This article about says it all......................
Where they want to take the convention. If you think Nevada was fun, hold on to your hat!
"But the 2016 convention in Philadelphia will be officially hosted by lobbyists and corporate executives, a number of whom are actively working to undermine progressive policies"
If this is the case, and it's hard to believe otherwise after what has happened so far, it would appear Sanders is to be frozen out of the convention and any nod to progressive politics will go with him. This team is all corporate, all the time. They are not going to allow any super delegate to stray from the chosen path. They will be wined and dined and reminded how much it will cost them to cross Hillary.
Where does that leave us?

Where we always were.
At a cross roads.
But Bernie advanced the cause greatly.
Some will continue trying to reform the Dems; others may join the GPUS.
We don't know which path or if either path will work.
But Bernie won 19 states and may win more.
This has been a victory. And Bernie exposed the rot in teh Dem Party and many supposedly progressive media.
Excellent article here about that crossroads
From Freedom Rider: Sanders Supporters Can Bring Down the Democrats
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Excellent article
Thanks for posting link to this article
Hope it is widely read.
President Sanders
The same type crew who brought us NAFTA & TPP.
You either bow down to the corporate overlords or you're thrown out of the party.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Third option...
you can leave the party on your own.
Another option
Forget about political parties for this election and concentrate solely on electing the most progressive candidates up and down the ballot including for President. Meanwhile build whatever structure it's going to be that will ensure real democracy forever.
Beware the bullshit factories.
That's a good option.
Me? I'd rather be thrown out. Many years ago, a friend and I got tossed out of a party we had crashed. It was at a country club. As we were shown the door, my friend shouted "I've been thrown out of better places than this toilet!" It felt good.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Here's what I don't get
if the parties (Dem and GOP) are PRIVATE ENTITIES--and they are, courts have declined to tell them how to rule even though they oversee official American elections--and those entities kick people out, what are those people supposed to do?
How do you have an election when you're not an official private entity?
We're either disenfranchised or we're not. Parties are either private or they're not. Which is it?
In post-judicial America
The two $$$ Parties are private when it suits those in control and public when that is the preferred stance. That's my take on the situation anyway.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I'm still sanders
...until there's no hope. I'm hoping for a 25 delegate gain today/tonight. If Hellery gets the nomination it will be because she and her minions cheated. She has not earned it, nor will she under any circumstances win my vote. Think that was something this weekend in NV? Wait till the convention!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's already looking iffier than expected
Our own Dammit Janet discovered today that she is registered 'no affiliation', even though she was registered as a Democrat as recently as Apr 10th.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Curious if she got her ballot. Oregon sent them out two weeks ago there is not such thing as in person voting here.
She (and hubby) got ballots...
but not Democratic ones. "No Affiliation". Long time Democrats.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Sanders isn't going to be able to do squat at that convention.
He needs to finish what he started, tell the Democrats to shove it up their ass, and declare a third party run. If he can't win, the second most important thing is to make Hillary and her billionaires lose.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I think if he honestly said
That he was cheated and told Clinton and the DNC to shove the whole rigged primary process up their ass, in such a direct manner, he would actually gain a lot of respect and support for being so forthright and honest.
"I want what is best for the citizens of this country, and it's clear that running inside an establishment party that rigs the game will not bring about the changes needed for our citizenry. Therefore I am running/ indie/green/WFP to defeat the entrenched interest that are hellbent on hoarding wealth and power at the expense of average Anericans."
Might work, though I'm sure he could say it much better than I did there.
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Americans need to decide this
Americans need to decide this year, Pick the unknowns with the ever changing Trump, or stay running around in circles with the same old machine lead by Killary, or choose Bernie to help us get back on a actual course. If he is ousted, then maybe it is time that the population try for 3rd party and go Green. The corporate controlled "left/right" coin party needs competition, and we see that the "2-party system" is a monopoly that serves the corrupt corporate/billionaire class and no longer the People. Nominated and electing Bernie was our chance for a "Peaceful Revolution", but sadly it seems the ones in power are showing their arrogance and disdain for the People. Sad that they think they will be better protected and safer than those who partied in Versailles castle back in the late 1700's.
So long, and thanks for all the fish