Jon Stewart calls Hillary Clinton "inauthentic"
Like Paul Krugman and Nate Silver, Jon Stewart could do no wrong with Hillarybots.
But now he's gone rogue.
Go 26:30 into the video.
“What I think about Hillary Clinton is, you know … I imagine [her] to be a very bright woman … without the courage of her convictions — ‘cause I’m not even sure what they are,” Stewart told David Axelrod for his podcast, The Axe, to which the audience erupted in applause.“Magic Johnson was a charming individual, but he wasn’t a talk show host … so, he would sit and he would go, [Stewart affected a flat tone here] ‘Uh, my first guest tonight … my first guest tonight is [with lots of enthusiasm] CHER, everybody!’ But he never seemed authentic and real to his personality. It seemed like he was wearing an outfit designed by someone else for someone else to be someone else, and that is not to say that [Clinton] is not preferable to Donald Trump — because at this point, I would vote for Mr. T over Donald Trump. But I think she will be in big trouble if she can’t find a way, and maybe I’m wrong. Maybe a real person doesn’t exist underneath there. I don’t know.”
And then a couple minutes later...
AXELROD:"What was that like?”STEWART: “Really cool. It’s — look, there are politicians who are either rendering their inauthenticity in real enough time to appear authentic, and then their are politicians who render their inauthenticity through — it’s like, when your computer … if you have a Mac and you want to play a Microsoft game on it …”
AXELROD: Yes, yes.
STEWART: … and there’s that weird lag.
AXELROD: Yes. No, I mean …
STEWART: That’s Hillary Clinton.
AXELROD: … that’s a big problem. There’s like a seven-second delay and all the words come out in a perfectly …
AXELROD: … politically calibrated sentence.
STEWART: Right. Now, what gives me hope in that is that there’s a delay, which means she’s somehow fighting something. I’ve seen politicians who don’t have that delay and render their inauthenticity in real time, and that’s when you go, ‘That’s a sociopath.’
The WashPo expanded on that thought.
And yet, when she is out on the campaign trail, the word that most often comes to mind for Clinton is "clunky." Or "formulaic." "Guarded." Inauthentic." "Rehearsed." You get the idea. If connecting is the coin of the realm in politics, Clinton doesn't have much money in her pocket.

I think Clinton is authentic.
She's a real, full time, neoliberal intent to consolidating the wealth and power of our capitalist overlords.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Maybe the most important thing Stewart said
is this
Two things occur to me in response:
The first is that some government programs are very efficient: Social Security operates on approx 1% overhead; Medicare on 3% overhead.
The other is that Obama has both staffed his administration with Republicans in small part and let Republicans of the previous administration burrow in by becoming civil servants under the Merit Systems Protection Board. It's is easy to deal with those who have burrowed by putting them in dead end jobs or firing them and letting them fight their way back through the appeals process and then the courts. Obama is also following the Reagan "partnership" with corporations when it comes to establishing regulations and allowing corporations to "voluntarily" comply with what the law clearly intends. When an agency, the EPA say, enters into a voluntary agreement, it is unenforcible which is the rightwing goal.
I think efficiency is too mild: NAFTA, CAFTA and the proposed TPP ship American jobs overseas. 55,000 factories have closed in the past 20 years and people are clearly hurting. The hurt makes Trump the Republican nominee-to-be, not a lack of efficiency.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Stewart is only parroting the Republican't ideas...
...that were adopted lock, stock and two stinking barrels by Neoliberal, Wall Street-owned New Democrats over 30 years ago. From Jimmy Carter's deregulation, to Ronald Reagan's "Government is the problem, not the solution," to Bill Clinton's unshackling of the most abusive and destructive aspects of Capitalism, to W's oxymoronic doctrine of "preemptive war" to Barack Obama's wholesale acceptance of All of the Above as the natural order of things, Stewart was only speaking as a product of his times. My guess he just hasn't experienced or just doesn't remember a time when government worked to the best of its potential...
I want my two dollars!
Carter, et allii
I think your point about taking the start of the downhill slide to Carter is accurate. Carter pushed for the abolition of the Interstate Commerce Commission and society has suffered. Carter did many corporate-friendly, citizen-unfriendly things that are forgotten because he has had such a productive post presidency.
Sanders resonates with so many people because he promises to give wage earners, and those who want to be wage earners, an even shot. And, unlike Obama, Sanders has the history of being on the side of working people and is unlikely to sell them out.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The ideas of Milton Friedman were all the rage...
...back in Carter's day. I remember having to suffer through Friedman's PBS series in my high school economics class, and challenging my teacher on the subject of regulation. I still make the same argument to this day that I made to him in 1981: People don't wake up one day and say to themselves, "Hey! I think I'll make it harder for somebody to do business!" Regulation is reactive; it comes about because great harm was done and people, who like to think that they can learn from past mistakes, want to at least try to make sure that bad things that are preventable don't happen again. I'm sure that he wasn't happy giving me an A in his class, but I did do all of the work and aced the tests...
I want my two dollars!
Exactly right.
The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory didn't happen because of regulation. Regulation happened because of the fire at the factory that killed 146 garment workers.
And that's why all those jobs went to China!
I hope you're happy Mr. Pinko!
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I remember Carter as a right wing Dem.
Deregulated a number of industries, wanted to deregulate more.... I cried when Ted Kennedy's primary challenge failed. We haven't had a real live liberal Democrat in office since LBJ... and HE was a warmonger.
Twain Disciple
Sorry to be so presumptuous and unsolicited, but I had to fix that just a bit for you. Because JFK not only was not a warmonger AND he declared that we should put ourselves on the moon--and we did. So much for their vaunted incrementalism.
I'm starting to think of that word as "the I word" and also "a four-letter word". And while I'm on the subject anyway, I don't see why these snotbags can't just take their "party infrastructure" and re-brand it as The Incrementalist Party. And let us be the Democrats that we are and they're not.
As time goes by, it gets ever-easier to see that a lot died with JFK in this country.
No, she's not authentic.
If she was authentic, she would lose support amongst the left. These useless leftist supporters of her's would be aghast. The right would embrace her.
If she wanted to be "authentic," she'd join the Republican Party. That "seven second delay" before she answers is her searching for the proper liberal response to a question. It's not HER response. It's all canned. She's phony as a three dollar bill.
Twain Disciple
At TOP, this might get you banned.
Isn't it nice to have a blog where people can talk?
Stewart is right. She comes off phony. She is a poor candidate.
But Dem insiders would rather lose with her than win with Bernie.
Maybe I should drop it on TOP.
If Stewart can see it and say it, then it's pretty obviously true.
If people on GOS hate it, it's simply denial.
Neither you nor TomP should drop in on TOP
let someone else be the martyr. You know someone will post it, just be there to cover their back when they do.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Too late
I already did. It seems I'm not the first person to do so.
And wouldn't you know it, the first 8 comments are all from Hillary supporters slamming Jon Stewart.
considering how they used to laugh and say "Wait'll Warren endorses Clinton--it'll be UNDER THE BUS with her!!"
Well, Jon, how you like the underside of that carriage that just rolled over your ass? Izzat a nice view or what?
Dem & GOP insiders 2 sides of the same corrupt coin.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
And I believe that the American public is now finally understanding that. Bernie ripped the curtain back on just HOW corrupt the Democratic party is. The GOP never tried to hide it so now the people see both parties are equally complicit in taking away from the people what is rightfully theirs and that is a government that actually serves the people, not corporations or the oligarchy.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Glad to see you here
I tried to follow your last couple diaries over there, but the stupid has gotten so thick I can't bring myself to even bother engaging. It's as if the Dems have their own version of Tea Partiers, and the establishment (of which Kos is indicative) is encouraging them to help drive out intelligent and progressive voices.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Thanks. It seems to get worse and worse there.
The W.Va. Primary did not exist on the front page. And Kos has stated his first of many poll posts about Hillary and Trump.
The content of the place becomes more and more insipid. Gangs of Hillary enforcers seeking to bully others with flags and insults.
Kos declared war on over half of his customer base. I m not a business person, but seems stupid to me to run off your customers.
But he has email addresses. Dave Mizner looked at some data. Kos Media made like over $400,000 over the last few years selling our email addresses to the DCC, DSCC, Hillary campaign, Bernie campaign, etc.
We are monetizable eternally. I'm sure I clicked something when I signed up in 2006 giving permission. Just never paid attention or thought about it.
I like that this place guarantees no selling of data.
I changed my contact address yesterday
It's now a address
Today I spent a half hour unsubscribing from a whole lot,of email lists that I wondered how the heck I got on.
Some of them were aggressive in wanting to know why I was unsubscribing
I posted this
I am a progressive and a Bernie Sanders Supporter
Either these lists get it or they don't
If they do I will be happy to subscribe ON MY OWN instead of being sold to them by a website.
Unsubscribe if you think you got on a list because Kos sold your email
He may have a disclaimer on the member form that your email will be sold but I joined sooo long ago I don't remember.
Orwell was an optimist
I managed to get out from under the DK autobot emails
successfully, but I like the idea of listing a dk email address on the profile.
I can't believe it accepted a fake one. LOL! Derpity-doo-dah, I think everyone should run right over there to their profile and do the same thing, if you're leaving your account open. Can't hurt and it'll guarantee you never see a lick of spam, ever again, from TOP
You aren't missing much
The overwhelming percentage of comments attacked me, or Jon Stewart, or Bernie supporters, or simply found every excuse in the book to support Hillary.
Remember when Jon Stewart was GOD over there?
Who was the guy who idolized him every day with a diary? Someone ought to repost one of them and ask whatever happened to the diarist?
They have never given Bernie a chance
This is definitely how it is working in effect, but I'm not sure that this is the intent of their unflinching support for what we can see as such a flawed candidate. Thumb puts his fingers on it below (I enjoyed typing that), by referencing the Tea Partyishness of Clinton supporters. Because the Clintons have successfully branded themselves as occupiers of the pragmatic political middle, with Obama continuing "their" success, their supporters cannot possibly imagine a fringy candidate being more popular. And because these folks have done what the useless frontpagers have done--focus exclusively on enhancing their schadenfreude about the right, they have no other means of defining themselves beyond being defenders of moral correctness against the philistines on the right. Her lack of ideas, her innate corruption, her weak support for reforms...none of it matters because she is not a member of the group they loathe. Bernie? Not even part of their thinking, which is why Bernie supporters are instantly dismissed by Clinton supporters and the entire DNC network. He isn't even worthy of serious attention since he doesn't have more than 2 decades as the Clintons' personal boogeyman.
If they can't hate and fear an opponent, all they can do is pretend he lacks legitimacy. In this way, the D insiders give more respect to a turd like Trump than they do Bernie.
They DO think Bernie lacks legitimacy.
They only respect money, and he isn't rich. They have nothing but contempt for peasants.
Twain Disciple
As I posted earlier
Bernie supporters, along with a sizable number of Independents and the wayward disillusioned Republicans will elect the next President.
And it will crush the Clinton supporters.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Those disillusioned Republicans
are going to vote primarily for Clinton. Her D supporters will deny it, but they are supporting the most consistently and predictably conservative candidate.
And all the disillusioned Dems will vote for Trump
or Green out of protest. They'll never vote for that crooked woman. Ever.
It IS lovely to have a place we can talk, and don't have to
parse every word first. And yet we manage to have conversations, not function as an echo chamber. I have a feeling if I wanted to say something nice about Hill... umm, she hasn't eaten any kittens yet?... I would be able to say that and not be banished. Pushback, argumentative discussion, sure. But that's a whole different quality than flagging and whining about rules.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Why is everyone calling it TOP?
I must have missed the memo. Tenacious Overwrought Propaganda? TOP 1%? What does TOP stand for?
Another Refugee from the Great Orange Purity Troll
"The Other Place." n/t
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
they're all somehow deferential to dailyKos.
dailyKos stands for whatever the DNC pays marKos to stand for, because democrats.
wait, no, it's "ZOMGBBDEMOCRATAS"
doublepost somehow. sorry.
Those Offal Pissants
It's now the Daily Trump...
...All Trump, All the Time. Plus a side order of Plutocrat Boot Licking at its very worst. I drop in every morning to tip and rec BNR, Meteor Blades, OPOL, gjohnsit and anything by anyone else with integrity, and then leave for the day...
I want my two dollars!
Ha! Well, in my mind now it's going to stand for Tenacious
Overwrought Propaganda.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I had the same question in my mind last week ...
... though Tenacious Overwrought Propaganda is more for the TRUMP IS A BAD MAN DO NOT LET HIM BECOME PRESIDENT story, volume 8,762. The HERE IS WHY HILLARY IS THE REAL DEAL DEMOCRAT IN THE RACE story, volume 4.295, strikes me more as Tremendously Obsequious Propaganda.
-- Virtually, etc. B)
Ha, I like yours better....
SO apt
Leave it to the Dem party to produce a weak candidate
Hillary is such an unlikeable (over manufactured/untrustworthy) and uninspiring candidate. She is barely able to limp to the finish line in a primary of her own party with the establishment's complete support. How much more could the Dem party do to tip the scales for her?
I really wonder if her camp is now floating the Warren as VP to help Hillary get through the Dem primary without too much embarrassment (loss of Dem voters going to Bernie).
It seems hard to believe Hillary would actually want a candidate left of her on Wall St/banking issues as her VP.
Warren's Place Is In The Senate
I REALLY hope Warren is too smart to fall for such a pitch. As VP, Hillary would have her muzzled, and Warren wouldn't be in the Senate to hold Wall St. Guccis to the hot fires of righteous indignation over theft and fraud.
Good Senators can be neutered by being moved to the VP slot. Harry Truman was one such, and his international ignorance has been a huge factor in the sorry state of global geo-politics today. When it comes to Warren, Wall St wants someone to gag her, and who better than Hillary? Hillary is already on the take, and except for presiding over the Senate and voting in case of the impossibly rare tied vote, what could Warren possibly do as VP? Wall St would probably donate an already constructed LIEbury for Hillary if she were to successfully get Warren of the back of the banksters.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Even more importantly, don't fall for it, voters!!
Vote for Bern until after the convention. No quarter given until it's over. I'd love Warren as President, but VP? Nope. It doesn't make Hill any more electable.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Apparently some people will...
...get fooled again...
I want my two dollars!
jon stewart apparently hates all women, unequivocally. it's misogyny!
I like your avatar!
A new Rorschach test. And angling it gets into real design stuff. Nice.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
i'm working on branding, and that's from my next door neighbor's well made pickled eggs. EGGS.
She is a sociopath.
Frankly, I think Stewart is a little mistaken here, in that Hillary comes off as inauthentic precisely because she's a sociopath pretending to be a liberal. You can't laugh about Gadaffi getting murdered by his own people (even though he was a terrible human being), call for deporting the South American children fleeing the violence you helped create, align yourself with Henry Kissinger, and sell arms to third world dictators in exchange for donations to your family's foundation, then proclaim that you care about people. It simply does not register. Her inauthenticity is there to obfuscate the fact that she's a sociopath, and if she told voters what she really believes, she would never be elected dog catcher, let alone president.
Precisely right.
comment of the day! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Sociopath, psychopath, establishment politician ...
... I not inclined to personalize it. It is, after all, systemic. The system selects for certain characteristics, and ambitious people adopt those characteristics in order to be successful, and accumulate points. Given enough people, enough politicians will embody what the corporations desire to generate a front runner.
The fact that Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee just tells us that the Tory wing of the Corporate Party has a broken transmission, and is going to have to be overhauled before the next race.
The fact that =H=>illary is a handful of losses that fall short of total losses away from being the presumptive Democratic nominee tells us that the Whig wing of the Corporate Party also has some problems, but is still likely to more or less work as designed. It may only need a few tweaks to get back into functioning in its proper role as corral for reformers.
But the fact that it's been rigged as a two party race means there isn't a lot of back-up. In the German system, if you had the Tory wing of the Corporate Party and the Whig wing of the Corporate Party in trouble, there would always be the Free Democrats and Austerity Greens around to fend off real opportunities for reform.
-- Virtually, etc. B)
Lame. What mainstream Jon won't say is why she's a
sociopath. Or maybe he doesn't really know. Maybe he thinks its because of her cackling when talking about the murder of Gaddafi. Either way, he won't say she's a de facto war criminal responsible for the intentional homicide of hundreds of thousands of people including a large percentage of children. Count the crimes of her and her husband (we think it was worth it) and the Clintons are mass murderers on grand scale. But Stewart won't say that, none of the mainstream will say that. What they don't say can be more important than what they do say.
yep, Jon Stewart is mainstream
"on some level" he'll blame Democrats. What does that mean? If he squints he'll blame Democrats and say "oh yeah, them too"? How about on all levels?
I consider him in the same category as all TV
news and political commentator actors, in a range from hindrance to outright criminal traitors. So I don't watch. Like I said above, what they don't say is propaganda also. Propaganda includes leaving out important information, or obfuscating it or flat out lying about it. That's why our media system is so sinister and effective. Many like Stewart might fancy themselves as "truthtellers" but when is part of the truth the real truth?
Personally, I'm betting on him knowing real
damned good and well how nasty the Clintons can be when crossed. Things like liable suits come to mind.... While they would not be able to maybe "prove" liable or slander (and I'm not a lawyer so maybe slander isn't really an option), I would not put it past either one of them to try it. And the media shit storm that would bring would get them MORE publicity, and perhaps some kind of footing to beat back the true Liberals, positioning themselves as victims. They are both scum, and they'll do anything to win.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Jon Stewart walked for a reason
And I am surprised he has decided to come back. Even at this level. He was a NOT so political comic when he started out and he became the reluctant spokesperson for a generation but he is tired of it all.
IMHO If people want an outspoken TV person who won't mince words and takes on a whole lot of issues that need to be taken On watch John Oliver... That man must need a wheel barrel for his ginormous balls.
Orwell was an optimist
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I've sort of fallen in love with Lee Camp....RedactedNews
Every bit as good as Oliver I think.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
actually, we consumers don't know that.
We don't know that. Were Jon Stewart to utter such truth on camera, you and I both know where all recording media (film, tape, etc.) of said event would end up.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I slightly mis-remembered
Yesterday, I posted that Jon Stewart had used the term seven second delay. I was wrong. It was Axelrod who said it.
There is something about when Hillary Clinton talks, it is always about how is she going to triangulate around giving a straight answer. The woman never really answers a question.
Somehow the lack of authenticity is seen as a good characteristic over at TOP. I see this diary got a a resounding lack of enthusiasm over there.
Thank you for posting it here.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
She really is a poor candidate.
Regardless of positions, she is afraid to ever take a position that could lose votes. Think of the fracking answer in the debate. Bernie says he opposes fracking. Hillary basically supports it with regulations, but gives three minutes of word salad trying to all this to everyone. She might lose a few votes if she clearly stated her position, but she might also get some votes. It would not be determinative, but she seems incapable of taking a clear position. Bernie just says, you may disagree but this is my view.
Most people are not as stupid as Hillary thinks we are. You don't have to be academically gifted to smell bullshit. Regular folks have good bullshit detectors even if they did not go to Yale.
She appears phony because she often is. If she were straight with people, she would get more votes, even from those who disagree on that issue.
She may believe that showing who she really is will get rejection. A lifetime with Bill may have reinforced that deeply.
It is what it is.
You make a great point about that bullshit detector
and regular people.
Since Shillary has been surrounded by sycophants and intellectuals almost her whole life, and many of them, as smart as they are, actually deal in selling bullshit every day, she really thinks all regular people are just that "dumb" that we can't see it. While intellectual ability and learning are great things, there are times when there is too much "analysis" and "study" that in some ways creates more stupid than not enough analysis and study. Their whole obsession with being the "smartest guys in the room" has blinded them to actual real intelligence and their bullshit detectors not only don't work for them, but they can't even see when their bullshit is no longer selling.
While I'm always a little leery of labeling someone "sociopath" as I'm not a doctor, it sure as hell fits with her. She simply cannot seem to utter one truly honest thing. So maybe not a true sociopath, but damned sure a liar.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
What we hear as word salad
they hear as wonky detail-oriented. Word fascination.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
And yet, ironically, she frequently makes really stupid remarks
I agree she *seems* to pause and consider every word -- but somehow she still manages to come out with clueless crap again and again, like how the Reagans were such great advocates for dealing with HIV/AIDS... or her infamous assissination comments in 2008... comments that suggest she has absolutely no idea what she's even saying. It's so bizarre, she's overly scripted and insincere, and yet still an endless gaffe machine.
Side effect of the internet age.
She and Bill still tailor their message to the people they're addressing. They haven't adapted to the fact that it all ends up on the internet for public scrutiny within the same day, and people can compare and see how they contradict themselves.
Nobody in the mainstream will say it
that's been long-known. I didn't even expect Stewart to say it, now that he's retired, seeing as how his last employer, being a media conglomerate, would be on her side. Maybe he's got a pension of some sort that hangs in the balance somehow. Or something like that
Trump doesn't need opposition research :)
When you stop laughing, David Brock's Media Matters is already saying this ain't so.
Too bad the WALL STREET JOURNAL also has it
Know we shouldn't be laughing, but guess it's better than gloating.
Trump is gonna have such fun. Wonder what he's gonna call the "Energizer" - all common knowledge in Chappaqua. Definitely too well connected for Shrillary to attack:)
This Historical Election
While I'm something of a history buff, I can't recall a previous presidential election where the major party candidates were all HORRIBLE for this nation.
Maybe if previous bad candidates had the kind of technology available to today's awful choices there might be some who fit my bill (feel free to suggest any which come to mind!), but without the technology, one would have to wonder just how far either Drumpf or $wilery could get in a campaign.
As I see it, Bernie is our last chance to rescue the nation from corporatism. Anyone who follows after this election will be struggling to weaken it before it takes the entire world to war.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Kerry v. Bush. I voted for Kerry, but since he was another
establishment third-way Dem couldn't get excited about him. And they would have been hard pressed to find someone with less charisma.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
that Hillary has Brock working for her says it all
if there were no other reasons to be against her, that would do it.
Say no more, Shahryar.
Say no more. You've said it all.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I'm really happy Jon Stewart is able to see through Hillary.
He's perceptive enough to know what's the deal w/ her. I'm guessing he knows that her authentic self is that of a neoliberal and a neocon. He just measured his response.
Hopefully, some Hillbots will trust Stewart enough to actually scratch beneath the surface. Most will just decide that he's in the tank for Bernie, and wrong for knocking their idol off its pedestal, b/c why Hillary can do no wrong.
That was excellent, thanks! I ended up watching the whole hour
and a quarter! I must be having more Jon Stewart withdrawal than I thought. To say that she is visibly inauthentic and therefore not a sociopath may be the nicest thing a pro-Bernie person has said about her in a long while! I have to go visit TOP and see the comments. I'm sure they're quite entertaining. I'm going to be using this over there from time to time, though, because I have said that she is perceived as untrustworthy and get back, "No she's not". She is, and this is part of it - she needs to stand up for what she believes, not what the latest poll showed.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
She's inauthentic because she has to think up ways to
make right wing policies and prescriptions palatable to progressives, hence that delay as she fumbles about in her mind for the appropriate cosplay outfit.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon