Looked each word up in the dictionary and it said see Clinton.
meanwhile, of course, hold back the Jefferson Co. reporting
so predictable.
they are reporting it in the guardian...
where are they holding it back? you mean with only 75% reporting?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It's been at 78% for hours
so they can dump whatever votes they need once all the other precincts in the state are 100% in...
This pattern has held for all the most recent primaries.
hE'S creeping up...
less than 1,000 votes difference.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
They haven't dumped in the other 20% of Jefferson Co
votes, where Hillary is winning almost 60%, despite the spreads in the rest of the state.
I am so fed up...
ETA: And... everything else is in now - get ready for Jefferson county precincts to flip it back to Hillary now that all the other precincts have reported...
He's winning by 100 votes with 93% in
Of course, Jefferson County means she'll win the state, but it's nice that it has to go so close the wire (and considering the endemic fraud that's occured nationwide, if it's this close, I imagine he would win if everything was fair) and that he took the lead back at least for a second!
100 votes between them - still sitting on Jefferson County. eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Bernie up by 126 votes, Jefferson Co. being withheld
"shockingly", over half of the remaining precincts still out are in one county, a pro-Hillary county that will, as we know, suddenly find some Hillary votes.
Yeah - its so blatant
isn't it?
I hate to be all CT about, but when you see the same pattern over and over...
why is that? WTF of system is that? /nt
Looks crooked as hell to me.
Everything in Jefferson County is computerized and tabulated very quickly on the scene. Nonetheless, even though the polls in Jefferson County closed at 6, it was stuck at 78% reporting until they knew how many votes they needed.
I am so over the Democratic Party.
Twain Disciple
Oh my gosh! Bernie by 0.1%!
Recount, probably.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
screen grab
46.6 vs 46.5 Sanders leading 92.9 % reporting - uuh, ooohhh
How close does it have to get
How close does it have to get for a recount? Bernie's ahead again for the moment, but the margin's a bit narrow, under 150 votes.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
"get the Hillary boxes out of the trunk"
coming down to it now. All that's left are 48 precincts in the rest of the state....and 135 precincts in Jefferson County. The same 135 precincts that were still "out" an hour ago.
This rollercoaster is starting to make me nauseous
Can we go ride the Oregon coaster now. There's only an hour and a half wait for the line.
Hillary suddenly found another 5000 votes
The people, united, will never be defeated.
what the heck happened? Did they roll back the vote?
I saw 99%+ in with Hillary up by 0.4%. Now I'm seeing 98% in with Hillary up by a full point.
That's the Hillary "magic" n/t
Why is Pike country - far East - back to 0% reporting?
Yeah, things got REALLY weird at the end of that ...
HRC went from down 1,000 to up 3,000 as 20,000 votes were reported
Votes disappeared then reappeared (i.e. Pike County)
The websites all said more than 99% then went down to 98% ... then back again ...
Maybe a computer lag thing
Pike county was just adding the final votes. Bernie picked up another 2000 votes. Looks like this state is going to be about who gets the odd delegate in what could be termed a virtual tie.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
What's happening in Jefferson County?
Is that the only one not yet 100 percent counted?
This is happening in Jefferson County, KY
Calls to Kentucky election fraud line up sharply from 2015 primary
Vote buying?
At 99.3 % reporting Jefferson County has
57.3 % for Clinton, 40.3 % for Bernie. That's a bit too high of a gap, or not? Speaking of vote buying. How much do you get for a Clinton vote?
It's 100 percent counting in Jefferson County and the gap
is still that high. Must be something in the air of Jefferson County ...
Back in the olden days (which I can remember, sigh)
liquor stores in KY closed on election days, because votes could be liquored up. Cheap votes. Kentucky.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
So it looks like Hillary has proven once again
she can beat Sanders in a southern state. What is amazing to me is how close it was. If you had asked me at the beginning of the year how well I thought Bernie would do in my birth state of Kentucky I would have honestly predicted he would be pommeled by Clinton.
This impresses upon me a couple of things. The incontrovertible truth that every vote counts, and just how far the Sanders campaign has come. It has been no small feat that he gains name recognition when the press keeps forgetting to mention his name. It has been a mountain to climb to fund a PRESIDENTIAL! campaign without the support of the "wealthy minority".
It's been said that it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. Bearing that in mind Senator Bernie Sanders is playing better than any other player I've ever watched. And, if this were Survivor I'd cast my last tribal council vote for Bernie. Luckily it's not Survivor and I actually get to vote for him in 3 weeks.
PS. Would it be a good idea to start another diary for Oregon. This one is bogging down the site with is level of participation which is quickly approaching high velocity fabulosity!
The people, united, will never be defeated.
off to a reasonable start in Oregon
hold on tight!
the Oregonian Berniebot
is quite busy. Yay!
It seems just as busy as the
Trump bot.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
obviously something screwy in Marion County
I doubt if Bernie's really getting 97% of the vote there.
Maybe so
But it looks nice doesn't it? If people had any sense that's how it should be!
Bill Clinton
Signed a trade deal with Japan trading away our entire lumber industry. It basically turned everything from the coast to the Olympics and all of the towns in the Cascades into the third world.
Most of those towns have never recovered. In my county on the Northwest Olympic Peninsula out of 1600 some votes she got 5. So yes it is possible.
Early votes counted first
And Bernie people in OR are enthusiastic.
Please when you close out
for the night, post latest results from OR. I have to get to bed, but will check here early in the morning to see how it went.
early results
Off topic but too funny.
Is this the first time that Kasich is beating Cruz?
The people, united, will never be defeated.
At this moment Donald Trump
has 66.6% of the Oregon vote. It think it's a sign.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I think Kasich squeaked out a win in Ohio
There's a memorable candidate...not.
Beware the bullshit factories.
notice how quickly Oregon gets counted
because we're 100% vote by mail (or drop-off) we can get results without too much difficulty. Which is nice.
I love Oregon
not just because that's where the birdie landed, but because they are the new California. Maybe I exaggerate. I think Portland is the definitely the new San Francisco. Yes, I'm jealous. Rent control is the only thing keeping me from moving to Portland.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I'm glad the pollsters were wrong ... Again
I know it's not over yet but pretty sure Hillary won't win Oregon by 15. Knock on wood and all that...
Guardian call it for bernie
Thank goodness
Sanders has won Oregon, according to A.P.
If Hillary manages to steal the Presidency
She's going to put the West Coast on her shit list.
Beware the bullshit factories.
No problem
We don't like her either. I think the west in general will be a thorn in her side.
No problem
We don't like her either. I think the west in general will be a thorn in her side.
Another reminder that every vote counts
Tilamook County: 1,325 Bernie 1,325 Hillary (50% reporting).
I usually vote by mail. This year I have gathered a modest entourage and we are all going voting together. I honestly don't think they would have voted if I didn't make it a "get together".
Every vote counts. I encourage everyone in the handful of the remaining primaries to find as many people they can to escort to the polls and make a celebration of it. If Hillary can garner votes by courting corporate moguls then I don't feel one bit guilty about buying a round for a group of friends to celebrate participating in the electoral process.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
haha! Davis and Hibbitts, you fools!
they said Hillary would win by 15. AP calls it for Bernie.
they were only off by 21%
close enough for corporate pollsters? ;->
I don't usually correct people in public
but you spelled 'corporate hucksters' incorrectly.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Ha ha you fool!
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never to get involved in a land war in Asia."
Your comment made me think of the princess bride. And made me laugh!
I am officially searching for a T-shirt
that says "huckster". Might as well pretend to be one, can't do worse.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thank you Oregon!!
Yes! Oregon! Go Bernie! I am so relieved - didn't realize how tense I have felt over these weeks of waiting for Oregon. On to California - don't let us down California.
Kentucky was unofficially called for Clinton. What is the delay to officially call it? Is there a chance those numbers could change? Any chance Saunders might get more votes?
I'm only one voter in California
But rest assured I have your back.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
because less than 1% separate the two
may be a small enough gap to require a recount?
Trump won Oregon (of course). Kasich and Cruz each garnered two delegates. Are they redeemable for any valuable prizes?
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I want to see those three
blue counties in Oregeon displayed at the Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2016/may/17/primary-re... turn turquoise. All three have a lot of outstanding votes to be counted and all three are less than an 800 vote difference.
I want to see all turquoise like West Virginia.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
instagram feed
berniesanders: I would like to thank the people of Oregon, who volunteered many hours and stood together to fight against the Democratic establishment. Your support is invaluable, and I am grateful for the strong victory you’ve given us tonight! #FeelTheBern #NotMeUs
I tried, Bernie, I tried. All I could get was a provisional ballot... after 10 yrs of being registered as a Dem, our affiliation was changed mysteriously.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Two things
One, I'm mortified that your vote is being contested.
Two, you prompted me to re-check my California registration. It's all good right now. I'm now setting an smart phone reminder to check it every day.
Not saying it will change, but I want first notification if it mysteriously does.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Make a hard copy of your correct registration
with full date, and carry it with you. Or keep it on the wall. Proof that you were once a voting citizen.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
hard copy of registration - great idea
That's what I will do from now on. But I won't be registering as a Democrat.
They had a form from 2006 - when we moved here. That's all they had. It's like my registration history had been wiped away and all they had was when we moved to Oregon.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
That's a good idea
It did me no good when I told the election clerk that I had just checked it at the DMV in Nov of 2015 and again at a Bernie Barnstorm in April.
And... it had been TEN YEARS as being registered without any change.
Good luck!
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Yeah Mini-Bernie is back
I can't stand mini-Hillary.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Well fought battles this
Well fought battles this Tuesday night.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Why are they holding off on the last nine delegates?
Bernie has them. Hillary is running close in the last three unreported counties. One by only one vote.
I repeat, "EVERY VOTE COUNTS". It's like the prophetic Dr. Seuss tale of "Horton Hears a Who". It may be that single bashful "YOP" that pushes us over the edge.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Still 75% for Oregon
I wonder what has happened to updating the Oregon results. It seems to be stuck at 75%. Bernie up 9 but I'd like to see how it ends up.