Confessions of a Hillary Shill (Internet Troll)
I found this to be an interesting read about what the Hellery campaign is instructing her Internet flying monkeys to do. Told by one of her Trolls that finally said "I can no longer continue to participate in something that has become morally-indigestible for me."
To be honest, I was skeptical of what Sanders was saying at the beginning, and didn’t have much of a problem pointing out the reasons why I believed that Hillary was the better candidate. Over a period of two months, I gradually started to find Bernie appealing, even if I still disagreed with him on some issues. By September, I found myself as a closet Bernie supporter, though I still believed that Hillary was the only electable Democratic candidate.
We received very specific instructions about how and what to post, and I was aghast at what I saw. It was a complete change in tone and approach, and it was extremely nasty in character. We changed from advocates to hatchet men, and it left a very bad taste in my mouth.
He goes on to explain on the smear tactics he was told to use against Bernie : Sexism, racism, Electability, Dirty tactics, Opponent outreach.
And on the Bernie side...
Here's a statement from Bernie's team when asked if they are doing the same thing to her.
“Our campaign and our vendors are not paying people to reply to anti-Bernie comments on social media,” said Sanders campaign rapid response director Mike Casca. “Come on man, really?”

When we suspected it in public, we got attacked.
Especially on the Orange Satan.
Now our suspicions have proven to be true. You have to wonder how some of those folks can live with themselves.
Yeah, interesting that the troll specifically
points to a GOS diary as an example of the type of tactics they pulled.
And the nastiness of the smear guidelines he describes are a real window into the Depravity Of The Clinton Crime Family.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
All the positions and tactics described in the article can be found over on that other site.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Has anyone dared to brave the wrath of
The Grate and Powerful kOZ with this article?
They won't believe it anyway....
Do you have proof that it isn't Bernie himself pretending to be a paid Hillary shill? You know there is no winning over there.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Half won't believe
The other half will smile and nod.
Wrath of Kos
I dare to brave DK trolls all the time and relish doing so. I get a warning before I'm allowed to enter, but so what? I go for the Pootie Diaries. That's the only good thing about DK now. I feel sorry for the progressives genuinely trying to reason with and placate the Hillary trolls though.
Wrath of Kos
A bad sequel to the Wrath of Khan?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Wrath of Kos
I dare to brave DK trolls all the time and relish doing so. I get a warning before I'm allowed to enter, but so what? I go for the Pootie Diaries. That's the only good thing about DK now. I feel sorry for the progressives genuinely trying to reason with and placate the Hillary trolls though.
you click on TOP it's money in the owner's pocket. He could give a shit if you're a clinton supporter, Bernie supporter or for that matter a Cruz or Trump supporter. Clicks = $$$
I won't feed the little prick anymore. If clinton wins the primary and then loses the general, and she will, I'll go back and do the old "I told you so" routine...
But if she would happen to pull off the whole shebang, I'll go back and tell them what a bunch of worthless assholes they are after she starts a bullshit war in her first year. And she will...
AdBlock seems to work
At least to hide the ads between the story and the comments. Not that I read the comments, but I have to cross the ads to get to the Tip Jar...
Right click, block the DIV and the class, but uncheck the id when asked to confirm (it looks like a randomly generated tag - possibly to make AdBlock harder to use for average Joe.)
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Wrath of Kos
I dare to brave DK trolls all the time and relish doing so. I get a warning before I'm allowed to enter, but so what? I go for the Pootie Diaries. That's the only good thing about DK now. I feel sorry for the progressives genuinely trying to reason with and placate the Hillary trolls though.
I haven't seen it over there
The original Reddit post was circulating about 6 weeks ago now, I think - I think it was just before I started hanging out primarily here. So, math in my head puts that at just about the same time as the edict. Not sure - that was Super Tuesday-ish and I was pretty wiped out.
At any rate, doesn't matter over there what anyone's actually doing, all that matters is that we're on board with HRC and not knocking her down too much or one is out.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
total waste of time and energy. no more
Don't believe everything you think.
and the diary cited was posted by someone who is STILL
a member in good standing at TOP--a Trusted User in fact--and who posted a diary and 19 comments just yesterday. There's no reason to think that either the TOP Clintonistas or the administration of the site care that they're being blatantly played like this.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
But, PhilJD
We got played, while Kos gets paid. He isn't getting played at all!
I'm seeing that the timing of the DK5 rollout, and the anonymous flagging was all in favor of allowing him to be the shill he is, and knowingly allow shills on his site. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he's paying some himself. Oh wait - Armando, Denise. . . and which one of the FPers diaried that she used to be for Bernie but is now a hillbot?
There's a comment below about a program that could be used for mass flagging. With DK4, we'd have been able to tell who the gang was. Not anymore. Quite handy.
I feel like I just took the red pill.
Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard!
You said it: Clinton Crime Family! why can't peeps see that?
Sea Turtle
Maybe they're from another country
I think I read it here or on the sell-out blog that some of these trolls may be outsourced. Not something that someone who cares about their country would do.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Judging by the glee with which they tip even the most obvious
zombies and socks, the Clintonistas at TOP truly don't care about the bona fides of their newfound BFFs, even if those "bold young voices" signed up yesterday or last week. Zombies and socks, paid trolls and ratfuckers--it's all good for the Clintonites, as long as they're doing their part to keep progressive politics and the Democratic Party far far apart.
A dismaying number of these twerps would, in their heart of hearts, rather see a Republican president than elect a mildly lefty guy like Bernie Sanders.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Once upon a thyme in me yute,
My best friend and I were pretending to play tennis. I was 14 and concentrating all my attentions on the girls in the next court. My friend was a year older, and he concentrated on the ball. It was 87 degrees and humid, sunny, and nary a wind.
All of a sudden, a line of black clouds formed from the northeast (an unusual direction for Chicago) when a gust of wind hit us. The wind got stronger and stronger, and the temps dropped by 54 degrees, the fastest, biggest drop recorded in Chicago. And then the cold rain started pelting us. We even had hail. The bike ride back to his home was freaky, with 40-50 mph winds.
When I look back at the Grate and Curious kOZ before the Ides, it was a warm, often friendly place, with a lot to offer. Opinions, information, cute photos of excess felines, and some humor, even and occasional femur and ulna. Then, that storm driven, cold win blew through there, and totally changed its character. It has gone from a nice place, to some unrecognizable pool of cess, a shallow, vindictive, nasty place filled with bullies and jerks.
The change in character was and remains stunning.
I completely agree, PA.
I loved hanging there, reading diaries, interacting with others. Now, it's a dreadful place. I go in, do my BNR comment, maybe look at what's on the rec list, perhaps click on something interesting, get to the comments and a black cloud forms. I log out and don't go back til the next morning. I can't even visit mid day. It's dripping in blood over there.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Judging by the glee with which they tip even the most obvious
zombies and socks, the Clintonistas at TOP truly don't care about the bona fides of their newfound BFFs, even if those "bold young voices" signed up yesterday or last week. Zombies and socks, paid trolls and ratfuckers--it's all good for the Clintonites, as long as they're doing their part to keep progressive politics and the Democratic Party far far apart.
A dismaying number of these twerps would, in their heart of hearts, rather see a Republican president than elect a mildly lefty guy like Bernie Sanders.
Edit: It may appear that this is a duplicate post, but in fact these are two quite distinct comments, quantum entangled.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
I realized this last summer
DWS's behavior with delaying the debates allowing TWO MONTHS of 24/7 newscycles to be all Repub, all the time showed this to be true. And Dem primary results are depressed, I think as a result of it. I'm really not sure why that gal still heads the party because her strategery really sucks (as seen in the 2012 election cycle). I really do not get what her aim is other than potentially going down with the HRC ship if the boat's taking on water... I really don't get it. Perhaps she just believes the corruption is sufficient to win out in the end? Other than that, I cannot make sense of it.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I am sure DWS has been promised a golden job after this
What does she care if she ruins her political reputation, she is establishing her bona fides that she will do ANYTHING that her boss demands of her. Clawing her way to wherever she wants to go. If she doesn't get a plum Clinton WH position (and god help us all,) she will surely get get a plum job from a Clinton donor.
She has it made in the shade. What does she care about how peeps view her.... SCUM. Bottom feeding Scum!
Sea Turtle
$30 a month...
Will buy you one in India...
The problem is they usually mess up what they are saying and it is apparent...
A little bit more will probably buy one that speaks better...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I understand that Kos uses India to get clicks for his ratings
Yes, and Kos is one of the oldest paid operatives:
Read this if you have a strong stomach:
Sea Turtle
From your link:
And people get upset when you accuse Kos of being a little less than honest? LMAO!
Didn't Armstrong end up leaving over an unbecoming episode of some kind? Someone help me out, please.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Here ya go Mr
The comments about Jerome Armstrong in link
Are telling. The woman must've sold her soul in exchange for being Teflon! Nothing sticks, and her bots even preach it like a screaming, spitting, vein-popping Southern Baptist preacher. Guess they know something I just figured out.
Sigh. . .
Thanks for that.
Not good, but not evil on the scale of the company he keeps.
Working for Warner afterward is more unbecoming IMO.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Are there any genuine HRC supporters on GOS?
Or are they all paid $hills talking to each other.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I think most of the long-time users
were genuine -- there are a lot of people who benefit from keeping the status quo exactly where it is especially if you look at the demographics (mostly white, well educated, white collar workers making good coin). Some of the newer folks, well, while I love Paul Hogarth (his Twitter feed when he goes to SF Giants game is a hoot though his player nicknames aren't necessarily family friendly...) I think he may have been directed to find a certain type of new contributor, ones who would toe the party line.
There are a couple dozen or so longer-term members who lead the
pack. And then there are a very long series of pouncers and taggers-on in the past 8 months or so.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I actually blogged about that subject 10 years ago
I call it the Davy Crockett technique. In the old 60's tv series, there was an episode where Davy Crockett and his buddy Bowie hide in the woods and set up lots of flintlocks. They then quickly fire off lots of shots in a hurry. This gives the enemy the impression that a whole slew of soldiers are ambushing them and they run away. Thus two guys drive off a much larger force.
The CIA operatives at DKOS do the same thing. They, with Markos blessing and knowledge, register under many sockpuppet names and use programs they've designed to mass rec diaries they want or attack those they don't. I even posted photographic evidence of one of their favored diaries going up and within 30 seconds shooting to the rec list. The program that decides what goes on the rec list is designed to value how many recs in a short time. This is by design a means to allow Markos gang to pull the Davy Crockett technique. In my pictures, you can see thier favored dairy had only recently been posted and had less than a third of an opposing diary's recs that had also been recently posted, yet it was on the rec list with far fewer recs because they'd sock puppeted all their recs at once using a program they wrote for that purpose.
I'd venture that the Bernie supporters outnumber the Hillary supporters 1000-1 on that site and the primary purpose of the Davy Crockett technique of massive phony ID's is to give the impression that there are actual Hillary supporters in vast numbers when in fact, there are very few.
But if we knew for fact there were very few Hillary supporters and that Bernie support was widespread, the public outcry for voter fraud would be immense as there is literally no way the election results are real.
Kos was the first paid shill from the get go
Sea Turtle
Interesting that it was Zephyr Teachout
who named Markos as a paid shill. Zephyr is being touted by Bernie's people as a candidate who we can get behind. I got an email before the NY primary from Sanders team asking me to support Teachout.
the GOS shill Diary
..... that this essay refers to is located here.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Perfectly horrible grammar.
The guy can't even punctuate. The quality of diaries - in style and grammar, as well as substance --over there has really taken a hit.
Twain Disciple
Paid trolls on TOS
I had been suspecting HRC dirty tricks for a while. You can't have a gazillion new usernames pop up and not note something's up. What a shame. I still wander over there for the BNR, bobswern, MB and a few others. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Megaphone program resurrected by Hillary PAP Internet Brigade?
Re-posted: Megaphone program resurrected by a PAP Internet Brigade?
Sounds like the Hillary/KOS camp has re tuned the Hasbarsa megaphone internet tool to notify anti-Bernie persona's (fake accounts) that there is someone out there who needs flagging. At this point I don't think Hillary could afford NOT to use some sock puppet software to flag the non-believers - she's done about everything else, she wouldn't hesitate to use these tactics against a dwindling but still prominent TOS presence. I've always wondered how KOS flaggers show up so quickly over there at the "other" place. And for my money there is ONE country who are experts at running the Megaphone blogging program - they are Mideast and it ain't Iran...
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
That explains how suddenly virtually all my comments
got flagged, around the time my tip jar flag won a 3 month timeout... it couldn't be a single account, so it was probably coordinated or sockpuppets, or of course, a bot.
Users require TU status to flag, fakenews.
That said, now I think I better understand the timing of rolling out DK5, and the anonymous flagging.
Note: now you can't even tell if you've been flagged until you get a hidden comment warning you have to acknowledged.
Now it all makes sense. Yes indeed, we've been played, and Kos gets paid.
TU status to me seems kinda' random....
If you comment enough yes you get TU status. No matter how you comment - - - unless it's flagged - it seems to build your TU points. I don't know what the algorithm is but TU status can probably be accomplished by a BOT especially if the KOS admins give it some priority. I've had TU status off and on for 10 years and it seems to disappear if I'm not that active. I think TU is far over rated as a method of morality on the "other" blog... Doesn't matter now since I've been banned for mentioning that Israel is not a member of the NPT.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
You were banned because of National Pipe Thread?
Didn't you get the memo? No truth allowed over there. A staff member even said a couple weeks ago that lies are not flag worthy. Nice, huh?
I received my first and only HR ever in an I/P thread for alluding to shillary before Bibi's shill army had been outed. Got a flag on DK5, but now you're not able to see if you have any.
I'm sure that participation can be automated in order to build TU status so auto flagging could take place, or why not just give those bot accounts TU status from the get-go?
I said earlier, I feel like I just took the red pill. It's all feels like a planned attempt to force the worst dem candidate that even ran down our throats. DK5, anonymous flagging, shill trolls, the Ides Edict, forbidding truth, disallowing flags for lies and banning people who do for flag abuse, all for personal gain of the machine and markos, decent, informed, free thinking liberals be damned. Gross.
Lies are not flag-worthy,
But the truth is.
I think the Israelis use some sort of metric pipe thread.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
1984 in 2016
OT: you offered a bengal tiger, I believe, the other night.
She turned up wandering around Conroe, TX wearing a collar and leash. Want I should call up the Conroe PD and tell 'em you lost her?
Roz is much smaller than that...technically a housecat. But the 'marbled bengal' housecats are considered to be feistier than average. She's a bit of a problem...for us, and our other two cats. I wouldn't really get rid of her...just maybe loan her out for a bit.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I just got caught on the wrong thread while it was pro Israeli
They swarmed in a manner of minutes and Poof! I was gone. There are a number of pro-Israeli bloggers on dKos who congregate at the slightest sign of negative Israel / pro Palestine comments. I just got caught up in a post that was designated for flagging and banning. I've been pro-Palestine commenting for 10 years but now that the organization is more or less automated - they flagged and notified admin that I was an " American First'r" not sympathetic to bulldozing Palestinian homes or letting the number of nukes that Israel possessed (probably 400 bombs) go by without comment. They own dKos now and I'm glad I'm gone now...
You've seen these pro-Israeli posters over and over on dKos - same names over the years.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
I love David Harris-Gershon
He gets swarmed too. I once got into it with Denise in one of his diaries. She said she didn't like his diaries, so I told her to stay out of them then. She also had never read his book. Didn't even know his story, but was willing to label him because he doesn't think Palestinians are sub human, and thinks they deserve to live in peace, just like the Israelis.
You can pick out the talking points in I/P diaries, just like the Hillbot diaries and comments. I first started recognizing anti Palestinian talking points at a now defunct blog back when they were bombing the shit out of Lebanon. You couldn't be banned from there for not drinking the Israel is Just Defending Itself koolaid, though.
Just Tell Denise...
That unlike her you are unwilling to label anyone based on their religion, ethnicity, race, or nationality, as subhuman...
LOL... It smacks but really...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Nah, Oldest Son
I'll let her read it here. I have no desire to ever interact with her again. Not my kind of people, if you know what I mean?
Thanks for the comment - FN
Hi! and very funny NPT.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
on waking up. Do your eyes hurt now that you're using them?
Fasten your seatbelt, Dorothy
Because Kansas is going bye bye.
Indeed, my eyes hurt. So does my stomach. I feel ill for being such a sucker. No wonder "CT" is bannable. Gawd forbid someone actually post the truth about that little fit-throwing enema nozzle, and his Queen, the one with activist & other innocent blood on her hands.
I think the best medicine is to see Killary go down, and to be able to go to
The MatrixDK, and tell them to suck it!I suspect that the roll out of DK5 was timed for HRC's trolls
Haven't heard anyone else mention that, but it seems logical to me. I am sure that DK5 contains some programming elements that would troll for Hillary, like the megaphone one that you mention.
It is just logical in retrospect.
Scum and hypocrite, posing as someone he is not.
Sea Turtle
I mentioned it above re DK5 rollout
It's really handy to have anonymous flags and now the inability to even see if your own comment has been hidden. Add the flag program, the Ides Edict, bots and shills. How is Meteor Blades still there? (Heh, maybe he's not - just his account is.)
Like I said before, thinking about this makes me feel like I took the red pill. It all makes sense now. Sickening sense.
Exactly, the truth re. Kos being a shill is taking the red pill
I was so upset for several weeks, and then my mind computer started running links: oh, now I know why he said x or why he did y. I am furious that he has taken advantage of those of us who are genuine progressives in his pay for play game.
As for MB. What did MLK say? something to the effect of " ... for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent." MB is remaining silent. C'est dommage...
Sea Turtle
Deja, I reread the whole thread, and you did mention DK5
rollout. And not only that but you use the Matrix 'redpill' -'bluepill' analogy which I have been using for a long time, so I relate to what you are saying A LOT.
After this whole mess, someone needs to write a book about Kos and how he used his website to propagandize and manipulate for profit, and who knows what else with his CIA connections? He is utterly despicable and I don't see how he survives after this 'hijacked election' that is being stolen as we speak...(New York, Az, etc, etc... anyone?) Well, he, like DWS, has probably also been promised some kind of reward... $$$$$$$$$$$ - jobs, etc.
He has lied to all of us and has shepherded that whole group over the cliff.
I better stop, because the more I start thinking about what he has said and done over the years, the more angry I become. However DK's toxicity has been evident for a while. And I have suspected for a long while that something was not kosher there about him, but I put it down to others things. But Pay for Play and lying through his effin teeth and serving not only Hill but who knows what other organization such as the CIA in 'progressive internet crowd control or identification' or some such thing.
Sea Turtle
please clearly label any links to dKos so I don't click 'em
I accidentally clicked one yesterday. My fault because I didn't look closely enough.
Anyway, it's my intention to never go there again.
Ugh, No Kos link in this essay
There's one a few comments up clearly stated as a GOS diary.
The link in essay doesn't go to DK, but contains a link to a Kos diary that lists the entire URL, clearly daily kos (dot) com.
Also, if you're on a desktop, you can hover over any link and see where it goes (generally).
Conversations With HillBots...
Just calling it as I see it...
Carefully worded of course...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
53% of Obama's twitter followers were proven to be fake
It's what they do. It's why this system needs to be trashed. It's beyond reform.
Was buying Twitter Followers and FaceBook Friends...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Okay, all the hubbub made me go over there today
I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. You see, I love sarcasm, satire and most especially irony. So today was special.
Hillary trolls Vs Bernie did it too arguments, mostly all on the far right of your screen of course. Other than the aspect of cheering on our stubborn hero's posting there, all the same fun can be found on nearly ANY site that allows commenting.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
How is this behavior any different than the Republican's
that they rail against in the MSM?
Paraphrased from Thomas Frank's book Listen Liberal: There is no lesser evil, its a choice of one kind of evil over the other.
(Democratic Party vs Republican Party)
Bernie 2016 Because Fuck this Shit!