Media to reach the people?
The mainstream media is electing Hillary Clinton. I think it is purposeful, planned, and intentional. It revolves around profit, because that is the focus of corporations. Maintaining the status quo (especially Citizens United) promotes big media, and profit of the 1% (and really the 0.1%) corporate media mongols. Passing the TPP will accelerate media profits by protecting their “intellectual property” (despite their intellectual bankruptcy). That's why you never hear a MSM TPP story. They are (and have been) brainwashing the US and the world.
They even admit profit is what news companies are after. You all remember the CBS CEO comments last month?
CBS chief executive Leslie Moonves in an astoundingly evil admission about Trump, said: “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS.” Moonves called the campaign for president a “circus” full of “bomb throwing.” “Man, who would have expected the ride we’re all having right now? The money’s rolling in and this is fun,” and "this is going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It’s a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going,” said Moonves.
I haven't been the only one thinking about this. Both Thom Hartmann and TYT featured segments on the media yesterday. If you got the spare 15 minutes they are worth a watch. (I like to get up and walk around a little during short vids...sitting is the new smoking).
Corporate media take from TYT (8.5 min)
Social media take from Thom Hartmann (5 min)
Social media has been the only way to learn about Bernie. The popular press and TV, essentially blacked him out. But think a little about the control of social media...
Kos, over at the DailyLost, declares no criticism of Hellery or you're banned.
Twitter drops feeds critical of Hillary
Facebook conducts studies and experiments unknown to users.
And might push an anti Trump undercurrent
Not to mention the corporations that track you online, like google, apple, amazon, microsoft, ….
Seems to me media is one key to a political revolution. I'm a retired teacher. You can't educate the people with out a platform. Fortunately there are resources. I'll close out with a list I compiled from another diary here at c99 Charlie Pierce
Online video (Youtube)
Democracy Now
Thom Hartmann RT Big Picture
Bernie 2016
Bernie 2016 live
What other sites should I add to the list. Should any be taken off?
Thanks to all of you for your voice here at c99. I so appreciate the free flow of ideas and non aggressive nature of this community!
A great list overall
Worth bookmarking--though I'd lose both Politico and Salon. Politico is like the National Enquirer of fishbowl-dwelling pols, at least IMO![Wink](
Wait...I always mix up Salon and The Nation--which one has been so scathingly anti-Clinton lately?
thanks luna
The Nation is pro Sanders for sure. Politico sure isn't my fave either.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Forgot Black Agenda Report
Not to mention foreign media like Granma, Telesur, RT.....
good idea
I hadn't thought of foreign sources. I know they cover Bernie better than the US media. I'll look up the addresses you suggest. Thanks Julia!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Also Dave Sirota does magnificent work at International Business
Times, The Real News Network is completely funded by subscribers, Pepe Escobar posts in Global there is also Russia Insider, Press TV.....
great suggestions
Thanks. I'll edit this list soon to add these.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”