Clinton Troll Accused Of Posting Child Porn
Casey Champagne, one of the guys who posted porn on Bernie group facebook pages in an effort to get the pages removed, is now accused of posting Child Porn as part of that tactic. Hopefully this will start an investigation into his true identity and we'll find out if he has formal ties to the Clinton Trolls managed by the Hillary Clinton Super PAC (David Brock).
Casey Champagne has 'Likes' on his facebook page for Correct the Record, Barrier Breakers which are the Hillary Clinton Super PAC initiatives.
Also note that David Brock who runs the Hillary Clinton Super PAC was involved in smearing Anita Hill back in the 90s.
David Brock swings hard.
He did it for the right in 1992, when he went after Anita Hill for accusing Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment.
So this is the kind of people Hellery is associated with, even as she waxes poetic on the campaign trail about being the "Women's Rights Candidate". Yuck.
Edit: 1:45 PM
Sign the Petition to start an FBI investigation
Petitioning Federal Bureau Of Investigation
Indict Casey "Champagne" Charbonneau for distribution of Child Pornography
6,145 signed as of this edit
1,355 needed to reach 7,500

Similar coverage from the same day w/ updates
Clinton's Internet Supporters, Allegedly Using Pornography, Shut Down Bernie Sanders' Largest Facebook Groups in Coordinated Attack - PasteMagazine
Well naturally they will deny any ties
Let's see what an investigation by law enforcement turns up.
Thanks for that link.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
CoE....Is there a law enforcement
investigation into this?
Outside of the interference with the Sanders' FB pages, this is a SERIOUS crime. A crime against CHILDREN. A crime punishable by some hard jail time.
I want to hear Clinton condemn this is no uncertain terms and with no qualifiers... I want her to do so LOUDLY.
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First Nations News
Martha, I don't know if there is a formal investigation yet
I saw a link to a petition calling for an investigation. If I see it scroll by on twitter again I will post the link.
I agree. This is horrific and a real crime.
Edit: I have added the link to the petition for anyone who wants to sign.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
AND posted it on Face Book.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Thank goodness SOMEONE is covering this
I find it hard to believe all those people would think it was just great to falsely target other people.
What disgusting people seem to be drawn to Hillary - although I know there are plenty of perfectly sincere people who support her and wouldn't do this. But those die-hards tend to be pretty ugly.
Also, even if CTR wasn't directly involved (I know, I know), I'm pretty sure they've helped set the tone with their activities and indicated this kind of online manipulation is A-OK.
Brock a slime ball
So what does that say about the Clintons?
From wiki (bolding is mine):
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Brock wrote a WHOLE BOOK smearing Anita Hill in March 1994
Real Anita Hill
It can be bought used for a penny (if the content were really WORTH that amount).
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Not defending Brock but I think it should be on the record
that he recanted and apologized in his book "Blinded by the Right" - I doubt that Anita Hill ever accepted it since she refused all contact with him. Then he created the blog Media Matters which the left found very helpful at one time.
I think if we are going to pull things out from the past, we should keep the record straight.
To thine own self be true.
Brock's current behavior makes his apology seem "useful"
if you know what I mean. "'Scusi' and up he goes." That's a quote from Bedazzled (the good one, the 1960s one) where the Devil explains how he lost Mussolini's soul.
Media Matters was, indeed, useful but Brock is showing he's still the same slimeball he was way back when. It's just that he has a new employer who is using his skills.
It was useful, but that was back in 2002
The book Blinded by the Right exposed a lot of the "dirty tricks" that the Right uses in campaigning. Whatever the motive, he admitted that his book on Anita Hill was fiction and he disowned the book. That should go on the record.
To thine own self be true.
Really? An apology makes up for what he did to Anita Hill?!
That man appears to 'correct the record' and change his views as often as he changes his underwear, if necessary. The man is sleaze personified. He'd slime her all over again if it served his purposes.
The bell did not get un-rung with that apology. What he did to keep the SCOTUS appointment moving forward created a situation which appears to have been a serious travesty... but he apologized and we should forgive him?
I forgive a lot, but what he did then is beyond the pale. And what he's doing now is at least as devastating. Will he apologize for current transgressions against democracy? Likely not.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Just can't abide 4 years of Clinton politics
This could be the first time in my voting life that I do not vote for the Democratic nominee for President.
Beware the bullshit factories.
He got close enough to $hillary...
To get a selfie with her...
But that may not mean much...
She doesn't draw crowds to her events like Bernie does...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
The President and the Pedophile
The story almost writes itself.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Is that a supposed pic of the porn poster?
Yanno the GOS had what I hear was a pretty aggressive Pr0n attack very recently. I didn't see any of it but there were some who commented that it involved kiddie porn too.
Makes one wonder
Orwell was an optimist
Knotlookin, please reconsider using the term
k--- porn, makes it sound like it's something cute.
It isn't.
And besides that, do you really want to use the same terms that the child pornographers and the users of child pornography themselves use?
There is a reason, also, that we don't use the term "Kiddie Labor." Because there is nothing cute or precious about it.
Child Pornography is heinous crime against children. It should be called what it is without the use of any softer nicknames to made it sound harmless.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
It is indeed...
A pic of the child pornographer troll with Hillary...
Probably getting his paycheck handed to him...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
What were they attacking...
Child porn placed in the comments of pro bernie diaries?
Oh wait... I know... Ammo for a case of Faux Outrage by the $hillbots...
That fits the MO of $hillbots...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Just FYI, that's a SERIOUS offence.
Distributing Child Pornography, which posting it to facebook IS, is punishable by 15-20 years in Federal Prison on a 1st offense. Which I'm certain he's WELL aware of, otherwise he wouldn't have tried to smear Bernie supporters with it.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Where is the link that shows he
is now accused specifically of posting child porn?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
From the Hill
"We had what looked like a kiddie porn posted in one of our groups today,” said Sanders supporter Erica Libenow, according to "I reported that one. Seriously made me want to vomit.”
Here is the link.
So while there is no actual evidence available (for obvious reasons) that the images are indeed of children, this report was from a named source as quoted in The Hill.
Hopefully one of the justice departments divisions that specialize in crimes of this nature will investigate further and determine the veracity of the claims.
I despise nobody more than someone that would in any way be part of the victimization of children and I hope they hammer them.
I spent 13 years working in the Prison system prior to retiring due to a LOD injury and the only class of criminals that revolted me more than rapists were the Pedophiles.
While from a correctional standpoint they are security wise one of the easiest groups of inmates to manage, I actually volunteered to go work the STG (Security Threat Group) unit, the single most dangerous unit on the yard, colloquially know by the inmates as either, "The Thunder Dome" or "Gladiator School" when they decided to fill all 166 bunks in my unit with "Chomoe's".
What was kinda funny about it was when the inmates in the STG learned through the grapevine that I moved to their unit to work with them over the "Diaper Snipers" (Yeah, prison vernacular can be quite colorful, lol!) it ended up garnering me a lot of respect and they tended not to give me near as much trouble as they did most staff. When we had a riot about to jump off, two guys actually came up and warned me and said if it did pop to duck into their cell and they would have a blanket hanging over the edge of the bottom bunk for me to slide behind because "We hate those fucking kid touchers too."
Prison does have it's own, while bizarre at times, culture and rules.
(Edited, I cut a small line to move to another part and forgot to paste it in, lol! Thank FSM we have an edit feature here!)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
God, what a fucking moron.
Truly dumb as hell.