US Terrorizes China; China Pulls the Golden Trigger.
All week I've been seeing references to this headline:
"China could announce that it holds 30,000 tons of gold to back the Yuan/Renminbi."
As a Forex trader, the story took me by surprise, even though China has been stockpiling for years, and is the world's largest gold producer. Also, it's not like China to pull this trigger so fast. However, in the South China Sea last week, the US started militarily terrorizing China with war ships and fighter jets — and China warned (in so many polite words) that the US planted the seeds of its own doom.
So, maybe that's what this is all about.
If it is true that China has 30,000 tonnes of gold, (which is almost more gold than the rest of the world's central banks, combined) then it is game over for the US Dollar.
Here's what would happen next:
All global banks would seek to trade in Yuan rather than Dollars. But, China does NOT want the Yuan to be used as the world's trading currency. They have absolutely no intention of redeeming Yuan for gold; they are not fools. Instead, China wants to be a major part of a global synthetic trading currency, in particular SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) issued by the IMF.
The dying US empire wants to block China as a major player at the IMF, but it fatally screwed itself by being the only IMF member nation to miss the IMF's December 31st, 2014 reform vote deadline. (I explained this rapidly-approaching, final stage of US monetary collapse in my essay, America's Mein Kamph.)
So, China will demand that — if the US wants to continue to participate as a global economic partner at the IMF — the Fed must show the world the existence of its gold for international audit, just as China will do.
The Fed either cannot or will not do this. Many believe it has very little gold left. Countries are currently demanding the return of their gold stored at the Federal Reserve in New York. The largest depositor, Germany is still waiting. Even the UK is standing in line for its gold because Switzerland just demanded the return of its gold from that other failed Anglo empire, Great Britain. As you can see, the world has lost all faith and trust in the US debt-based, fiat economy. Especially now that the Petrodollar is dead, thanks to the profoundly self-destructive US sanctions on Russia:
Show us the Money = Checkmate on the US.
Shameful to see. The US hoisted on its own IMF petard.
By the way, would this be a good time to buy gold?
Especially since the Chinese just eclipsed the century-old London daily gold-fix:
China conducted trial runs for the planned launch of a yuan-denominated gold fix last month, three sources familiar with the matter said, in a sign the world's second-biggest bullion consumer was moving closer to creating a benchmark price.
The state-run Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), on whose international platform the fix will be launched, conducted the trial with major Chinese banks and a few foreign banks, the sources said this week.
China, also the top gold producer, feels its market weight should entitle it to be a price-setter for bullion and it is asserting itself at a time when the established benchmark, the century-old London fix, is under scrutiny because of alleged price-manipulation.
Even though gold is up $400 an ounce since 2007, at $1,200 an ounce, it looks really cheap to me, everything considered.
What do you think?
Very few Anglo investor-pundits have the ability to parse the following words: "China does NOT want the Yuan to be used as the world's reserve currency." Their brains simply cannot grasp the idea that China does not share their psychopathic need for global currency supremacy.
One commercial commodities trader did weigh in, astutely, on the possibility of China's coming gold bombshell.
Rob Kirby arranges deliveries of gold, measured by the ton, to his central bank clients. He says the news that China may disclose it has 30,000 tons of gold would be devastating for the United States.
Kirby contends, “I think the implied message is we are going to show you how much we have, and then you are going to have to show us how much you have. . . . America, very likely doesn’t have, in my view, doesn’t have the gold they claim to have. They also probably spent a lot of other people’s gold in safe keeping.”
What would happen to the U.S. dollar if China revealed a vast holding of physical gold?
"…it could cause a sudden drop in the U.S. dollar, which could signal a tsunami of dollars coming back to America and could set off a very, very ugly, ugly bout of inflation... in America.”
Kirby points out, “The problem is our global capital markets have become criminal cesspools. Our global capital markets right now are crime scenes. The regulatory regime installed by the leadership of America to prevent this all from happening has been vacant.”
“It started with the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act back in the late 1990’s. You got to look back to see the context of where this train left the tracks. But, this is not a derailment. The derailment occurred a long time ago. Right now, the engine of the train is in the middle of a corn field, and it’s still moving.”
On the timing of the next financial calamity, Kirby says, “It wouldn’t have shocked me if it happened last fall. It is going to happen. I don’t know what day that is going to happen, but that is a guaranteed outcome of the trajectory we are on right now. People who have their net worth solely in financial assets, paper instruments, are going to witness, at some point, an extreme reduction in their standard of living.”
The floor is open and I'm really interested in your opinion.
The Author hereby grants you permission to post any or all of this essay at your own blog or anywhere else you wish to on the Internet. There is no need to link back. Just add this notice and enjoy.

Round-eye should never, ever mess with China.
I always say.
Interesting. We've been hearing about China
gobbling up gold for some years now, but 30,000 tons? That would be the game changer all right. I've seen rumors of gold going to
$5K an ounce. This could be put up or shut up time for the U.S.
I didn't mean to suggest that gold
…would increase in value.
I meant to say that gold might hold its current value, relative to the Dollar, which could plummet in purchasing power.
Gold is a global commodity, but unlike oil, it is not necessarily priced in Dollars. (And the US doesn't actively assassinate your leader if he tries to sell gold in his own national currency, rather than Petrodollars ** — as in the case of Muammer Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein.)
In other words, an ounce of gold at $5000 US could have the same purchasing power in the US that an ounce of gold has today at $1200. That's a function of a falling Dollar, not rising gold prices.
** Thank god the Petrodollar is dead.
It's surprising to see that we may be watching...
...the demise of the American Empire in slow motion so soon. Nothing lasts forever...the powers-that-be should have been preparing for that but didn't.
If China is legit about this, it will lead to some very interesting times. Thanks for sharing this.
Oh, I think they've prepared.
The Intelligence agencies are well aware this is inevitable. That's what the militarized police forces are all about. There is expected to be social unrest and dislocation.
It does not have to be that way. But Americans are armed, dangerous, and very, very crazy — so there is a risk.
Thanks for the comment.
Very interesting diary, Pluto.
As we continue to engage in wars all over the globe and mortgage our future for empire, other countries have been strengthening their positions on the world stage, particularly the BRICs. We are extremely vulnerable in so many ways, including economically. Traditional warfare is not how the empire will fall. Traditional warfare is too costly when there are far easier ways to create the collapse of the empire. Personally, I have always thought it would implode under its own weight because we simply cannot sustain the constant black holes of war while neglecting our own people and infrastructure here at home. If China does call the US's bluff on its gold reserves, it will be just the impetus to put the empire into a death spiral. Like cybrestrike, I believe that is what we may be watching.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I've always admired your avatar.
And what you do to earn it.
I always admired your intellect and how you are able to make it easy for the rest of us to understand your points.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm an educator, in spirit, and I've published five books on China. So, I sort of know what's going on. And it has always been my intention to make the Far Left wealthy.
Would you accept to send me per message
the titles of your books? I just re-read your diaries here and I would like to understand more. Thank you.
how on earth should I have an opinion
I don't understand nothing at all and believe that everything is crooket. I would buy gold, but then if I need cash, who knows if I could find a buyer. I mean, I hope the US proves it has the gold reserves it claims to have. If not, I would think this is going to create hell on earth.
The next generation can't even find enough work to make an independent living and who expect them to listen to all that crap nobody understands anyhow.
I think we will be in a big, awful pile of a mess. Totally angry about the outlooks. It will not end well.
Buying and selling physical gold
…at market price happens in dozens of gold shops in every town in America. The price changes every hour. It is all computerized and on display right in the stores. Gold is very liquid and very easy to trade for a verified and accurate price — just as fast as any bank teller. Actually, this goes on in every town in the world.
In fact, here's the current price right this very minute, that you can instantly get at any shop in your town:

Most people buy paper gold, which is the same as buying stocks. Also very, very liquid.
The question is whether your savings will hold their value in Dollars, US stocks, or gold — and really, this question affects foreign investors more than it does Americans. Dollars held outside of the US, like foreign owned Treasuries, are the most vulnerable.
Inside the US, which is a wealthy country, the people will be fine if their government immediately ceases its international murder sprees and takes care of the people — and if the Federal Reserve does its job and quickly absorbs the tsunami of Dollars that will flood the nation. The Dollar will still have value, but the US will have no way to pay for imports except through direct trade. Trade deficits would be a thing of the past because the Dollar would not be accepted outside the US. So inflation will reign. That means gold and other commodities would probably become increasingly expensive for Americans.
But there will still be homes, food, transportation, and jobs inside the US, and life will go on. People will live much more modestly.
This is one way to bring US global terrorism to an end. It has long been planned by the world. And, that is a good thing.
PS: Is that gold chart cool or what? Every time you refresh this page, it shows the latest price of gold per ounce. (The price is fixed once per day — in London now, but very soon in China, instead, because the Anglos are irredeemably corrupt — and that is why the chart shows how much gold is Up or Down moment-by-moment over a 24-hour period.)
Good explanation, Pluto
I keep hoping for the end of the empire by the greatest terrorist nation ever known, the US. This is why I chose to use this picture for my avatar. The sign reads, Democracy or Empire, We Can't Have Both. I only wish that had been my own sign (it was my friend's) because it summarizes exactly why I belong to a Peace Vigil.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, Pluto, I was not aware of being able
to buy and sell gold in "gold shops". I thought they were a rip-off and not serious. Sorry. I have some dollar here in the US and some Euro in Europe. On both sides it's not enough to pay on either side for my living expenses til I die and leave something behind. If gold becomes more expensive for Americans, it will be harder to sell then to Americans? Or will there always be enough buyers?
Ok, I give up. No need to try to answer me. I am just too frigging dumb. Thanks for your answer though. It was surely a good one.
One thing to keep in mind
…is that right now, the Dollar is very, very strong.
If you live and invest in the US, the strong Dollar adds absolutely nothing to your personal wealth. However, at this moment, the strong Dollar allows me to buy an Italian farmhouse or a Parisian flat at a huge discount, compared to what it would have cost me a few years ago.
When the Dollar collapses in value, that Italian farmhouse or Parisian flat will suddenly be worth a fortune in US Dollars. (If one is planning to stay in the US, taking advantage of the strength of the Dollar in brand new foreign investments — including foreign currencies — can make a lot of sense.)
I think you understand more than you think, mimi.
That answer you just gave me I do understand !
And I thank you for that.
I wished I had something to invest.... Well, I wait til you make us lefties all rich. We could need it. How much do you charge for financial advice?
I would never charge a penny.
And, right now, Caucus99 has the inside track.
Hardly anybody knows what I know. And, I tell you guys everything. As for direct investment advice, you'll have to logic it out yourself from the data and examples I present.
you just made a great comment to Blue Dragon
which made me reread your diaries. At least I am clearer now that I am not putting a lot of cash into gold.
do you suppose that this is a shot across the bow...
or the real thing?
while china is probably better equipped to get through the instability that would be caused by the collapse of the dollar than the us is (particularly since the us has given up on being a mixed economy and has exported much of its manufacturing base to china and deskilled the us workforce) surely china would prefer a more orderly transfer of power.
China is holding a full house.
Although, Sun Tzu would suggest that you don't show your cards until the end-game is at hand — if at all.
After the US decided to show up in the South China Sea with their big swinging dicks last week (aka: Pivot to Asia), China may have decided that further diplomacy is impossible. Nonetheless, China would never come to blows with the US. That means, if China's hand is forced, it will take the US down immediately. Economically.
China never bluffs.
I've been tracing the 30,000 tonnes of gold story, which is going viral — in my world, at least. It is clearly engineered. Here's one opinion from the commentariat:
I don't know how accurate that analysis is, or that Pravda was the source. All I know for sure is:
Overthrowing the democratically-elected Ukraine government was the United States' ultimate international fuck-up. Probably much worse that the Afghanistan and Iraq disasters, combined. It was a bridge too far. The Neocons have run completely amok. Thank god. They managed to destroy the US terrorist state.
This Universe can be very poetic.
Great essay P...
as usual. If the neocons have run amok in Ukraine and elsewhere, do they not answer to the current Obama administration. If so, what does that say about the current administration. If the neocons do not answer to the current administration, that means the Obama administration is not in control. Either way what does that say about the current administration? To me, it means either Obama is an out and out neocon, or, he doesn't have control of foreign affairs, or both. Either way it's bad news.
Also, what is your view as to what will happen when the big gold depositors finally are convinced that the US doesn't have the gold it's supposed to have, and they may not get their gold back?
I know you didn't ask me, but when I consider
the way one of my countrymen like Schaeuble ticks, it would "not work well" and because they know it wouldn't "work well" Germans will not ask for their gold back and pretend that the US is a trustworthy ally. They are too afraid to rock the boat and be the evildoer who creates world wide chaos by being principled. It's a shame though. It seriously will tick me off, if the US really doesn't hold the gold foreign countries deposited in their vaults for safe guard. Well, if I even understand the whole thing correctly. My father used to say (and he was a pretty conservative entrepreneur) that "the friendship ends when it comes to money." Just look at how "miffed" Germans and some in the EU were with Greece. How miffed you think they will be, when they can't even trust the US anymore to be "honest" when it comes to their supposed gold reserves. I guess better pretend everything is "okey, dokey", right?
Good questions.
Never was. Never will be, internationally. The administration only controls the domestic scraps they throw the Democratic dogs. Gay wedding cakes, for example.
That's why I'm a fan of President Obama. I understand bondage and discipline.
Now, this is a sophisticated question. Bravo.
It is far above my level of expertise, but allow me to quote a pundit:
I don't buy a lot of paper gold, except on the Forex for about 20 minutes at a time.
Bridge too far. Yes. Well
Bridge too far. Yes. Well done. Pluto.
And poetry, as desire, is the "dark energy," of any and all universes.
I read in a German source that China is
not only buying physical gold but also buy gold mines to secure their supply with gold. They say by October to the IMF meeting they will have let the cat out of the bag.
When you mention this
I'm reminded that the news this morning was that Japan was joining in U.S. maneuvers in the region. Now, just how're the imperialists gonna fight a war in the Middle East and South East Asia? (That last 'cause the first time went sooo well.) Some libs over at GOS may get their wish: Reinstating the draft, that's how.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Reinstating the draft
Those of us in our little Peace vigil are all for reinstating the draft with no exceptions. The draft was one of many reasons why the Viet Nam war was so unpopular. Every family was vulnerable to having one of their own drafted.
The three longest wars that the United States has been engaged in are 1) Afghanistan; 2) Viet Nam; and 3) Iraq. For the most part, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not personally touched the majority of Americans so they are basically "out of sight, out of mind." We have fought them with other people's kids, private contractors, and by proxy. All the horrors of war are distant to the majority of Americans as we go about our daily business oblivious to the havoc that is being wreaked worldwide in our names.
I personally do not believe that the draft will be reinstated for that very reason. As long as our war mongering goes on as it has since Viet Nam, it remains basically hidden from the vast majority of Americans. If the draft is reinstated, it will make these wars much more personal to far too many Americans thus creating a public backlash against the war machine that must be fed increasingly greater amounts of our tax dollars.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I can follow your reasons for supporting the draft
but I wonder, if the draft would prevent any of the current or future wars, not to happen. I am so cynical about what Congress would vote for with regards to implement surges and wars, that I can't believe that having a draft to do so or relying on "volunteers" and outsourcing the fighting to "hired guns" and "contractors" would still make a big difference. Sorry to say, I have lost all hope.
draft preventing future wars
I do not believe that reinstating the draft would prevent future wars, but what it would do is make the American public more aware of these wars. This was one of the issues that I wrote about in Part 1 of my series on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The majority of Americans are completely disconnected from those whom we have been sending into battle multiple times in these wars of choice.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
yeah, it's hard for me to imagine, how disconnected
Americans are with their own wars. I just wonder how that is possible. I assume that's because the wars don't happen on their own territory. They send their boys and girls out to foreign countries and let 'em die for "their interests"and call their service honorable to silence their own feeling of guilt to have betrayed their soldiers.. When they come back and survive, they can't understand that they are "pissed" like angry with PTSD. Then the people in power have another reason to "question their Vets mental health status and / or their patriotism". The bombs don't rain on their own houses and streets in the US. What happens over there, stays there. Just the threats rain from msm media and through any stupid loud speakers on buses and trains. "if you hear something suspicious, tell the authorities". Uh, oh, fellow Americans, you are so much under threat. Be very afraid. The whole world is after you. /s
I understand your point. You are of course right. People are so desperate they have silent death wishes and go back to the military, even if they despise the wars they have to fight in, just to have a "safe income". Wouldn't it be nice to have a President who would stop that whole nonsense with a stroke of a pen and calls ALL troops AND contracted people home to the US? No darn training, no military aid, no weapon deliveries, zero, nil, nada. Just give them work here at their home turf. As if there isn't enough that needs fixing here at home.
I am just angry. It's not that I am "disconnected" like most Americans. I may not understand a lot, but get the picture. Sometimes I wished I were disconnected.
It could create a public backlash OR
It could tie Americans closer to the MIC, giving them a personal stake in seeing whatever war we as a country are in through to victory. I, frankly, do not entirely buy into the premise that the draft help bring the hostilities in Vietnam to an end; for me, it was the nearly 54,000 body bags (several times the dead of Iraq and Afghanistan, and thus a far more present number) and the Tet offensive that brought forth the questioning of Americans of their government's war. The only place I saw the draft have any real effect was on the peace movement, the backbone of which was young people (or "cannon fodder" in imperialist thinking) who would be the ones "serving" (translation; fighting, killing, being killed, being maimed for life) in the 60s version of a neocon war.
My take, btw, on the peace movement is that while they themselves were ineffective at stopping the war their visibility en masse made the arguments against continuing the war also visible, such that when Tet happened the nearly overnight shift in public opinion from support to opposition regarding the war was equally massive.
Which is why I hold your vigil to be far more powerful than the draft in helping to shape an anti-war consensus in the general population.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
My reasoning
was due to my own memories of the Viet Nam war and what I have since read in articles such as this one. I think engaging the public in these discussions about the uselessness of these wars can take many forms. Our mainstream media has not done its job, so our little local Peace vigil is simply one way to educate people.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
In rethinking and reshaping American foreign poilicy from
imperialism to pure defense, part of the system should be a draft or conscription of some type. There's no way we should
have an all volunteer force for protecting this country. Of course it won't work without ending imperialism and completely
downsizing and reshaping the military. There also needs to be a global agreement of some kind, kind of like what they did
back in the 20's with the Kellogg-Briand Pact as well as major changes at the U.N..
I believe our all-volunteer force right now could easily
defend the country, if that's all the U.S. military was about.
But it's not. It's an imperialist spear designed to reinforce and impose U.S. hegemony over foreign and commercial affairs.
I'll not sign up to have young men and women drafted for that.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Gold. Heh.
Adorable avatar.
Is that from Black Stallion?
I love that movie.
The all there is.
Anyone who watches this...
…will instantly grow important new brain cells.
Wonderful. Beautiful. Evolutionary.
Welcome hecate...
thanks for posting and make yourself at home.
well, I understand more than most about currency
but I honestly don't understand all this. I don't understand how to protect myself. My retirement accounts are a mystery to me as I didn't have any options till I took my current job 15 years ago. Now, I can move some investments around inside Vanguard and TIAACREF, but don't understand what to do.
I am just terrified of being old, sick and very, very poor.
I've been research alternative economic systems intensively for a few years. I don't understand gold trading at all and it scares me to death. Can I invest in gold via Vanguard or TIAACREF?
Does this new information mean us treasuries are a bad bet right now?
I am more than willing to put myself on the line for my leftist ideals, but I hate like hell to be victimized again.
Would my putting up a diary about what I do understand help clarify some of this?
So glad you are here Pluto.
May the dolphins, whales and furry things inherit the world. Humans, unless we do an about face, have just about proven we don't deserve this beautiful planet.
Blue Dragon! It is so good to see you here and I hope you will be posting often too.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
X2--great to see you! ;-) N/T
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I have been underground
for the winter.
I hope to participate more.
May the dolphins, whales and furry things inherit the world. Humans, unless we do an about face, have just about proven we don't deserve this beautiful planet.
Good to see you.
I so agree with your comment. Looking forward to having you around more.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon