NY Primary Rigged? Long Island Poll Worker says absolutely yes in her district
Re-posted from Facebook page of Francesca Rheannon, dated April 20, 2016, without comment from me:
MY EXPERIENCE AS A POLL WORKER THE EPIC FAIL OF A PRIMARY I just got off my 17 hour shift as an election official in East Hampton, NY. I am from this area and went canvassing for Bernie for 4 days here. While canvassing, I found overwhelming support for Bernie in my middle class area -- nearly every house where I actually talked to voters (about 40% of the houses), almost all were for Bernie.
But today at the polls, many of those had disappeared from the voter roll book. In my own ED district, which is the district I was working in, out of 166 Democratic voters, 39 were forced to file affidavit ballots. (ONLY 2 Republican voters had to file affidavits.) That's close to 20%. Let that sink in for a moment.
Many of these voters were long term registered Democrats -- some were in couples where one person was on the rolls and the other was not. Most had not moved since the last election and had voted in the most recent elections.
Hillary won by 11 votes in my ED -- not counting affidavits. THE AFFIDAVITS MUST NOT ONLY BE COUNTED, THEY MUST BE ALLOWED.
It was impossible for me, an election official, to get a straight story on whether the affidavits would be counted. The "coordinator" -- the top person at the site -- let slip that they count the affidavits "proportionately". If she is correct, that means, I assume, they take a sample of the ballots to count. Not all. If that sample is based on the proportion of official ballots cast, then I imagine it would just reproduce the first results WITHOUT the affidavits. But it's worse than that. If the voter has been purged from the Board of Elections rolls -- like 125,000 Brooklyn voters were -- then it seems the affidavits (because no one could tell me for certain WHAT would happen to the affidavits -- are not counted. If you can't prove you are a registered Democrat, then you won't be counted, it seems. (If you received a voter card, you have some proof. But not everyone did or they may not be able to retrieve it.)
The ruling that came down from the emergency voter protection suit was no remedy. It allowed for getting a court order to vote. The nearest judge is more than an hour from here. And I was strongly discouraged from even informing voters that a court order was an option (I had to fight to be able to tell people of their right to a court order.)
Finally -- this was NOT business as usual. This was my second election. The last one I worked at, exactly ONE voter needed an affidavit ballot in my ED. Every poll worker there, at all the ED tables (there were 4) was shocked at the number of voters who were not on the rolls. Many have been working for years -- and had never seen anything remotely like this.
The whole purging and affidavit process needs to be investigated on an emergency basis BEFORE the election results are decided. Bernie's folks need to be on top of this. They need to fight for an honest election. They owe it to us who have worked so hard for them.

Time for the Clintons
the DNC and every machine politician and operative in the US to be rendered unemployed and unemployable. The time for timkering around the edges is past.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Somebody took a big dump on democracy, and it stinks.
At this point, it's not polite to pretend nothing smells. It's just stupid and a health risk to our country.
The MSM should be all over this, 24-7. I say should because they won't. They don't even have a single reporter looking into this.
Two celebrities died today. Gotta have priorities, apparently.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Forget About The Media
Owned by large corporations, there is NO chance the media will serve the public by delivering accurate information. Their job is to ensure that the corporatist choice is the one elected in every race.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I just checked my Voter Registration On-Line...
I checked my wife's as well...
I've got a screen shot of each saved on my phone...
If there is any funny business with my vote next Tuesday I'll be on the news...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Make sure you keep that
Make sure you keep that screen shot. A friend of mine checked his registration one week before the elections, but when he went to his polling station on Tuesday his name was not on the list. They let him fill out an affidavit. He has since received reregistration form which I dropped in the mail tonight. I have a suspicion why he was removed, he is a NYC Transit worker and muslim, two groups that are supporting Sanders.
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan
we knew they would cheat
The machine is powerful. It is in the upcoming primaries too. The rigged game applies to Bernie too. Remember it was in NY where they got rid of Teddy as Gov. and put him where he could do no harm VP. Fate is a curious thing though. I'm hoping for the intervention of fate now!
What became of your excellent work on the Bernie saboteurs in NC and PA? I appreciate your essays.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sources dried up
Hopefully someone in The Sanders campaign took care of it. I sent them all my information.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
A. If Hillary steals an election in a forest, a mangy squirrel captures an adult coyote, a bear shits in the Vatican, clear quantum gravimetric signals are detected from a distant, alien species, and a tree falls down in Hillary's forest, will anyone yell "FORE?"
B. If Planck just fudged his equations that led to his prediction that quantum physics necessitated energy to be delivered in discrete packets, and yet he turned out to be correct, does that mean that Sarah Palin's fudging about the age of this flat earth is also correct?
C. When white and black paint are mixed and turn gray, what happens if you combine Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Jebush Bush, and Angela Merkel in the same 6x6 foot enclosure, and what color would you get?
D. If birds of a feather flock together, is light made up of particles or waves?
A. Of course they will. However it will be studiously ignored by the MSM.
B. No, but it does mean that Michael Palin's theory about the Spanish Inquisition is correct.
C. Red. All over the walls.
D. Yes.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Grate answers, Det!
Alternative answer for D
Murmuration, baby! Yes.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Too easy this time
A. Bill and Donald will

B. The answer is Pirates and PWTP (Palin walks the plank)
C. Come on, if Christie is in the room not all the others can enter though the color would be batshit
D. Light does not escape the Clinton Crime Family black hole. The mass and density are just too great. Soo, it doesn't matter
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Provisional ballots may be counted
Looks like the provisional ballots so many people were forced to fill out may be counted if the judge allows the motion. This could change the the count or at least the delegate count. Here's hoping the judge is feeling the bern....
So glad people are not just accepting the ridiculous antics of this vote. Once this gets done - some big questions need to be answered.
Is it true that the NY primary has not been certified yet?
I am reading dozens of FB posts that it hasn't because of lawsuits demanding the provision ballots be counted first
Is this true?
Orwell was an optimist
Don't know
No major media covering this.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Paid Trolls? nahh.. reality based please
A million bucks to fight online critics
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
What is Bernie saying/doing about this?
Hi Steve, and thanks for sharing. Man this is so fucking wrong -- just blows my mind.
I have a question --- I'm trying to register at BernieSanders.com, but can't get past ActBlue. I'm not able to donate right now. It seems the site forces you to donate before you can access --- am I missing something? This doesn't seem right.
There's a skip to the site button
Or this link will get you to the main page:
There should be a "Skip to the Site" button in the lower right..
If not try this link...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,