2016 Elections: Are they honest? 9 Videos and BradsBlog for background
Chicago Election Issues:
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmYYvZASoks width:400 height:400]
This is a good summary of NY election issues:
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nOxhYHp018 width:450 height:450]
more on the 1 million dollar payout to one election official in Brooklyn
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWOXH3AP_hQ width:400 height:400]
an hour of testimony at the NY Elections Board - it rambles but should make you very nervous
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5S1penT9Nc width:400 height:400]
Arizona Election Issues This week, Lee covers Bernie Sander’s latest string of primary victories over Hillary Clinton. His victories were not surprising, but what was surprising was the voter suppression scandal that occurred in Arizona. Turns out, someone is trying to keep minorities from voting, and it’s not the Democrats! This and more on Redacted Tonight.
[video:https://youtu.be/6nZIlQzTaoQ width:400 height:400]
overall on our elections -
According to a new Harvard study, America ranks the worst in entire the Western World when it comes to having fair elections. That's crazy because the US is meant to be the land of the free and a shining beacon of democracy for the world. So why exactly are our elections so corrupt and incompetent? Ring of Fire host and "America's Lawyer," Mike Papantonio, gets radical with Lee Camp to explain
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXzBI8LORFs width:375 height:375]
This video has almost 80,000 views on YouTube, long, dry and informative (bounce around the video for thoughts that make sense). Bernie Sanders Will Win | Hillary Clinton Indicted | Election Fraud in AZ and NY (FeelTheMath)
[video:https://youtu.be/Oq03eCN8_Es width:400 height:400]
and remember Iowa? Nevada?
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgCK2GY9gE4 width:400 height:400]
and finally a link to a National Treasure Bard at BradsBlog
AZ Primary Lawsuit Dismissed; 'Disappearing' Unverifiable Votes in DE: 'BradCast' 4/28/2016
ok one more
JAW-DROPPING Evidence Of Election Fraud & Media Blackout! #ExitPollGate
The evidence is adding up that this election is a SHAM! Exit polls do not add up on the Democratic side and regularly predict better results for Bernie than the voting machines are telling us! The mainstream media won't even come close to touching this, and in fact they're even attacking Lee Camp for bringing it up. Don't miss this segment of Redacted Tonight!
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53nL_aQe_ek width:400 height:400]
This story would get banned at dKos, too many facts, too much potential reality. Note: The videos in the story have +- 500,000 views.

Great compilation, thanks
Yes. Great piece.
And no, elections are not honest. But they are what we have to work with right now.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
it's always a degree of quality
in any process. You try to minimize the inherent defects to a minimum. This is assuming normal operation in a real-world environment.
But "monkey-wrenching" or deliberately-introducing defects into a production is criminal and it's sabotage.
In days of wartime, perpetual or temporary as it may be, enemies who masquerade as our allies, or double agents, traitors and quislings, and also outright spies, they rarely get prisoner of war status, they can receive a death penalty, may be summarily shot in firing squads, or often serve long terms of incarceration.
I recognize the importance of justice in any situation and a careful review of facts in every legal case, but doing nothing is not good policy. On our side, when the public starts tolerating criminal behavior in public sector, or just looking the other way when there is ongoing, rampant government corruption, or choosing to be willfully-ignorant of abuses of public trust, as some point the civil society begins to collapse internally.
Want to see what happens when the superdelegate problem
is addressed by a state (Maine)? The DNC just invalidates their vote. Nothing to see here.....:
"BREAKING: DNC Vice Chair Says Maine Super Delegate Changes Are Not Allowed
This afternoon Representative Diane Russell posted a comment from DNC Vice Chair Raymond Buckley. The comment reads:
“Diane, I am sure someone explained to you that your amendment/resolution can’t actually bind delegates since no delegate to the national convention can be bound to vote for one candidate or another. Also, state parties do not have any authority over the automatic Unpledged Delegates (so called super delegates), only the Democratic National Committee has that responsibility. I think that the claim that your resolution/amendment (by the way, which is it? You are qoted using both terms and it can’t be both) before the Maine convention is misleading at best. Sincerely, Raymond Buckley, NHDP state chair, ASDC president, DNC vice chair, DNC rules committee member.”
Screenshot of the edict here
Far too many in our country think we live in an actual
democracy; it is clear that we do not. Unfortunately, most of our citizens have no critical thinking skills and never will be able to "connect the dots." They will continue to vote for the HRC type candidates no matter what. If Bernie does not become our President then I fear that only a few will be up to the task of taking on the establishment again and creating a government of the people. This news from the DNC does not surprise me at all.
I think it may have to take...
a hack of an election throwing something absurd like 90% to a write in candidate like F Murray Abraham to get people to wake up.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Or maybe just President Trump
which is what we are headed at breakneck speed for, and the speed is increasing.
Not saying I want this, oh no, but it looks like what we are going to get.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.