TTIP headed toward defeat
It's been touch and go, but it appears that France may save all of us from a very bad trade treaty.
François Hollande said on Tuesday he would reject the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership “at this stage” because France was opposed to unregulated free trade.
Earlier, France’s lead trade negotiator had warned that a halt in TTIP talks “is the most probable option”. Matthias Fekl, the minister responsible for representing France in TTIP talks, blamed Washington for the impasse. He said Europe had offered a lot but had received little in return. He added: “There cannot be an agreement without France and much less against France.”
All 28 EU member states and the European parliament will have to ratify TTIP before it comes into force.
To be fair, the President of France was somewhat forced into this position. You see, the real hero is an anonymous whistleblower who leaks TTIP documents to Greenpeace because of the horrific effects it would have on the environment.
Specifically, TTIP, that President Obama has pushed so hard for, would gut the recent Paris Climate Change Accord that was so recently touted as Obama's greatest achievement.
Jorgo Riss, director of Greenpeace EU, said: “These leaked documents confirm what we have been saying for a long time: TTIP would put corporations at the centre of policy-making, to the detriment of environment and public health. We have known that the EU position was bad, now we see the US position is even worse. A compromise between the two would be unacceptable.”Long standing environmental protection is dropped
The “General Exceptions” rule, enshrined in the GATT agreement of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), is absent from the text. This nearly 70-year-old rule allows nations to restrict trade “to protect human, animal and plant life or health", or for "the conservation of exhaustible natural resources" [2].
No place for climate protection in TTIP
If the goals of the Paris Summit to keep temperatures increase under 1.5 degrees are to be met, trade should not be excluded from CO2 emissions reduction specifications. But nothing about climate protection can be found in the obtained texts.
It would do more than that. It would override parliamentary efforts to block GMO foods into Europe, and open the door to privatizing public health care in Europe.
In other words, TTIP is a huge corporate giveaway. So it's no surprise to learn that TTIP opponents were essentially locked out of the negotiations.
I know what some of you are thinking. "Obama wouldn't do this to us. I still trust him. So TTIP must be good for jobs and the economy."
Except that every study on the subject says that TTIP would be bad for jobs and the economy.
Three independent economic studies have been done, two of Obama’s TTIP treaty with Europe, and one of his TPP treaty with Asia, and all three independent economic analyses find that the publics in each participating country will suffer, and that the owners of international corporations (especially in the U.S.) will benefit, if the proposed ‘trade’ deal goes into effect.
Why haven't you heard about these studies? Because various governments don't want you to know about them.
The latest such study to become available to the public was released due to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit in the UK, which forced the British Government to release that independently produced study. It was actually the first of the three to have been done, dated three years back, in April 2013. It was titled, COSTS AND BENEFITS OF AN EU-USA INVESTMENT PROTECTION TREATY. Its bottom line was: “we conclude that an EU-US investment treaty that does contain ISDS [Investor State Dispute Resolution, ending national sovereignty] is likely to have few or no benefits to the UK, while having meaningful economic and political costs. Removing ISDS from the treaty would be unlikely to have an appreciable impact on the (already negligible) benefits of a treaty with ISDS, while largely removing the costs of the treaty to the UK. While we have not conducted a full cost-benefit assessment of an EU-US investment treaty [that] does not contain ISDS, such a treaty would likely be a less costly policy option from the perspective of the UK.” This study explained, better than any other, that the template for all of Obama’s ‘trade’ deals is demanded rather insistently by Obama and is unlikely to be able to be changed much by anything that America’s negotiating partners might attempt to do to modify them — and that this template strongly favors U.S.-based international corporations over international corporations that are based in other countries.
That's just for the UK. This next study looks at the entire EU.
titled: The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: European Disintegration, Unemployment and Instability. It found that, “any gains in Trans-Atlantic trade would happen at the expense of intra-EU trade reversing the process of European economic integration. … We project that TTIP will lead to a contraction of GDP, personal incomes and employment. We also project an increase in financial instability and a continuing downward trend in the labor share of GDP.” In other words: investors in international corporations would be gaining at the expense of employees (workers, their wages) in the signatory countries.
Of course TTIP is only one of the three huge treaties that Obama is trying to push through. TTP, the one with Asia is the one he's having more success with.
one independent economic study was done of the proposed TPP treaty with Asia, and it was dated 16 April 2015. Its title was THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP IS UNLIKELY TO BE A GOOD DEAL FOR AMERICAN WORKERS. This study concluded that the earlier, industry-sponsored, studies of TPP had been based on clearly bogus assumptions, which possessed no empirical foundation. It further concluded: “As regards wages and inequality, if the TPP leads to a reshuffling of domestic production toward exportable sectors that are capital-intensive and away from importable sectors that are labor-intensive, then it will exacerbate inequality. If it does not lead to such a reshuffling, then wage effects will be modest, but this begs the question of why would we bother to sign a trade agreement that did not lead to such a reshuffling of production? That is, after all, the entire point of trying to expand trade opportunities, and is the source of estimated net national gains from trade. Assurances that the TPP will be all gain, no pain are deeply disingenuous.”
TISA is the third trade agreement, and you can read part of it here.
France helped us in our Revolutionary War and seems to
be helping us again, along with themselves and the planet, by stopping TTIP.
How's that legacy thingie working out for you Mr President. I mean with the gutting of environmental protections at this time of crises and all?
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
France tried to help us in 2003 as well
Remember Freedom Fries?
But sometimes you just can't help a person when they are determined to do wrong.
Most of Obama's policy failures are because
of limitations he placed on himself, not something outside forces did to him.
I see it very differently
Most of Obama's policies end up hurting the 99% because Obama is an evil fucking bastard.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
The French are pulling our dicks outta the mud on this one.
Vive la France!
Vive la France!
It's a surprise that Hollande is sticking with this.
Good for him; good for France; good for the planet (the TTIP would have over-run individual country environmental protections in place especially if they were in conflict with a corporate interest); good for US.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Sign their petition?
Unite in Solidarity with France #nuitdebout and the rest of the World #GlobalDebout on the 15th of May 2016.
Take to the streets of your nearest major city in a mass peaceful Protest to show our Power and willingness to stand up to the Multinational Corporate Elites and Bankers who have been manipulating Global markets, Governments, Media, the Military Industrial Complex, and OUR LIVES.
I am asking that Every Person who can hear this message, and understands the urgency, to Rise Up!
Use all available resources, and lets have the First ever Global Mass Protest. Lets give the Corporate owned Media something of relevance to report. The World coming together as ONE to bring to an end and era of great shame, and dishonor.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
This is the protest in France.
Helloooo anybody in the USA home?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I often feel I was born in the wrong place.
This is one of those times.
ETA: of course, in France they don't send in the riot police when people peacefully protest, so that might be part of it...
How did this country go so far off the rails???
We went off the rails back in
We went off the rails back in 1980 to be sure, possibly before that.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Yeah... that's when but not why
I understand who started it and continued it, and maybe even kind of why they did it, but I don't get why we as the public have let things get so bad.
Cable News propaganda is the closest I can come to understanding how we put up with this happening. Propaganda works.
Yeah, the propaganda machine
Yeah, the propaganda machine in collusion with the dumbing down of our schools, and such factors were huge in helping things get so bad.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Aak! We just kept on voting for the "lesser" evil.
But Scary Republicans!
And Reasons!
I suspect he is stalling the
I suspect he is stalling the keep the UK from Brexiting. When the Brexit vote is over, and won, he'll claim to have renegotiated it with better regulations, censor these reports better, so greenpeace won't be able to sue for access, then push an almost identical treaty through really quickly before the censorship can be challenged, including the parts that harm public health, & the environment. That is how Obama rammed tpp though Congress. Smart UK voters will realize that they only see serious reform in the PEEU when it thinks people will leave if they don't.
Fixed It!
" That is how Obama rammed the Fast Track Authorizationfor tpp though Congress."
TPP itself has not even been introduced. Both parties know that the contents are politically toxic, and a vote for passage would cause a great many incumbents in otherwise safe seats to have to look for lobbyist positions when they got defeated in November. Fast Track Authority means that TPP gets a yes/no vote during the Lame Duck session after the election is over.
Then all of the Congress can satisfy their corporate owners with passage and go on holiday break to rest up from the exertion. They will need their strength to cheer President Hillary Drumpf as s/he signs America's Death Warrant.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Wow! This is 2nd on the Rec list at TOP
I didn't think it was possible for a serious topic to make the rec list there anymore.
There isn't a big enough font to shout
AND I hope that REALLY does do in the TTIP.
Obama is just going to have to find some OTHER fucking "legacy" for his time in office.
and in doing so, paved the way for a REALLY progressive black man or woman in the near future.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%