What Should A Left-Wing US Foreign Policy Look Like?
That's the question this article asks. I thought I ask here what you think about the article and what kind of foreign policy under a Bernie Sanders presidency you would like to see.
Remember the Bush years, when it was safe, as the editors of n+1 say in the magazine’s Spring 2016 issue, “to accuse the government of both criminality and insanity” for its foreign policy? Not so in the Obama era, during which policy discussions even among liberals narrowed to a slight “range of options presented as the full spectrum of reasonable action”: “[A]rm the Syrian rebels? Stay the course with a bombing campaign? Send a trickle of ‘advisers,’ softly and quietly, to invade Syria?”
This development owes a great deal to the disappearance of the antiwar movement...
So long as the seeking of national political office, the taking of state power, continues to be a goal of the left, it is incumbent on us to figure out what we might do—what ought to happen should some Chomsky-like figure (Bernie!) happen to find himself attaining the presidency.”...
The real first step to a left foreign policy is simply to acknowledge the following: US hegemony not only has been a moral and human catastrophe but also is in decline. What US policy has masked is the growth of world powers besides the US.
If you continue to read the article, may be you can help me. It's too much right now for me to read it through and understand it. May be tomorrow. I just try to find out what you think about it and what you would want the foreign policy to look like under a Sanders Presidency.

I am very tired already and couldn't
focus on the whole article. But tomorrow morning I try again to read it in full and may be you have left some comments on it by then?
See you tomorrow and good night.
Been pondering this in a more abstract sense recently & would recommend Kant's Perpetual Peace as a good place to start this critique is also helpful.
complete abolition
of the US military. Only the Coast Guard retained. And that solely to help people, who get into trouble, in the waters off the continental US. Independence for Alaska, Hawaii, and all other US colonies, possessions, and protectorates. Melting down of all military weapons. Seizure and dissolution of all US companies that seek to sell weapons overseas, or move offshore to do so. Complete abolition of all US "intelligence" agencies—except for one, which shall be called What's Happening, and which shall be devoted solely to Learning things, and will, immediately, in real time, send out over the internet, to all and every, all information gathered.
Wiping the tears off my cheek.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
w/ Joanne Leon’s Strawberry Fields “Imagine” logo as agency seal
After admiting that US foreign policy has been a disaster
of historical proportions since WWII, we need to stop the propaganda aimed at the American people. That would include breaking up the media conglomerate that beats the drum for endless war. Thank you, Bill Clinton, for the Telecommunications Act that allowed this. Americans need to understand that we have created this hell ourselves.
Secondly, we would need to purge of all the neocon/lib fruitcakes that have inhabited the state department for years. We would need to expose all the war hawks who have brought us to this place in time as the war criminals they are. That would include our current crop - president and she-who-would-be-president. She's hero-Henry Kissinger, Brezinski and the rest of them. We would need to identify the CFR and the Tri-Lateral Commissions as Rockefeller creations that should have nothing to do with US foreign policy.
Thirdly, we would need to stop running foreign policy based on what is good for Israel instead of the US. Every time Israel whines about how badly they are treated, we go bomb another country in the middle east to make them feel better. While they rage about the "possibility" of Iran getting nuclear weapons, Israel sits on at least 300 nuclear war heads of their own. People need to understand that the Palestinians are refugees in their own country. That they were pushed out of their homes and have lived for generations in the equivalent of a refuge camp, totally controlled by Israel.
Fourth, we would need to move rapidly to renewable energy, because much of our foreign policy is based on keeping a handful of oil tycoons in the money. The five oil companies left standing spend millions on getting people elected to office that will dance to their tune.
Fifth, we would need to break up the big banks and the massive corporations that control our dialogue. Who continually talk about the need for "growth" when all they really mean is their own profits. That would include tearing up the disasterous trade bills that have gutted the middle class in this country and negotiating only trade agreements that are mutually beneficial. We used to talk endlessly about strategic assets, businesses in this country. Today, we couldn't ever cloth an army, let alone produce the materials needed to go to war. We need to manufacture strategic goods HERE, not in China.
You get the picture.......
In order to accomplish any of the above, we would need to get campaign finance reform. That would require getting people into office who give a crap about anything but making money. The only way I see changing the status quo is a strong third party built from the rest of us - the 99% of the population that is carrying the burden of taxes and getting nothing for our efforts.
kudos, hecate,
I have same dreams.... but it won't ever come through. Just read the headline in a respected German newspaper "Die Zeit", which says translated: "US demand greater German engagement in Eastern Europe". USA fordern größeres deutsches Engagement in Osteuropa - Die Bundeswehr soll sich stärker an der Abschreckung gegen Russland beteiligen. Eine entsprechende Forderung wird US-Präsident Obama beim Minigipfel in Hannover stellen.
I am off to go to Baltimore and participate in Bernie's rally there. You can put the article in a translator and get the "thingie". Obama asks the Germans to put more of the German military on the Eastern European front with Russia. Fantastic. He is on a mini-summit in Hannover, Germany. You know, simply put, "Have you all lost your mind?" is my answer. We need a new cold war with Russia? What for? You guys are crazy and Obama with it. That's it.
Oh, I am shutting down my computer now, too. Going out.
Two days ago I got a refurbished laptop, because I am going to travel. Yesterday night I posted this diary from the laptop. As far as I know I had just one user on my laptop, me. I did shut down my laptop properly, I also had the best anti-malware there is installed with it. This morning I open my laptop to look up for comments here, and I see I have a new user on my laptop. He called himself "John",
Well, welcome John, whoever you are to snoop into my laptop. Have fun. Way to go to make me feel comfortable.
Ok, guys, I have had it. You can go and do your cold wars and spy wars without me.
I am one pissed off old lady. OPOOL, and a German one. You know we are especially nasty. German old ladies, just horrible.
I agree with the article
A complete non-interventionist stance is both undesirable and ultimately stupid. In the end, things like Hitler do happen. But we need to change the mindset from security to peace. To do that, we'll need to break the grip of the MIC, the MSM, and other organs of the establishment so that American citizens are not fed a steady stream of war propaganda in their every waking moment.
It blows my mind that over on GOS, the notion that peace is even possible is barely even considered. To suggest that Libya was the Democrats WMD moment is shouted down despite the wealth of evidence documenting the lies and despite the self-evident outcome.
In the end, I do believe in war. I'm not ultimately a pacifist. But war should be fought in two conditions that I can think of:
Ultimately, much of the problem is that our own government and the governments of other nations are not trustworthy. No sensible determination to go to war can ever occur (or for that matter, any other determination) as long as your own government is acting to an agenda which is secret. This is why I've come to put "character" at the top of my list of things I need in a politician. I need politicians who tell the truth. It's the single largest reason why Hillary cannot get my vote.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
hi, I am just back from a Bernie rally in Baltimore,
he addressed quite clearly this time what his foreign policy agenda is, simple and short.
Here is the live stream of the complete event. It's long and I can't search right now for the TC where he talks about foreign policy, but he addressed it again clearly in defense of the Palestinians, for example.
With regards to your comment, being a full blown pacifist or not, what is harder to get a handle on is to know, when a real genocide actually is happening. The definition, when a local event of murdering people on whatever basis, tribal, racial, religious, gender etc occurs, is not clear. There are so many conflicts all over the world, which end up in killing people, but when do these killings constitute a genocide is not easy to answer.
The US can't prevent those local incidences of genocidal killings, when they occur in small numbers. That "Hitler" can happen is for me not a good enough argument. Because basically a "Hitler together with a Holocaust in the hundred of thousands of organized killings of Jews all over Europe is NOT going to happen. What is happening is killings in the hundreds, may be in the low thousands, but nothing similar to the Nazi holocaust. You can find mass graves with hundreds of people, but you won't find anything similar to what happened in the concentration camps.
In addition, one would have really to analyze which US military interventions have really prevented genocidal killings. You say
To which I say that kind of international body will be able to determine the evidence AFTER the atrocities have happened. So I don't see how they can determine the atrocities fast enough and early enough to be helpful for the US military to make a better decision if it's worth to intervene.
I think so far all mass killings and genocidal or tribal war atrocities have been detected way too late as for the US military to be capable of having been a beneficial early enough intervention.
Another thing is that in these days you can fake atrocities on the internet that incites lots of activities, but what really is going on is foggy to say the least. (That can result in worse killings than the original supposed killings that caused the response were all about).
It's really not easy and the question is how much responsibility each sovereign country has on its own to fight its own tribal and other internal wars.
*Hundreds of thousands* died in 1965 in Indonesia.
The CIA supplied lists of names to Suharto’s death squads.
Indonesian forces also murdered up to one-third of the population of East Timor.
The U.S. military and intelligence establishment backed or at least countenanced (nahm billigend in Kauf) those mass killings as a good thing for the West’s side in Cold War geopolitics.
And right now, by many accounts the U.S.-backed Saudi war on Yemen is on the verge of having genocidal consequences.
So one important way the U.S. could intervene to stop genocide: stop supporting it. And put checks in place reining in her own tendencies to foment or countenance mass killing as an instrument of foreign policy.
wow, that answer is of course damning and correct,
... I stay away to make such comments myself. I am too scared for that kind of comment, at least online and in the US.
Reducing the President from "Leader of the Free World"
to President of the United States.
from a reasonably stable genius.