Sh$t hits the fan: Nevada Delegates at Convention Had Registration Status Changed
Nevada Delegates at Convention Had Registration Status Changed #BernieSanders #FeelTheBern #berntheconvention
— Reno Berkeley (@RenoBerkeley) May 16, 2016
At Inquisitr, Reno Berkeley does some ace investigative reporting on the Nevada Convention debacle and she promises to do a follow up with more details.
It doesn’t need to be said, but mainstream media will not be reporting this. The Nevada state Democratic Convention on Saturday was pure, unadulterated chaos. From the very beginning to the very end, delegates who supported Bernie Sanders say it was essentially a one-woman show controlled by state chairwoman Roberta Lange.
Those media outlets that have seen fit to publish stories about the contentious convention are only telling one side of the story. And that story goes something like this: Delegates who showed up at the convention were not registered as Democrats by the May 1 deadline.
The delegates who were denied their right to represent Bernie Sanders at the Nevada Convention are just a small part of what appears to be a major effort to suppress the vote. Even if this is just a massive case of incompetence, it proves that the Democratic party at every level is either incapable or unwilling to operate in a democratic, representative manner.
This entire piece is a must read. Read it and weep at what has become of our democracy.

Thanks VL. Burn both parties to the ground. #BernieOrBust
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
You can't be right
Armando and others at the GOS have written many diaries stating that There wer no rule changes at the Nevada convention or that there were any problems
This election is being stolen in broad daylight and they don't care who knows it.
And it's not at all suspicious that wherever there have been problems, Hillary is the only one who benefited from them is it?
Bill can blatantly commit election fraud by disrupting 4 pro Bernie voting places.
And then there's the thousands of people who had their registrations changed from democrat to republican. Or watched their votes for Bernie turn to Hillary. And then there's the exit polls that show that Bernie was getting more votes than Hillary, yet she comes out the winner.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oops, my bad
Duplicate post.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I've been a Bernie supporter since
before he actually declared but was willing to hold my nose right up until Henry F$cking Kissinger; that's where HRC lost me entirely. But if that hadn't done it (or the Clinton Global Initiative, or, or, or, or, or, or) this right here would make me refuse to consider voting for her.
I don't mind losing fair and square but I do very much mind being cheated - excuse me, blatantly and bald-facedly cheated - and then being painted as just a sore loser. I tend to think that's a fairly basic human reaction to this kind of behavior and HRC either doesn't get it or doesn't give a tinker's damn. I don't know which is worse.
Letting Trump become President runs a really good chance of being a death sentence for me. We have Italian citizenship but we can't even afford to haul ourselves and my dialysis machine to the East Coast, much less Europe. Yet somehow I can't bring myself to care. I don't know that my odds are any better with her, frankly; she's already talked about cuts to Medicare and Social Security.
I can't vote for her. I just can't and that's the first time I've admitted it, because I've been trying so hard to find some reason to vote for her if it became necessary. I never imagined I would feel the way I do about her today. I've gone from neutral to revulsion, and she changed my mind almost all by herself.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
I'm sorry for your situation
And I agree with you that there is great chance of Hillary privatizing social security. Bill was fine tuning it, but thankfully the Monica Lewinsky scandal saved it from happening.
They have been trying to dismantle it since it started and somehow the republicans can't dismantle it, but the democrats are the ones that are going to succeed at it.
Here's the link to the article about Monica.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
May she be
forever haunted by the ghosts of FDR, and LBJ.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
I Want HRC Haunted by Mother Jones
and Eleanor Roosevelt.
And you can be sure, should I hit the final horizon sooner than later, HRC won't be comfortable in the WH, and if Henry Fucking Kissinger shows up for an overnight, he'll be too scared to close his eyes because I'll be there, and I may bring with me lots of children who died too soon by his and HRC's war mongering policies.
I am sorry to say
That Mother Jones has recently published an anti-Bernie article.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
I'm also very sorry for your situation.
And, with Hillary's announcement that she'd place Bill in charge of "economic revitalization," you're absolutely right that your odds won't be better with her. In fact, they very well may be worse.
I am so disgusted.
Wall Street REALLY wants to privatize SS
If we privatize Social Security, the private management will charge the customary 1% "management fee".
SS is valued at around $2.6 Trillion Dollars so each and every year, Wall Street would charge 1% or $26M at minimum for doing nothing. The default strategy for managing privatized SS funds would be to simply follow the S&P500 which is a complete no-brainer and takes zero effort so privatizing SS would allow Wall Street to skim off of SS while providing no added value and increasing risk vs the Social Security trust fund.
You know, you just KNOW those fees would creep higher and higher every year or so and if you are a stupid investor Wall Street would just love to charge you higher management fees for changing the investment strategy, just like in your 401(k) that's ripping you off.
So Wall Street throws a few million at the Clintons every decade for the chance to start fleecing Social Security just like they're fleecing us all with our 401(k) management fees.
This is also why I don't give a damn about Hillary's Wall Street speeches. She could get up there and read Green Eggs and Ham for all Wall Street cares. It's not the content of the speeches that matter, the blatant payola for a "speech" IS the "quid" and Wall Street is content to wait for their "pro quo" once she gets elected.
Correction: 1% of $2.6 trillion is $26 *Billion*, with a b. n/t
Oh yes, Clinton and Company
Oh yes, Clinton and Company can't wait to get their hands on trillions of dollars of our Nations Retirement funds... They will take candy from a baby if it means they can line their own pockets with the suffering of the aged.. No biggy if our Senior Citizen's die off early as a result.. They're old and cost too much to maintain.... It's smart business after all. That is, raiding Social Security. Hillary plans to put Bill in charge of pounding the final nail in our coffins.
Aaaannnd another diary at TOP
Demanding that Bernie drops out of the election because of what happened in Nevada.
This one by one of our favorite person, tuffie. I've lost count of how many diaries there have been written either saying that the Bernie supporters were out of line, that nothing happened or that Bernie should drop out by people from the media or a Hillary supporter.
Great way to run an election.
Steal it blatantly and then get upset because people won't accept it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And now there's one by Scan.
"Sen. Sanders: Step up or get out."
I opened it. Almost vomited. GOS is beyond the pale at this point. And Hillary's supporters have truly shown their utterly vile colors.
why go there to support them? I quit cold turkey....
which I highly recommend. clicks are their lifeblood.
I only go for Liepar's BNR.
He works so hard, and his is the one positive diary in a seething cesspool of spite. And, much to Kos's chagrin, I'm sure, the BNR consistently scores on the top of the impact chart.
On rare occasions I forget myself and click on something else. The first comment usually reminds me of why I stay away.
I rec BNR, skim the recent list while I am there and rec
pro-Bernie posts, and leave.
The content there is really getting poor outside of Bernie posts.
Soon the rec list will be all front pagers and Hillary open threads.
So it goes.
Same here...
...I can't, in good conscience, abandon those willing to continue fighting the good fight in the middle of that Turd Way cesspool...
I want my two dollars!
And me too.
I like BNR and I like the pootie diaries. Sigh.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
It's too late for that
The BNR is great but you're still supporting that wretched site by going there to read it. BNR needs to cross-post here or keep his BNR web site updated.
I agree - Why help those totally opposed to us
Like you, I left at diktat time and have never gone back.
I was only there for 10 months and I wonder how I stuck it out that long. One thing I do miss is the reporting
on the wildlife refuge situation and the Bundys and their followers. Not worth going back even for that.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
It can be built here and elsewhere.
The attraction of dkos was not Kos or the front pagers; it was the community, the people bringing stories on the back pages.
Things change. People can rebuild a better place.
This place is about ideas, not a person.
It's a start.
And there may be other places.
Look what people did on the Bernie campaign. Everything Daily KOs supposedly was about, but almost uniform opposition on the front page and by the owner.
We don't meed it; it needed us.
The people who started this site have done a good thing.
There are interesting essays and a person can learn a lot and participate without the hassle.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
This site isn't overrun by
This site isn't overrun by Flash ads that take forever to load and make scrolling almost impossible.
I was over there this morning, there is a total dis-connect with hill-people. There is no level of corruption, illegal activity, collusion, vote rigging, voter suppression or blatant disregard for party rules that is too low for them.
Why is dkos referred to as TOP, or is it something else I am missing?
The Other Place
Although its not my preferred acronym since it implies that its the TOP place.
I was thinking maybe it something to do with their Spin. haha
The people who started this site have done a good thing.
There are interesting essays and a person can learn a lot and participate without the hassle.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I'll Be Donating Next Week to c99
when I get my SS check.
My donation is small
but it's the first time in my life I've ever clicked the "repeat monthly" box. I hoping this site grows to the point where we dwarf TOP.
Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.
Refuge and Bundy Updates
Can be found on the OPB radio websites. I'll have to look to learn if is only a specific program like "Think Out Loud". But I heard one yesterday on the air while driving.
Yes, I skimmed that this morning.
Left a comment at the end of it saying it was crap, or something like that.
Coming to the the conclusion that my work there just promotes an entity that will always try to crush real change.
On the up side, I suppose, Dkos really doe snot matter that much. It tries to crush change. Looking at Bernie winning 19 states so far, it really had little impact.
I love this: "Dkos doe snot."
Unintentional comedy/truth at its best.
Good to see you here, TomP. C99 is much better for our collective auras.
That damn doe snot!
Good to see you too.
Laughed when I read it.
Kept laughing reading the thread.
Off to Google 'doe snot'.
Many of the Hillary supporters there are
not strategic thinkers. They attack Bernie supporters when, if they truly believe Hillary has won, they should be soft and friendly, promoting unity. Not smart.
I suppose it's the wages. See Beddazzled (the wages of sin are death). (No, not accusing them of being shills, just sinners.)
BB in FL, nice to see you. Thanks for bringing your reporting
here. After reading here and at reddit Sander's sites, I don't know how this will get the public eye. Thousands of people turn out for Bernie, but no one knows about it; state after state has real shenanigans in the voting or caucusing, but no one knows about it; Bernie has a solid platform, vision and is calling on really smart people to help craft the way forward, but no one knows about it.
Somehow, a bigger megaphone is needed. More people, contacting more people. Coalitions.
Don't have the answer, other than to keep posting on FB (which I really don't like to do).
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
I do post to FB now and again
and get thunderous non-response, except by Canadians! So eyes get it, not here. Maybe too much plasticizer in the water.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Strange - my FB feed is filled with Pro-Bernie posts
Of course, so much of FB is dependent upon the voices you are "friends" with - but I've been pretty surprised by some of the people coming out for Bernie.
Same here
and a good number of the Bernie supporters on my Facebook friendlist and the "friends of friends" are women, which doesn't surprise me because they're intelligent. I can't count the friend requests I've received just because of my pro-Bernie posts.
Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.
I personally know
people who have been die-hard Republicans who would vote for Bernie over Herr Drumpf, but will never vote for Hillary.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Many thanks for this reporting - there's virtually no where
else to learn the truth.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Thanks vl baker!
Thanks vl baker!
I think the combination of (a) voter supression by registation change (b) corporate media propaganda blaming the victim (Bernie or Bernie voters) is part of their core tools.
Let's write and share articles about this and GIVE THEM HELL BY TELLING THE TRUTH!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
And here I naively thought that...
...Smear and Fear were the exclusive province of Republican'ts. The hooligans running wild at TOP prove otherwise...
I want my two dollars!
I want a better life for my children
And I don't know what I'll have to do to make that happen. Protest and get arrested, or worse, disappeared? Pitchforks and torches don't do much against M16's and riot squad militarized police. I feel so goddamned frustrated and helpless to do anything to change the disastrous course this country is on!
Vote for Bernie? Already done, in Texas. Vote Jill Stein in Nov? No difference to the status quo likely to result. Voting does nothing if your vote doesn't count or is stolen to help the criminals maintain their death grip on the throats of ordinary citizens.
Fuck! What can actually be done to combat the corruption? Can somebody, anybody, tell me a practical first step to take?
I'm done
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
I have given this some thought
I don't know how old your children are, but I will give you my take on it. I'm concerned about my grandson's future. He is just turning one year old. I am subtly preparing the groundwork with his parents to enable him to have the option to leave the USA when the time is right. Do you know it is possible to get a free college education in Germany if a student is fluent in German? They need educated workers. This country was built by immigrants who came to find a better quality of life. It's time to consider reversing the trend.
Well, Germany is definitely
one location. My eldest is looking to go back to Europe as she loved it there when she went on a tour. I'm personally heading more towards Panama, there's a lot of great potential there outside of Panama City and both my kids then will be in prime position to leave the US permanently. Also working on my mom and getting her out and my other half. Passports, they are a pain lol! Only need 2 more to get done then we are set to start exploring our expat options
Btw, you do not need to be fluent in German from what I read at this Washington Post (strange, I know) article on Germany and education:
It is ALL ABOUT the NOISE now
It's all about making as much noise as possible, to confuse people and make them tune out.
Fucking cheating scumbags are going to get theirs, one way or another. The post noting the DNC filing complaints against Sanders are the loudest so far.
Sound and fury, signifying nothing in the end but NOISE.
Period. Fuck 'em. It's all they have now besides cheating. Let them keep it up.
The more I think about it
It almost seems to me that the Dem establishment views us as a progressive version of Tea Partiers, and, unlike the R's, have decided to snuff us out from the beginning and keep us from gaining traction like they did on the Republican side.
I think the progressive left has better demographics, and more of a coalition in place, hence a better chance to succeed. Lets hope sooner instead of later.
Setting up the scenario for violent attacks against protesters
AP has a story out dated yesterday that accuses Sanders supporters of having "a violent streak". (without, BTW any proof, video or otherwise of any violence performed)
"On Saturday, Sanders backers shouted down the keynote speaker, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and others they thought were tilting the rules in Clinton's favor. Protesters shouted obscenities and rushed the dais to protest rulings. The letter by the state party's general counsel, Bradley S. Schrager, warns that similarly chaotic scenes could unfold in Philadelphia, site of the Democratic National Committee's July convention.
"We believe, unfortunately, that the tactics and behavior on display here in Nevada are harbingers of things to come as Democrats gather in Philadelphia in July for our National Convention," Schrager wrote. "We write to alert you to what we perceive as the Sanders campaign's penchant for extra-parliamentary behavior — indeed, actual violence — in place of democratic conduct in a convention setting, and furthermore what we can only describe as their encouragement of, and complicity in, a very dangerous atmosphere that ended in chaos and physical threats to fellow Democrats.""
Reply to add that this is addressed by WindDancer13
I wonder
if they'll herd Bernie supporters into free speech zones in Philly...
Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.
Do Not Doubt It n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Fear of Fear Itself
Even though the media is hyping the violence scenario... and it's untrue.. in the past.. at each stage of the revolutions that changed our nation, the status quo felt fear... fear of the masses... and it appears that fear is being flamed. It's not unlike the fear of terrorism.. esp. when one feels complicit with why the terror is present in the first place... but.... and this but is important.. It is exactly this kind of fear that puts panic in the hearts of the Oligarchy and forces changes to happen... When FDR confronted the Oligarchy of his time.. he told them, 'you better do what I am telling you has to be done.. or the masses will rise up and destroy you'... so... even if they are lying to create controversy .... it may well work to our advantage in the long run.. esp at the Convention in Philly .. where I expect to see well over a MILLION people show up and stand outside protesting for Bernie Sanders....So, yes... we are a REAL and PRESENT DANGER.. they've got that much right.. Let them fear, fear itself.
Another solid story at Inquisitr...
“The reality is … this has been brewing for several weeks. Basically what happened is the executive board of the Nevada Democratic Party met and voted on a set of rules that allowed the state party chair Roberta Lange to essentially have complete control over the convention. It removed our ability to take motions from the floor … gave her almost exclusive control over who was selected to run the board which chose the eligibility of delegates.”
Erin Bilbray and the Minority Report
I have questions, which will probably never be answered.
First, what was with the brownshirts? Were they expecting trouble because they knew they were stealing an election?
Second, why lie about Bernie folks booing Ms. Turner? She categorically denied that allegation on twitter.
Third, what's with the allegations of Bernie supporters throwing chairs? With all those brownshirts there? If there had be such action, why didn't the brownshirts intervene?
Fourth, it seems Ms. Lange got a lot of unpleasant phone calls. These were released, supposedly. Since there were some threats of violence, were they turned over to the police? If not, why not? The police can pull phone records and see where those phone calls came from. This is the home of CSI, after all.
Fifth, do the members of Lange, Inc. think they have helped Hillary win the general election, should she get the nomination?
And let me add, that row of brownshirts was REALLY bad optics.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
wondering that myself
why no arrests for assault? or other laws broken.... with all that "violence" you'd think...
(throwing chairs... why no video of that, and why didnt police intervene)
But IS it really bad optics?
The thing that has maybe surprised me the most in this horrific election cycle is the breadth of support for authoritarian actions if they serve whichever side someone is on. The Hillary supporters are not only fine with it, they support it.
I've been really surprised at the level of support for actions which are completely undemocratic by people who call themselves progressives.
So, other than the Bernie supporters and other leftists - who is going to care? As long as the MSM can paint us as violent extremists - which seems to be the new plan - then who is going to have a problem with it?
Why lie? Why alledge?
Propaganda. Memes.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
once you become a delegate then...
...your name becomes known to the DNC, right? all too easy then to track down your voter registration and tinker with it.
"Don Quixote had his windmills ...
Ponce de Leon took his cruise --
Took Sinbad seven voyages to see that it was all a ruse."
Thanks for the words of wisdom, Warren --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.