"White privilege" is failing to support the "lesser" evil.
Why oh why do I even get involved in these stupid debates at the place that shall not be named?
They never play the race card at that site in order to defend Obama and his fellow Democrats, right?
"Refusing to play the game is a privileged white person's conceit."
This is the thread:
And irony of ironies, this Loyal Democrat pulls up the "white privilege" argument in a diary about how Obama wants to overlook slavery in Malaysia in order to advance his precious TPP:
"TPP Human Trafficking Bill Passes As Malaysia Discovers Migrant Workers Grave Sites"
by Stephen Benavides
Mass graves highly thought to be those of migrant workers were found in Malaysia days after an amendment to the Trade Promotion Authority prohibiting human trafficking, child and slave labor, passed through the U.S. Senate Finance Committee despite strong opposition by President Obama and free-trade advocates.
Please, somebody, explain to me, if slavery is a "lesser" evil, then is anything a major evil?
My response:
yeah right only
"privileged white" workers are going to hurt by the TPP.
And only "privileged White" workers are in unions.
what a load of crap.
but again, nice try
The democratic party is destroying itself with working class people,
but go ahead and blame me if it makes you feel better.
This comment of mine is a place holder, I plan to continue adding more examples as I find them:
yeah right
1. It [voting in the "lesser" evil] sure worked out great at Ludlow under Democratic Governor Ammons, didn't it.
2. It sure worked out great for the Vietnamese people under Johnson's bombs didn't it.
3. It sure worked out great for the working class under Clinton's NAFTA didn't it.
4. It sure worked out great for the workers slaughtered during the Debs Rebellion under President Cleveland, didn't it.
5. It sure worked out great for those underneath Obama's drones, didn't it.
Guess they were all just "privileged white" people, right?
Party loyalty above principles make some people completely blind.
Oh, and I thot of a few more to add to list above:
7. It (voting for the "lesser" evil) sure worked out great for the 100s of workers imprisoned under Wilson's Red Scare.
8. The Michigan copper strikers under Governor Ferris
9. Union members under President Truman, who vetoed Taft Harley, but then used it against strikers 12 times in the year after it was passed over his veto:
Note: this list is bound to grow.
When oh when will our labor leaders learn not to support the Democratic Party?
Whatever money that the unions have, should be put into massive organizing campaigns and a massive war chest (strike fund.)
The "lesser" evil argument has come to this: war crimes and slavery are now considered "lesser" evils.
God help us.

Another person that can't see outside of their box.
Has all the talking points down - SCOTUS, Nadar, realistic, not an ounce of moral courage, just a tunnel vision
on the system. Like you said, we've had enough of that, it doesn't work.
I have often asked how far people will take this lesser evil thing. When does the line stop, at Hitler vs. Mussolini?
Satan vs his twin brother? There has to be a point where the lesser evil can't be an option either.
This one likes to talk about reality, that if we vote third party or don't vote we're letting the republicans win and that's the
important point. But he/she is missing the real reality, the reality that it's not democracy and it's all a farce.
moral decay
spiritual abyss
there is something so deeply wrong with the whole "lesser" evil argument that I can't even put it into words
and I'm ashamed that I bot into for so long
and I'm feeling a deep sense of despair this evening
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I made the mistake of dropping into Bob Swern's diary today.
They so dislike him and they swarm his diaries like locusts. I dropped a comment or two and had to leave before I had a stroke. Life is too short for their shit.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
finally got around to reading
some of those comments. Bob does an AMAZING job of keeping his cool.
Really admire him.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I like bobswern's diaries a lot.
I've trained myself to avoid the usual suspects at this point. They're all so predictable at this point, defending the establishment to the very end.
There is a culture of victimhood at DKos
For some its a competition of "who is the bigger victim". Amazingly a majority of those people who talk about "white privilege" are white.
Duelling victimologies
can get a little tangled when multiple identities are involved... while remaining exceeding boring... Pardon me if there are any trigger words in this comment.
This is the device that is being used to keep everyone in line over there.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Call me coward
But there are diaries and diarists I just don't go near. The easy resort to charges of racism, privilege, or "whitesplaining" makes any sort of conversation impossible. And frankly much of this stuff is boneheaded, but to say so would likely get one banned.
So I just don't bother... And the addition of a Hillary cult will make it all the more unpleasant. I have noticed that Meteor Blades has been posting very positively about Sanders, which at least keeps open an avenue of discussion.
I noticed MBs support for Sanders.
You're right. If he keeps it up, it will provide a window for his supporters and give their backs some cover when they go after Queen NAFTA.
I love dueling victims. It is so on target.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Huh. kovie. What a surprise.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon