The Evening Blues - 4-20-16
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features delta blues musician Son Thomas. Enjoy!
James "Son" Thomas - Beefsteak Blues
"In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?"
-- Barack Obama
News and Opinion
Another in an endless series of examples of why one should never trust what a candidate says when they are seeking your vote on the sole basis that they will do what they seem to say they will do.
Obama Went From Condemning Saudis for Abuses to Arming Them to the Teeth
In the 2002 speech against the Iraq War that helped propel him to the presidency, then-state Sen. Barack Obama denounced not just the looming invasion of Iraq, but also human rights abuses by our “so-called allies” in Saudi Arabia:
Let’s fight to make sure our so-called allies in the Middle East, the Saudis and the Egyptians, stop oppressing their own people, and suppressing dissent, and tolerating corruption and inequality, and mismanaging their economies so that their youth grow up without education, without prospects, without hope, the ready recruits of terrorist cells.
And he spoke out against the U.S.’ role as weapons supplier to the world:
Let’s fight to make sure … that the arms merchants in our own country stop feeding the countless wars that rage across the globe.
Thirteen years later, Obama is making his fourth trip to Riyadh, having presided over record-breaking U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia while offering only muted criticism of the kingdom’s human rights violations. ...
Obama’s visit this week will be taking place in the shadow of an ongoing U.S.-supplied, Saudi-led campaign in Yemen, where Saudi airstrikes have killed thousands of civilians. ...
“The reality is the U.S. foreign policy establishment, including the State Department and Pentagon, are happy with the Saudi relationship,” said Stephen McInerney, executive director of the Project on Middle East Democracy. “In order to change course, meaningfully, it would take real leadership and investment in doing so, and President Obama — although his instincts might be that the Saudis are problematic in a number of ways — he hasn’t shown any serious desire to bring about a change of policy.”
Obama in Saudi Arabia: US President in Riyadh amid tensions with historic ally
Obama faces friction in Saudi Arabia over 9/11 bill and Iran relationship
Barack Obama has arrived in Saudi Arabia to face some potentially awkward questions from his hosts – not least over a push by some of his political allies for the kingdom to be held responsible in US courts for any role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The US president landed in Riyadh on Wednesday on his final trip to the region before leaving office. He will try to smooth the ruffled the feathers of Saudis, Emiratis and Bahrainis who have come to resent their longstanding ally for “tilting” towards their rival Iran and pressing too hard for domestic reforms they fear will undermine the autocratic status quo.
Adding to Obama’s diplomatic headache is legislation proposed by Senate Democrats that would enable victims of the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington to sue the Saudi government if it is found to have been involved. Fifteen of the 19 airline hijackers were Saudi citizens but the government has long denied any connection. ...
“If that legislation passes without being watered down, it will pose a very serious problem for the relationship,” said Bruce Riedel, a veteran of the CIA for 30 years and now an intelligence analyst at the Brookings Institution thinktank in Washington. “If members of the Saudi government are taken to court, there will be retaliation from the kingdom.”
But despite the negative headlines, Riedel noted that the US, UK and Canada have all struck the biggest arms deals in their histories with Saudi Arabia in the last few years. “One has to separate rhetoric and reality in this relationship,” he said. “There is an unprecedented degree of criticism of Saudi Arabia in the United States, even from the president. On the other hand the security, military and intelligence relationships are probably stronger than they’ve ever been before.”
Senator Lindsey Graham joins the coalition of the quaking in their boots at Saudi threats as Obama goes to grovel in Riyadh.
Lindsey Graham Blocks 9/11 Lawsuit Bill Amid Saudi Threats
The battle over the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act continues to grow today, with co-sponsor Sen. Lindsey Graham (R – SC) announcing that he’s going to block his own bill, to “make sure that anything we do doesn’t come to bite us.”
It’s unspoken, but the admission is the latest response to Sunday’s threats by Saudi Foreign Minister Abu Jubeir to sell $750 billion in US treasury assets in response to the law, a move which if done rapidly could do massive damage to the US dollar and the American economy in general.
Obama: If we let Americans sue Saudis for 9/11, foreigners will begin suing US non-stop
Is Obama Objection to 9/11 Bill Attempt to Prevent Lawsuits for US Overseas Terrorism?
Obama said legislation would mean 'opening up the United States to being continually sued by individuals in other countries.'
Is President Obama promising to veto a bill over fears that it could make U.S. officials the subject of lawsuits over drone strikes and other deadly acts during its War on Terror?
The pending legislation in question is the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), authored by Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), which would amend the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) and the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). It would enable victims of 9/11 and other attacks on U.S. soil to sue nations, including Saudi Arabia, if the are found to have been involved or supplied material support for terrorism. ...
Obama told CBS News on Monday, "This is a matter of how generally the United States approaches our interactions with other countries. If we open up the possibility that individuals and the United States can routinely start suing other governments, then we are also opening up the United States to being continually sued by individuals in other countries." ...
Mark Joseph Stern wrote at Slate that such retaliation could take the form of "lawsuits against American service members, diplomats, and government officials in their own courts." He further noted: "A primary justification for foreign sovereign immunity is comity: America doesn't judge foreign countries' internal decisions; in return, other countries don't judge America's." ...
Obama's opposition to the legislation met backlash from families of 9/11 victims, who wrote in a letter sent to Monday to Obama, "Your place in history should not be marked by a campaign to foreclose the judicial process as a venue in which the truth can be found."
Wow, it's a good thing that Obama ended the Afghan war!
Death toll rises to 64 in Taliban's deadliest Kabul attack since 2011
The Afghan government has revised the death toll after Tuesday’s Taliban attack in Kabul to 64, in what appears to be the deadliest assault on the Afghan capital since 2001. An additional 347 were injured, many of them civilians. ...
During morning rush hour, a suicide bomber struck an elite military unit that was training bodyguards for Afghan politicians and officials. According to a security source, at least 11 personnel were killed, including a nephew of the second vice-president, Sarwar Danish. ...
The carnage puts a strain on recent government attempts to convince the Taliban to join the peace process. Immediately after the attack, Abdullah cancelled a trip, scheduled for early May, to Pakistan, which provides some support for the militant group.
Faisal, Abdullah’s spokesman, hinted that potential future peace talks could be derailed. “Before, we had focus on a peaceful solution, but now there’s been a shift in strategy, to hit [Taliban] where it hurts the most. We’ll be hitting them with full force, with all means available,” he said.
“They do not answer positively to the peace call of the government, they answered with bullets. If they want war, we’ll give them war.”
Announcing diminished expectations of civilian safety sounds like the Pentagon's way of telegraphing that its operations are going to result in serious carnage for civilian populations, sometimes ironically in places where Obama has "ended the war."
New rules allow more civilian casualties in air war against ISIL
The Pentagon has approved airstrikes that risk more civilian casualties in order to destroy Islamic State targets as part of its increasingly aggressive fight against the militant group in Iraq and Syria, according to interviews with military officials and data.
Since last fall, the Pentagon has delegated more authority to the commander of the war, Army Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, to approve targets when there is the risk that civilians could be killed. Previously, authority for missions with the potential to kill innocents had been made by the higher headquarters of U.S. Central Command. Seeking approval from above takes time, and targets of fleeting opportunity can be missed.
Six Defense Department officials, all speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to describe how Islamic State targets are selected and attacked, described a sliding scale of probable civilian casualties based on the value of the target and the location. For example, a strike with the potential to wound or kill several civilians would be permitted if it prevented ISIL fighters from causing greater harm. ...
The increased tolerance for civilian casualties dovetails with the revised strategy Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced in October — the focus on recapturing Ramadi, Iraq, mounting more raids to capture or kill ISIL leaders and adding pressure to Raqqa, Syria, the capital of ISIL's self-proclaimed state.
US Paying Iraqi Kurds to Fight in Mosul
With the Iraqi military’s own offensive around Mosul almost immediately stalling, US hopes to eventually see the city recovered from ISIS are resting more heavily on the idea that the Kurdish Peshmerga will succeed where Iraq’s military has failed. That’s not coming cheap.
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter revealed today that as part of the latest US escalation in Iraq, $415 million in cash has been set aside for certain Kurdish Peshmerga units, to insure that those groups keep fighting against ISIS.
Infants Starving in Squalor Created by EU-Turkey Refugee Deal
Conditions for refugees have deteriorated in Greece in the wake of last month's controversial EU-Turkey deal to such an extent that newborn babies are being deprived of milk, endangering their lives, refugee advocates and rights groups say.
"Approximately 25 babies under the age of six months, whose mothers are unable to breastfeed, are being given roughly 100ml of milk formula just once a day on the island of Chios, according to photographs sent by detained refugees and testimonies provided by phone," the Guardian reported Tuesday.
"Britain's Royal College of Midwives said the situation, if confirmed, would contravene international protocol," the newspaper continued, "and suggested that some refugee babies in Greece may be receiving just a quarter of their recommended daily intake."
Many women and children are trapped in Greece in the detention centers that have been created in the midst of the refugee crisis, while others are stuck in the massive makeshift camp at Idomeni, a Greek city bordering Macedonia that closed its borders as part of the deal last month. Police in Idomeni recently assaulted asylum seekers with tear gas and rubber bullets for attempting to cross into Macedonia.
Humanitarian groups have condemned the detention centers as violating international law and human rights, and conditions for asylum seekers throughout Greece have grown so squalid that refugee children are in danger if the situation doesn't change, the groups say.
Is the U.S. Backing Rousseff’s Ouster in Brazil? Opposition Holds Talks in D.C. as Obama Stays Quiet
Judge Rejects Challenge to Searches of Emails Gathered Without Warrant
A federal judge has rejected a legal challenge to rules permitting F.B.I. agents, when working on domestic criminal cases, to search emails written by Americans that the government has intercepted without a warrant in the name of gathering foreign intelligence.
In an 80-page opinion that was issued in November and remained classified until being made public on Tuesday, Judge Thomas F. Hogan, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, ruled that what critics call “backdoor searches” of messages by the F.B.I. comply with both the Constitution and the FISA Amendments Act. That 2008 statute legalized a form of the government’s once-secret warrantless surveillance program. ...
Judge Hogan’s ruling is notable because some lawmakers want to require government agencies to get a warrant before searching the raw repository of emails for an American’s name or email address. Bipartisan majorities in the House have twice passed such a proposal in the last two years, and it is expected to be a central feature of a fight over legislation to renew the FISA Amendments Act, which is set to expire at the end of 2017.
Secret spy court scolded NSA, FBI for not deleting data
Analysts within the National Security Agency “potentially” violated the law by improperly failing to delete information collected about people on the Internet, the federal court overseeing U.S. intelligence agencies declared in an opinion declassified on Tuesday.
A judge on a secretive federal court was “extremely concerned” that the NSA’s continued to hold on to data that it was supposed to delete, he wrote in the November 2015 opinion.
By maintaining retention of the information, the spy agency violated “several provisions” of its internal policies, and was “potentially” in violation of the law, Judge Thomas Hogan of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) claimed in the heavily redacted order.
In addition to the infractions by the NSA, officials at the FBI also failed to abide by protections designed to protect attorney-client privileges in an unidentified number of cases discovered in 2014 and 2015, Hogan claimed.
Ex-NYPD officer Peter Liang spared jail for killing unarmed man
Former NYPD officer Peter Liang has been sentenced to five years of probation and 800 hours of community service for the 2014 death of an unarmed man in a darkened stairwell.
Liang faced up to a 15-year prison sentence for the second-degree manslaughter of Akai Gurley, but New York supreme court judge Danny Chun reduced his conviction to criminally negligent homicide moments before the sentence was delivered.
The prosecution stated its intention to appeal against the reduction in charges. But the sentence handed down was nearly identical to what was recommended by the DA, Ken Thompson, in March.
Noting that Liang did not intend to harm Gurley, Thomson said last month that “due to the unique circumstances of this case, a prison sentence is not warranted”. ...
Gurley’s family said the sentence “sends the message that police officers who kill people should not face serious consequences. It is this ongoing pattern of a severe lack of accountability for officers that unjustly kill and brutalize New Yorkers that allows the violence to continue.”
'Hope everyone pukes on your artisanal treats': fighting gentrification, LA-style
A realtor who invited clients to tour the neighbourhood for bargain properties and enjoy “artisanal treats” felt the backlash within hours.
“I can’t help but hope that your 60-minute bike ride is a total disaster and that everyone who eats your artisanal treats pukes immediately,” said one message. “Stay outta my fucking hood,” said another.
Fearing violence, the realtor cancelled the event. ...
Welcome to Boyle Heights – or not, depending on how locals view you.
This hardscrabble Latino community, just across the Los Angeles river from the lofts and skyscrapers of downtown, is waging a vigorous and in many ways effective campaign against gentrification.
Where Brooklyn, San Francisco, Oakland and other parts of LA have yielded to and often embraced moneyed outsiders, Boyle Heights has dug a metaphorical moat.
An eclectic coalition of residents, business owners, feminists, Maoists and other activists stands guard, working the levers of local government, deploying zoning and legal arguments – and occasionally intimidating perceived interlopers.
The goal is to avoid a flood of money and outsiders which it fears would drive up rents, drive out residents and erase a cradle of Chicano identity. ...
Marco Amador, who co-founded a collective space called Espacio 1839, said the battle was not just against gentrification. “It’s about how capitalism works. We’re not just fighting realtors, we’re fighting American capitalism.”
North Carolina's anti-LGBT law could cost the state millions in lost revenue
North Carolina’s controversial anti-LGBT law has so far cost the city of Raleigh $3m, according to the agency that promotes tourism in the area.
The Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau told local media on Monday that the economic losses from the law have quadrupled in the past week. The visitors’ bureau said $2.4m in lost business has been reported last week, up from $732,000 a week before. By Monday, the total losses had equaled about $3.1m. ...
So far, the biggest cancellation in Raleigh is $1.7m from the Community Transportation Association of America. It planned to bring 1,000 people to the city in June 2018. The association, which is based in Washington DC, says it will hold the event in Baltimore instead.
Wake County, the second-largest county in North Carolina, has been especially affected as it is home to the PNC arena in Raleigh. The losses will probably continue to increase as Pearl Jam announced on Monday that they are canceling their concert on 20 April.
Ringo Starr, Bryan Adams, Bruce Springsteen and Cirque du Soleil have also canceled their performances in North Carolina to boycott the law. Additionally, PayPal has canceled its plans to open a new operation center in Charlotte. The new center was expected to create about 400 jobs. Deutsche Bank, too, has canceled its expansion plans within the state, which were expected to create about 250 new jobs at its location in Cary, North Carolina.
It is yet unclear what kind of an economic impact these boycotts will have on the state’s economy as a whole. NBC estimates that North Carolina might have lost between $39.7m and $186m in revenue due to boycotts.
Striking Verizon Workers Take to the Streets of Manhattan
Plans to stop collecting data on wealthiest 1% in UK criticised
Proposals by the UK government to stop collecting information showing how the wealthy pass on their assets from one generation to another have been condemned by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, a leading tax and spending thinktank.
The IFS said Britain was in danger of allowing a misleading picture to emerge of its richest families, the top 1% whose wealth is at least £1.4m including the value of their home, that underestimates their wealth.
The warning follows a debate about the assets and influence of Britain’s top 1% of wealthy households following the leak of the Panama Papers, which revealed the offshore holdings of many rich individuals. ...
The IFS said the acquisition of expensive houses, generous occupational pensions and trust funds in offshore havens have helped to cement the wealth of the top 1% for their children and grandchildren.
In response to moves by HMRC to stop gathering wealth data on the top 1%, the report said: “Wealth is a key determinant of wellbeing. It matters to households whether they have enough savings to see themselves through retirement and it matters for how they would respond to economic shocks and to fiscal and monetary policy. So understanding the distribution of wealth matters.
Panama Papers: US launches criminal inquiry into tax avoidance claims
The US Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into the widespread international tax avoidance schemes exposed by the Panama Papers leak, published by the Guardian and other journalistic partners.
Preet Bharara, the US attorney for Manhattan, said he had “opened a criminal investigation regarding matters to which the Panama Papers are relevant”.
Bharara has written to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which coordinated the unprecedented leak of 11.5m files from offshore law firm Mossack Fonseca, to ask for further information to assist with his criminal investigation.
The inquiry comes after Barack Obama described the revelations from the leaks – which have caused political tumult across the world – “important stuff” and global tax avoidance as a “huge problem”.

This is an excellent article with important information for progressives voters and decent people to grasp. When Hillary blurts out that there is more that unites us than divides us, it is a lie. Average Americans do not favor her endless imperialist wars or her suicidal urge to mix it up with Putin. A vote for Hillary is a vote for war.
Yes, Hillary Clinton Is a Neocon
If there were any doubts that Hillary Clinton favors a neoconservative foreign policy, her performance at Thursday’s debate should have laid them to rest. In every meaningful sense, she is a neocon and – if she becomes President – Americans should expect more global tensions and conflicts in pursuit of the neocons’ signature goal of “regime change” in countries that get in their way.
Beyond sharing this neocon “regime change” obsession, former Secretary of State Clinton also talks like a neocon. One of their trademark skills is to use propaganda or “perception management” to demonize their targets and to romanticize their allies, what is called “gluing white hats” on their side and “gluing black hats” on the other.
So, in defending her role in the Libyan “regime change,” Clinton called the slain Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi “genocidal” though that is a gross exaggeration of Gaddafi’s efforts to beat back Islamic militants in 2011. But her approach fits with what the neocons do. They realize that almost no one will dare challenge such a characterization because to do so opens you to accusations of being a “Gaddafi apologist.” ...
Clinton, like the neocons, also shows selective humanitarian outrage. For instance, she laments the suffering of Israelis under crude (almost never lethal) rocket fire from Gaza but shows next to no sympathy for Palestinians being slaughtered by sophisticated (highly lethal) Israeli missiles and bombs. ...
“Yes, I do still support a no-fly zone [in Syria] because I think we need to put in safe havens for those poor Syrians who are fleeing both Assad and ISIS and have some place that they can be safe,” Clinton said. But she showed no such empathy for Palestinians defenseless against Israel’s “mowing the grass” operations against men, women and children trapped in Gaza. ...
So, Clinton made clear – both at the debate and in her recent AIPAC speech – that she is fully in line with the neocon reverence for Israel and eager to take out any government or group that Israel puts on its enemies list. While waxing rhapsodic about the U.S.-Israeli relationship – promising to take it “to the next level” – Clinton vows to challenge Syria, Iran, Russia and other countries that have resisted or obstructed the neocon/Israeli “wish list” for “regime change.” ...
Hillary Clinton appears fully onboard with the neocon goal of grabbing the Big Enchilada, “regime change” in Moscow. Rather than seeing the world as it is, she continues to look through the wrong end of the telescope in line with all the anti-Russian propaganda and the demonization of Putin, whom Clinton has compared to Hitler. ...
Though Clinton’s anti-Russian delusions are shared by many powerful people in Official Washington, they are no more accurate than the other claims about Iraq’s WMD, Gaddafi passing out Viagra to his troops, the humanitarian need to invade Syria, the craziness about Iran being the principal source of terrorism (when it is the Saudis, the Qataris, the Turks and other Sunni powers that have bred Al Qaeda and the Islamic State), and the notion that the Palestinians are the ones picking on the Israelis, not the other way around. ...
Clinton’s potential escalation of the new Cold War with Russia could be both the most costly and conceivably the most suicidal feature of a Clinton-45 presidency. Unlike her times as Secretary of State, when Obama could block her militaristic schemes, there will be no one to stop her if she is elected President, surrounded by likeminded neocon advisers.
Barred from the Ballot Box: Disenfranchised in New York
Voting Problems Plague High-Stakes Primary Day in New York
Some precincts opened two hours later than they were supposed to, while some would-be voters' names couldn't be found on registration lists
Amid charges of voting machine mishaps and names purged from voter rolls, New Yorkers cast their ballots Tuesday in high-stakes Democratic and Republican primaries—those who were able to, at least.
The results in New York's closed primary could define the rest of the race, putting the Empire State in the rare campaign spotlight.
And the glare has been harsh.
There were reports that some precincts opened two hours later than they were supposed to, and would-be voters whose names couldn't be found on registration lists.
The state's "strict voter registration rules sparked mounting frustration and anger among Bernie Sanders supporters," the Guardian reported, "as some discovered they were unable to vote in the primary election showdown with Hillary Clinton only after arriving at their local polling stations."
According to the Guardian, some "registered voters arrived at polling stations claiming they had met all the requirements to switch party affiliation in time, yet still found themselves missing from the list, prompting angry scenes that may further hamper hopes of reconciling the two wings of the Democratic party once the nomination is decided."
Battle for New York: Clinton & Trump Win as NYC Voters Report Chaos & “Irregularities” at the Polls
Hillary Was Nowhere to Be Seen in the Fight for 15—I Should Know
#Clinton Was Nowhere to Be Seen in the Fight for 15—I Should Know #NYprimary #Sanders via @thenation @cmkshama
— New International (@NIBS_TradesHall) April 20, 2016
It was inspiring to see the call for a $15 minimum wage take center stage at last week’s presidential debate in New York. And arguably, to become the most contentious part of it, each candidate jockeying to prove their support for what was once considered a politically impractical dream. Our movement has come a long way.
But as an early participant in this movement, and as an elected official who centered the Fight for $15 in my 2013 election campaign for Seattle City Council, I was surprised to hear from Hillary Clinton that she had always supported $15. Even more surprising, she specifically said she supported the call for $15 here in Seattle, the first major city to pass it.
I can tell you, this came as a news flash to all the activists and fast-food workers who fought hard against Big Business to win $15 in Seattle.
When we started, our demand was ridiculed by Seattle’s political and media establishment. We were told to “tone it down,” not unlike Hillary’s recent advice to Bernie. For almost the entire 2013 election, no part of Seattle’s Democratic establishment supported $15 an hour. Local media asked mayoral and other city council candidates if they would support $15, and not a single one initially would! Some went out of their way to make opposing arguments, saying it would be a job killer, or that it was “presumptuous.”
At that point, if someone like Hillary Clinton had so much as tweeted in support of $15, it would have made our work a lot easier. But she did nothing of the kind.
More than half US population lives amid dangerous air pollution, report warns
American Lung Association’s ‘state of the air’ report finds 166 million Americans are living in unhealthy ozone or particle pollution with serious health risks
A total of 166 million Americans live in areas that have unhealthy levels of of either ozone or particle pollution, according to the American Lung Association, raising their risk of lung cancer, asthma attacks, heart disease, reproductive problems and other ailments.
The association’s 17th annual “state of the air” report found that there has been a gradual improvement in air quality in recent years but warned progress has been too slow and could even be reversed by efforts in Congress to water down the Clean Air Act.
Climate change is also a looming air pollution challenge, with the report charting an increase in short-term spikes in particle pollution. Many of these day-long jumps in soot and smoke have come from a worsening wildfire situation across the US, especially in areas experiencing prolonged dry conditions. ...
Small particles that escape from the burning of coal and from vehicle tail pipes can bury themselves deep in people’s lungs, causing various health problems. Ozone and other harmful gases can also be expelled from these sources, triggering asthma attacks and even premature death.
After Big Oil Pressure, EU Dropped Key Environmental Measures
European Union officials "abandoned or weakened" new environmental protections after a top BP oil executive expressed concerns about their effect on the fossil fuels industry, the Guardian revealed on Wednesday.
According to a 10-page letter obtained by the Guardian, the unnamed executive warned that proposed pollution cuts and a push for clean technologies "has the potential to have a massively adverse economic impact on the costs and competitiveness of European refining and petrochemical industries, and trigger a further exodus outside the EU."
The Guardian reports:
The missive to the EU’s energy commissioner, Günther Oettinger, was dated 9 August 2013, partly hand-written, and signed by a senior BP representative whose name has been redacted.
Green MEP Molly Scott Cato said the document "reveals how the arm-twisting tactics of big oil seek to undermine the EU's progressive energy and climate policies. BP's covert lobbying, combined with threats of an exodus of the petrochemicals industry from the EU, are nothing short of blackmail."
"This document paints a disturbing picture of the degree to which global corporations subvert the democratic process, influence the commission and threaten the vital transition to a cleaner, greener Europe," she told the Guardian.
'Only the Beginning': Three Face Criminal Charges in Flint Water Crisis
Two employees of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and one city employee charged in lead poisoning disaster
According to MLive, the individuals charged are Flint employee Michael Glasgow and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality employees Steven Busch and Michael Prysby.
MLive reports:
Glasgow is accused of tampering with evidence when he allegedly changed testing results to show there was less lead in city water than there actually was. He is also charged with willful neglect of office.
Prysby and Busch are charged with misconduct in office, conspiracy to tamper with evidence, tampering with evidence, a treatment violation of the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act and a monitoring violation of the Safe Drinking Water.
"These charges are the only beginning and there will be more to come. That I can guarantee you," said Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette. "So many things went so terribly wrong, and tragically wrong, in Flint."
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Is Drinking Flint's Water Every Day For a Month
"Flint residents made it clear that they would like to see me personally drink the water, so today I am fulfilling that request," said the Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder in a statement. "And I will continue drinking Flint water at work and at home for at least 30 days."
Earlier this month, a group of government water authorities and independent researchers reported that the city's water had improved and that properly filtered tap water should be safe to drink. The group said the water is safe to bathe in unfiltered, but also advised that the system remains unstable and that at-risk groups, including young children and pregnant woman, should continue drinking bottled water.
Snyder has touted these finding as progress. ... But Flint Democratic congressman Dan Kildee sees the 30-day pledge as more helpful to Snyder than it is to the beleaguered Flint community.
"The governor is treating this crisis like it is a public relations problem for him rather than the public health emergency that it is for 100,000 people," said Kildee.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Washington's Dangerous Addiction to Military Power
How I Was Arrested by a War Crimes Tribunal — for My Journalism
The tragedy of ‘foreign policy elites’
What Really Stands in the Way of Closing Guantánamo
I want Bernie Sanders to win. But it's more vital that his movement persevere
Sanders says Clinton violated campaign spending laws
A Little Night Music
James " Son " Thomas - Feelin' Good & Highway 61 blues
James Son Thomas - Cairo Blues
James "Son" Thomas - Catfish Blues
James "Son" Thomas - Early One Morning Blues
James Son Thomas - Crawlin Kingsnake
James 'Son' Thomas - Roll And Tumble
James Son Thomas - Standing at the crossroads

Hey Joe
Another good round up.
Here's a cut by friends and neighbors. Of course Norman wrote this about the rethugs. But I reckon a neocon is a party affiliation.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
evening lookout...
thanks for the tune! i was unaware of that one. i had kind of lost track of norman and nancy blake a couple of decades ago, though i really enjoyed their music. i'll have to catch up.
#Irony for the guy whose guiding foreign policy principle is, "Don't do stupid shit." If we don't want foreigners suing us non-stop, STOP DOING STUPID SHIT! You know, like arming to the teeth both sides of a quagmire...
I want my two dollars!
Or we could always, you know... stop signing treaties...
that give our sovereignty over to corporate courts...
Or we could just turn over the war criminals like we are morally obliged to. Either one.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Or both.
Stop promising to not do harm and then do it. Stop refusing to agree to abide by World rules. Humility would be a nice lesson.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
evening ken...
it's a "gentlemen's agreement" (as if) among the elites. we, the elites who figure that we're pretty much immune to the sort of awful things that happen to the "little people," will allow you to get away with killing our "little people" so long as you let us get away with killing yours.
This is a tacit admission that the U.S. inflicts 9/11s on others
That seems to have escaped the MSM.
Nah, it didn't escape them
they just don't find it to be "newsworthy". Probably because their ownership won't let them broadcast such info. And anyway, they have children to feed and houses to maintain, so it's okay for them to help sell out the country.
Bunch of shit...
Vote for Scahill, Greenwald, et al.
Deadline looms.
evening olinda...
a deserving bunch, indeed. the intercept is a daily stop for me.
voted a couple of days ago- better life through chemistry-an Ad
AmazinTEFLON TOXIN CONTAMINATION HAS SPREAD THROUGHOUT THE WORLDg how many excellent articles appear in The Intercept
Cold War re-start?
This is a scary thought:
I worry about all the Americans who are young enough that they don't remember the Cold War, which ended 25 years ago. Do they fully realize how dangerous Hillary and the other neocons are?
I always wondered what that "reset button" would do...
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I was 14 and I still remember...
because my folks were convinced that the Gulf War I was going to start WWIII when they started attacking Israel.
Now of course, we're doing the same shit, in the same area, with the same goddamn people, and somehow, they think it's going to turn out different...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
evening dmw...
it's amazing how the powers that be get away with repeating the same flawed strategies that have repeatedly failed before. one has to conclude that the powers that be are focused upon a different goal which is achieved by what we interpret as a failure.
"Costly" equals
Ha! That reset button..... it is the typical
bait-and-switch tactic of the Dems. Pretend to "fix" something and then go back to fucking it up where the repubs left off. Atleast the Repubs don't pretend - I give them some credit for that.
evening rmw...
that hillary could pass herself off as a reasonable person either indicates a massive propaganda campaign, a disinterested public or both.
that she could become president is deeply frightening.
both plus decades long mind manipulation. /nt
I remember.
I was a very active participant.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Evening joe. TY for Son Thomas; I really like his music. As for
the rest of it, well, sigh. I am flummoxed by the NY results. I was wrong, and badly wrong. The flaws in the polls were clear and the general trend of this Dem cycle has been for Bernie to close real fast the last 48 hours. Yet she won by almost the exact margin predicted by the polling average. I am so puzzled.
The Saudi thing has karma written all over it.
Have a great evening,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
evening gerrit...
glad you're enjoying the music.
i was anticipating a somewhat smaller margin than we got, though the delegate margin was really pretty small.
it will be interesting to see what shakes out from the various investigations and lawsuits. it strikes me as interesting that (from what i've seen in media reports) the largest number of voter complaints seem to be coming from the new york city region where hillary did so well.
TY joe. I hope we do see something on those NYC voter
complaints. I don't mind being wrong. I hate being cheated though.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
i think that we will see "something," the establishment understands that this is unacceptable and is making noises about it. the thing is, what they will likely try to accomplish is the appearance of reform without either accountability or restitution.
they need a visit from about 130,000 pissed off brooklyn democrats resolutely demanding that some ass is kicked and that their damned votes are counted.
Morning joe. Too right. Real change requires 130+k pairs of
running shoes on the tarmac outside the NY corridors of power. It is the only way. And while they're there, they might as well have fun: sing, dance, party, carnival-style. The revolution might as well be happy :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
My kid got bumped from the roles in Brooklyn
I wrote about in another essay. I voted absentee in NYC since I had to go the FLA yesterday for family stuff. I sent a quick note to the kids when I landed mid-afternoon, and got this response this morning:
SO, funny you should mention voter fraud, cause that was my experience last night when I went to my regular voting site to find that I had been inactivated. I made a terrible scene, got an affidavit paper ballot that they swore would be counted and have written to the local papers and lodged complaints with the Board of Elections and posted it to FB. After 7 yrs voting in the same place, no changes to any status, a registered Dem for 25+ years, having voted in 2014 in a major election, suddenly I am no where to be found. They say that after 4 years of not voiting this is pro forma, but it makes no sense in my case where it clearly doesn't apply. The BOE told me I was inactivated 'by the system". My sentiments exactly. Told me I wasn't unregistered and they would be sending me a letter confirming this in the coming weeks and would be looking into the issue generally. I noted that my name was added to a long list of some 50+ others at the time of my voting censure who the voluteer said also experienced this problem. That was at 7pm, early by voting standards, I am sure the list grew as the night wore on. So that's my shitty primary experience. Didn't want to tell you last night, I figured you were bearing enough with the wolves in your midst. (ref to my cousin and aunt who voted for Hillary and 'really don't want to talk about it')
We both live in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, where our congressman Hakeem Jeffries, an up-and-coming establishment POS, has aspirations of becoming mayor. I write him weekly to remind him how I feel about having wasted my precious vote on someone so corrupt.
evening mb...
sorry to hear that your kid got screwed by the establishment. i'm delighted to hear that he is raising hell about it and hope that he and the thousands of other new yorkers who've been screwed chew up the scenery and refuse to stand down until they get satisfaction.
I let her know that I shared her story and that I'm glad that I
raised her to raise hell when she gets screwed.
Hey, Joe.
Raised her to raise hell - Bravo!
It's how we teach our kids to survive, and so glad, as a female, especially, she wasn't taught to just be sweet, and try to appease people. Right on!
My 17 yo son recently reminded me of a time in a fast food place where I got up from our table to step in and interrupt a grown ass person attempting to cut in front of him in line (dessert - we'd already eaten). He said back then, he was embarrassed, but now he sees that I taught him two things: 1.) Stand up for yourself when wronged. 2.) Don't be a dick and wrong someone else, especially if they're perceived as weaker than yourself.
I think you did an excellent job with your daughter! Right on!
And I want heads to roll for NY and ALL the disenfranchisement experienced across the country! Grrrr
Of course it's interesting!
It's where all the suppression took place. Boldly, out in the open.
mr luna hails from NYC and knows it well. And he's still flummoxed that anyone was stupid enough to try and fleece Brooklynites so blatantly and in such numbers, and not expect repercussions--he said if "whoever did this" were smart, they would have fleeced the two outlier islands: Staten Island and Long Island, because he thinks maybe it wouldn't have gotten as much notice. Except for the fact that SI is the most conservative borough anyway, and Long Island is full of the mega rich that either slurps up Clinton dogma or votes GOP. So in either instance, it probably wasn't going to swing a big enough margin to win. So they overdid it and put a big obvious stake right through the middle of the most populated borough.
That was nuts. Whoever did it was just reckless, IMO. At minimum, he expects a token head or two on a platter over this, even if it ends up not changing much in the long run, and I have to agree with that. This idiocy was way too big to just let go....
Evening Joe & c99%-ers.
Wow Joe! The report on gentrification in LA stood out for me today in your (yet another) superb news roundup. You made my day ! Thanks !!! The headline made me burst into laughter - luckily just after I finished my snack.
Wow ! Simply wow! I doubt if we can see such deep, penetrating analysis from the "artisanal"/bourgeois liberals. And the protesters' tactics - more wow! I am excerpting more quotes from the article for c99%-ers' reading pleasure.
This! word!
Gentrification is offensive violence and the "intimidating"protest is a defensive reaction
spoken like a true "artisanal" Liberal :
ouch ! "poverty zoo" - maybe even "poverty porn".
More artisanal "liberalese"...
As for the school kids band - all I can say is "The kids are all right" - very unlike the lamestream bourgeois media's blanket characterisation of the youth as "lazy, entitled" (maybe it applies to rich white kids).
Locally, signs of gentrification I notice these days (other
than the usual suspects like upscale houses/rentals, artisan food places etc) are craft breweries and infestation of CVS Pharmacies. And more recently, Walgreens has joined too.
Spit tea.
I am pre-mourning Rite-Aid, used-to-be-owned by some richie-rich in PA, but now is being sucked into Walgreens. I see no upside for me.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
" I see no upside for me." - ain't that the truth for most of us
in most aspects - starting from our politics? Commiserations.
Looking at the reality horror show that is our healthcare system, I felt I can live with eating raw Garlic and so started eating a clove or 2 daily. Supposed to be anti-bacterial, anti-viral etc etc. Treat myself to Lemon juice or something nice afterwards.The days when I feel repelled by the taste (love roasted/sauteed Garlic though), I scare myself into eating it thinking about the disease-care system. Hope that helps me with infectious diseases. And for the rest, there is always prayer - I say this as an agnostic. Because with prayer, I won't get any worse.
Great piece (kinda long, but worth it) on Pharmacies and profits
BTW-Walgreens bought Boots in 2014....
evening funkygal...
i was quite interested to see that the community's tactics are not only working but causing a certain amount of reflection by an assortment of gentrifiers. here in baltimore there is a waterfront community, largely african american and poor, that recognizes the potential value of the land to developers and has managed to keep them out for decades, though they seem to be less organized than the boyle heights community.
Local Grocer in Bisbee
Took that article to heart...we face our own gentrification problems. He posted it in FB, and chased some people out of his neighborhood store.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Sweet! Under a Clinton administration
We can certainly look forward to many more wars. Full scale Syrian invasion with ground troops.
Plus the big one. A war with Russia. If anyone thinks that will turn out well for the people in Europe or the rest of the world, think again. The US is working on mini nukes that can be used more than once. And Russia has the big ones that can flatten US or European countries.
Good Gawd, how do her supporters overlook these things or any of the other things that wicked person has done?
And as the article states, there will be no one to stop her and she has the PNAC's people behind her and advising her now. Kagan, Kissinger and maybe even Darth Cheney himself.
I am not looking forward to her presidency.
From her staring that we will never, ever get single payer to her blood thirst and not caring how many innocent civilians get killed from her new wars, to kissing Bibi's ass to the banks going to screw us harder next time when they do bail ins to.........
From the neocon link
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
i'm sure that for some it requires great feats of denial. for others, media-induced ignorance works wonders.
You are so diplomatic Joe.....
I was just going to say because they are as dumb as a box of rocks...
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First Nations News
i very nearly posted the "leave hillary alone" video.
After BP Gulf oil spill,
Obomba went there and either swam in the Gulf and/or ate sea food from there - I vaguely remember. And now 6 yeas later, we have this :
And Snyder drinks Flint water..... Are these people fucking kidding us?
I read that article yesterday
Those poor people who are suffering from another Obama screw up. He told BP to quit using corexit but the next day they were still using it. And I saw them spraying it over the land too. I knew that people were going to get sick from it and the oil just like all the people who died in Alaska after the oil spill there.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And as is, the Gulf was fucked up even before the use of Corexit
. And now I remember - what about those oil eating Algae or bacteria or whatever? Ghosh! my head hurts thinking about all the crap they peddled. I am going to read the LA gentrification article again - that is my antidote today.
The Governor of Michigan is using a Brita filter
so there.
A sad but beautiful day here, one of those days where the light seems crystalline. On a drive on country roads and then descending a curvy road into the Fall Creek valley, I was accompanied by this radio tune. Sublime drama, perfect timing, including the probable 2 cop car drug bust traffic jamb:
I feel good and determined.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
evening riverlover...
today was one of the handful of perfect weather days that we get here every year. it took a significant expenditure of willpower to go back to work after lunch.
have a great evening!
You, as well. Nearly-full moon
and a nice spring rain tomorrow. I got 6 damn daylilies to pickaxe holes for then! But Colors!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Greetings! Breaking News: Tad Devine says
Could it mean that Bernie is considering an Independent run?
I wonder.
After all, even with all the pressure last night for Bernie to call it quits (on Cable TV), or at least, pipe down, all of his aides and surrogates said 'absolutely, no--he's going to stay in until the Convention.'
Then he went to Vermont to regroup. And then, this statement by Devine.
I have to wonder if after all the 'BS,' he wouldn't feel justified to change course. Clearly, his supporters would be thrilled, and the heck with the corporatist Dem Party Establishment. (if he intends to retire from the Senate when his term is up--not saying that he is)
Fingers crossed . . .
If nothing else, I'm very heartened to see that a lot of people who didn't remember what the DLC did to the Party, now realize that the Democratic Party is simply too corrupt to reform. After all, without that realization, it's very difficult to move on. And, IMHO, if he doesn't get the nomination, or choose to run as third party candidate, forming a new party needs to be on the table, or very seriously considered.
Hey, thanks for the excellent edition of News & Blues, Joe!
I've got a Newsmakers video to clip, of a Republican lawmaker--along the lines of the Warner clip. He's a member of the Freedom Caucus (the ultra conservative fiscal hawks), and seems to be quite pleased with Ryan. IOW, he's scary!!!
I have a feeling that we're going to be taking a real haircut regarding both entitlements cuts, and tax hikes.
I just hope that we 'get wind of' the impending cuts, in time to push back on them.
Hey, have a nice evening, Everyone!
(Music City) Mollie, C99P & Daily Kos
"The standard of living of the average American has to decline. I don't think you can escape that."--Paul Volcker, The New York Times, October 18, 1979, Page 1.
“If we can divide the electorate this way, we can have them expending their energies fighting amongst themselves, over issues that for us, have no meaning whatsoever."--USA Bankers Magazine, August 25, 1924
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I hope he does run as an Independent
You're right. The Democratic Party is too corrupt to be reformed.
Have you seen this article about how Monica saved social security?
Clinton had it already to be privatized but lucky for us he couldn't keep his pants on.
And Hillary has the same economic advisers on her team that Clinton and Obama have used.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Could he even get on the ballot
if he DID run Independent? Would TPTB "allow" it?
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First Nations News
evening martha...
i'm sure that the establishment would pull out every trick in the book to keep him off the ballot. if the greens decided to allow him to run on their ticket, that might solve some of his ballot problems, but i'm pretty sure that ugly things would happen in many states.
Probably not.
It's too late for most states to place any new party on the November ballot.
Now, if he chose to go with a party that is already on the ballot .. ...
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
By my count
41 states had their deadline in March or earlier, for Independents to get on the ballot. Way too late.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
evening mollie...
i've seen little indication that bernie is yet at the point where he is seriously considering (as in making plans for) an independent run. i would guess that for a guy like bernie, that would require two things, a reasonable certainty that he could win in a three-way contest (surely he wants to see who the rethug will be before serious consideration) and a pretext for burning his bridges with the democratic party - perhaps the revelation of some serious clintonian skullduggery or something like that.
i don't think that we are anywhere near the point where the questions that those two items beg (can bernie win and what would be the pretext that would create a compelling campaign narrative).
so, i think that we have to bide our time and consider our options.
It's his decision to make.
And he'll have to make that decision for his own reasons. And we should respect his decision, whatever it is.
He has done so much for the movement already. We owe him a little space.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
evening featheredsprite...
absolutely. we all have to decide what is right and work for it. i'm sure that whatever bernie decides to do will be fine and the rest of us will do what we need to do, but the time to make some of those choices is not yet.
You're right, Joe. Heard a Jeff Weaver interview with Mark
Halperin only a few minutes after I posted my comment, here.
If Weaver is to be believed, Bernie has no plans to leave the Dem Party. Here's the link to the Bloomberg video, below.
Bernie Sanders Is a Democrat For Life Says Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver
[Sorry, embed code wouldn't work.]
Guess I should stay out of the business of political strategizing, eh?
Seriously, we're gonna be in quite a pickle in November, if the Green Party hasn't gained ballot access. We were leaving town, and cast our primary vote in a mad, mad rush. We have machines, and I didn't even notice if the Green Party was listed, or not.
Yet, today, someone posted a comment (COE, maybe) listing states in which the Green Party has yet to gain ballot access. (Our voting state, is one of them.) Neither of us is interested in a write-in vote that doesn't count. Yikes!
(Music City) Mollie, C99P & Daily Kos
"The obstacle is the path."--Zen Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
This Saudi business is planned obfuscation.
Lindsey Graham involved proves it, he's a proven Zionist. Nuff said.
And what is that, new rules for the Pentagon to kill innocent people. What a fucking crock. I can't believe people will read that and somehow think it's necessary or reasonable.
What say we make it a meme that a vote for Clinton is a vote for war, a vote to kill innocent people and a vote of collaboration in it. You vote for Clinton, you're a warmonger and an accomplice.
We have been telling people those things, Al
They either don't care or say that we are using right wing talking points.
And then they got banned.
I've had people tell me that it's okay for Obama to use the drones that kill innocent civilians because at least American troops aren't being killed.
I m not sure how I haven't been banned yet because I keep posting articles about her actions when she was SOS, about her email with Blumenthal from Libya that should have been classified and about the pay to play with her weapons deals and the graft in Haiti and Honduras.
They just don't fucking care.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No they don't.
Some are so wrapped up in the propaganda they can't see out of their asses. But you're right, they've been told over and over and yet still Hillary supporters are going to make the deal with the devil. I'm not a psychologist but that indicates some wires crossed somewhere to me.
evening al...
i think that the "a vote for clinton is a vote for war" meme would work pretty well. it also lends itself to graphic adaptation.
Please sign this pledge
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First Nations News
Sorry! (I'm just so happy :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Only a TRUE Canadian would apologise for being happy!
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First Nations News
Signed and shared, Martha
A good cause. Lest we forget (again). USan here.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good Evening Joe, how do you all manage to keep
a positive and hopeful attitude? I am losing mine and many things fall apart. I hope you are doing fine reading through all the stuff you read and still keep up your spirits.
Have a good evening.
evening mimi...
i have my ups and downs. that's why i take the weekends off, sometimes completely ignore the news and reconnect to the things that are important - family, nature, art, music, etc.
generally, i take it for granted that doing something will ultimately be better than doing nothing and i try to do what feels right.
hope that helps.
Canadian Marijuana Legalization Bill Coming In Spring 2017, Jane Philpott Announces
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First Nations News
Hi Martha! w00t! Check the comm-page :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
The problem with the judge's reasoning re: Liang is
that, when someone is literally armed with a gun and figuratively armed with the authority to use it against the citizenry, it is not sufficient for public safety that the said someone "did not intend to harm"; rather, we must insist that the said someone "intend not to harm".
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
evening ur...
absolutely, there must be an affirmative responsibility to use the tools of office responsibly to keep the peace.
Folks, do you expect Bernie to alert the world to his plans?
No need for armchair QB ojn Bernie's plans. Lots of need for YOUR plans to create the political revolution.
However, I bring sad news: you're on your own for a bit. Your best friend and ally, Canada, is going to be completely unreliable for at least a few years. We're gonna party like its 1999 :=)

Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
This is totally OT from everything else, but I need a cat expert's advice!
This afternoon I grabbed a cig and called the girls, Annie the 60lb mutt, and Nip the 6?lb calico, to head out to the front porch. I opened the door, and Annie burst out, spooking the succulent-killer hen. Hen began clucking and fanning her wings, then took off. That sparked Annie to take off after her, which led me to yell at her to get back inside (what always happens if I catch her doing something she's not supposed to).
Well, Nip got spooked by the camotion, and she never made it out the door. I didn't either. We made it as far as the open screen door. As soon as Annie did what she was told and came back inside, Nip went into full on assault mode. I'm screaming NOOOOO! and trying to break them up without being ripped to shreds.
Nip actually started after me. She's snarling, growling, howling like she's about to climb me and go for my eyes. I grabbed the dog bed and had to keep it between us. Then she crapped on the floor, all the while growling, with her hair standing up on end, and glaring at me, still with dog bed between us. I'm shaking like I just got in an auto accident. I let Annie back outside, then Nip calmed down and let out her normal meows, wanting me to pet her. I didn't.
After about 10 minutes, and cleaning the crap up (& pee I noticed after Annie went outside), I went outside still w/dog bed, and left door open for her. She cautiously came out on the porch and went straight for Annie.
Suffice it to say that for the last 2.5 hrs or so, they've had to be separated. My poor dog, who's been here all her almost 5 yrs is holed up, alone, in my son's room, and the almost 1 year old Nip has run of the house. The minute I open son's door Nip starts growling and even jumped on the bed to attack. Her normal aversion to the water spray bottle is barely there, though Annie's is in full swing so it's like I'm punishing Annie when I spray Nip who's in between.
They have to be here alone all day tomorrow, and unless Annie just opens up a can of whoop ass, she's going to be tormented!
evening deja...
sorry to hear about your animal problems. you're way out of my depth. i'm a dog person.
Evening, Joe. I think calicos are just PSYCHO!
My poor Annie.
Having captured feral cats by hand as a kid, I know I could hold Nip in a way it wouldn't hurt her, Annie or me (until release lol), but it'll just scare Annie if I try to force them to be close to each other. Nip will be growling the whole time.
If we can't get past this, Nip gets a new home. This is Annie's home, and she's part of our pack. We welcomed Nip, Annie included.
Wanna try a marbled Bengal?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Politely, no thanks, Bisbonian!
Fuck that! This bitty calico terror bitch from hell is enough for me. Maybe the Bengal needs someone to keep it in line? She's great with begging in the kitchen! Also free.
I've not had exactly this kind of event happen between animals in our household, but have read or heard accounts from several others.
Sounds like your calico went into severe panic-terror mode, where a cat is basically out of its mind with fear and can do a lot of damage, even to a loved owner. No one's fault, just the bad luck of a totally scary situation and an automatic unconscious reaction in the furry little brain.
From what I've heard and read, gosh, I hate to be the bearer of possible bad news, but if that panic-terror reaction is associated with another animal, it can leave a long-standing of fear and anger toward that animal. The association may be mistaken, irrational, but it happens on a deep level over which the traumatized cat has no control.
Sort of like PTSD.
It could be a while before the cat gets over it. (Sadly, some owners report never, despite great efforts to reacclimatize the traumatized feline, forcing them to adopt the animal out.)
If I were you I'd certainly separate them when you are not there, and also when you are there, if there's potential violence.
Punishment like the spray bottle is just apt to increase the trauma -- on both sides. Separation, extra calm and petting would be better while the cat has a chance to get over the event, if possible.
Also, there is a feline pheromone preparation you can buy in spray bottle form or diffuser that has a calming effect; I've had some good luck with it for separation anxiety at least. The brand I've used is called Feliway. Humans can't smell it, but apparently to cats it projects a happy, "all is well" kind of atmosphere. That might help.
Sorry this should happen in your household and hope you have good luck in overcoming it.
Euterpe2, Thank You!
I'll keep them separated, and order the pheromone. She's normally such a sweet cat! And Annie is the sweetest dog normally too.
What I didn't mention in my already long plea, is that as a very young baby, she barely escaped a dog attack. I adopted her from a bitty-yappy-dog person kind enough to rescue mama and four surviving kittens from under the house. Apparently, the dog next door learned to open the gate and picked off a kitten a day until they were rescued.
Nip got her name because of the Nip out of her ear.
Makes a lot more sense now. Thank you so much!
Awwwwwwww, how kind you and your neighbor have been!
Coincidentally, my three current cats came from a similar situation (except no dangerous dog!) -- Mama and kittens under the garden shed.
Hope you'll let us know how things go!
Visiting friends in rural North Carolina in the 1970s,
I saw a cat repeatedly jump on a dog sideways, digging in with all four sets of claws, whenever the dog would approach the back porch.
I was thinking, “Gee, that cat’s out of control, the dog wasn’t doing anything to her, just walking near the house. Why aren’t my friends doing anything to protect their dog?” But then the lady of the house told me what had happened a year earlier.
A year ago that dog had killed that cat’s only kitten. This year, that cat had a kitten or two up in the rafters above the back porch and wasn’t taking any chances.
My farmer friends’ unspoken judgment seemed to be, sorry, Mr. Dog, but karma.
Once a cat gets an idea like this about another animal
Its best to keep them separated for a bit - lock her in a room while you're gone.
The best way to get them over it is to feed them together, or close to each other.
It can sometimes take a week or more to get over, but she will get over it if you nip it in the bud and don't let her keep fighting.
If you keep her closed in a room, preferably with the dog bed full of the dog smells, she will eventually calm down, and then you can feed them near each other. But don't let them keep fighting, you don't want it to become an ingrained idea.
I had two cats who fought for exactly this reason, an external shock to both of them, and they went for each other for weeks afterwards. But it does eventually return to normal.
I really enjoyed the musical selection,
Had not heard of James "Son" Thomas. Just wow.
I heard Tad Devine on the Rachel Maddow show this evening. He said Bernie is still going to continue on till the Convention. He said Bernie still wants everyone to get a chance to vote. So the work goes on.
evening randtntx...
son thomas was never a household name, so it would have been easy to miss him.
i've heard lots of hopeful speculation from the in-the-tank-for-hillary media, but bernie probably expected to lose new york and as far as the delegate distribution goes, he really came out of it ok. hillary did not beat him by the margin that she would need to in order to avoid a contested convention.
joe how's tricks? Saw a hiker with a Bernie t-shirt
on today here in Russian Gulch State Park. She said she is a local, bemoaned the voting dirty tricks and fail in NY, but expressed optimism. Told her we had already voted by mail for Bernie in TX and she was glad to hear that not all in TX are idiots.
Using Verizon jetpack to comment here tonight since T-mobile phone not getting fast internet here on the headlands picnic area overlooking the rock islands/ headlands of the Pacific near Mendocino. There is no signal down in the campground.
Thanks for the continuing coverage on labor actions against Verizon. Would really like to see them kick corporate @ss.
We have had a zipper fail on our tent, had hassles claiming the warranty with Coleman. The replacement tent would not get here before we leave for the Africa portion of our trip. Looks like we are going to have to buy a new tent. Going back to using an REI that has two doors in case a zipper fails because malaria risk. Have to reconfigure our packs because the REI tent will be heavier and probably have to mail some things home. Oh well,' as my nephew says, first world problem. ' :):)
Jakkalbessie says hi, she read the Blues on her phone but she said she too tired get out her laptop and comment.
Guess pretty soon we'll have to say good night to you all, get on back down from the overlook where we made our dinner and have a signal, back down into the camping area among the redwoods. Have to wash dishes then have another glass of wine. All the best...
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
evening do, jb...
lovely photo. looks like another place that i wouldn't mind hanging out. i think that i was somewhere near there when i was about 3 years old, but i don't remember much.
sorry to hear that your zippers are letting you down. i hope that everything falls into place and your trip to africa is wonderful and free of malaria. one of my college profs had malaria that he contracted when he was on a dig in the middle east. he didn't recommend it as a fun thing. a couple of times a year he had some sort of relapse and wound up missing some classes.
have a great evening!
Electronic machine fraud - Chicago
Gets interesting around 24 minutes
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
President Obama works overtime to prevent 9/11 document release…
Why? Why such a high priority assigned to keeping crucial information from the American people, who you would think have a right to know?
7 Reasons 9/11 Could NOT Have Been An Inside Job
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) on the experience of reading the 28 pages regarding foreign government ties to 9/11 that the public has not been allowed to see:
The Adivasi, the indigenous peoples of India
Still there, trying not to be wiped out by a dominant culture that invaded their lands 3,500 years ago.
So… how much can 9/11 victims’ families get from Saudi assets?
Oh, that’s right, $0.00.
U.S. Supreme Court rules families of victims of terror attacks blamed on Iran can claim $2bn from its frozen assets