Okay now it is time to get real- time for planning and action
We have known in the back of minds for a little bit even though most of us have fought and hoped against it, but the fix was in and now Trump and Clinton look to do a battle royal (nasty, drawn out fight for the presidency). Mind you something could happen- email server issues or a some unforeseen events, but lets be real about the General Election race.
My expectation is this will be the worse campaign of our lifetimes and in history. Accusations, nastiness, fear and voter suppression will be the favor of the day- the race will be Political Royalty against Reality Time Media Darling- let the biggest loser win. No matter the winner, nothing will change; the establishment will have their hold on power- woe is me and us.
So we can sit back and deny it, we can piss and moan about it, we can be good little boys and girls and do what we are told (vote for Hillary because Trump is bad), or I propose we can freaking do something about it!
My MO is to get things done- my entire life, career and political background is if I put my mind to it with enough hard work and heart than anything is possible- it may not be the desired outcome, but I will at least have a positive influence on the outcome. Therefore, the following are some suggestions for anyone interested in investing in our future. These activities are divided into a short term and long-term approach :
Short term- due to voter apathy your actions, efforts and vote will count even more
1) Figure out whom you want to vote for and why for the general election- do not defend your vote but vote with your heart and know why you are voting for that candidate.
2) Provide education to people- use the true to help people see why they need to vote. Do not use negatives and false arguments just provide people with the truth. For me this will be my best option to convince people to vote for what is right. My guess is when the general election rolls around I can influence the vote of about 20 to 30 people.
3) Work to understand positions of candidates down the ticket- support the people that best support your beliefs. If you do not like the choices at the top then pick candidates that meet your needs or beliefs in more local positions.
4) Get involved- do something- it is easy to be a keyboard warriors, but guess what, you can do so much more if you want- more on social media, volunteer, donate, canvas, speak/join with other like-minded people or all of these actions.
Long term- figure out how you want to help improve this country- really think about this one
5) Figure out what you want for the future and join with others to help change things- social media helps people with similar beliefs to become a powerful voice and meet with help. This community has helped me understand this point.
6) Work to improve your own lot and self- become more reliant on your efforts, help change yourself for the better, and help your family and locally, but start with yourself first.
7) Stay active and help causes, candidates, and groups that want to change things.
Remember, the most important fact- YOU HAVE THE POWER and never forget it. As long as you draw breath, you are capable to make a positive difference in this world.
For me, I am awake and will freaking do something to make this country a better place now and forever. This effort is not just for me or you, but for my family, friends, and future generations.
Peace and love to each of you my brothers and sisters.
By the way, I left you a little video of what we might hear after this election.
Check out BrandNewCongress.org
Two of Bernie's organizers have just started this project. Using the same online organizing structure developed for Bernie's campaign, they want to build a 50-state campaign to replace all 535 Congress members by raising up candidates who agree to campaign on Bernie's current program.
Please check the site! They say it better than I can!
Thank you for this information
it helps with my future efforts. I signed up.
Bookmarking this website.
Thank you.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Going there now.
As an aid to educate and radicalize the proletariat, I can't
recommend Howard Zinn's "A people's History of the United States" enough. I have personally converted rock-ribbed Rs and others to a socialist vision just from giving them this book. A hard copy works best, but it is also available for free:
Bookmarking thus website.
Thank you.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Great book
Zinn influenced me in many ways over the years.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Don't make the classic
Dem mistake of confusing apathy with an active decision to sit an election out. I always go to the voting booth but my default position is no vote for either candidate in any given race regardless of competition. In other words a candidate has to win my vote. If everyone did this we would have a functional body politic.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
The last time Amy Klobuchar (Senator-MN) was up for re-election, I left that section blank, and went on to vote for candidates below.
The so-called 'Democratic Party' wouldn't know democracy if it was snow-bound on an obscure North Dakota highway, with the light fading and the temperature dropping...........fast.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I voted for her. Reluctantly.
She's up to bat next in 2018, Franken in 2020. Wish that was reversed. I'd love to see a progressive primary challenger for her. She's much to, go along to get along, to my mind. If Franken doesn't stop having his wit carry him rather than his actions, he should go. Cracking good jokes about republicans don't make up for bad votes.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Voter apathy is a meme served up by the ruling class
to explain away the lack of participation in a corrupt and rigged system. Apathy may explain a certain percentage of Americans who don't vote, but it doesn't explain it for most. I'd guess that most who don't vote do so because they believe because of this system their vote doesn't matter. That's not apathy, that's a problem with the political system.
And also a way to scold people
For not participating in the sham of our alleged democracy and validating the sham it with their vote.
Right on.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
I want a lefty Supreme Court Justice
Get that and watch the social justice lawyers rush forward to fix all the voting rights, abortion rights blah blah blah. John Roberts better protect his court or he is going lose control and he will go down in history as a popular man. The GOP doesn't seem to understand this.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett