The fate of the list, and The Blue Flame can Go Green and Elect Jill Stine
There are various articles on the internet about the Democratic consultants panting over the prospect of getting their hands on Bernie's Donor list.
Well, I am one of those Bernie donors in a pretty big way, I supported the party for a couple of years at the level of $50 a month after 2004, and then switched to supporting Allen Grayson after Rham's comments about stupid progressives.
If most of the Democrats think they are going to get a nickle out of me, they have another think coming, and other than some of my women friends who are okay with Hillary, I think most of the donor list has a simular opinion.
We are donating because we want a candidate that will fight for our issues, is reliable and consistent, and has no glaring conflicts of interest.
Which leads me to observe that this same article says that they expect Bernie to eventually "play ball" with the Democratic establishment. God I HOPE NOT!
I believe in Bernie down to my toes.
But he evidently gave his WORD that he would not run third party.
But we have just seen how corrupt the elections process has become. Audits which are not audits, but staged productions, different hours in different places in the same state, a restricted number of voting machines, and unreasonable pre-affiliation deadlines.
The system is rigged, and the Democratic Party is in on it.
If his WORD prevents Bernie from running as a Green, then we have a choice. Vote for Hillary, Don't vote, or through our money and energy behind the Green Party and Jill Stein.
Maybe we could even get Elizabeth Warren or O'Malley to run as her vice president.
I would seriously recommend the latter course, and I believe that if we can get the message right, that by and large, capitalists do not do any actual work to obtain the capitol to buy the worker's labor, we could win the General.
This has become a message/policy driven campaign and the message that co-ops work, and large cooperation like GE are actually state subsidized, often getting most of their profits from government contracts while paying zero corporate taxes, and transferring the wealth to individuals who pay capitol gains rates, at most, needs to continue to be put out there to gain traction. We need to remind people that at the end of WWII the government essentially GAVE the factories to the corps.
Right now we have a govt/private partnership where the banks originate most of the capitol in the country as debt, we could just as easily have the government originate capitol to buy every worker into a co-op of their choosing instead.
Another thing, there are things that collectivism does well, and things it does not do well. We want research that challenges confirmatory biases, we want development of disruptive technologies, we want the manufacture of a broad array of consumer goods. We want jobs where rigorous attention to product quality is a matter of pride, and worker happiness is equally important.
Food and water are the foundation. We want to conserve the productivity of the land and produce a wide variety of nutritious crops in sufficient abundance to feed everyone. We want small farms and large. We want our youngsters to know what hard labor feels like, and where their food comes from. So 3 years of national service on the farm sounds about right.
We want everyone to be able to pursue education to the level that they are capable of and desire.
We need to figure out how to do that without producing perpetual student lay-abouts. Like alternate quarters of education and related labor, or some such.
We are told that there is no alternative to what we have now other than heavy handed central planning, while Germany does quite well with co-ops and a requirement for labor to be on any corporate board.
It is not beyond the wit of man to figure out what steps we need to take, what the pitfalls are to each approach and how to mitigate them.

Those who control the political economy do work: Unproductively
The capitalists main form of work is to spend money and organize lobbyists to make legal what is now, or once was, illegal.
Is anyone old enough to remember usury laws? It wasn't so long ago that local and regional banks got most of their profits from income from loans instead of fees that nickle and dime savers and those who use checking accounts.
The largest form of work by capitalists now seems to be raising the "rights" of corporations over both nations and the citizens of nations. One can't help notice that Obama and Clinton are enthusiastic supporters, although Sec'y Clinton has no adopted the tactic of "outright lie" to cover her years of helping to develop TPP.
The stagnation of late stage, or moribund, international capital means that there are fewer and fewer investment opportunities to make the large returns on investment of money except in the global south which is in the process of being "softened up" by the US intelligence agencies, so financialization has set in. If you stir up toxic financial instruments enough, and maybe pay the right people, companies that rate various schemes will give you a AAA or AA rating and you can sell them to pension funds, municipalities, and the rest of the rubes.
Among economists whom our economic betters allow to be quoted and/or seen in the mass media, Prof Stiglitz stands out as not having totally sold out to Big Money. Among other things, Stiglitz agrees with many here that monopoly capital - although he may not use that term - is decadent and poses an existential threat.
Thanks for a nice diary on this Sunday morning. You make some excellent points, in my view. It's a fine spring day and I think my dog and I are going to go and walk in it.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I had just posted this as a comment in another diary
I personally think it's hilarious and reveals just how out of touch they are that they believe Bernie's email list has any value to them.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Listless donors
I would be surprised if the "Sanders List" is not already full of names known to the DNC, DCCC, DSCC, etc., many of whom have been turning a dead easy to these groups in they past. After the establishment has demonstrated that it will do anything in its power to thwart those not loyal to the establishment, it is hard to see those donors sending so much as a dime: it would be like buying the bullet meant to put you down.
still don't get that this is a movement and not about the establishment fucking political parties. Their thinking that this is like 2008 and the party will unite behind hrc blows my mind or maybe they want the list for more sinister reasons, after all this is the country of (what you say can and will be used against you) I hope not. They would do better trying to get some of their money back from their paid MSM hacks and internet trolls although that is pretty unlikely also. If they think they are going to get money from Bernie supporters they would be wrong and i'm guessing even if Bernie supports hrc they still would be wrong!
Just because Bernie pledged not to run
as an Independent, it doesn't follow that he will support Clinton, nor that he would not support Stein. People-driven contributions to the Green party would be a game changer. Bernie holding rallies in support of Stein would put her on the map.
Trumps general election numbers are horrendous. This could be a legitimate 3-way race. Who's to say that the first woman President has to be named Clinton?
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Oh, they'll get their money alright.
Donors who do not wish to contribute to the corruption will have their names sold to various spammers, uh, I mean advertisers.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Makes it easier to trace and block who uses your email address. Anything after the + is a "tag" for you to use for filtering. I've already unsubscribed from a number of groups who passed my email along without permission, but I could tell from the email itself.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
It would be hilarious to see
It would be hilarious to see the RNC piss off trump so he runs indy, then he fights and pulls numbers from Cruz or whoever they push, and Hillary face them as well as Jill, maybe Bernie as well, and if the Greens win due to so many independents and pissed off Dems who wanted the same platform as Bernie presented with the Greens vote so that the 3rd party clobbers the establishment......But we digress, let us see if People Power will over take and dunk Establishment Power and their hoodwinked supporters
So long, and thanks for all the fish