Guess What Hillary's Says She Will Make Her Priorities as President
Now that the Clinton campaign believes they have the nomination in the bag, stories are starting to leak out regarding upon the matters Hillary Clinton will focus her energy and "political capital" come 2017 when she takes over the reins from Barack Obama. I imagine you are wondering what her priorities might be? Income inequality? Make the wealthiest people and corporations pay their fair share of taxers? Raise the minimum wage? End the our endless wars in the Middle East? Take the Climate Change crisis seriously? Demilitarization of our police forces that operate as a de facto police state? Promote equal rights for minorities of every color and flavor? Tell Wall Street to "Cut it Out?"
Hah, I was just messing with you. Of course those won't be the things that she will address on the campaign trail or focus upon to solve using her vast and well-rounded experience in government service. No, after a careful review as to what may or may not be polling well, she's apparently chosen two issues that her advisers are claiming are "winners" for her in the upcoming Fall campaign, likely against Trump. Ready? Gun Control and Immigration Reform.
With Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s campaign turning fully toward the general election, the candidate is speaking in increasingly strong terms about immediately tackling one of her party’s most challenging domestic policy goals: gun control.
Clinton says just as forcefully that immigration reform would be her top priority upon entering the White House.
Now not to demean those issues, but let's consider the prospects that Hillary will achieve anything of substance on either of them, assuming she is elected President.
George W. Bush, when he had a much more compliant Congress filled with Republicans and also Democrats willing to work with him on immigration reform, failed miserably in his continual attempts at it. From 2001 all the way through 2007 he gave it his best shot, and no one hopped on board that train. His last attempt failed in the Senate when his 2007 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill failed to win two cloture votes in June, thus preventing the measure from ever coming to a full vote.
Now, I ask you, does anyone seriously think Hillary Clinton, facing a Republican House of Representatives far more extreme and radical than the one Bush dealt with during most of his Presidency will fare any better?
And as for Gun Control measures, well we've seen how almost all Republicans and many conservative Democrats in Congress, as well, have repeatedly sabotaged even the most innocuous of measures to put reasonable regulations on gun ownership and gun safety. President Obama, despite the countless mass shootings and slaughters we have as a nation witnessed during his two terms in office, and the gun violence that is a daily occurrence in poor, inner city neighborhoods, got nowhere when he tried. If anything, the NRA and their allies in Congress will fight even harder against any gun control bill
Madame President chooses to make.
So why these two issues, and no others? Among all the many problems facing this country, all of them serious problems that we need to solve, some sooner than others, why did she (or more precisely her unnamed surrogates) tell the Washington Post that immigration reform and gun control will be her two top priorities as president? Why make these the two issues that she'll allegedly use the Presidential bully pulpit to help her pass legislation through a recalcitrant and obstructionist Congress? It's simple really. Her people think they will be winners for her on the campaign trail.
[T]he Clinton campaign believes that public opinion has shifted on these two nationally divisive issues, making them winners for her to talk about in the general election. There is even hope among some Democrats that if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, they could win enough seats in the House and Senate to put gun and immigration legislation back on the table.
Of course, off the record, her advisers are far less sanguine, or in the words of the Washington Post stenographer who wrote this up, "[p]rivately ... more circumspect." That is to say, they see these are safe topics to rally the public during the general election campaign, ones where they likely won't be accused of over-promising on what she can deliver as President. Indeed, they likely aren't even her real political and legislative priorities at all. Just look at this quote from John Podesta, her campaign manager when asked about whether she truly will make these her top two issues, and you'll see why I make that assertion:
The campaign says that there is no trade-off between immigration and gun control and that she has not overpromised on either. There is plenty of time to decide what comes when, campaign chairman John Podesta said.
“That’s what the transition is for,” Podesta said, referring to the period between the election and the inauguration.
To be blunt, if you expect Hillary to throw her weight behind either major immigration reform or stricter federal gun control, you are living in a fantasy land. She knows the Democrats will not take back control of the House, even if they do win back a slim majority in the Senate. This is all for show. More political theater when she runs against that crazy Trump fascist and his "however high it will be" border wall for which he expects Mexico to pay. In reality, these are simply safe topics for her to run on, so she won't have to campaign on the issues she actually cares about (or the ones her big money donors care about, take your pick).
And it sends a clear message to Sanders supporters that whatever "concessions" to Bernie she claims she may be willing to make regarding the Democratic Party's platform at the convention, in truth, she doesn't give a damn about the issues that most of us are worried about. Not black lives matters, not the dangerous, "happening now in real time" climate change crisis, not securing a better economic future for young people, and certainly not strengthening our social safety net by increasing benefits to social security, SSDI (disability benefits), SNAP (f/k/a food stamps) Medicare or Medicaid. And don't get me started on her foreign policy record.
What is her real agenda? That's anyone's guess, but considering who is financing her campaign, and the fact that she reminds us constantly how "pragmatic" her leadership in the past has been, and how pragmatic as President she will remain, one can speculate it will not be anything that will concern the richest people on the planet and their lobbyists, whether we are talking about the Koch Brothers or the Head of the US Chamber of Commerce.
But hey, she and her team think this is what will get her elected as President over Trump. That's our Hillary, the say anything candidate as long as it helps her get what she wants - back in the White House come January 2017.

Hmmmm, interesting choices
I'm sure it's entirely coincidental that both choices are social wedge issues that do nothing to discomfit her wealthy supporters. "Immigration reform" will bring them more workers willing to work for peanuts, and tamp down growing labor restlessness. Gun control is a nice campaign slogan, but nothing will happen around it so she can safely drop it.
Climate change? Living wage? Domestic jobs? Income inequality? Crickets from Hillary.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I'm never sure what anyone means by "immigration reform"
but legalizing undocumented workers won't necessarily depress wages, and it will make them easier to organize and defense themselves. They're already working for peanuts. I don't think it will tamp down labor unrest. There is a new generation of Latino labor organizers who are more activist-minded and community-organizing oriented than ever before. Also, a lot of Mexican and Central-American workers have actually had more living contact with strikes and unions and labor conflicts-- and with the idea that the poor naturally must resist the rich-- than many US workers.
But what I think this is, is more of a leak for the moment, to satisfy progressives that Hillary is really going to campaign on these issues in the general, see? She's taken them to heart!
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
Juancito, about double posts
I used to get them all the time. The site hangs sometimes (actually a lot, at least on my phone), so I have to be careful not to hit save more than once, and I can't hit refresh until I see that banner that affirms that my comment has been posted.
I'm learning patience, which is a good thing for me.
I've read there are upgrades in the works that may or may not help with this. Maybe JtC or Joe or gulfgal will confirm. We can also help, I'm pretty sure, by donating to them. I'm curious to know what would be a reasonable donation, and what would be considered an insult. . .
Good luck, lol.
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
I'm never sure what anyone means by "immigration reform"
but legalizing undocumented workers won't necessarily depress wages, and it will make them easier to organize and defend themselves. They're already working for peanuts. I don't think it will tamp down labor unrest. There is a new generation of Latino labor organizers who are more activist-minded and community-organizing oriented than ever before. Also, a lot of Mexican and Central-American workers have actually had more living contact with strikes and unions and labor conflicts-- and with the idea that the poor naturally must resist the rich-- than many US workers. I think they will be easier to organize.
But what I think this probably is, is more of a leak for the moment, to satisfy progressives that Hillary is really going to campaign on these issues in the general, see? She's taken them to heart!
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
The Real Clinton Agenda
This is the death wish that the "I'm with her" morons actually want to happen.
Bomb, bomb, bomb, ba-bomb Iran... n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yeppers. Expect more Lanny Davis and Lanny Breuer types. n/t
Oooohhh, for #4:
Medicare reform.
Strikes fear in the heart, doesn't it?
Same could be said for any federal program that is working relatively well now. Roll up yer sleeves, let's reform it away!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm expecting an announcement
of military action against Syria/ISIS, probably in her inaugural address. After all, she's got to show she's Tough On Terrorism.
Gun control, immigration reform...all that will be all talk and no action. I'd definitely like to see a revamping of the H1-B visa system; it's way too easy to bring workers here and pay them a pittance while quality workers here are looking for work (it would have a big impact here in Silly Con Valley). But her business pals would be agin it so it ain't happening.
What she means by "reform" is
unlimited H1-B visas that the mega tech firms are asking for.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I get your rationale - but --
Clinton just says whatever pops into her head. As for what's going to happen, check the lists. Who donated to the Foundation last?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Very much doubt these two things just popped into her head.
If there is anything that can be said about Hillary, it's that everything she says is very carefully considered, calculated and focus group tested -- not whether an issue is truly the nation's highest priority, but whether it plays well politically, and of course, which is least likely to evoke consternation amongst her wealthy backers.
No surprise that climate change isn't one of the two. I mention that in particular because the understanding is rapidly growing that "Anthropogenic Climate Disruption" (ACD) is a global, catastrophic emergency. This recent piece is excellent, and very detailed:
Read that last night
And it was damned depressing.
But, but they are reality based apparently
so they know they will go nowhere but cause enough trouble so as to hide the real objectives
And both " proposals "
If accomplished, will cost the government treasury nothing. Seems like all DNC/THIRD WAY proposals of the last 30 years are the ones that don't upset the money stream or bottom line of the nation's treasury. Real change will cost$$$$, and yes the government will have to cough up some dough, therefore no one from either party champions for change, their masters like the money right where They can control and profit from it. It's OUR tax money but the controllers of government get to spend it on themselves. katiec over at DailyKon wrote some excellent pieces on government economics, would like for her to comment at this site. Aloha.
Agree, wrbpmaui--Per USA Today, FSC's priority is Bowles-Simpson
***EDIT: Deleted repetitive sentence.***
(passing it) which, if you think about it, is in keeping with this excerpt from the piece that Steve has furnished. It reads,
I was getting ready to post the piece below at hecate's OT, when I saw this essay. From USA Today,
Of course, this is Kabuki. Jan Schakowski, in her Reuters Op-Ed, 'The Sham Of Simpson-Bowles'), explained that massive cuts to 'entitlements' will be enacted to 'offset' the cutting of marginal tax rates.
The actual 'loopholes' that they are looking to close, are broad ones--some of which mostly affect very modest and/or middle class tax payers.
Of course, lawmakers are keeping their negotiations under the radar (according to the Congressional reporters).
Entitlement cuts are called for by 'No Labels.' Just found out that although FSC passed on attending their forum in October, she has signed onto their agenda--which includes 'securing' and 'protecting' Social Security.
As Richard Eskow says about the Bowles-Simpson proposal,
Thanks for this post!
Chris Hedges, Journalist/Author/Activist, Truthdig, 9/20/2015
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
"Candidate of Continuity", eh?
Because everyone loves the status quo so much? Because there's no evidence of great masses of disaffected citizenry rumbling for radical solutions?
Boy, this should work out well for her...
She may not be planning to appeal to too many people as
she already has her contingency plan: wonky voting machines.
Good to know!
This really puts the nail in the "I'll never vote for hrc" coffin for me. Thank you!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Under the Bus
And as soon as she speaks to her corporate masters and Third way assholes, Immigration Reform will probably be thrown under the bus also.
War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series
The corporate masters and Third way support immigration reform..
They would love nothing less then a larger pool of h1b visa workers to further depress wages, and for large pools of guest workers to help depress wage growth on the bottom end of the economic scale. The third way sees it as a way to cement a base of voters in future elections.
Neither group supports the positive parts of comprehensive immigration reform, they more consider it a valid trade for the things above. Bringing people out of the darkness, giving them access to legal protection from abusive employment that relies their status of being illegal to get away with paying less then minimum or dangerous/abusive working situations.
You can't cement a future bloc of voters through
immigration reform without a path to citizenship for those future voters. If a politician or a businessman supports legalizing the undocumented with a path to legal permanent residence, that's good. It will be hard to get a big change through without a political coalition of disparate elements.
I'm okay with that piece-- if there is a path to lawful permanent residence for the millions of undocumented humans.
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
Wow that will cost her
Every vote in my county. Nobody here opposes many of the saner proposals. But we have some really poor folks who use their grandfather's rifle to put meat on the table. Then there is me. My nearest neighbor is several hundred miles of wilderness with critters like cougars that occasionally try to dine on my farm animals. My rifle is my friend.......
I remember them mocking Bernie and my State of Vermont
Rural people have different needs and one need is that guns are talked about responsibly. I own guns in France with proper maintenance, storage and oversight by the local Gendarmerie.
It only makes sense
that you have one set of rules for rural areas and another for the urban wilderness. Get rid of assault weapons -- those aren't needed for hunting (if you can't bag your deer in one or two shots you're better off going back to the lodge for another beer then try again the next morning), nor are handguns. But a rifle in the hands of someone who knows how to use it safely (and even more important, how to secure it so no one else can use it), I've got no problem with that.
No need for assault weapons of any type or large magazines
for hunting, if you need more than 2 shots you're doing it wrong
I was raised in such a place.
Hunting was done to supplement the family food basket.
And yeah, once in a while to do each other in.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Also land and game management to make sure the ecosystem
is at its optimum. My family's origins are as farmers [many still are] and preserving the land is everything, not like the industrial farmers
I hear you. I'm from Kentucky.
Every man in my family has hunted. They all have, or had, hunting rifles. Every one of them was a Democrat. Not a one was a murderer. I've eaten lots of squirrel and lots of rabbit in my life.
Twain Disciple
My uncles used to go fishing and hunting
here in California -- head up to the north part of the State or into the Sierras and you can find some good and legal hunting territory. My best friend's family raised rabbits for food -- her dad would dispatch them with a single karate chop to the back of the neck (dude was a raving racist but he was the type you'd want with you in sketchy areas at night), then skin it and her mom would roast it in the oven (they would frequently serve rabbit when I stayed for dinner -- a pretty big honor). Feeding was fairly cheap, mostly the veggies that were too old to serve on the table but were perfect for the rabbits.
Demonstrating again that she's still a Goldwater Girl at her
core and the windsock wags have so aptly dubbed her to be. Can't open her mouth without a misstep or focus-group slogan.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Im curious what will be her moonshot, her
first Hundred Days big push.... since she'll have such a "mandate" from The People. /facepalm
Boy, this is such utter hogwash kabuki. But straight outta the UniParty (as a friend of mine calls them) Playbook.
Guns? well she has so much speech text already finetuned on that from her so highly successful primary against Bernie, so why let all that good copy go to waste. She can tie it to her bogus Stands For Woman and Children theme. Immigration? Sure thats a winner.
btw ... this is also Bernie's fault:
And Im sure this is too:
Sigh. This approach from her for the General just makes us stronger.
Now you know why I've been protesting her ass for years.
HRC is just GWB with pantyhose and better verbal skills.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
One cannot be sure of pantyhose
under pantsuits. She does have marginally better hair.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Your comment made me laugh out loud for realsies.
Spoke with a customer this week about how for so long I refused to label myself a Feminist because if Hillary was a feminist... then I wanted nothing to do with it. Even back in the 90s I felt HRC was so damn divisive and dismissive... "what do you want me to do? stay home and bake coookies??"
Feminism means strength and justice and equality. Not... "I'm a better woman than all you dirtlings." Nor is it, "I'm a better woman than you other women."
It's WE are all worthy and strong and wonderful.
My daughter's boyfriend is also a self identified feminist.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
The word "we" is not in Hillary's vocabulary except in the royal "we" sense.
^^THIS! n/t
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Shrill is slighty smarter than Dumbya.
That's not saying much. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
please don't bash Dumbya like that!
To use the George Carlin analogies, W is stupid and perhaps a little fucking nuts. Hillary is full of shit.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
At least Dubya was sincere, if a puppet of Cheney & the neocons.
Obama doubled down on all the odious aspects of the war and security state, added a few of his own (prosecutions of whistleblowers and the “Insider Threat” program instructing all government employees to inform on each other’s behavior and personal lives) — all the while pretending he was doing the opposite.
Clinton's #1 priority will be "saving" social security
That this will involve private accounts managed by Wall Street contributors is further evidence of the benefits of the invisible hand of the market.
And Harry Reid won't fight her as he fought Bush.
She'll destroy the middle class, and the bought-off Democratic Party won't lift a finger to stop her.
Twain Disciple
Schumer - Reid is passing the torch
So it's even worse. Schumer will actively enable Clinton.
Wall Street Dems. Ugh.
That term ought to be an oxymoron.
Twain Disciple
Ironic issues
Considering her history of arms sales around the world for foundation money, and her history in Honduras and refugee children. She'll be toast. T.rump will trample her.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The irony is endless
forget about all the crappy things she's done! Lindsey Graham thinks Trump is toast, that Hillary is going to kick his ass.
Yeah, just once, I'd like to see that fussy little pudge of an alleged man get one right some time. But it ain't gonna be over that....
More reason for Bernie to run third party. n.t
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Maybe we should look into
getting the Greens on the November ballot this year.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
We better do it soon if we're going to help
the window is closing quickly on getting the 24 remaining states with Green Party on their ballot.
It ain't going to happen
Now that Trump has it locked up, Hillary will never be allowed to run in the GE. My guess as to the likely scenario is the following: Hillary is indicted by the Justice department, or if not, a deal is reached similar to Petraeus where she admits to wrongdoing and loses her security clearance. Can't very well have a President who is prohibited from having a security clearance. It will all be taken care of in some kind of deal. We shall see.
Wasn't she extolling gun ownership in rural areas
when she stomped through PA recently?
Anyway, I can barely contain my excitement at the thought another Clinton presidency.
from a reasonably stable genius.
More pandering, and yes, she can recycle
all those attacks on Sanders about the guns....
Immigration, as many have noted, simply means increasing H1B visas for her and hers.
And that privatization of SS, that will be coming down the pike for damned sure, hubby failed at that one due to his sexual appetites and Repugnant impeachment hearings, but he was close to getting it done. He and the Newtie boy were buddies in those quiet dark rooms after all on that hot mess, impeachment nonsense aside.
But that damned impeachment got the better of ALL of them, and Billy-Bob couldn't do it. It will be perhaps Hillary's final "victory" over Bill, eh? To get done what he could not, and be the big heroine of the moneyed classes, well that would be her final "win" would it not, after sticking around with his sorry philandering ass? We all knew why she stuck with him, and this would be it in my humble opinion.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Dag I pity the poor immigrant's
who are going to get a Clinton style 'reform'. Sending escaping children back to Honduras or other hell hole's we create with our SA 'foreign policy' to teach their parents a lesson is her idea of reform. Figures. Kind of like Clintonian welfare queen reform or criminal justice reform meaning bringing black predators to heel with prisons for profit. SS reform coming up. Every time the pols start talking reform you just know it means we're about to get seriously screwed.
It is so true that nowadays reform
equals make it even worse, in yet unimaginable ways. More doublespeak.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
reform: isn't it funny? (as in peculiar)
You'd think reform would be all about making things better. As in police reform - stop the police from shooting people or penal reform - stop the system from encouraging groups to be pitted against each other. Or medicare reform - make it easier for people to get it.
But no....
So, what color do you think Pres. Trump
will paint the Oval Office? I hear he is fond of gold.
With all of her conflicting messages on both topics, he will make mince meat out of her. There are a number of big hunting states coming up that won't appreciate an attack on guns. As for immigration, just start posting everywhere and anywhere but particularly NM and CA about Honduras and the murdered children which she said so callously to send back as a message.
Hopefully, though, she will jump on those topics immediately; they should sink her in the remaining states and give Sanders the delegates he needs. However, another thought occurs to me...independents, thanks to the press, may think Sanders is out and vote to solidify Trump instead.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
As if Hillary will have any control over the GE issues.
I mean seriously, no one in the MSM is listening to her now. And once Trump starts lobbing the foundation bombs and her record of lying she'l start hemorrhaging any lead she might have.
It took Donald Trump to make what is patently obvious about GWB, to be spoken out loud. Yeah, W was the President when 9-11 happened so he did not "keep us safe" and yeah, W lied his ass off about Saddam. All the incredulous slack jawed commentators at that debate simply could not believe their ears. Wait til he starts airing Hillary's dirty duds.
Yeah, I'll admit it
When Trump took off on Bush and his nasty, election-stealing younger brother in that debate I stood up in my living room and cheered. When he talked about the trillions wasted in Iraq instead of rebuilding our infrastructure here at home, I cheered too. Hillary will never say these things. She's complicit.
Twain Disciple
Way to win over Independent votes?
NOT! She's out of her mind.
That bit of truth-telling was worth a lot in my book.
I didn’t think anyone had it in them anymore. Certainly not Donald Trump.
It’s actually Democrats’ job, but they’ve been abdicating that responsibility ever since the Pelosi-led House took investigation of the Bush administration off the table in 2007.
(edited to add that this was supposed to be a reply to Blueside and Twain Disciple, above)
I think Hillary's priorities will inspire the nation!
I was walking down the street where houses are being demolished and huge, ugly, neighborhood destroying monstrosities are being put up (80 unit condos with no parking, resulting in traffic nightmares that the city leaders refuse to acknowledge) when I thought to myself "I sure hope someone does something about immigration reform. Too many 'illegal aliens' are taking jobs away from good Americans."
I continued walking, noticing various people pushing shopping carts. Those carts contain all the possessions of those people. I'm not sure what's in them because they're all covered with green plastic sheeting. And I thought "it's a shame that we can't close one of the dozens of loopholes in the gun laws. I don't want to go too far on that, just maybe make people wait 3 days before they can pick up their guns."
I thought back on an incident I saw. A middle aged black man was lying on the sidewalk, handcuffed, while police joked with each other. Then one of the police officers turned and kicked the fellow. The reason I remembered this is because it fit in with what I was thinking, which was "if only one candidate cared about sending immigrants back home to whatever they'd face there and also cared about slightly delaying gun massacres I'd vote for her in a second!"
— empty post due to some sorta glitch or user miscue — n/t
Miscuers Untie!
I gave you a solidarity thumbs up...
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Goede morgen, Bisbonian (’tis 8:30 am here)! Bedankt! n/t
Moin Moin Moin
and Meow Meow Meow.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Peace be with you as well. Vrede zij met jou!
Feeling more than usually Dutch today.
That’s because in the Netherlands today May 4th is Nationale Dodenherdenking (along the lines of U.S. Memorial Day), commemorating all Dutch war dead since the start of World War II. This includes the Dutch who have fallen while serving as U.N. peacekeepers.
There are two minutes of silence at 8 p.m., observed by everyone across the whole nation. Everybody stops what they are doing. Radio and TV fall silent. Traffic and public transport come to a halt.
After that, people attending ceremonies sing the Dutch national anthem (the Wilhelmus) together.
Tomorrow May 5th is Liberation Day, commemorating the return of Dutch sovereignty and the end of occupation.
Happy Liberation Day to all! n/t
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Shillary said something?
It's true until she says she was misquoted or misunderstood. Then she's being demonized for things she didn't say even if she said them.
It was probably out of both sides of her mouth. Whatever she says now isn't what she has to say or do later anyway. She can just convince herself she was misquoted and move on.
That's her kind of integrity - you know, the kind where you don't concern yourself with it.
I remember that time she was in Bosnia - so brave…it's amazing she made it out of there alive with all that sniper fire.
No, not really
It was unnamed surrogates. Hillary Clinton hasn't given a press conference in the last five months.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Bloodbath in 2018
It will make 1994 or 2010 look like photo finishes. Her favorability is already underwater and she wants to lead with those. But hey, at least Michael Bloomberg will be happy. The next cocktail party he throws for Hillary is going to be swanky.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
hilbillary's agenda
and priorities will be whatever gives the Clintons power and lines their pockets that is the only priority she has. They do not care who they hurt, or about any issues including gun control that is just her version of repub. scare tactics. I really don't believe she even cares about being the first woman POTUS or any other type of legacy. With the Clintons it just about them!
If these are her top two presidential priorities, she's going to be spending a lot of time twiddling her thumbs in the Oval Office,................ whirling around in the Big Chair, and snapping her fingers for more gum from Huma.
from a reasonably stable genius.
She really knows how to spell "Kabuki"
by another name, doesn't she.
Thanks Steven D for the analysis, breaking it down so well.
Typically bland and out of
Typically bland and out of touch of her.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
If Hillary actually campaigns in the general election
on immigration reform-- in the sense of giving undocumented workers a path to citizenship-- and on gun control, as her two main issues, I will give her some credit. I will also quedarme cien por ciento asombrado. I will be stunned. Saying that "The Wall" idea is stupid is not exactly advocating immigration reform. I think she will titrate her mentions of the issue just enough to reassure the Latino voting bloc, and not a millimeter more .Butscrew it, I hope she does make a big deal about justice for immigrants. HRC has definitely been trying out the gun-control theme, but how it helps her in a general election is an interesting question. I just can't she'd feature it unless they have a lot of testing and polling and focus groups saying it's advantageous. Bill didn't get to be governor of Arkansas that way, for sure.
Her campaign's come-back on the "woman card" thing was quick and clever.
I think she is going to go after Trump as a "divisive" figure (always safe) and a scary impulsive creepy ignoramus, and a crook, who has never been elected to anything and who cannot be trusted to guide the ship of state or make the right military decisions, in contrast with her long experience and ability to make the tough decisions about using force. She can display her tough-minded hawkishness to her benefit, and even go to Trump's right on Israel and anything else they can find.
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
The funny thing is, I'm actually in favor of gun control
At least the so-called common sense reforms. But coming from Hillary, I don't want it, because I simply don't trust her to do anything positive, and so it starts me thinking like a RW gun conspiracist. LOL. I don't want gun control from her because she doesn't do ANYTHING for the right reasons.
Hillary's 'long experience and ability to make the tough decisions about using force' and 'her tough minded hawkishness' pale in comparison to her lack of judgement! Hundreds of thousands of dead, millions displaced, what could be better?
Her positions on trade?
Welfare reform?
No Medicare for all?
No free public college?
Keeping men on the reservation?
Bringing those (black) super predators to heel?
Donate to my foundation and we will sell you any weapons you want you magnificent Saudis!
Thanks for the money Golden Sachs guess all speech is not free.
And on and on and on.....
Want to see a bloodbath? Just guess who is being hinted at for
VP??? Tim Kaine!!!!!
Most of her VP potential candidates that I've heard
seem designed to make progressives even more distrustful. Kaine? Mark Warner? Julian Castro (okay, they can't be dumb enough to pick Castro and then try to attack Trump on lack of experience, can they?).
Granted, we would probably almost all agree that Hillary would tack right in the general and then try to browbeat us with the threat of Supreme Court nominations.
She can browbeat all she wants
she's going to have to keep cheating if she wants to actually win, because her browbeating anyone over anything is laughable.
Why, isn't Joe Lieberman available?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Misdirection play
Focus progressives attention on un-winable things and then "save" social security and negotiate more job creating "trade" agreements.
Is Hillary trying to lose? (serious question)
Gun control and immigration are the two worst issues to run on.
Gun control should be a big winner for the Dems (what does it have, 80% support?) But for some reason it's an electoral loser. I honestly don't know why. Perhaps because rather than trying to actually solve the problem Democrats are seen as simply using it as a tool to win knee jerk support - and therefore cannot do anything effective because they would lose that easy support, rather like Republicans and Roe. This works for the Rs, but for the Ds all it does is highlight their hypocrisy. But that could just be because I've lived too long in SF, long enough to remember when Feinstein was mayor and did exactly that for years.
As fo "immigration reform" - yes, there is an enormous racism factor in immigration as an issue, but opposing racism the way Democrats have is counterproductive. To paraphrase Thom Hartmann, we have an immigrant abuse problem, not an immigration issue. Anyone who says immigrant labor does not depress wages and disempower labor has never driven a taxi - he's just making a fool of himself. It is management's favorite tool. Yes, we have to address racism, but we cannot do so on the backs of the working class. I think it can be done. I don't think Hillary would even try.
On to Biden since 1973
If Mr. Trump
becomes President of the United States, Secretary Clinton will pull in more for her little money laundering operation, and will lose nothing.
The Clinton Family are in this for the long haul. They want to establish an empire: they are the mouthpieces for industrial interests, the grease that makes the creaky old works of democracy continue to mint cash for the oligarchs.
Again, this adapted quotation:
The election is being waged for the division of the masses and the robbery of the 99%; thieves have fallen out–and to refer to the defeats at a given moment of one of the thieves in order to identify the interests of all thieves with the interests of the nation is an unconscionable bourgeois lie.
One hundred useless and irredeemable points to anyone who identifies the source.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
It's gotta be Lenin
Sounds kind of like
Molly Ivins.
While people are focused on guns and immigration
she will be passing TPP behind our backs assuming it doesn't get passed during Obama's lame duck session. Number one issue should be implementing carbon tax, then campaign finance reform, wealth and income inequality. I think climate change is going to bring the hammer down hard soon and there will be no ignoring it no matter who is president.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Okay, so look at the confluence of events that have unfolded:
Exxon Mobile is being sued by 36 Attorneys General for engaging in research SUBSTANTIATING fossil fuel induced Climate Change back in the 1970's and then fometting a massive misinformation campaign to prevent public knowledge or action. Which means that every single administration since that time KNEW about this, and colluded in insuring that we were paralyzed in protecting ourselves: it is now stark, obvious, and advanced.
Consider that the CLINTONS got: the Telecommunications act; insuring monopoly ownership of the media; Repealed Glass Steagal insuring a massive transfer of U.S. and international wealth into the hands of a very few players globally. Gutted the U.S. economy; implemented the first round of corporate tribunals under NAFTA; got Draconian poor laws in place, and a massive prison industrial complex with human quotas, free labor, and publicly traded as a "stock". Then she has aided and abetted a false war with massive destruction to human life, genocide, and huge profits- business opportunity; again for private wealth. She has doubled down on these policies everywhere. Consider too, that there is are no ethical oversight or accountability for her communications and money passed to her through a dubious foundation, while both she and her former president get every security brief over decades. She has sold fracking all over the world: it destroys drinking water. There are refugees from fracking communities whose children and animals are suffering with God knows what kind of exposure to known carcinogens, poisons, etc. IN THEIR OWN HOMES. Flint was a photo op: she cares NOTHING about public health, safety or human rights.
Do you really think there is any intention of addressing Climate Change in ANY meaningful way? or are they going to let "nature take its course" insuring genocide and shortened life for an every increasing number of expendable humans while they amass wealth for the ultimate game of survivor. She will be the one to insure that only the right folks can be armed, and our capacity to defend our lives will be destroyed, just as property rights have been eroded; just as equal representation under the law is now a joke. I am not in favor of disturbed folks getting machine guns: but I can anticipate that our government is turning against us to the point where our lives and our children's lives and ability to survive are under assault.
P.S. She is vetted for this role
As you look at her historical behavior she has demonstrated time and again a cold hearted, unempathic approach to enacting suffering on others. The first notable test was coldly insuring that a twelve year old didn't get justice, and was further abused years later for the predictable consequences of her "expert" help to a sex offender. This is a pattern: the sort of person who would act out a big"hurtful" scandal in order to get legislation done on behalf of evil to gut a nation. This isn't red state: these are facts.