Open Thread 06/20/15

A new day I never seen before nor will I ever again. Be glad in it.

Brother Sephius

Good morning, earthlings. I send greetings.


Today In History

They invented the printing press out on the plain this morning; Constantinople fell in the afternoon. I suppose they’ll discover America tomorrow. What a lot of running around they do. I saw Charles VIII of France (invasion of Italy led by: 1494) picking his nose with one hand and adjusting his wig with the other. Jetter pointed out that this particular period ended with the diet of Worms.

Today's Economists

With the invention of money by the Lydians in the seventh century before Christ the possibility of profit spread, and as soon as there was profit, there were people who wanted to make it, more than they wanted to make anything else. And whenever there is more money to be made from money than from anything else, the energies of the state are likely to be devoted increasingly to the production of money, for which there is no community need, to the exclusion of those commodities that are required for health, physical well-being, and contemplation. Whenever there is more money than products to buy with money, much money will be spent to buy more money. Banking will wax predominant, the number of lawyers and accountants will increase, and the society will become disorganized and weak.

There will be many who flourish in this environment of finance, and a great many more who can go straight to hell.

Profit motive” means very simply: you give less than you take. If you give less than you take, you grow mean and stingy. Everybody suffers. Morality is totally impossible.


The Greeks are taking their money from the banks, and "at an unprecedented rate." And this is not the first time. In May of 2012 the people Bush II famously called "the Grecians" withdrew 894 million euros in a single day. Between January 2010 and March 2012, the Grecians pulled out of the banks nearly one-third of all the money that had previously resided there.

This is all a good thing. For the money doesn't need to be in the banks. As the banks are not safe.

Once upon a time banks were sold as a safer place to put money than under the mattress at home. But this is no longer true. And the Greeks know it. Which is why with their money they are going to the mattresses. Today, one is more likely to be robbed if their money is in the bank, than if it is at home. The bank may refuse to give you your money when you ask for it, as the banks today threaten in Greece. And even on calmer days, the bank will take your money, and mix it with other people's money, and then go out and commit with it fearsome crimes that will cause human suffering all over the world, meanwhile running up five times more debt than in all the world there is money.

The Greeks were invented before money, and never have they really trusted it. Too, banks are an invention of the Italians, who, from Mummius to Mussolini, have caused the Greeks nothing but trouble.

So all of the money needs to come out of all of the banks, and the banks be put to sleep. The bank buildings can be transformed into housing, and the bankers themselves can turn to something socially useful, like cleaning fish, or laying pipe.

News From The Planet Of The Apes

Serial killers in the United States military say the civilians need to get out of the way and let them lay in a bunch of Big Guns in Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Meanwhile Vlad The Man says he needs to add 40 long-range missiles to Russia's nuclear arsenal. Each says they must do what they must do Because the Other is Bad.

i don't think there are any russians
and there ain't no yanks
just corporate criminals
playing with tanks


Amnesty International reports that all 50 states, there in the United States, fail to meet global police use-of-force standards. There in them states, says Amnesty's Steven Hawkins, seethes a "shocking lack of fundamental respect for the sanctity of human life."

The United Nations meanwhile reports that some 59.5 million human beings currently are refugees from war. Half of these are children. And contrary to the blubberings of rightbent racist European whiners, these people are not being absorded by Whiteland; Ethiopa and Kenya, for instance, accept far more refugees than does, say, Britain and France.

Yesterday, Friday, June 19, was Juneteenth. This marks the first public celebration of the erasure of black slavery in the United States, which occurred on June 19, 1866 in Texas. Henry Louis Gates writes about it here. He concludes:

Of all Emancipation Day observances, Juneteenth falls closest to the summer solstice (June 21), the longest day of the year, when the sun, at its zenith, defies the darkness in every state, including those once shadowed by slavery. By choosing to celebrate the last place in the South that freedom touched—reflecting the mystical glow of history and lore, memory and myth, as Ralph Ellison evoked in his posthumous novel, Juneteenth—we remember the shining promise of emancipation, along with the bloody path America took by delaying it and deferring fulfillment of those simple, unanticipating words in Gen. Granger’s original order No. 3: that “This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves.”

Dylann Storm Roof (a name guaranteed to fate one to eventually be seated in the back of a police vehicle), he didn't believe in black people, and so he shot some. Besides being a racist rat bastard, Roof is additonally emblematic of that plague terrorizing the Americans that consists of ur-humans living in fear who clutch to their bosoms killing machines. These are the sadsacks with guns. They are a distinct minority among the Americans, but they are loud, and aggressive, and ofttimes stone crazy. And, like Roof, they are disproportionately white, male, and Southern. This white male Southerness is also disproportionate among the serial killers of the United States military. As in Gomer Kyle, the cowardly back-shooter. As in Eddie Routh, the cowardly back-shooter who cowardly back-shot the cowardly back-shooter Gomer Kyle. As in William Calley, whom William Styron described as "banal, stunted in mind and body, colorless, lacking even a native acumen, with an airless, dreary brain devoid of wit." As Styron's own "regular gunnery sergeant, a mortar specialist, who carried in his dungaree pocket two small shriveled dark objects about the size of peach pits. When I asked him what they were he told me they were 'Jap's nuts.' He had removed them with a bayonet from an enemy corpse on Tarawa and had set them out at the end of a dock under the blazing sun where they quickly became dried like prunes. The sergeant was highly regarded in the company and I soon got used to seeing him fondle his keepsakes whenever he got nervous or pissed off, stroking them like worry beads." As in this fellow:


Ta-Nehisi Coates notes that Roof honored his beloved Confederate flag in the most precisely right way possible: by killing black people.

The Confederate flag’s defenders often claim it represents “heritage not hate.” I agree—the heritage of White Supremacy was not so much birthed by hate as by the impulse toward plunder. Dylann Roof plundered nine different bodies last night, plundered nine different families of an original member, plundered nine different communities of a singular member. An entire people are poorer for his action. The flag that Roof embraced, which many South Carolinians embrace, does not stand in opposition to this act—it endorses it. That the Confederate flag is the symbol of white supremacists is evidenced by the very words of those who birthed it:

"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."

This moral truth—“that the negro is not equal to the white man”—is exactly what animated Dylann Roof. More than any individual actor, in recent history, Roof honored his flag in exactly the manner it always demanded—with human sacrifice.


Finally, kangaroos are left-handed, plastics eat sperm, bees are more valuable to the British economy than the royal family, and Venus is leaking lava.

That's all, folks. Adios till next Saturday.


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Thank you for the morning open thread. I'm glad I'm in today too.

I dropped a non-essay onto the community page. I considered dumping it in here as a comment, but it was long. In any event, Bill Moyers exposes Hillary for the sham she is. I thought it was worth the read, and I wanted to bring it to the groups attention. Taibbi took her out in three sentences, and he was easy to drop around all over FB making sure everyone saw her for the fake she is. This one deserves more attention, but it is typical Moyers and condensing it into a gritty sound bite to drop about FB would take some doing.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Thanks for the OT, hecate, great writing, if I could write that's exactly how I would write, if I could write! Crazy busy today, crazy busy tomorrow, crazy busy all next week. Work, wrenching on wifey's vehicle, filling in for Joe every day until the 30th, Father's Day tomorrow, more work. Several of the regulars are on vacation right now if things seem slow as molasses around here, I'll pop in as much as I can but it's going to be crazy busy today, did I say that already?

Thanks again, hecate, I/we greatly appreciate it.

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hecate's picture

but you can write. You are the author of the immortal "Cheese Cheeks." ; )

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I opened my soul and made myself naked to the world on that one. Biggrin

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hecate's picture

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NCTim's picture

My oldest referred to getting naked as "getting happy". Whenever the spirit moved him, he would just shed his clothes. He liked to play naked. Heh, a chip off the old block.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

hecate's picture

think that's common among children. Getting happy when getting naked. They have to "learn" that naked is "wrong." Just like they have to learn to reject the evidence of their own physical existence, and instead embrace as what is true what is only virtual—dark hateful horseshit festering in pixels in some tube. And then, back in the real world, go get a gun.


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smiley7's picture

good read: enjoy the weekend all.

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mimi's picture

Did you exists on the gos ? Wished I would know what you wrote there.

I got all wrapped up in yesterday's EB and some other diaries. My comments make sense to me, but they are spread out over three diaries, so they don't make sense to anyone else. I am so tired of it.

Now I am not making the trip I thought I had to do immediately, and am still sitting around figuring out what to do next.

What a useless activity.

Have a good day all.

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Big Al's picture

wonders how anyone can claim that U.S. imperialism is legal and by extension the actions taken by our government officials to facilitate U.S. imperialism?

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it's illegal, but who the hell is going to stop them?

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Big Al's picture

in WA-03 opposing Angie from Washington State of the Dem party and Rep Herrera-Beutler of the Republican party.
I'm serious, I'll put my name in there, pay the $200 to register as a candidate for the Nobody Party.

I'll be having a press conference the second Tuesday of next month.

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of somebody that's dead there, and I'll register in their name and do an absentee ballot and I'll vote for you. That's how it's done in Chicago, that and "vote early and vote often".

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

I just did the "good immigrant citizen" thing and encouraged Angie from Washington State.

Sigh, am I so tired of this. It's the same conflict between being a Bernie supporter and understanding Hedges "electoral farce" argument all too well and supporting his intentions to build a resistance movement.

These conflicting trends are messing me up. Don't want to get into talking about them anymore.

It's very interesting to see how the enthusiasm for Sanders grows. One of the tweets said it reminded him of the Obama campaign in 2008 and it was meant in a positive way. That's what is scary, but nobody seems to see it that way. Bernie is not Obama, but the supporters of both behave very similarly.

I am lost. I think I will leave it at that. Heh, you get the same amount of support that I gave Angie in WA. That sure makes sense. Smile

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Big Al's picture

bucks to register as a candidate I think. Checked on it a couple years back, I'd have to check again. I wouldn't be doing it to win of course. Nobody is going to vote for the Nobody party after all. And they certainly won't let a long haired hippie freak like me near the Congress. And I won't cut my hair to run, or wear a tie, or act like a politician at all.
And I'm not sure I'd do it without an organized national effort with others doing the same thing. The point would be to try to shake things up against the ruling class Democratic and Republican parties.
I think Joe has a good idea with the Nobody Party and maybe we should run with it.

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Big Al's picture

That's the way to go.

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

Aren't there Libertarians who stand for exactly the opposite? Why this acceptance of categorization when it is undermined by malicious characters ?

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mimi's picture

Hedges is not with Sanders, because Sanders accepted to run with the Democratic Party. Is there the possibility that Sanders, if he were to be destroyed by the leading Democrats, would break his promise not to run as an Independent (or as a member of the Nobody Party), when he lost for the Democratic nomination?

The way things look it's impossible to run against the enthusiasm that builds up for Sanders. People need to be able to hope for something and someone. Most people can't make jokes about the status of their lives and that includes of their options to have political representation in government. Independent and Nobody Party have no access, be they a joke or not.

Without system change there is no hope so far any candidate of the third party would ever win or even have any influence. Why not build a movement that works on system change (electoral process, Congress laws etc.)?

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joe shikspack's picture

you'll certainly have some out of district support.

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NCTim's picture

10 cents on the dollar will go to the campaign.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

AL is not a nobody. Libertarians? No way, if they just distinguish themselves from the RW (and racist) libertarian nutcases.

Please if you are going to support a campaign, make it a campaign for dummies. One that I can understand. Otherwise I am going underground and take a long, long hibernating winter sleep to never return to this earth.

Can't do this crap anymore.

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

I wanted to apologize for me using the word "crap" above, which you all could have taken personally and be offended by it, which of course was not meant that way. Grrrrrr.

But now it's official. What a crappy Super PAC. Smile

Ok, I am crapped out. Have a good day.

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

hecate's picture

Cornelius Vanderbilt said: "Law? What do I care about the law? Ain't I got the power?"

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joe shikspack's picture

and then there's obama who just smiles like he wants to bomb you and says, "l'etat c'est moi," albeit in less-than-poetic legalese.

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hecate's picture

these people are pitching a system by which to elide the banks. I have no idea if it will work, or if it might involve its own sort of Robbing, but I think it's good to have the conversation.

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