As for your statement, you have other options than voting for The Chump. The Green Party is on the ballot in 20 of the 50 States, representing 55% of the American population. Major efforts exist in 18 others; many will succeed. Right now, the Greens are running Dr. Jill Stein, who has asked Bernie Sanders to co-operate with her election effort if he fails to get the nod from the Democrats.
You don't have to submit to Trump to deny your consent to Clinton! There are other choices! Investigate them! Your fellow c99p users will happily help you do that if you ask; it's a feature sorely lacking on certain other political blog sites....
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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
it would be in secret and I would tell no one. I wouldn't want the fact that I voted for him be used against me in the future when the world is totally fucked.
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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
would probably be less damaging in the long term than further cementing the DLC/3rd Way'ers control over the party.
I don't see him getting ANY of his crazy notions implemented if he even tried and in many areas (Trade, Hawkishness, etc.) he is actually MORE progressive than Clinton.
How sad is that?
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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
You can write him in but it won't be counted unless Sanders campaign requests write ins be allowed for him. I know that is true in Michigan. Your local Board of Elections site can tell you what the rules are in your state.
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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
If HRC is ahead, I will hold my nose and vote Trump. If T-man is ahead, I will either write in Sanders or vote Green. I do not advise leaving the spot for president blank as some have suggested. Too many chances for "errors."
Personally, (CT coming) I think HRC paid Pagliano to build her a vote stealing program, and she lets it lose as needed (when the states aren't already disenfranchising all his voters). It has been a long week. = )
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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I think HRC paid Pagliano to build her a vote stealing program, and she lets it lose as needed
Except she didn't need to have that done, it already existed and has since the 2000 "election". I think it's far simpler--she had that server built so she could hide her personal email and any State Department email from scrutiny. Had it been subject to FOIA/Sunshine laws, we'd know more about:
1) rigged primaries and caucuses
2) Clinton Foundation money as a 'slush fund' for the Clinton election coffers
3) all the shit she's got in store for Bill, once she becomes POTUS. The first, of course, being a big fat divorce. The American people are not going to stand for another adulterer in the WH--he has to go if she wants to be with her Significant Other.
She wouldn't be able to play the victim as she enabled him.
Bill being shot (accidentally) by a former lover would get her some sympathy though. Former lover showed up to introduce Bill to his illegitimate son who she had kept hidden all these years. He becomes abusive and a struggle ensues during which a gun falls off the wall and goes off, eliminating half of our problems. HRC gets sympathy for three counts: the death, the appearance of the former lover and the existence of the love child.
After the publicity dies down, she pays the two actors to leave the country, and once they are safely out and ensconced in luxury they had never dreamed of (all provided by the Foundation, of course), HRC hires a clean up man to take care of the lose ends.
= )
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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
and rending of garments. Funny how Guccifer would go on national television and admit to a felony he never really committed. Seems pretty ludicrous to me.
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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Hillary has not been shown to have 'intentionally broken the law' means she is innocent. This is to counter the story last night of how Guccifer is saying he not only hacked into Blumenthal's email but hacked her email server as well. I don't think this is going to end well for Hillary and I'm looking forward to the rhetoric when she is indicted. I'm sure it will some how be Sanders and/or his supporters fault.
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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I didn't get who Guccifer was, I think I get it now--this is the State hacker?
If you didn't "intentionally" break the law, you broke it...what, "accidentally?" Is that going to be her defense? "I didn't know what I was doing!!"???? Yeah, that's not going to end well at ALL.
There is no "record" of her server being hacked. It doesn't mean it wasn't, it just means the server didn't record it. Guccifer pleaded not guilty to the government's charges - except he voluntarily confessed to the felony of hacking Clinton's server a couple of times. Last but not least, she isn't being investigated by the FBI for hacks. I told BBB I plan to dance on her political grave, and I still do. Donate to Bernie folks, - don't give it up yet.
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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
there's more about the "server" thing than just the hacking. There's the whole "IT-guy-who-got-immunity" thing. One doesn't get immunity from federal prosecution over some kind of political witch hunt. In this case, the guy can point out a crime that they may have helped perpetuate.
Not to mention the fact that plenty of hacks don't actually leave calling cards on a server. If they did, there would be no hackers getting away with shit, which happens every single day.
I think I just read your comment as you felt like because there was no record of the hack on the server, that nobody was going to be able to prove any malfeasance on her part (or on DWS' part). Of course, it's probably because I'm projecting it lately. It does actually worry the hell out of me that--and I forget where I read it, but I'm pretty sure it was linked from a post here the other day--there may have been a contract for "document" and "hard drive" destruction from (the campaign? The DNC? Shit, lemme try to find that link...) recently. Because that would surely mean they've destroyed a bunch of evidence.
You don't know how much I despise and loathe this woman and her clueless little minions. THIS is why. THIS is the kind of thing that brings words to my lips like (the C word) and "evil". Now, somebody planted that info in the press--and IMO, it was probably someone from her campaign. Why? To gloat. That's what psychopaths and sociopaths do.
Really, think about it--who the hell else would even know about such a contract, assuming it's true?
Does that count. PARANOIA someone might read something she said, before she had a chance to change, ooops, I mean evolve on the issue. How much Huma Abedin controls the communication?
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Seems to be their style. Too much protestation of innocence. Over 30 years and more. Claiming victimhood, right-wing conspiracy and witch hunts repeatedly has gotten tiresome. They do not understand the shunning concept, do they?
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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Interesting times indeed. There is also, 'no evidence' that Hillary didn't bite the head off of a bat last night before bathing in baby blood. There is 'no evidence' that Benjamin Franklin ever took a shit. There is 'no evidence' that Markos does not work for the CIA. Along that line, who the fuck 'trains' with the CIA for two years then quits? You train then go to work, what better way to keep track of your leftist enemies than to invite them in?
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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Interesting times indeed. There is also, 'no evidence' that Hillary didn't bite the head off of a bat last night before bathing in baby blood. There is 'no evidence' that Benjamin Franklin ever took a shit. There is 'no evidence' that Markos does not work for the CIA. Along that line, who the fuck 'trains' with the CIA for two years then quits? You train then go to work, what better way to keep track of your leftist enemies than to invite them in?
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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
If the choice is between Trump & Cintons ( please remember it is TWO of them trying to get back into the White House) will vote for Trump. Expect it's possible for Trump to win MA if Democrats select Clintons over Bernie Sanders. Remember MA did elect Scott Brown!!!!!
Two'fer: Trump breaks us the Republican party, AND, takes the Democratic Party out of the hands of the Criminal Clintons.
Read here many suggesting Green Party. Think it is more viable for a new third party to emerge. Green Party has been trying for years, and years to get traction. Think there is something ( don't know exactly what) missing from the organization to be a powerful an effective Third Party. Comparing what Jane and Bernie Sanders have been able to do in about a year, think it's more powerful for the Green Party to fold itself into what we create as a People's Progressive Party.
Important to DESTROY the Republican party as it exists today.
Also, Trump can win, Green Party can't.
Takes away the power of the DLC/Third Way. MUST get the Democratic party out of the clutches of the criminal clintons.
Anyone watching the twitter world about Not Hillary. WOW! We certainly aren't alone.
and that is why you're hearing about her "courting Republican donors". That's Hillary, being pissed off and throwing a temper tantrum. "Fuck all those people who want me to quit. I'm not quitting. And for all of them who are Sanders supporters, well fuck you, I don't need your vote, I'll show you how little I do. The GOP has plenty of money..."
You can probably bet on that and win big, some variation of it happened. You know she's seen all the hate out there on these big old Internets, and she can't even be happy about it....
but Huma has. Remember, Hillary has not driven a car in two decades. They come with Start buttons now, Hillary.
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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
has already broken the Republican Party as we know it -- either the reasonable Republicans (yes, Virginia, there are still some out there) will rise up and take back the Party from the batshit crazies and the Teapublicans, or a new party will rise from the ashes consisting of moderate Republicans and center-right Democrats. In other words, the party of the Clintons. That would leave the center-left and far-left Democrats the chance to take the party back and remake it to speak for the Left maybe a coalition with the Green Party.
Unlike many people on blogs like this one and TOP, I don't instinctively hate Republicans -- a strong and sane opposition is necessary to act as a check and balance to complacency and corruption. I think we're seeing a lot of complacency in the support of HRC over at TOP, instead of looking at where this country has fallen short and demanding changes, and Lawd knows we've seen our share of corruption in both parties. The problem is that the GOP isn't sane, and hasn't been since probably the late 1970s with the rise of the "Moral" "Majority" (both terms in quotes for obvious reasons), the Christian Coalition (which certainly doesn't speak for this Christian or her family), and all the various "family" organizations that have a very narrow view of family. I can remember Republicans like Pete McCloskey who spoke out against the Vietnam War (my mom hated his guts but dutifully voted for him because he had the requisite "R" after his name on the ballot) and Howard Baker who was an active participant in the investigations of Richard Nixon.
Some of Hillary Clinton's closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven't found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.
But then read this:
The probe remains focused on the security of the server and the handling of classified information and hasn't expanded to other matters, the officials said. Spokesmen for the FBI and Justice Department declined to comment.
Now we know this is a lie, since it has been reported already the FBI expanded its investigation into possible corruption involving the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was SOS. Then read this from the Chicago Tribune story that was conveniently left out of the other news reports:
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the ongoing probe. An FBI spokesman and a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Eastern District of Virginia declined to comment.
Whenever you see the words that government sources "spoke on condition of anonymity because not authorized, etc." that is a clear sign of spin by someone in the government, and not someone in the FBI, wants to tamp down any expectation that charges will be filed. It also tells me that the word from on high is that regardless of what the FBI recommends, the Obama DOJ will not be filing charges. This leak is consistent with what Obama said publicly about the email investigation. They have too much invested in Hillary to allow her to be indicted. And an indictment would also be publicly embarrassing to the administration since Obama and the White House communicated with Clinton at her email address on the private server.
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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
To help the democratic party reach it's bottom in it's addiction to corporate money and corruption...
I get it...
I may not agree with you fully but I get it...
The change is coming and will not be stopped...
A Trump presidency will only piss off more voters and grow the cause...
It is probably coming regardless of what we do...
Very much similar to the 2000 election when corporate money and corruption was an issue...
The people feel stronger about this than the establishment realizes and their view is unchangeable when it is a valid option on the ballot, they will not hold their nose and vote...
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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
innocent people will die at the hands of vigilante "justice" just because they're a darker shade of hue. We've got enough people dying because our political system is fucked up without adding to the death toll.
I will wait to see what he suggests if he loses the Dem nomination. Regardless of his suggestion, I could never in good conscience vote for HRC or Trump.
Bernie, I'll do that, but I could not look myself in the mirror if I voted for Trump Or Hillary. So, I'm working like hell to get Bernie elected. Can't face anything else, at this point.
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"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I've decided to stop trying to game the system with my measly vote, and just vote for the candidate who I can most honestly support. Bernie obviously, and if he's not available, Jill Stein.
If either Trump or Hillary win, we're in for some horrible shit, and I'm not going to be even a teensy bit responsible for making that happen.
But I do understand where you're coming from. I've considered it, but then I hear him speak again, and I just CANNOT. DO. IT.
He and Hillary both represent everything I'm against. I think Hillary is worse, but only slightly worse and not enough to make me vote for Trump.
While I won't vote for ANY candidate that doesn't allow me to do so and keep my conscience clean, I can understand the disgust that would lead others to do so as a "protest" vote.
Personally, I would suggest voting Green or 3rd party. If we are going to protest vote, it should be one that tells TPTB that we are REJECTING conservatism regardless of which party is pushing it.
Sometimes you do have to lose some battles strategically in order to win the war over the long term.
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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
We know Stein won't win - but nothing else will show as clearly that a bunch of us are rejecting BOTH parties. Voting for Trump will only lead them to believe they need to be more like Trump - Ceiling Cat forbid!
A definite showing for Stein shows them very clearly we are rejecting their entire rigged system. That we are no longer willing to play by their rules.
I think using your vote as some sort of alternative message probably won't work. As one who voted for Nader, I am personally responsible for getting W elected according to Democrats. They still haven't gotten over the fact that their candidate sucked and couldn't beat a dreadful GOP candidate. Gore lost the votes of registered Democrats, to say nothing of Indies like myself. So, they have to blame Nader voters. Democrats are rarely up for a dose of serious introspection. They can't imagine someone choosing a non R or D in a national election. Anyone who does so is delusional.
I hope our society has people that are free to vote their conscience. We have a responsibility to take great care in selecting people that influence the direction of our country. This becomes increasingly difficult as we have open bribery, a derelict press and an increasingly violent right wing.
I'll either vote for Stein if she's on our ballot, or write Bernie in. I have also thought that Trump should ask Bernie to be his running mate. Then we can impeach Trump and have Bernie as president. Trump being president would accomplish the destruction of both parties and the Clinton's as well. #BernieOrBust Under no circumstances will I vote HRC. Here is a good article about Stein and the Green Party: CounterPunch--Jill Stein
According to Stein, America has depended on the two-party system for far too long and things are getting worse under it. Since the financial market collapse, it is now being reported that America is in a recovery, but this recovery is only represented under the wealthy one percent. For the other 99 percent things are pretty much the same: salaries are stagnant, corporations are pushing to drive workers’ wages and living standards down, the climate is on a meltdown, a topic that’s still under debate at the federal level, and there is the war on terror that is only creating more terror around the world. There are no agreements outlined on the table to halt any of these issues. The only option Americans are given to combat the problems they face and fear is to support the lesser evil, but this has not helped the country progress. Stein said, in supporting the lesser evil we got the massive bailout of Wall Street, the off-shoring of jobs, the attack on civil liberties and the expansion of the prison industrial complex. “All those reasons we were told we had to vote for the lesser evil, well what did we get, all of those things even under a Democratic White House with two Democratic Houses of Congress.” Stein added, “the lesser evil paves the way and really makes inevitable the greater evil because people stop coming out to vote when they have been betrayed by the lesser evil, which is what lesser evilism is about. It’s about making that deal with the devil whereby the corporate money and powers are basically pulling the political strings.”
Emphasis added.
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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
We can impeach Trump? Assuming Trump is prez, it would take a "willing" House of Reps to impeach (try) him and they'd have to have a reason better than "he's batshit crazy" according to the Constitution. Treason, bribery (Clinton's specialty), and high crimes and misdemeanors.
how we get Stein/Green Party on the ballot in all 50 states (plus Guam, Puerto Rico and other locations). I'm fairly sure that she'll be on the California ballot come November, but folks in other states might want to check for themselves.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
I am not quite sure how or who I will vote for in the General Election. I do know that I can not vote for Hillary- she has lied, stolen, cheated, manipulated, conned, and done many other bad things in your immoral professional, personal, and political career- she is just not a nice person. Moreover, Trump is the last option- he is a jerk but at least he admits and owns it. My guess is that I lean to voting for Green or the Libertarian candidate (Gary Johnson-?) if he is polling well. Thought about not voting for this office or writing in Bernie, but worried my ballot will not get counted, spoiled or counted for Hillary (blank must mean her). I know you think this can not happen but just playing it safe. I will vote just not for Hillary.
By the way, I swear to you and everyone else this is my stance, belief and promise. I have seen so many bad things come from poor candidates and officeholders, it is time to stop the crazy train and try something else.
He is clearly a Hitler like figure who will remain CEO as long as he lives and he will be a CEO, not a President.
I am stunned that anyone here would dream of voting for Trump.
Review the history of the Weimar Republic. We are repeating it. Even Bernie's candidacy is a repeat of it. He is the communist stand in in this scenario and his supporters will be targeted similarly by Trump.
In any case, the earth cannot wait another four years. I'm afraid my siggy says it all.
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May the dolphins, whales and furry things inherit the world. Humans, unless we do an about face, have just about proven we don't deserve this beautiful planet.
but I disagree. Please note Hitler had a structured party behind him and was its leader for about a decade or so- insider/establishment. They had a armed force of the party as well- brown-shirts Moreover, he was a charisma speaker. None of these characteristics fit Trump- he is a clown and show man. All fluff and no stuff. I am not discounting him, but the balance of the political structure (branches) of our country is built to counteract a dictator.
That is why I am not afraid of Trump or a decision to vote for him. I am more afraid of Hillary-if you want to use scary historical figures then she is like Stalin. Silent, steady, deadly, and crushes all opposition.
Remember, if we are using historical reference; "The only thing we have to Fear is Fear itself" FDR
However, I can agree the earth can not wait that is why we need to act now. If you want a scary scenario- instead of 4 years of Hillary what about 8 years!!!
While he'd be all talk and zero action, his election would encourage the most vile of his supporters to engage in vigilante behavior against Latinos and Muslims -- witness the case of leaflets distributed in a Sacramento neighborhood.
I'll either leave the Presidential line blank or vote for Jill Stein; the Greens actually have a platform that matches my priorities better than do the Democrats. Maybe this is the election where both the Democrats and Republicans start to go the way of the Whigs. are voting for a a racist, bigoted, stupid, egomaniacal, xenophobic, authoritarian with absolutely zero qualifications for the job, and you should go to hell. That's how I feel about it.
Hillary is somewhere between Obama and Bush. Trump is somewhere between Mussolini and Lancelot Link.
I saw someone say voting for Hillary Clinton against Trump had the same stakes and significance as the Civil Rights movement. Really?
Donald Trump freestyled his way to the Republican nomination, no pen, no pad.
If you seriously think that the U.S. is merely a Donald away from all out fascism, what makes you think voting for Hillary Clinton in any way stems the tide?
Hillary helped gut welfare, and doubled down on the destruction of the social safety net during her time in the Senate. Part of welfare reform was the aggressive criminalizing of poor people who owed child support. Walter Scott was broke, he owed child support, he tried but couldn't pay, so he had outstanding warrants. That's why he ran when the cop pulled him over. Now he's dead. There's a straight line from Hillary Clinton to the cop's bullet that penetrated Scott's back.
That's your great hope? I don't get it. Donald Trump has offensive rhetoric, but Hillary Clinton has been on the offensive against poor people and Black/brown people for decades.
The status quo is nightmare enough. Donald Trump is a problem but he's not the boogeyman. Real evil is routine, mundane, even banal. It's poverty conspiring to destroy Sandra Bland's dreams and leave her alone in a jail cell with nothing to hold onto but the noose around her neck. That's evil. It's also normal.
You have to recognize the normality of brutality. Few are more casually brutal than Hillary "We came. We saw. He died." Clinton.
And then later:
Donald Trump is offensive. But our reality is far worse than his rhetoric.
There are 15,000 informants spying within Muslim communities in New York alone.
The US and Canada cooperated to disappear and torture at least one Muslim simply for knowing someone who knows someone who *might* be connected to an Islamic paramilitary group. Muslims have to be extra careful when traveling and calling abroad, and especially when sending money or they could end up in prison.
Abroad, we arm Islamic paramilitary death squads that slaughter whole families. Millions of people from Pakistan to Afghanistan to Somalia and elsewhere live under the constant threat of drone strikes raining down bombs at any moment.
The Supreme Court changed the standard for pleadings, one of the oldest elements in the law, in order to ensure Muslims could be indefinitely detained.
That's of course to say nothing of the daily harassment and psychological wounds that so often accompany simply living as a Muslim day to day in this country.
All of that brutality and depravity is not Donald Trump. That's us. Taking particular offense at Donald Trump, as if he's some sort of hateful outlier, will not absolve us.
Let's get serious about reality and get to work.
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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
where does that lead? Straight back to TOP, the veal pen, and Lesser-of-Two-Evils Hill, that’s where.
We got Guantanamo, a war of aggression, total surveillance, loss of habeas corpus, loss of the 4th and 5th Amendments, torturers getting off scot-free, corporate criminals getting a mere slap on the wrist, persecution of whistleblowers, alliances with Saudi head-choppers, “collateral murder,” drone wars, regime changes, intimations of a new Cold War with China and Russia — in short, plenty of the elements of fascism, all without Trump having anything to do with any of it.
"All of that brutality and depravity is not Donald Trump. That's us. Taking particular offense at Donald Trump, as if he's some sort of hateful outlier, will not absolve us."
While I personally don't think I will vote Trump, I think Green is an option for me, I do think much of his most racist rhetoric is what gets his supporters going and he uses it in the most cynical way possible - for ratings, for attention, he would not have gotten this far without it with a Repugnant base that has been nurtured to use it repeatedly and to their own detriment. And even many of them are starting to see their own decline at the hands of both parties, but they don't yet know who is really to blame and racism is easy for them, they've been trained at it so very well.
He is a sick and fascinating phenomena really, the culmination of trickle down and Southern Strategy all in one, but in a cheap sort of way really, like a TV personality or piece of cheap knock off haute couture. And that TV personality thing is us too - just look at our marketing of elections - "I'm With Her," and "Hope and Change" or better yet, "It's the Economy, Stupid" on and on the slogans go, like new TV shows packaged up and ready to be consumed. And now it's the battle of The Blowhard and The Warmonger, watch them go toe to toe in that next debate, coming soon to a theater near you!!
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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Republicans for running a campaign based on fear. Then, with HRC we get a campaign based on fear of Trump ? This is why they are the party of nothing and what Bernie was trying to inject - Real issues that continually go unaddressed rather than appeals to emotion.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
To me, it is about doing the right thing (see Gandi's quote below). Hillary is not the right thing- in my opinion. My next step is to consider and think about what is the right thing for me. Please note the last line of this great quote.
“It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
welcome to c99p, UnBlinkingEye!
As for your statement, you have other options than voting for The Chump. The Green Party is on the ballot in 20 of the 50 States, representing 55% of the American population. Major efforts exist in 18 others; many will succeed. Right now, the Greens are running Dr. Jill Stein, who has asked Bernie Sanders to co-operate with her election effort if he fails to get the nod from the Democrats.
You don't have to submit to Trump to deny your consent to Clinton! There are other choices! Investigate them! Your fellow c99p users will happily help you do that if you ask; it's a feature sorely lacking on certain other political blog sites....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Even if I were to vote for Trump...
it would be in secret and I would tell no one. I wouldn't want the fact that I voted for him be used against me in the future when the world is totally fucked.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Honestly as sad as the thought may be, a Trump Presidency
would probably be less damaging in the long term than further cementing the DLC/3rd Way'ers control over the party.
I don't see him getting ANY of his crazy notions implemented if he even tried and in many areas (Trade, Hawkishness, etc.) he is actually MORE progressive than Clinton.
How sad is that?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Particularly if he's given
a Democratic Congress. At worst, it will be four more years of inertia, in between all the civil unrest.
theoretically 41 Dems could block anything
or they could be in cahoots with the Repubs and simply pretend they're fighting, while they let legislation pass.
Can we write in Bernie in the general?
Beat Trump with Bernie!
Depends on your state
You can write him in but it won't be counted unless Sanders campaign requests write ins be allowed for him. I know that is true in Michigan. Your local Board of Elections site can tell you what the rules are in your state.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Depends on the polls in November
If HRC is ahead, I will hold my nose and vote Trump. If T-man is ahead, I will either write in Sanders or vote Green. I do not advise leaving the spot for president blank as some have suggested. Too many chances for "errors."
Personally, (CT coming) I think HRC paid Pagliano to build her a vote stealing program, and she lets it lose as needed (when the states aren't already disenfranchising all his voters). It has been a long week. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Wouldn't surprise me a bit
Except she didn't need to have that done, it already existed and has since the 2000 "election". I think it's far simpler--she had that server built so she could hide her personal email and any State Department email from scrutiny. Had it been subject to FOIA/Sunshine laws, we'd know more about:
1) rigged primaries and caucuses
2) Clinton Foundation money as a 'slush fund' for the Clinton election coffers
3) all the shit she's got in store for Bill, once she becomes POTUS. The first, of course, being a big fat divorce. The American people are not going to stand for another adulterer in the WH--he has to go if she wants to be with her Significant Other.
(you think you got CT??? Yup--happy Friday
I don't think filing for divorce would suit her personality.
She wouldn't be able to play the victim as she enabled him.
Bill being shot (accidentally) by a former lover would get her some sympathy though. Former lover showed up to introduce Bill to his illegitimate son who she had kept hidden all these years. He becomes abusive and a struggle ensues during which a gun falls off the wall and goes off, eliminating half of our problems. HRC gets sympathy for three counts: the death, the appearance of the former lover and the existence of the love child.
After the publicity dies down, she pays the two actors to leave the country, and once they are safely out and ensconced in luxury they had never dreamed of (all provided by the Foundation, of course), HRC hires a clean up man to take care of the lose ends.
= )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Won't be Hillary
Trump, Bernie or Stein.
Laughing at the Hillbots at dk twisting "no record of being hacked" into innocent as a new born baby. I hope they hang her.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I look forward to the gnashing of teeth
and rending of garments. Funny how Guccifer would go on national television and admit to a felony he never really committed. Seems pretty ludicrous to me.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
What did I miss?
TOP is telling us that some statement that
Hillary has not been shown to have 'intentionally broken the law' means she is innocent. This is to counter the story last night of how Guccifer is saying he not only hacked into Blumenthal's email but hacked her email server as well. I don't think this is going to end well for Hillary and I'm looking forward to the rhetoric when she is indicted. I'm sure it will some how be Sanders and/or his supporters fault.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I didn't get who Guccifer was, I think I get it now--this is the State hacker?
If you didn't "intentionally" break the law, you broke it...what, "accidentally?" Is that going to be her defense? "I didn't know what I was doing!!"???? Yeah, that's not going to end well at ALL.
Yes, from Romania.....
There is no "record" of her server being hacked. It doesn't mean it wasn't, it just means the server didn't record it. Guccifer pleaded not guilty to the government's charges - except he voluntarily confessed to the felony of hacking Clinton's server a couple of times. Last but not least, she isn't being investigated by the FBI for hacks. I told BBB I plan to dance on her political grave, and I still do. Donate to Bernie folks, - don't give it up yet.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Well yeah, okay, but here's the thing
there's more about the "server" thing than just the hacking. There's the whole "IT-guy-who-got-immunity" thing. One doesn't get immunity from federal prosecution over some kind of political witch hunt. In this case, the guy can point out a crime that they may have helped perpetuate.
Not to mention the fact that plenty of hacks don't actually leave calling cards on a server. If they did, there would be no hackers getting away with shit, which happens every single day.
I know. We are agreeing. eom.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I knew that
I think I just read your comment as you felt like because there was no record of the hack on the server, that nobody was going to be able to prove any malfeasance on her part (or on DWS' part). Of course, it's probably because I'm projecting it lately. It does actually worry the hell out of me that--and I forget where I read it, but I'm pretty sure it was linked from a post here the other day--there may have been a contract for "document" and "hard drive" destruction from (the campaign? The DNC? Shit, lemme try to find that link...) recently. Because that would surely mean they've destroyed a bunch of evidence.
You don't know how much I despise and loathe this woman and her clueless little minions. THIS is why. THIS is the kind of thing that brings words to my lips like (the C word) and "evil". Now, somebody planted that info in the press--and IMO, it was probably someone from her campaign. Why? To gloat. That's what psychopaths and sociopaths do.
Really, think about it--who the hell else would even know about such a contract, assuming it's true?
interview on the subject of Clinton's server scandal.
Go Bernie !!

Motivation to avoid FOIA
Does that count. PARANOIA someone might read something she said, before she had a chance to change, ooops, I mean evolve on the issue. How much Huma Abedin controls the communication?
Oh, hell yeah that counts!
Someone might also read something she did or plans on doing, too.
I have taken to using your sig line quote quite often
these days. It goes well with my sig line.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
"There is no evidence that..."
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Flaunting it, you can't catch us!
Seems to be their style. Too much protestation of innocence. Over 30 years and more. Claiming victimhood, right-wing conspiracy and witch hunts repeatedly has gotten tiresome. They do not understand the shunning concept, do they?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I guess the Clintons have used that line often.
Interesting times indeed. There is also, 'no evidence' that Hillary didn't bite the head off of a bat last night before bathing in baby blood. There is 'no evidence' that Benjamin Franklin ever took a shit. There is 'no evidence' that Markos does not work for the CIA. Along that line, who the fuck 'trains' with the CIA for two years then quits? You train then go to work, what better way to keep track of your leftist enemies than to invite them in?
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I was looking for one from Bill
Back during the whole Jones/Flowers/Lewinski mess, but I couldn't find it. Too hard to search with all the other examples, I guess.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Your comment reminds me of a Benjamin Franklin quote: "Fart proudly!"
Oh, yeah, this deserves its own post sometime...
Someone starting a blog to see if they can socially engineer a bunch of successfully-herded cats?
I guess the Clintons have used that line often.
Interesting times indeed. There is also, 'no evidence' that Hillary didn't bite the head off of a bat last night before bathing in baby blood. There is 'no evidence' that Benjamin Franklin ever took a shit. There is 'no evidence' that Markos does not work for the CIA. Along that line, who the fuck 'trains' with the CIA for two years then quits? You train then go to work, what better way to keep track of your leftist enemies than to invite them in?
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Agree with UnBlinkingEye
If the choice is between Trump & Cintons ( please remember it is TWO of them trying to get back into the White House) will vote for Trump. Expect it's possible for Trump to win MA if Democrats select Clintons over Bernie Sanders. Remember MA did elect Scott Brown!!!!!
Two'fer: Trump breaks us the Republican party, AND, takes the Democratic Party out of the hands of the Criminal Clintons.
Read here many suggesting Green Party. Think it is more viable for a new third party to emerge. Green Party has been trying for years, and years to get traction. Think there is something ( don't know exactly what) missing from the organization to be a powerful an effective Third Party. Comparing what Jane and Bernie Sanders have been able to do in about a year, think it's more powerful for the Green Party to fold itself into what we create as a People's Progressive Party.
Voting Green is denying Hillary a vote
Better to vote for a candidate with a vision, like Bernie or Jill Stein, than a clueless narcissist.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Don't agree
Important to DESTROY the Republican party as it exists today.
Also, Trump can win, Green Party can't.
Takes away the power of the DLC/Third Way. MUST get the Democratic party out of the clutches of the criminal clintons.
Anyone watching the twitter world about Not Hillary. WOW! We certainly aren't alone.
Nope, we're sure not alone
and that is why you're hearing about her "courting Republican donors". That's Hillary, being pissed off and throwing a temper tantrum. "Fuck all those people who want me to quit. I'm not quitting. And for all of them who are Sanders supporters, well fuck you, I don't need your vote, I'll show you how little I do. The GOP has plenty of money..."
You can probably bet on that and win big, some variation of it happened. You know she's seen all the hate out there on these big old Internets, and she can't even be happy about it....
I am not so sure that She has seen the Hate
but Huma has. Remember, Hillary has not driven a car in two decades. They come with Start buttons now, Hillary.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I think Trump's nomination
has already broken the Republican Party as we know it -- either the reasonable Republicans (yes, Virginia, there are still some out there) will rise up and take back the Party from the batshit crazies and the Teapublicans, or a new party will rise from the ashes consisting of moderate Republicans and center-right Democrats. In other words, the party of the Clintons. That would leave the center-left and far-left Democrats the chance to take the party back and remake it to speak for the Left maybe a coalition with the Green Party.
Unlike many people on blogs like this one and TOP, I don't instinctively hate Republicans -- a strong and sane opposition is necessary to act as a check and balance to complacency and corruption. I think we're seeing a lot of complacency in the support of HRC over at TOP, instead of looking at where this country has fallen short and demanding changes, and Lawd knows we've seen our share of corruption in both parties. The problem is that the GOP isn't sane, and hasn't been since probably the late 1970s with the rise of the "Moral" "Majority" (both terms in quotes for obvious reasons), the Christian Coalition (which certainly doesn't speak for this Christian or her family), and all the various "family" organizations that have a very narrow view of family. I can remember Republicans like Pete McCloskey who spoke out against the Vietnam War (my mom hated his guts but dutifully voted for him because he had the requisite "R" after his name on the ballot) and Howard Baker who was an active participant in the investigations of Richard Nixon.
Techie Question
Isn't it possible for an accomplished hacker to get in and out of a system without leaving evidence they were there?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Absence of evidence
is not evidence of absence.
But there sure does seem to be evidence.
This was a deliberate and strategic leak
Read the words:
But then read this:
Now we know this is a lie, since it has been reported already the FBI expanded its investigation into possible corruption involving the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was SOS. Then read this from the Chicago Tribune story that was conveniently left out of the other news reports:
Whenever you see the words that government sources "spoke on condition of anonymity because not authorized, etc." that is a clear sign of spin by someone in the government, and not someone in the FBI, wants to tamp down any expectation that charges will be filed. It also tells me that the word from on high is that regardless of what the FBI recommends, the Obama DOJ will not be filing charges. This leak is consistent with what Obama said publicly about the email investigation. They have too much invested in Hillary to allow her to be indicted. And an indictment would also be publicly embarrassing to the administration since Obama and the White House communicated with Clinton at her email address on the private server.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Go Bernie !!

"ongoing probe" sounds nasty n/t
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's your vote
Use it how you wish. That's your right, don't let anyone take it from you.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Awww....bless your heart. - n/t
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First Nations News
#BernieOrGreen #NoTrump #NoHillary
At some point, I am going to post an essay on why Trump is playing the working class heros as suckers. Assuming someone doesn't beat me to it.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It's your vote and your right to vote that way...
To help the democratic party reach it's bottom in it's addiction to corporate money and corruption...
I get it...
I may not agree with you fully but I get it...
The change is coming and will not be stopped...
A Trump presidency will only piss off more voters and grow the cause...
It is probably coming regardless of what we do...
Very much similar to the 2000 election when corporate money and corruption was an issue...
The people feel stronger about this than the establishment realizes and their view is unchangeable when it is a valid option on the ballot, they will not hold their nose and vote...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I'm worried more about how many
innocent people will die at the hands of vigilante "justice" just because they're a darker shade of hue. We've got enough people dying because our political system is fucked up without adding to the death toll.
I'm for us.
Fortunately, I think both Bernie and Jill Stein are also for us. And our planet.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I'm for Bernie
I will wait to see what he suggests if he loses the Dem nomination. Regardless of his suggestion, I could never in good conscience vote for HRC or Trump.
That's my position. If I have to write in
Bernie, I'll do that, but I could not look myself in the mirror if I voted for Trump Or Hillary. So, I'm working like hell to get Bernie elected. Can't face anything else, at this point.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I don't think I could vote for Trump, even to bring down Hillary
I've decided to stop trying to game the system with my measly vote, and just vote for the candidate who I can most honestly support. Bernie obviously, and if he's not available, Jill Stein.
If either Trump or Hillary win, we're in for some horrible shit, and I'm not going to be even a teensy bit responsible for making that happen.
But I do understand where you're coming from. I've considered it, but then I hear him speak again, and I just CANNOT. DO. IT.
He and Hillary both represent everything I'm against. I think Hillary is worse, but only slightly worse and not enough to make me vote for Trump.
I didn't vote for Bush and the ensuing death and destruction and I want to keep my conscience clear.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I can't even tolerate Trump's existence
I'd like to know the actual rationale behind any progressive voting for Trump.
^^ This. ^^
Perhaps a complete repudiation of the DNC takeover?
While I won't vote for ANY candidate that doesn't allow me to do so and keep my conscience clean, I can understand the disgust that would lead others to do so as a "protest" vote.
Personally, I would suggest voting Green or 3rd party. If we are going to protest vote, it should be one that tells TPTB that we are REJECTING conservatism regardless of which party is pushing it.
Sometimes you do have to lose some battles strategically in order to win the war over the long term.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Exactly this, Alpha!
We know Stein won't win - but nothing else will show as clearly that a bunch of us are rejecting BOTH parties. Voting for Trump will only lead them to believe they need to be more like Trump - Ceiling Cat forbid!
A definite showing for Stein shows them very clearly we are rejecting their entire rigged system. That we are no longer willing to play by their rules.
If Clinton loses, or the win is narrower
that expected due to a big showing by Stein, that could be enough to get both the Democratic Party and the traditional media to take notice.
I wouldn't hold my breath
counting on that to happen. . . .
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible. -- Voltaire
Oh they will notice alright
I think using your vote as some sort of alternative message probably won't work. As one who voted for Nader, I am personally responsible for getting W elected according to Democrats. They still haven't gotten over the fact that their candidate sucked and couldn't beat a dreadful GOP candidate. Gore lost the votes of registered Democrats, to say nothing of Indies like myself. So, they have to blame Nader voters. Democrats are rarely up for a dose of serious introspection. They can't imagine someone choosing a non R or D in a national election. Anyone who does so is delusional.
I hope our society has people that are free to vote their conscience. We have a responsibility to take great care in selecting people that influence the direction of our country. This becomes increasingly difficult as we have open bribery, a derelict press and an increasingly violent right wing.
I'm for Bernie as well. If he's not the nominee
I'll either vote for Stein if she's on our ballot, or write Bernie in. I have also thought that Trump should ask Bernie to be his running mate. Then we can impeach Trump and have Bernie as president. Trump being president would accomplish the destruction of both parties and the Clinton's as well. #BernieOrBust Under no circumstances will I vote HRC. Here is a good article about Stein and the Green Party: CounterPunch--Jill Stein
Emphasis added.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I'm for Bernie as Well
We can impeach Trump? Assuming Trump is prez, it would take a "willing" House of Reps to impeach (try) him and they'd have to have a reason better than "he's batshit crazy" according to the Constitution. Treason, bribery (Clinton's specialty), and high crimes and misdemeanors.
Maybe it's time we start looking into
how we get Stein/Green Party on the ballot in all 50 states (plus Guam, Puerto Rico and other locations). I'm fairly sure that she'll be on the California ballot come November, but folks in other states might want to check for themselves.
You're still being playing the Lesser Evil Game which is rigged
in favor of the Ruling Class. It's a game that makes fools of the working class.
I will stick with Bernie and if he doesn't get the nomination, then I will support Jill Stein.
From now until the day I leave this earth, I will only vote for candidates that I actually support.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Not voting for Trump, no matter what.
I'll be selective down ballot, but I won't hold my nose for anybody, Trump or Clinton.
#NeverHillary #NeverTrump
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
It's only Bernie for me.
I'm fortunate I live in a state where I can write in Bernie if necessary. I'm done playing games. From now on I only vote my conscience.
Enjoy every sandwich. (ripwz)
Anyone But Hillary
I am not quite sure how or who I will vote for in the General Election. I do know that I can not vote for Hillary- she has lied, stolen, cheated, manipulated, conned, and done many other bad things in your immoral professional, personal, and political career- she is just not a nice person. Moreover, Trump is the last option- he is a jerk but at least he admits and owns it. My guess is that I lean to voting for Green or the Libertarian candidate (Gary Johnson-?) if he is polling well. Thought about not voting for this office or writing in Bernie, but worried my ballot will not get counted, spoiled or counted for Hillary (blank must mean her). I know you think this can not happen but just playing it safe. I will vote just not for Hillary.
By the way, I swear to you and everyone else this is my stance, belief and promise. I have seen so many bad things come from poor candidates and officeholders, it is time to stop the crazy train and try something else.
voting for trump
is the most dangerous thing I can think of.
He is clearly a Hitler like figure who will remain CEO as long as he lives and he will be a CEO, not a President.
I am stunned that anyone here would dream of voting for Trump.
Review the history of the Weimar Republic. We are repeating it. Even Bernie's candidacy is a repeat of it. He is the communist stand in in this scenario and his supporters will be targeted similarly by Trump.
In any case, the earth cannot wait another four years. I'm afraid my siggy says it all.
May the dolphins, whales and furry things inherit the world. Humans, unless we do an about face, have just about proven we don't deserve this beautiful planet.
Interesting point and feedback
but I disagree. Please note Hitler had a structured party behind him and was its leader for about a decade or so- insider/establishment. They had a armed force of the party as well- brown-shirts Moreover, he was a charisma speaker. None of these characteristics fit Trump- he is a clown and show man. All fluff and no stuff. I am not discounting him, but the balance of the political structure (branches) of our country is built to counteract a dictator.
By the way, there was no central Communist leader in Germany during this same timeframe (I love history and had to look this one up);
That is why I am not afraid of Trump or a decision to vote for him. I am more afraid of Hillary-if you want to use scary historical figures then she is like Stalin. Silent, steady, deadly, and crushes all opposition.
Remember, if we are using historical reference; "The only thing we have to Fear is Fear itself" FDR
However, I can agree the earth can not wait that is why we need to act now. If you want a scary scenario- instead of 4 years of Hillary what about 8 years!!!
I can't vote for Trump
While he'd be all talk and zero action, his election would encourage the most vile of his supporters to engage in vigilante behavior against Latinos and Muslims -- witness the case of leaflets distributed in a Sacramento neighborhood.
I'll either leave the Presidential line blank or vote for Jill Stein; the Greens actually have a platform that matches my priorities better than do the Democrats. Maybe this is the election where both the Democrats and Republicans start to go the way of the Whigs.
If you vote for Trump... are voting for a a racist, bigoted, stupid, egomaniacal, xenophobic, authoritarian with absolutely zero qualifications for the job, and you should go to hell. That's how I feel about it.
Hillary is somewhere between Obama and Bush. Trump is somewhere between Mussolini and Lancelot Link.
Omigod evil Trump!
From the keyboard of R.L. Stephens II:
And then later:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
True. Project the evil of our time all on Trump, demonize Trump;
where does that lead? Straight back to TOP, the veal pen, and Lesser-of-Two-Evils Hill, that’s where.
We got Guantanamo, a war of aggression, total surveillance, loss of habeas corpus, loss of the 4th and 5th Amendments, torturers getting off scot-free, corporate criminals getting a mere slap on the wrist, persecution of whistleblowers, alliances with Saudi head-choppers, “collateral murder,” drone wars, regime changes, intimations of a new Cold War with China and Russia — in short, plenty of the elements of fascism, all without Trump having anything to do with any of it.
The money quote from your excellent post:
"All of that brutality and depravity is not Donald Trump. That's us. Taking particular offense at Donald Trump, as if he's some sort of hateful outlier, will not absolve us."
While I personally don't think I will vote Trump, I think Green is an option for me, I do think much of his most racist rhetoric is what gets his supporters going and he uses it in the most cynical way possible - for ratings, for attention, he would not have gotten this far without it with a Repugnant base that has been nurtured to use it repeatedly and to their own detriment. And even many of them are starting to see their own decline at the hands of both parties, but they don't yet know who is really to blame and racism is easy for them, they've been trained at it so very well.
He is a sick and fascinating phenomena really, the culmination of trickle down and Southern Strategy all in one, but in a cheap sort of way really, like a TV personality or piece of cheap knock off haute couture. And that TV personality thing is us too - just look at our marketing of elections - "I'm With Her," and "Hope and Change" or better yet, "It's the Economy, Stupid" on and on the slogans go, like new TV shows packaged up and ready to be consumed. And now it's the battle of The Blowhard and The Warmonger, watch them go toe to toe in that next debate, coming soon to a theater near you!!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Isn't it ironic how Democrats criticize
Republicans for running a campaign based on fear. Then, with HRC we get a campaign based on fear of Trump ? This is why they are the party of nothing and what Bernie was trying to inject - Real issues that continually go unaddressed rather than appeals to emotion.
Why not build a third party --
if Sanders doesn't run?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Understand why you support your candidate
To me, it is about doing the right thing (see Gandi's quote below). Hillary is not the right thing- in my opinion. My next step is to consider and think about what is the right thing for me. Please note the last line of this great quote.
“It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”
― Mahatma Gandhi