Ex Hillary Shill comes Clean on Reddit.

Wa Po Article that I first saw.


How a super PAC plans to coordinate directly with Hillary Clinton’s campaign

But Correct the Record believes it can avoid the coordination ban by relying on a 2006 Federal Election Commission regulation that declared that content posted online for free, such as blogs, is off limits from regulation. The “Internet exemption” said that such free postings do not constitute campaign expenditures, allowing independent groups to consult with candidates about the content they post on their sites. By adopting the measure, the FEC limited its online jurisdiction to regulating paid political ads.

The rules “totally exempt individuals who engage in political activity on the Internet from the restrictions of the campaign finance laws. The exemption for individual Internet activity in the final rules is categorical and unqualified,” then-FEC Chairman Michael E. Toner said at the time, according to a 2006 Washington Post story. The regulation “protects Internet activities by individuals in all forms, including e-mailing, linking, blogging, or hosting a Web site," said Toner, now a prominent Republican campaign finance attorney.

However, the FEC rules specify that online activities are exempted from campaign finance rules if they are conducted by "uncompensated" individuals, campaign finance lawyers noted. It is unclear how Correct the Record, whose staff will be paid, plans to navigate that restriction.

From the Sunlight Foundation

Correct the Record (super PAC)

Correct the Record was originally part of the American Bridge super PAC, but was spun off in May 2015 to be its own super PAC. It’s headed by Brad Woodhouse, the past president of American Bridge 21st Century and former communications director of the Democratic National Committee. Correct the Record is located in the same offices as Media Matters and American Bridge; as National Journal pointed out, “When long­time Demo­crat­ic op­er­at­ive Brad Wood­house left his job head­ing one su­per PAC to lead an­oth­er, he didn’t even change desks.” Most of Correct the Record’s staff used to work at the super PAC arm of American Bridge, according to FEC filings.

The FEC has stated that it only regulates Internet activity when it is “communication placed on another person’s website for a fee.” So, Correct the Record says it actually can communicate with the campaign because all of its activity is on its own website. (This underscores the so-called "Internet “blind spot” that we pointed out a couple weeks ago.)

In theory, Correct the Record could coordinate with the campaign, then coordinate with the other super PACs. We don’t know if that is true, and even if it was, it’s doubtful the FEC would do anything about it. But Campaign Legal Center’s Paul Ryan has described the group’s activity as “creating new ways to undermine campaign regulation.”


Consider this

False Flag posts are a violation of USC 52 in their own right.

§30124. Fraudulent misrepresentation of campaign authority
(a) In general
No person who is a candidate for Federal office or an employee or agent of such a candidate shall-
(1) fraudulently misrepresent himself or any committee or organization under his control as speaking or writing or otherwise acting for or on behalf of any other candidate or political party or employee or agent thereof on a matter which is damaging to such other candidate or political party or employee or agent thereof; or
(2) willfully and knowingly participate in or conspire to participate in any plan, scheme, or design to violate paragraph (1).

I think the "I was a Bernie supporter but now I am for Hillary" written by paid staff of Correct the Record argueably fall into this category.

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on TOP link you posted. I wish folks wouldn't link to that shit-hole place. Every time someone clicks on the site it puts money in the LPO's pocket. (Little Prick Owner)
Anyway, thanks for the info!

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If you're on FireFox you can install the leechblock add on and then tell it to block that pestiferous place. Probably there's a way to do that on other browsers as well. I did it because I got tired of being sent there by clicking on links or muscle memory in my fingers.

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Deja's picture

Puleaaaaase don't throw me in the briar patch!


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PastorAgnostic's picture

On what flat earth would the level of corruption and corrosion that Teem Hillary has concocted would be acceptable, except and unless we actually had no other choices, BECAUSE all the possible choices and slots were already filled.

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jamess's picture

Trump paying people $50
to show up at his first rally?

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truehawk's picture

There is a law that pretains to what Shillary is doing.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Trying to find enough moral men and women who not only care but CAN Act upon such corruption is quite difficult in our rigged judicial system and quasi-judicial entities (e.g., the FEC). Only by sending enough true progressives to legislative bodies both federal and state will be able to cleanse the engrafted filth of bought-and-sold administrators, attorneys general, legislators from the badly stained fabric of our country.

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Damnit Janet's picture

as I said earlier.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

snoopydawg's picture

And it's not just the Koch brother that have endorsed her. Robert Kagan, one of the authors of PNAC endorsed her as has the Dick Cheney and a lot of other neocons and most of the military officers who have disagreed with Obama's foreign policy because they don't think that he has been aggressive enough in the war of terror because he won't send ground troops.

Here's an excellent article about how Hillary became a war hawk.


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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Deja's picture

Here is my response to someone else:

Deja missLotus Apr 24 · 09:08:31 PM
Convenient, wouldn't you say? That whole rule about paid shills?

Just as convenient as the timing of the rollout of DK5, right before a primary. And with it came the anonymous flags. Can no longer tell if you're being flagged by a bunch of socks, zombies or shills. (People getting diaries flagged to oblivion by the Flying Monkeys within a mere few minutes of publish have actually been documented - so I suppose we should add the convenience of programs, or some damn good collaboration in realtime, which is laughably unlikely within a few minutes.)

Another convenience would be the 'I pick the nom, and after X date fuck off if you don't support my choice, I'll just ban you' fit thrown by a supposedly grown ass man who attacked his now queen so harshly, she should've died on the spot.

Then add what the diary describes.

So many convenient truths. And yet, so many of you have taken the blue pill of The Matrix. Choosing to swallow what you're fed. Lapping it up, without question, just like a bunch of religious zealots.

Fortunately, I chose the red one. I will fight on!

A shill is a shill, ain't that right, Markos?

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shaharazade's picture

in this day and age nothing that any shill or paid operator does is illegal. Hey it's just the way the game is played. Don'tcha know this is the way politics roll? Win! We must win! Or else god forbid the biggest baddest evil ever will prevail. lol.

Who cares what color, blue or red wins? We're screwed globally and locally regardless of this farce of a primary election. Koch Bros.vs Goldman Sachs? Koch Bros just said Hillary the Hun was preferably better then any Republican. Kissinger and the Koch Bros. Oh No's. Forget about HRC she's just pure evil. Forget about the Democratic party it's just pure evil. This advice is from a 'purist', emo prog, far leftie, purist, fucking moron from way back.

No need to carry on about dkos or the rigged corrupt Dem party it's just Chinatown. Forget about it and lets all figure a way to stop these assholes. All of them. Who cares what Brock or The Mad Bomber says or does. It's absurd to even consider this as any kind of valid point to argue about or get upset about. Face what we're dealing with and quit trying to make your point using the insane rules of engagement that the by-partisan totally corrupt in the bag pols present as reality. It's not. Who cares what David Brock does or says.

Makes no difference as it's rigged and us ordinary people who notice this are spoiler's, purists, rotten Dr. Commie Rat's or spouting RW memes. Voter fraud that's okay. Money laundering that's not a crime it's savvy business people doing their thing. Any objections? Well your an insurgent, rebellious young white privileged racist sexist rotten Dr. Commie Rat. Proud to be whatever they call me and every one with a brain and heart who will not accept the false reality as real. It'd not it's pure evil, with no lesser any where insight. Bernie maybe, but still he dances to their evil tune.

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shaharazade's picture

in this day and age nothing that any shill or paid operator does is illegal. Hey it's just the way the game is played. Don'tcha know this is the way politics roll? Win! We must win! Or else god forbid the biggest baddest evil ever will prevail. lol.

Who cares what color, blue or red wins? We're screwed globally and locally regardless of this farce of a primary election. Koch Bros.vs Goldman Sachs? Koch Bros just said Hillary the Hun was preferably better then any Republican. Kissinger and the Koch Bros. Oh No's. Forget about HRC she's just pure evil. Forget about the Democratic party it's just pure evil. This advice is from a 'purist', emo prog, far leftie, purist, fucking moron from way back.

No need to carry on about dkos or the rigged corrupt Dem party it's just Chinatown. Forget about it and lets all figure a way to stop these assholes. All of them. Who cares what Brock or The Mad Bomber says or does. It's absurd to even consider this as any kind of valid point to argue about or get upset about. Face what we're dealing with and quit trying to make your point using the insane rules of engagement that the by-partisan totally corrupt in the bag pols present as reality. It's not. Who cares what David Brock does or says.

Makes no difference as it's rigged and us ordinary people who notice this are spoiler's, purists, rotten Dr. Commie Rat's or spouting RW memes. Voter fraud that's okay. Money laundering that's not a crime it's savvy business people doing their thing. Any objections? Well your an insurgent, rebellious young white privileged racist sexist rotten Dr. Commie Rat. Proud to be whatever they call me and every one with a brain and heart who will not accept the false reality as real. It's not it's pure evil, with no lesser any where insight. Bernie maybe, but still even he dances to their evil tune.

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SnappleBC's picture

And I also remember the first time I read about it it was pretty thoroughly debunked. Sadly, I don't have the linkage.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

snoopydawg's picture

The diarist has been banned for reposting that and because he has used different names for numerous accounts.

However close to 300 people have gotten a warning from TPTB that if they recced or tipped his diary, they are close to being banned.
There's a message on his diary which has been deleted from the site stating the above.
But the fact that Hillary's campaign is paying people to troll websites is still true.
If it's illegal as stated here, nothing will happen to her. If she's not going to be indicted for sending and receiving classified emails, especially the ones from Bluementhal who sent some from Libya and in one he outs an undercover CIA agent, no one is going to do anything about her campaign paying people to troll the nets

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

truehawk's picture

I think we need to find out.
The original was posted Nov 5, 2015, and events unfolded exactly as presented.
I think that add MORE crediability. Not less.

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SnappleBC's picture

All I can tell you is that I filed it firmly in my head as "total hogwash". I cannot, however, justify that to you.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

edg's picture

It was first published in the Washington Post. It's still there, with the following update:

[Update: Correct the Record officials say they are not relying on the individual Internet exemption, but rather a related exemption in the definition of coordinated communications.]

Please explain exactly how it was "pretty thoroughly debunked" seeing as WP stands by it?

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riverlover's picture

Or are things stuck at enquiry? Could a case against Hillary (hypothetically, of course) bundle in accusations of paid tampering in an election campaign at a later date with the hypothetical accusations of sharing classified information with beings without security clearance? Obviously, IANAL.

But isn't that how Starr got WJC for lying about a blow job at a much later time than the commencement of the fishing expedition?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

I heard a legal expert say that there must be a grand jury already in order for the IT guy to have an immunity deal. Can't remember the details to explain why that made sense.

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riverlover's picture

that the IT guy got a Summons (after Congress????), and got immunity. And then the story trails off...

You realize that the story trail flames and fades. TThe wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine. Probably to sand and smoke.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.