GOP Strategist: Candidate most like Bush and Cheney is Hillary Clinton
The Senior Campaign Strategist for John McCain's 2008 run, Steve Schmidt, has declared that Hillary Clinton will be courting hawkish voters should she be the nominee, and will be running well right of Donald Trump in issues of war.
Yaaaaay, Democrats!
“The candidate in the race most like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney from a foreign policy perspective is in fact Hillary Clinton, not the Republican nominee,” explained GOP strategist Steve Schmidt in an interview this week on MSNBC this week.
“One thing we know as we get ready for a general election contest is that Donald Trump will be running to the left as we understand it against Hillary Clinton on national security issues,” he added.
The New York Times agreed in April:
The New York Times, which endorsed Clinton for president, echoed these observations in April, noting Hillary’s extreme belligerence “will likely set her apart from the Republican candidate she meets in the general election.”
Trump, now the presumed GOP nominee, has not “demonstrated anywhere near the appetite for military engagement abroad that Clinton has,” the Times wrote, adding “Hillary Clinton is the last true hawk left in the race.”
Watching Bill and Hill walking back negative talk about Republicans and buttering them up should be a sight to behold. If you are an anti-war voter, it is looking more and more like Trump, at least on that issue, will be a better candidate. How do those words sound?
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Thanks GBB. More and more lefties will vote for Trump as HRC
courts her true constituency. Trump is to the left of her on a number of issues.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
no lefty
with a functioning cerebrum will ever vote for Trump.
Trump would be a disaster
It could just take one crisis to get Trump in over his head and panicking while pretending he knows exactly what he's doing. At least Jill Stein will admit to what she doesn't know and learn the job a lot faster than Trump would. Also Jill, like Bernie, has a vision for a better World. Trump and Hillary have a vision for a richer and more powerful Trump and Hillary.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I agree. While I will vote for Hillary,
if you can't, vote for Jill Stein. That at least builds a left party. Trump is a fascist.
And what kind of party is Hillary going to give us?
She's going to give us the New Democratic Party
the one that never met a war it didn't like.
Somewhere, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is seriously pissed off.
She will absolutely try! Beware the left is getting pushed out
of the Democratic Party, at least that is what Hillary / third way wants. The Dem Party will welcome the neoliberal repubs and typical low info mod. repubs into the fold with open arms. Then you will have three political factions - left, right and center right. The right will be the Repub Party, the Center will be Dem Party and the left will be left to fend for themselves. Will the left do something about it in a cohesive way?
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Not much of one.
But far better than Trump. Bernie agrees.
I fight fascists, and Trump is one.
Do you have a concrete example that would explain how you came
to that conclusion? Donald seems more like an unenlightened capitalist pig, who among other things (unlike HRC), doesn't want to give up US sovereignty by signing off on a trade agreement that will gut what's left of the middle class and make the poor even more disadvantaged, or a war that costs soooo much money.
Help me out here, Tom. Your argument just isn't sounding the right note to me, and I'm a New Yorker who's watched this guys antics for a good while now.
I fight fascists too
I am a European immigrant (UK). My family suffered quite a lot thanks to Europe's last bout with Fascism. My father barely survived the Battle of Britain crouched under a steel table with my grandmother as she tried to keep him from dying of whooping cough. Later in the war, she was a medical aide (woman with a masters in biology) picking up survivors of the Coventry bombing from the side of the road. Her husband survived service in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. My other grandfather was a munitions researcher who essentially got poisoned by his work and died halfway through the war. And all this pales in comparison to my Jewish friends, who in many cases are the only survivors in their families.
The only question I have is which of them is worse. Until now, I have been pretty adamant about The Orange Haired One, but Clinton's warmongering gives me pause. The only thing I will say in her defense is that she isn't inciting violence inside our own borders. That fact at least holds out the possibility of damage containment and future change for the country. Thin beer, I know, but that's what I'm left with.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
lol - TomP
You're going to need bigger ammo than Bernie. You know, he can't be right about everything.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
And he can't say what he really thinks
Steve Inskeep tried to corner him the other day on endorsing/promoting Hillary.... but he wouldn't say he would. He just kept saying he would do everything he could to keep a Republican out of the White House...
He obviously can't say what he really thinks RE: Hillary without the media crucifying him, so since he can't I don't think we can use him as our excuse to vote for someone like Hillary. I personally think he considers Hillary every bit as much of a Republican as Trump, but who knows? But even if he does come out and tell us all to please support her, God forbid, I still wouldn't do it. I'm capable of drawing my own conclusions.
Bernie's been trying to win over Democrats
If I've learned anything this election season, it's that it is very difficult to convince partisans without directly appealing to their "us vs them" mentality. I don't see how you win staunch Democrats without vowing to oppose their "foes".
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
I think Trump is more of a buffoon than a fascist
I would think a fascist party and ideological movement is necessary to back up the fascist leader. Trump doesn't have that, he's bloviating by himself and he's not going to overthrow our so called democratic government. Not so sure about Hillary.
Beware the bullshit factories.
He's a businessman, he's not a politician
All that bloviating is all about looking like a big tough guy. Remember, too, some of it was canned and fake if the notion that he was set up as a ringer for Hillary is fact-based.
As Steinem said on Bill Maher (yes that show)
'Trump is NOT a successful businessman. He's gone through three bankruptcies. He is a successful con man.'
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I never said he was "successful"!
I just said he was a businessman. Which he is. And he's still *not* a politician, though as a con man, he does a pretty good job of playing one.
But at the end of the day, reality is what it is. He won't get shit done, because The Game in Washington IRT "making actual law" is quite a bit different than The Game in corporate boardrooms. He's being brought in to turn the government into a corporate boardroom, but he's not going to succeed, because:
1) He's an unsuccessful businessman and the currently sitting Congress (which presumably some will still be sitting after November) isn't friendly to him in enough numbers to matter;
2) He's an obnoxious blowhard and people don't naturally gravitate toward it or want to do actual business with it, if they can possibly help it; and
3) A lot of his bluster is a con because it's an act.
A lot of that bluster IS a con because it IS an act, particularly if he's been a ringer all along to make Hillary Clinton look more electable. He's further left than he lets on--for example, the guy has always been anti-NAFTA/trade deals. That's legit. I do remember seeing him more than once back in 1992, talking about Ross Perot, and saying he felt Perot was right about a lot of things, particularly NAFTA. Like the man said in the post the other night, he gets a "B" on that where Clinton fails spectacularly.
Where did Bernie say that?
The last video where a "news" anchor asked him about supporting/voting for Hillary, Bernie deflected by saying he would try as hard as possible not to let Trump get elected. That's not the same as saying he's going to vote for Hillary. [Trying to remember which video that was on, trying to find the video.]
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I don't think he has
singled out Trump, at least I have not heard it. He has said that Clinton on her worst day is better than any Republican. I wish he would quit offering niceties. He likes to preface his criticisms by saying how much he respects her, etc.
I don't think Hillary says anything about respecting him or anything else remotely complimentary, but then I don't listen to her much.
But that fascist line just doesn't work when the person you are trying to say is better than the fascist is still a fascist. I view Hillary as a far bigger risk than Trump, because people will bend over backwards to help Hillary implement bad policies, while Trump has no support among either party to help him implement his bad policies. That said, while his bad policies are indeed bad, they don't compare in my mind to Hillary's pro-war and pro-regime change policies that would result (and have resulted) in the deaths of millions. I don't think Trump's bad policies, if he could get any implemented, would have that same result. Would they be bad for minorities domestically? Yeah, they would. But we can actually fight against those bad policies ourselves. What can a family in a middle eastern country do to fight against one of our drones?
Don't get me wrong, I don't support either of the fascists. If there's an opportunity to vote for Sanders or Jill, I'm taking it. But if that opportunity doesn't exist, my morality does not allow for me to vote for someone who gleefully laughs at people's deaths as a result of their interference in other countries.
What if
At the end of October, polls are showing something like Hillary 38%, Jill Stein 33% and Trump 29%. How would you vote?
Beware the bullshit factories.
Of course, that question is rhetorical and
answering it is optional. Nobody is obligated to reveal their vote in discussions here . . .
Jill Stein
Jill Stein
For secession... eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono. Kūʻē !
I'd vote Stein
and suggest that the 80% of the 38% voting for Hillary only to vote against Trump withdraw their craniums from their rectums.
You're forgetting Bernie Sanders...
He has a narrow path to victory..., but he still stands a chance.
What if Bernie wins the Dem nomination in spite of all the DNC interference, Moronic Media, and electioneering waste (even fraud)...?
Please don't be like Moronic Media and ignore the very real effect Bernie has had over the last year, and will continue to have for the next two and a half to five months.
Edit: As I've previously stated, if Bernie is not in the presidential section of my ballot and I can't fill in the oval next to his name, I'll write in his name..., then proceed down-ticket to vote for my rep who has endorsed Bernie. There are absolutely NO circumstances under which I'll vote for Hillary (or Biden or any other candidate the Dems might try to replace Bernie with if DWS gets on her high horse and sabotages the convention). None.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
oh man this discussion of voting for Trump or Hillary
is getting really on my nerves.
Hillary sounds a little more professional in her word choices. Trump sounds a little more like the next idiot on your side and spouts out whatever hateful, but cool things he can think of in any given moment to contradict it the next media appearance.
Listen, please save us from both candidates. The one is a dangerous hawk, the other is a dangerous lose cannon. One is lying and flip-flopping smartly, the other is telling the truth dangerously close as the leader of "Racist and Fascist United States Enterprises, Inc". You can't let this happen. Please.
I wishe you help to build and organize a untied third party as soon as possible. Right now it should have Sanders as a candidate and leading mover and shaker. Try to not think about who is the lesser evil, try to think about the better, more just, more social ideological footing, which is represented by a lot of leftist social and environmentally conscientious people. They need to unite and not be fooled by any promises of the current so-called unavoidable candidates, be it Hillary or Trump.
As soon as one of them is elected, they will behave better and more reasonably, but the business will go on as before. No changes. Nothing. And wars will be around the corner in any corner of the world with US meddling in all of them. And people will be more desperate, more angry, poorer and sicker. No thanks.
If you can get through to Jane Sanders, you will get to Bernie Sanders on time. The guy is campaigning so hard, he has not enough time to reflect on what the voters go through not knowing what to do, if he loses the primaries.
But if you vote Green
aren't you, in effect, voting for Trump?
That's what I keep hearing. If I don't vote, or if I don't vote for Clinton, I'm voting for Trump anyway. Using that logic, I might as well go ahead and pull the damned lever for him. I'm gonna get blamed by the Neolibs for it anyway, because Sanders!
Because a President Trump is gonna happen, with or without my vote.
I hear you, but your vote needs to be earned
I understand and hear that argument as well from people and the media, but too damn bad.
If any party puts up a poor candidate, you or anyone else does not have to vote for him or her due to fear. I supported and voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry- they were all terrible candidates in my opinion. They lacked charisma, were not visionary leadership, they did not campaign well, and I do not care for any of them. They were okay people, but were my last choice but in each instance I supported and voted for them because of fear.
Well guess what- I am tired of doing the same thing and expecting different results (definition of insanity). From now on, I will not vote for the lesser of two evils, I will walk away from the voting booth feeling good about my vote- even if I am the only person voting for that candidate.
By the way, I did not vote for Clinton. Until Obama I have not voted for a winning presidential candidate.
I did vote for Bill Clinton
I thought he would be a liberal and stop our drift to the right under Reagan and Bush. Instead he destroyed the liberal wing of the Democratic party and contributed as much as anybody to this Country's rightward shift.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Oh, I'm the first person to agree with you. I just bring it
up at all as a response to people saying "Well, if you don't vote for Clinton you're giving us President Trump". So fuck 'em, if they're going to accuse me of it, I might as well vote for him anyway.
IMO, we need to get ready to mobilize and get petition drives kickstarted, so we can get the Green Party on all 50 state ballots, in the event that Sanders doesn't get the nomination. I absolutely believe he'll walk into Philadelphia to a brokered convention, because he'll take enough delegates that she can't get it without the Supers. And then he has got to rip the mask off that fakery in front of everybody.
It's the only way to go out--making as much noise as possible. Get enough attention to take all those rejected Dems and lead them to the Green Party ticket. It's time to grow the hell out of that party. I sure hope that Dr. Stein is sincere and wants to get it more exposure. But honestly, I think I'd say that whether this situation was in front of us or not. The US has needed a viable Green Party and they've never had a chance. This is the time we can harness some serious momentum to get it off the ground, if need be.
F**k the neolibs....
They are in no position to blame anyone for anything. Your vote is your vote, its supposed to be used for the person you consider the most in line with your position and beliefs.
I'm so tired of this DNC blame-game crap - a vote for this person is really a vote for this other person. No, it isn't. Its no one's fault but their own if they push horrible, unlikeable candidates, and that goes for both the DEMs and the GOP. Give me someone I can vote for and I'll vote for them - oh wait - you already have that person, the one who you blacklisted out of media coverage and lied about so your annointed Corporatist could win...
I don't understand this logic
I don't understand this logic. If Bernie does not get the nomination, we do have an option in Jill Stein. If we continue to vote out of fear, we will never move forward. Building a viable third-party should be a goal of all progressives.
The world is not going to end if Trump gets elected.
The world will end if our fear keeps us caught in a cycle of "choosing the lesser evil," a bullshit construct in any event.
I don't understand this logic
I don't understand this logic. If Bernie does not get the nomination, we do have an option in Jill Stein. If we continue to vote out of fear, we will never move forward. Building a viable third-party should be a goal of all progressives.
The world is not going to end if Trump gets elected.
The world will end if our fear keeps us caught in a cycle of "choosing the lesser evil," a bullshit construct in any event.
A lefty vote for neocons is no less deluded than a Trump vote.
After the past 16 years, it would suggest an unwillingness to learn from experience.
Supporting Hillary at this point would be a prime example of doing exactly the same thing and expecting different results.
it's not
an either/or world. No one is compelled to vote for either Clinton, or Trump. There are plenty of other people to vote for. Or not vote for. I, for instance, will be voting for Annabella Piugattuk.
But a person who would vote for a vicious, sadistic, billionaire bully who daily projectile-vomits racism and who each morning awakes with a stiff little pee-pee from dreaming of all the ways he will wall and deport and turn back and torture and bomb and shoot and strafe and slit the brown people, and all of their families, that is not a person who is a lefty with a functioning cerebrum.
Left voters going for Trump = certainly a very unexpected gambit
precisely because by conventional logic it appears to make no sense at all.
ABC Syndrome in full bloom
Anyone But Clinton - anyone. Even The Rump.
Check your ballots, people, and your write-in rules. Learn exactly what your options are.
Jill Stein is on the ballot in Virginia already, so if Bernie gets shut out, guess what.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I guess my snark just went right on by
cuz I didn't do it right
I will be able to vote Green in Florida, and that's exactly what I'll do if Sanders isn't the Dem nominee--but my snark was really about "but if I vote third party, we'll get President Trump, and it'll be all my fault ANYWAY", according to the average Hillbot. Using that logic, I should just vote for Trump and be done with it, since all the asshole Clinton fans plan on blaming Sanders for dividing the party and blaming anyone voting third party (a la Nader) for helping her lose anyway.
Well? Think of that dark, dark snark like the dysfunctional marriage where the husband is always accusing his good, loyal, loving wife of being a slut and screwing around on him, while all the time he's doing it to her. And one day she wakes up and says "Well, fuck him! He doesn't believe me when I say I'm loyal and accuses me always of cheating. So WTF? I might as well do it if I'm going to get blamed for it anyway..."
Does that help?
Because they're both evil
but he is less fucking evil than she is, precisely because he'll never get anything done. He has no clue how DC works...
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thanks for the Elliott Smith song, geebeebee
My favorite artist. I still haven't gotten over his death.
He kept me going through many bad, bad years. What a nice reminder. Such great music, especially for a rainy, crappy day when I'm feeling overwhelmed by this world.
Cool! One of my very favorites as well.
I try not to think about what his contributions to music would have been to the present day. Too sad. At least we do have the gifts he gave us, though.
Great comment from the linked article:
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Totally agree
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Trump v Clinton
There are three most important issues, Climate Crisis, War and Peace, and restoring the Middle Class.
On the Climate Crisis Clinton is an incrementalist and will support fracking and the big energy companies. She gets a D grade.
Trump looks like he might be a climate denier and certainly is campaigning on bringing back jobs to the coal industry. He gets an F.
On War and Peace Clinton is the most Neocon through and through. If she wins the election the Cold War with Russia and China will move up significantly and there will be no détente. The war in Syria will break out into full on hostilities between the US and Russia. All strategic nuclear missiles will be placed on full alert. She gets a well deserved F-.
Trump wants to work with Russia and China but maintain a strong US. He is against foreign entanglements and doesn't even like the EU. He already is advising the UK to get out. I would not be surprised if he takes us out of NATO. It would be a lot more stable world without everyone in Europe ganging up on the demon of the day. A multipolar world is good for us and good for the world. He gets a B grade.
On Economic Fairness, Clinton is in the pockets of big business. Don't expect them to be regulated or the Clinton administration trying to change any behaviours of Wall Street. Facing Bernie's stand on this issue, she has refused to budge. She will be the most corporate friendly president in recent history. She gets an D grade.
Trump has some interesting proposals. He agrees that the Wealthy are not paying their fair share. He has tax proposals that strongly favour the working middle class. His primary theme is bringing jobs back to America by eliminating unfair foreign trade practices. I find it hard to be negative on this, so I am giving Trump a B grade.
So there you have it. If he came out strongly on fixing the Climate Crisis voting for him would be a no-brainer. For now my plan is to vote for Bernie, or Jill. If it turned out that my state, Massachusetts, was very close in polling in a Trump v Clinton race, I might vote for Trump. If we have global war, then we will have nothing.
By the way I did not consider social issues, simply because the leading three are so overwhelming and becoming acute. Trump is a lifelong social liberal, so take what he says in the primaries with a grain of salt. He was for same sex marriage while Hillary was still giving speeches defending DOM. I just don't see where she has led on any social issues. She's got a reputation but I don't see where she earned it? Besides, she doesn't seem to have any principles at all, just say what she or Bill needs to say to get elected.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
On the Economic front
I am not so sure Trump would do anything to help the Middle Class. Just today, in the NYT on the front page, Trump is talking about "negotiating" our $19T in debt down by asking creditors to take a "haircut" on what they are owed. Now that leads to some really ugly economics, and if he's even considering that, then my thoughts about him coveting the biggest bankruptcy in the world just made a lot more sense.
I know, maybe I am over-reacting to that, but to hear him talk like he can just tell China, for example, to take 70 cents on the dollar to wipe out our debt? That's merely a recipe for the taxpayer ultimately taking the hit, along with every small saver who's got Treasuries, and he sure as hell didn't bring up what SHOULD be done - higher taxes on those that practically stole that money from the US taxpayer. He's also talking still about a big tax cut right away - those are hardly responsible economic positions to take in this country at this time.
And now that leads me to triangulation - would Trump come in, destroy the economy and the country so completely that our only "choice" would be to install neo-liberals once and for all? Is that the ultimate goal here - get the country into the shitter enough to pull the IMF in, bring full austerity budgets to the US, increase unemployment by cutting spending further, and then our only "salvation" is Hillary Fucking Clinton? Or some other ConservaDem who'll come in and "fix" it all? And they'll restore that most important American hegemony all over the globe and we'll all be grateful after seeing the abyss?
There is just no way to know anymore! All of them are liars out to protect only themselves. How on earth are we supposed to believe any of it?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Small savers have Treasuries?
As kids in the 1950s we traded our dimes and quarters for these red stamps. When we had a full booklet of them, the Post Office would give you a $25 (at maturity) U.S. Savings Bond Series E for $18.75 in stamps.
Later there was a “Take Stock in America” campaign for savings bonds.
But then increased inflation made that kind of saving rather silly and meaningless.
If you have money in a mutual fund
then I would bet there may be US Treasury Bills in it. And a finance expert could probably weigh in better here on the complexity, but to me, this just looks like one more scam to try to pay off a debt that we never needed to run in the first damned place. If we had raised taxes during our two wars, like was historically done, we most likely would not be carrying $19T in debt (not that we should have ever fought those wars in the first place, but that's another topic). If we had not gutted Glass-Steagall, the bailouts wouldn't be part of that debt either, and all that quantitative easing wouldn't have been necessary either. If we hadn't offshored every job not nailed down, we wouldn't need all the spending on SNAP, UI insurance and welfare, etc.
Instead of doing the responsible thing and making economic policy that works by putting people back to work, we're merely trying to dig out of a hole we'll never get out of by slashing government spending, offshoring more jobs, and using negative interest rates to juice the returns for the casino. While the US hasn't done negative rates yet to my knowledge, the idea that they are even seen as a solution is scary as hell. Just like this idea of Trump to "discount" US debt. It may never happen, it may be hyperbolic to even think it would, but it sure as hell would not be the first time something absolutely counter-productive and downright dumb was done to keep the greedy in power. And its apparently an "idea" now that just might gain some traction in our political narrative.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
And my grandmother, small saver that she was
put her money in T Bills back in the 80's and made a nice tidy sum. She was PISSED when interest rates dropped, until my mother explained to her that those rates were killing economic activity. She was getting like 15% on those maybe? At least 10%, and she didn't have a lot, but she made a great return on those things then. Those were the days when a car loan was going at 19% for good credit too, not sustainable, not desirable, but some people did make some money.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
In other words,
Who's going to keep all that money flowing to the military industrial complex? yeehaw Hillary will, yeah baby, Hillary will! Warhawk Hillary!
It's disgusting, it's despicable, and it's depressing! God, it makes me just want to scream!--
one puppet master
Two puppets. Dance to the dollar bill.
I'm still Bernie.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Debating Trump vs Clinton is a losing argument no matter
which way you take it. Neither is acceptable, both are dangerous and will be a disaster for the serfs. Is it possible Trump would be to the left of Clinton on foreign policy? To the left of what? It's like saying he's left of Satan therefore he's a better choice. What kind of choice is that and why are people talking about it like it's a choice at all. It's no choice, it's a trap. It's like choosing to be executed by drugs or rifle, which one is "left".
The same with the talk about Stein being a better President. So what? She won't be President! She has no chance in hell. So it's pie in the sky talk about nothing because it won't happen.
Unless something happens at the conventions, we're going to have either Clinton or Trump as President and that's bad news all around.
the answer is generally "no"
would a Hillary loss help in the long run? I hope so. I have my doubts.
would a Hillary win be better than a Trump win? Does not compute.
The premise is that with Trump as President the left would
rise up and finally start protesting and trying to change things. But to me that proved to be nothing but a farce under Bush, he did what he did anyway and then we got a Dem president many call Bush 3.
So Clinton losing probably gives us nothing except Trump and more hope from the left that if it was just a Democrat things would be different.
Or Trump may surprise by NOT being as conservative as Democrats
on some issues. That would be the other, complementary premise, or hope aspect.
Trump as an economic-policy wild card or “Hail Mary” play.
Attractive if the alternative seems to be a Grand Bargain™ brand catfood diet under Hillary.
I think Trump is the joker card in your deck
and those voters who hold their cards in their hands think he may be the one who would save them from losing everything and their last pennies. The likelihood is probably as high as winning the billion dollar jackpot in the lottery, ie 0.1 to the negative power of 10?
Besides gambling with the people fate's is unacceptable. So, jokers should be eliminated in your set of cards.
Oh, and if I am off, that is because I don't play cards or the lottery.
A variant of poker called “Texas Hold’em” is very popular and
tournaments are even broadcast live on TV like any other professional sport.
I don’t play either, so I’m not 100% sure, but if I understand correctly, a crucial element is a hidden card called the “river,” that isn’t turned over and revealed until the end.
What Trump might do or not do in practice, is that kind of hidden card.
0.1 to the negative power of 10 is a very large number.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
shute, how about 0.1 to the positive power of 10?
Jeez, nothing works anymore in negative territory. Sorry for that. I better don't do that again with the head I have now going all negative all the time.
there's a star trek episode where spock explains that
they can amplify any sound on the enterprise by a factor of 1 to the 100th power.
in other words, a factor of 1.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I mean, if the Democrats hadn’t been “keeping their powder dry”
for all these years since winning in 2006, we wouldn’t need to be having these conversations.
Trump = an expression of desperation.
People think, “Family’s already on the brink; been on the brink for years. What have we got to lose? Impractical-sounding? Unpredictable? Bring it on. Following the advice of the so-called experts and sticking to the ‘practical’ and ‘predictable’ obviously hasn’t worked, now, has it?”
The Democrats are the obstacle - not the GOP.
You can't tell me to "go get em" and then trip me every step of the way.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yep. If Bernie doesn't make it, we are screwed.
And not in a small way.
I disagree there are always choices
I want to see Bernie make it and be the nominate, but there are always choices and we are unable to predict the future. We just need to keep working hard and realize no matter what the outcome we deal with it, adapt and make the choice that is the best for each of us.
Besides it is a Friday, positive vibes only
All options are on MY table
as far as "my vote". Except a Clinton vote. That is right out, and it is not likely to change. At best, I leave that space blank. At worst, I vote for Trump.
I'm still hoping and working toward getting Bernie in. And I hope like hell he is ready to fight his ass off at that convention, because that is in fact exactly what he's going to have to do.
I hope GOS
can cope with their candidate being Bush redux.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Are you kidding?
They'll cope with pride. They'll never have a problem with it, and if they do, they'll never admit it in public. They'll continue cheering her on, just like they did for Obama once he took his mask off.
The most shocking thing about Trump
is that in among all his ranting and roaring, he says out loud things that need saying but that no one else would dare say.
Things like "Bush did NOT keep us safe - 9/11 happened on his watch".
Like "Trade agreements are BAD for the American people."
Like "Hands off Social Security and Medicare!"
99% of what he says is pure trash, but there's the occasional flake of gold-dust....
No I won't vote for him. But I think more people need to start calling out that the emperor really is naked.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
But will they
'walk [sic] back negative talk about Republicans . . .' ?
I wonder.
I'm 'guessing' that the Clintons (still) believe that 'the left,' and the Dem Party Base "have no place to go."
I agree, though, that this time--they'll be in for a big surprise.
“If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.”
--Charles Darwin
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Well, DUH
She has NEVER been a Democrat. She's the same Republican she was when she met her husband.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%