Trump as Republican nominee may just be a blessing in disguise . . .
This is short, but I don't see any reason to layer this analysis with anything more than this:
If presumptive republican nominee Trump (after his win tonight and Cruz dropping out) goes after the democratic anointed nominee (Clinton) tomorrow, the Democratic establishment may end up on that road as yet not traveled: the nomination of an insurgent candidate: Bernie Sanders.
If Trump exposes Clinton as a weak challenger against him, that will change the dynamic of the remaining Dem primaries and that contested convention may well lead Sanders right into the White House. Remember, the last Dem primary is in June and the convention isn't until mid July... and who knows what else can happen between now and then.
Unlike Obama, Sanders truly is a smart chess player, staking out his position about CONTESTED CONVENTION well before tonight and before Clinton and her minions could start whining about Sanders taking advantage of the big bad Donald and his nasty tone towards Hillary. Sanders not only has game, but he has great strategy . . . all things which recommend him for the job opening at 1600 Pennsy Ave.
maybe the universe is trying to give planet Earth a break...

Bernie wins Indiana
with 85% reporting Indiana has been called for Bernie! 53.1 to 46.9 The Revolution continues to move forward.
yes, I know and thank the gods!
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Bernie is still standing. Hillary is still "winning", but she did nothing to dislodge the thorn from her side that is the Sanders candidacy. And he's already set to start serious campaigning out west again, with a leg up, as noted upthread (what with him setting up the "contested convention" before Trump took off the kid gloves). You have a sense that he's got a handle on things
Meanwhile, on the right, you can just hear stomachs heaving all over Washington. But that's just the Old Guard, still trying to figure out what to do to Donald Trump, to make him go away. Oy. I never watch the telly pundits anymore, and mr. luna couldn't stand it, he had to turn it on. It was absurd.
The whole thing is just absurd. But yes, indeed--one Establishment down, one to go. Onward!
Can we PUHLEEZE stop pretending that the faux outrage
over TRUMP is real? He has gotten MASSIVE air time. His entire speeches have been featured on air during so called news shows. I am sad to see the folks on presumably more informed websites airing this garbage: he has been their candidate all along: REAGAN II: e.g. a paid faux leader who is more celebrity for selling policy than a policy maker: he is their savior and if we pretend for an instant that this is not the plan all along you are feeding a calculated narrative: assume that he has the full backing of every corporate sell out greedy fascist manipulator known to the party: even CRUZ and Christie fell in line: the nomination is and always WAS over: Trump was always the plan and the faux outrage is exactly that: manufactured to dupe voters. And I am sick of that theme being put forth here: it only helps a false narrative. From Go Trump has been massively backed with clear sailing in the MSM: believe me when I say this isn't at all unintentional: he is the ultimate establishment candidate to head off a populist uprising.
Did you listen to Romney's speech, excoriating Trump
several months ago?
Romney, the titular head of the Republican Party, called Trump everything but a @#@#J#.
IMO, what we're going to witness in the months to come, will be an all-out, 24/7 cheering squad for FSC on Cable News. As a matter of a fact, it's already started.
It's the MSM that Bernie's supporters need to counter. Listening to them, I feel the need to put on my hip waders.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I still firmly think Hillary is the MSM’s choice. But YMMV. n/t
I totally agree that Hillary is the chosen one.
#1 goal only because it is there is to elect Bernie. Goal 1A is kill the neoliberal wing running our party. If I have to use Trump as a hammer to do it, I'm ready. The GOP will shoot itself. In fact, it was on life support in 2008 when that other neoliberal Obama resusitated them. If you're going to give away the store, you got have a robbery for cover.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hence my use of the word "absurd"
but "perception" is everything, and rightly or wrongly, Trump is considered to be "anti-establishment" compared to the others on the Right.
That doesn't mean he's anti-Establishment, it means he's perceived that way by his supporters. From start to finish, it's completely contrived--and I still think this shit got cooked up with the Clintons, to have him run at all. To make her look "respectable" and all the other crap they think they can get away with daily.
Meanwhile, there's only really ONE anti-establishment candidate, and he's still standing. Gotta love that
it does make one feel just a tad giddy, hey luna?
so let's enjoy the moment and hope that Trump plays to form with Hillary...
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Sanders emphasis on contested convention
during his May 1st press conference was no accident . . . I believe he assessed the Indiana results and Cruz dropping out and got out AHEAD of it, rather than talk about contested convention after Cruz drops and Trump assumes nom status.
this, in effect, puts Hillary in a vice.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I love Bernie's Contested Convention speech...!!!
I've listened to it several times now, and like it better and better each time.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I don't like chess - too complicated -
can't you play bridge for a change? Or Monopoly? Send some people directly to prison? Build some great houses and hotels? Pay penalties. At least dummy mommies and funny grannies can play that with their grandkids and win the game. Not only those poker faced ten dimensional chess super smarties.
Gimme a break. Sorry, I am of course not meaning to say something silly, but it's hard to say something smart.
i used to play chess a lot when i was younger
it's intuitive and it's basically strategy. now bridge? that's another strategy game and it's a good one because you need to be working with someone else, reading signals. so i'll take it!
it'll be okay mimi.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Love both
Chess is foresight to Bridge's intuition and both are tonnes of fun!
Another secret to winning as
Another secret to winning as an underdog:
Growing up I used to play a minor competitive sport with my buddies, and one of them actually went on to be one of the world's top ranked money winners. He was slightly younger than most of us so he spent a lot of this formative time as the underdog/spoiler to more seasoned and older players. One thing he said then (as he was first becoming a break-out star) that always stuck with me that seems apropos here, is that at the higher levels of competition no one ever really overpowers anyone, the biggest goal is to just stay in it and keep close until your opponent makes a mistake down the stretch. He said at this level it's more about which player is the first to lose it at the end, so don't lose focus or get flustered if you can't put someone away. Just don't let them put you away and wait for them to blow it trying.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I think that's a big chunk of
I think that's a big chunk of good strategy...
Trump may hold his fire though until later
I imagine he will talk up Bernie instead of knocking down HRC (in order to gain a little favor with indys), at least for the near future. But, we'll see. One can hope!
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
i'm not sure he'll hold it although
i'm sure his advisors will try to contain him. certainly it is too early to unload, but i don't think he can stop himself. must say though i was a bit worried hearing him speak tonight... he's starting to sound like a normal human and his speech was tinged with humility... we don't want him sounding reasonable or god forbid starting to say reasonable things. then i worry that he could actually win.
let me hold that thought somewhere deep and dark . . .
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I know...
But sadly, I've come to the conclusion that if they force Hillary on us, she must lose, which means Trump must win.
What a horrible choice... but still, she's worse. She's dangerous in a much more calculated way.
I might really look forward to Trump versus Bernie debates.
Would there be fireworks? Would there also be unexpected moments of kumbaya triggering exploding heads among bankers and in the double-headed perpetual-war party?
Trump vs Sanders would be great!!!
The silver lining, if Hillary is the nominee, will be the debates with Donald. I've never looked forward to the debates this much!
That is a really interesting
and very logical dynamic that I hadn't even considered.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Excellent Night
Bernie wins and Donald is the Republican nominee. One establishment party down, one to go.
Any more pivot by H at this point
and she'll either have to crib Trump's slogans, or more of Bernie's issues that she hasn't already tried to co-opt
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
And like clockwork
Shillary is groveling to the coal states to please disregard she ever said anything bad about coal because now she doesn't mean it at all. That. Woman. Has. No. Position. On. Anything!!!!!
Ah but she misspoke you know
which is of course completely different to lied through her teeth yet again.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
That happened a lot during the Reagan years
I remember so vividly how Reagan and members of his administration claimed to misspeak. It usually came out in the form of "What I meant to say was....." Hillary is so full of s*!t! Once again, as I was during the Bush years, I am so embarrassed to be an American...this is the best we can do? Ugh....
Well Reagan could claim Alzheimer's
and he made it completely believable.
Bernie came in to my beloved West "by God" Virginia last week. Filled an arena. The crowd went wild. He hit every note. Then he said (paraphrased)-- I know it's not gonna be popular to say this in West Virginia, but climate change is real and coal has to be on the way out. What we owe the coal miners who will be displaced is a real job in return.
Does anyone believe that Hillary, Miss Calculation herself, would come into a state like West Virginia and tell a crowd something like that? Or go to the lion's den of Liberty University and tell those students what they didn't think they wanted to hear...and make them applaud?
The difference between Bernie and Hillary is stunning. For the life of me, I will never understand why (otherwise reasonable) Hillary supporters cannot and will not open their eyes to this. Bernie has conviction. Hillary wants to be president.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
And by the way...
Bernie will win West Virginia. Big.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
For the life of me, I will
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
This is the most deeply moving post
of the election to me. Thank you. Admiration to your state: a beautiful region and hardworking, long suffering folks!
I visited West Virginia in the early ’00s
Went to a ramps festival.
And don't forget the
staged photo-ops making her look "sympathetic" to the plight of the displaced worker. Barf-o-rama. Even if it wasn't a staged op, it still sounds hollow, coming from her.
I think it could go both ways
I think it could go both ways. If Trump starts attacking Hillary, it could rally primary voters to her defense. I'm sure he'd rather run against Hillary, but it's too hard to predict how his machinations might affect the outcome for the Dems. I think it would be best for Trump to lay low until the Democratic primary is over and let Bernie weaken Hillary. If past is prologue, however, Trump isn't inclined to lay low.
Trump did say he would rather run against Hillary
This is from memory so forgive me if I get the intent wrong.
Donald Trump: I'd love to run against crooked Hillary. That would be fun. Sanders, not so much.
I know I got the "crooked Hillary" part verbatim. I don't remember if he said it would be "fun" or "easy".
The people, united, will never be defeated.
IIRC, Trump thinks it will be both fun and easy--he has said
this repeatedly, pointing to his and Bernie's much larger rallies.
From what I'm hearing, he's planning to go after FSC on NAFTA (free trade), immigration, and possibly even taxes.
I don't think that he'll bother with the ''Crooked Hillary" meme (big time, that is) until he's sure that she has the nomination. Reporters also say that he intends to go after her Wall Street connections (speeches, etc.), just like Bernie has.
I'm glad, and not too surprised, that Bernie won Indiana. I attended a private college there (Terra Haute), and figured that Bernie would have significant appeal to folks in some parts of the state.
I have a sinking feeling that we'll hear back from the email-gate investigations BEFORE the convention. (so that it doesn't hurt FSC)
Time will tell.
Hey, have a nice evening!
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Trump is attacking Hillary now
And appealing to Bernie voters. The establishment is out, the people are in, wake up Democrats it's a new day. The Clintons are disgraceful, put them behind us. Please.
And vote for Trump?
No fucking way!
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
it has a great deal to do with how Hillary handles it all
if she can slay them both, well then it's over. but I'm not betting she's cool enough to outsmart Sanders and defuse Trump. two very different styles of adversary and both unpredictable.
like i said, she's caught in a vice
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
has already lost: she will not secure the nomination prior to the convention and must do equally well if not better than Bernie from here on in: and she has had EVERY possible advantage from wealth, media, name recognition, years and years and years of incestuous party connections and Bill's power and security briefings: She has lead a wooden, uninspired, callous, entitled, and boring campaign. Her lickspittle has crashed the party deliberately. It wouldn't suprise me to think that they are playing to lose, to insure a Trump victory, and to finish the job of gutting our economy, and forcing massive numbers of people into debt, stripping out further wealth: and frankly, with the absolute shit media we have, their plan to address climate change is looking like enacting massive genocide.
Even the vote rigging and voter disenfranchisement in her favor
can't help her. And Joe Biden needs to back off, its not his time either, and won't help his Legacy one bit.
If anyone thinks that Joe Biden can save the day
they are delusional, full stop.
Fucking ridiculous that it keeps getting floated.
Well, the DNC thinks it because they don't GET it
But if they try to put Biden in place, I expect a huge outcry from us peons. That will not fly.
Granted, I'd much rather be stuck with Biden than Hillary. So maybe they do have a point. Biden isn't much better, but he's not quite the horrible person that she is.
Obviously, they're still clueless!
And if I had to choose, I'd rather be stuck with Biden than Clinton, too. But he's not going to beat Donald Trump anymore than she is...
Being attacked is her main claim to fame
it tends to make her more popular, witness her favorability polls with a benghazi hearings timeline...
Ultimately the question between Trump and Hillary will be, do we want a cranky, egomaniacal billionaire sociopath openly buying an election, or do we want a dozen of them?
the Benghazi hearings
were good for her because the rethugs were just so much more unlikeable . . . and they came across as petty. it never sounded credible, so it helped Hill in the end.
not sure how she will hold up against the donald... i'm thinking she could go all nixon and shit!
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Good point
The Benghazi hearing, like Bill's impeachment, was a complete clown show, with people whose names are so phony sounding they have to be real...
Trump is no amateur, he knows his
pro-wrestlingcampaigning.ah... you also heard that NPR piece
4 Ways Donald Trump's Pro Wrestling Experience is Like His Campaign Today
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I didn't hear it...
I was thinking of Taibbi's great piece about Trump.
I hoped someone else observe the whole name thing? Tripp, Lott, Trey fuckin' Gowdy...
Trump does not necessarily have to attack
Hillary, IMO. What he should do now is outflank her on the left on positions on Social Security, trade, and wars. That would be a stroke of genius for a Republican to do that.
I would love to see Bernie debate Trump. One of the cool things we have seen throughout this campaign is just how quick Bernie is on his feet.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Trump can't hold his fire
Yes, Trump will start his attacks. He thinks he can weaken HRC and strengthen Bernie, but never have to face him. I think if Trumps consistently beats HRC in polls for a month or two, the super delegates can be turned.
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
That would be a bad thing
Women will never vote for Bernie if the superdelegates take it away from her after she won a majority of real delegates.
How would you feel if the situation was reversed and Bernie won a majority and the superdelegates took it away?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Wait, what? n/t
HuffPo on add'l benefits for Bernie via Cruz's exit
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I agree w everything but #1
The MSM is going to continue to ignore Bernie. They are craven and in it for Moolah, which is why Herr Drumpf has already won. He puts on a show, the MSM broadcasts every one of his farts and now he's the nominee. Money talks.
Bernie represents a threat to them and they won't cover him unless forced.
Don't believe everything you think.
It's been fun lately, seeing them pretend they aren't threatened
by Sanders. They're all shakin' in their Gucci loafers.
Ha ha! That’s the way German newscasters looked too
That was back in the early 1980s, when in West German state elections the vote for the Greens started beating the 5% cutoff in one election after another. Mainstream media acted like the Greens were bomb-throwing anarchists, or the parliamentary arm of the R.A.F., or secret agents of Moscow or something. Not even trying to keep up the slightest pretense of being objective.
They’d had this decades-old, cozy (and scandal-ridden) game going: two major camps, conservatives vs. social democrats, with a tiny elitist, pro-laissez-faire-capitalism single-digit-percentage party wielding the balance of power between them. Consensus reality was very strictly defined, and while every newspaper tended to favor one party or another, there was practically a code of standard Cold War assumptions that were not subject to question.
That’s why a bunch of “freaks” from German environmental groups, the undogmatic Left, the alternative scene, the counterculture, whatever you want to call ’em, all got together and decided they needed to start their own national daily newspaper.
A lot of loyal party activists who have worked hard to elect Democrats are revolted by the party decisions of 33 states to money launder for corporate Clinton. Heads will roll, and some are saying that if the Democratic party is unwilling to stand for anything but "body parts like me" which is the crudest and least informed approach to feminism, then maybe a bout of fascism will wake up these assholes to what is really going on.
Yeah, we liberals wanted our President Obama to be someone special. Sadly, with fracking, ttp and ttip he managed to ruin an otherwise fine legacy. At least Trump is not on board with those things, but is carefully for erosions to eminent domain protections for citizens. Christie will be the AG: he's already demostrated that he will suck it for fossil fuels. IF HRC continues in this, she will crash the planet: she is a Republic through and through; A vagina friendly supreme nomination that will vote for fossil fuel entitlements and freebies and lack of accountability across the board.
The planet is nearly done anyway: the MSM ignores this in the same way they ignore BERNIE. Their plan is genocide, and if you look at fracking, at poisoning of water supplies across broad areas of the U.S. it won't matter much anyway: Clinton and Trump acheive the same thing: massive siphon off of U.S. wealth to oligarchy, a more militaristic culture aimed more and more at our own citizens, an a complete erosion of public health, safety, or benefit: and increasingly harsh sentences for peaceful protest.
Bernie is it. Otherwise there really is NO future for our children, except suffering, misery and debt servitude: count the state bankruptcies: they are growing. Then they move in, siphon off resources, take water, the new commodity, and strip out all benefits like education, or health care, or food.
Yours is the most realistic
summary of the situation I have read here in a while.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
i agree with everything except when you say Obama's "otherwise find legacy" . . . he is a disaster. i was wary after 2007 about Dems, but when Obama had Rick Warren do the invocation at his inaug, well I knew right then and there we were in trouble.
we are truly at the brink and the only person with a bully pulpit sounding the planetary alarm is Bernie. and yet, it's not enough ... but what I do see is Sanders evolving, not being the same guy who started this campaign a year ago. he might actually be wise enough and smart enough to lead us all to action. in our homes, how we get to work, how we spend money, seeing how less is so much more.
each one of us could make a tremendous impact with real changes in our routines and habits. and sanders has the potential to bring us there; he will call on us to act. and really, i think we've all been waiting simply to be asked to join in this fight to save the world.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
The thought came to me last night following the Indiana returns
(way past my bedtime):
Whatever happens with the nomination, it’s actually not about who Bernie is — it’s about who each of his many supporters and helpers will have become, having grown and been changed by the tremendous month-long experience of uplift, joy, unselfishness, openness, and community.
Millions of people who have undergone deep inner transformation — yes, they can change the world. They will change the world.
Each of us will respond to “the call” in our own good time and at our own pace. But respond we will. And so “they” will become “us.”
We will change the world . . .
* * *
The other thing is that — as you of course know (smooch); I’ll just expound a bit for anyone else reading these threads — in the Netherlands today May 4th is Nationale Dodenherdenking (along the lines of U.S. Memorial Day), commemorating all Dutch war dead since the start of World War II. This includes the Dutch who have fallen while serving as U.N. peacekeepers.
There are two minutes of silence at 8 p.m., observed by everyone across the whole nation. Everybody stops what they are doing. Radio and TV fall silent. Traffic and public transport come to a halt.
After that, people attending ceremonies sing the Dutch national anthem (the Wilhelmus) together.
Tomorrow May 5th is Liberation Day, commemorating the return of Dutch sovereignty and the end of occupation.
i think this could possibly be the sub text for this site
"Whatever happens with the nomination, it’s actually not about who Bernie is — it’s about who each of his many supporters and helpers will have become, having grown and been changed by the tremendous month-long experience of uplift, joy, unselfishness, openness, and community.
Millions of people who have undergone deep inner transformation — yes, they can change the world. They will change the world."
Bernie adds the component of "conductor" to lead this burgeoning orchestra, this chorus of activists, groups, ordinary people.
re 5 May . . . it is amazing how everything comes to a silent standstill ... even traffic stops. certainly, if we can convene in such a manner even for a few moments, it must be possible in other ways.
smooches back. can't believe you were here and I was not. still haven't been in the same thread at same time! but we have to have lunch when I'm back and we can live blog it as the first C99P meetup!
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Since Hillary remains inevitable because math
She and her team should immediately pivot to going after Trump with a full-bore campaign of outrage over the mean things he has said. No holds barred! The time is now! They should definitely put the remaining, purely ceremonial primaries and convention completely out of their minds and budgets, and start building a world class team of sympathetic and diverse victims of Trump's bigotry. Lease a fleet of whaambulances emblazoned with the Rightward Arrow H logo, you know, go big, disqualify him quick, promenade to the
coronationinauguration. Just like she did with that old pinko.that's a great comment
sharp. i really like it.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Just trying to help
Today, there will be an uptick in the US economy
only because the Hillary forces will now need to pour $million$ into ads everywhere in a pivot to the GE like she has barely been able to imagine. And to spread dough to the shadow entities that run the place below the billionaire class. A few months early.
Wonder what her face is set like now? Steely determination? Stealy determination? Pretend to laugh it off?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"the RIGHTWARD Arrow Hellery logo"
You have a great Third Eye my friend. Pointing 'Right' is so prophetic. That is exactly what Hellery is -- a Hard Right surge.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
If Trump is satanic rather than just narcissistic
then he would talk up Bernie for both personal and long range party reasons. Him talking up Bernie would be divisive for the Democrats by making Bernie look bad by implication. It's a neon sign obvious trick, but we all know how Hillary supporters are paranoid insecure and malicious defensive.
Trump only has a slim path to victory - run against Hillary and have Hillary commit suicide alienating both the progressive left and the good government independents. - and that just happens to be Hillary's overwhelming compulsion. And long range because even if he loses the Hillary forces will purge progressives when they need to build and unify their party, leading to a fascist win in 2020.
On to Biden since 1973
nah. i don't think so.
bad by association only works with the % registered Dems still tied to being a Dem.
well. at least i hope you've mis read the situation.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Bernie has a petition
going around to demand that Hillary give those victory fund millions to the states like they were supposed to be.
I realize his petition won't move Clinton, but it will put that issue out there.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
This issue could be bigger than people think
It is one thing for the Clinton PACs to be soliciting for themselves while claiming donations will go to the state parties, and it is another thing for the leaders of these state parties to have everyone know it. Early on, the claim was that the superdelegates were 'encouraged' to go for Hillary by the money coming in. Now they are either suckers or witting accomplices in a potentially illegal end-run around campaign finance limits. With Hillary as candidate, that problem stays around. In a contested convention, I suspect this issue will be a lot more important to the key players than the general public, and may well motivate some soul-searching.
I mentioned yesterday,
an intervention was necessary and the universe was called upon to respond.
I mentioned yesterday, the primary is not over.
Quit talking about alternative POTUS voting.
We are still in this.
Go Bernie.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
It's over
Unless you believe that Bernie could get 80% in California. Losing big in New York sealed our fate.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
There's enough rain in NYC this morning, and my Parade's
not needing anymore. But TY for your observation.
Sorry to be depressing
But we have to face reality and decide the next best course of action. And it's NOT falling in line with HRC & DWS as the lesser evil.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Signed it.
Glad to see Bernie turning up the heat.
She might have brawn, but he's got brains.
Andale Bernardo!
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
For me, it is Bernie all the
For me, it is Bernie all the Way!
So long, and thanks for all the fish