18 Inches of Rain = Why We Go Barreling Ahead! Full Speed!

Houston got 18 inches of rain a couple of days ago. At my home in Navarro County, Texas, it rained 16 inches last October 23, and 4 more on the 24th, 20 inches in 48 hours. We had 80 inches of rain in 2015. Before last year the average annual rainfall was 34.5 inches and the record rainfall for a day was 9.5. We broke the daily record, dating back to the 1800s three times last year.

The Super El Nino' is still alive and well and is dumping exponential amounts of rain on Texas. The oceans are hot hot hot! We don't feel the warming as much in the atmosphere because the ocean has been absorbing it. But it is putting extra moisture in the air and sending it up from the Gulf.

Wake Up!!! This is Abrupt Climate Change!!


(All caps means I am screaming my head off.)

So . . . they cheated and we just let them get away with it? Bernie Sanders is the only presidential candidate that understands we need to turn this around NOW. Our habitat will be irreparably damaged if we do not stop using fossil fuels in the next 4-8 years. We don't have time to let a mamby-pamby wish-washy greed-is-good candidate be elected.

Surely, all of you can look around and see locally devastating effects of climate change. They are everywhere. The event that first shocked me out of complacency was the death of hundreds of trees around my house to the Mexican Soapberry Borer Beetle in 2012 (they can survive further north now). I wrote a diary on it at the other place. It was so shocking because they all died at once. At that point I started reading more about climate change.

James Hansen's recent article that discussed super storms was also alarming to me partly because I had read about 55 foot waves near Iceland last fall.

So . . . if we have 30-55 foot waves all over the ocean . . . what will that do to shipping? Don't we depend heavily on shipping?

We can't give up on electing Bernie Sanders as President of the United States. We cannot give up!!

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Lookout's picture

The models have consistently underestimated the rate and extent of the change.

If the science man ain't your thing, watch "Chasing Ice". It streams on netflix and might be available elsewhere. At least watch the last 15 mins. Years worth of picture data from specific spots in Alaska and Greenland. There is also a live shot of a piece of glacier as big as NY city breaking off. It is dramatic visual proof of warming...no numbers or graph needed.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Dhyerwolf's picture

Having heard how flash floods can form with even a few inches of standing water, I can't imagine how scary it would be seeing a foot and a half in a day. Hopefully everyone there stays as safe as they possibly can.

Unfortunately it looks like 7 have already died and there's major rain the next 3 of 5 days.

Climate change is my number 1 worry for the future and the number 1 reason that I will help however I can to get Bernie Sanders elected (and if I can vote for him in the GE, I will be voting for Jill Stein). Once it gets so that we no longer have areas that can reliably grow food (due to droughts, heavy rains or unjust complete unpredictability), we'll look back to this time period and wonder what the hell we (as a society) were all thinking. Of course, if constant 55 foot waves are in play, there might be even bigger worries.

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MsGrin's picture

Back before the edict, I put out feelers about getting Kossacks together in S.A. during the state convention...

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

mhagle's picture

I signed up to go to the county convention, but had to take a teenager to Kansas that day. At the last minute, the teen found another way home, but then I forgot about the meeting!


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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Rhizomes's picture

As Ms. Clinton suggests - how about we switch to her and her cohorts' swaths of cold hard cash? If I'm gonna inherit a screwed up planet to live on they damn sure better not get any richer off of it. No climate solution should start by finding a way to ease the emptying of the fossil fuel industries' pockets, the only ones who benefit from that are the execs who'll retire with fat bonuses to their coastline penthouses that, when I'm their age, might as well be in fucking Atlantis.

I'd like to see them live as the poorest of the poor in this country do today - fight for fifteen my ass Ms. Clinton. Why don't you try that $7.25/hr for a month and see how it works out?

Maybe then when we start the climate conversation, they'll understand that the damage unchecked greed has done to this planet will make the poor of tomorrow live even WORSE.

Sorry, I might just be more than a little bit incensed with what happened yesterday.

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"The voice of passion is better than the voice of reason. The passionless cannot change history." ~ Czesław Miłosz

pswaterspirit's picture

In the state of Washington. It is 88 degrees. It should be in the mid 60s. It has broken records 3 days in a row. The newest one being 1935.

I keep thinking about those petrified palm trees in the North Cascades. Wondering just how bad it will get and what we can do to go around them and get going on our own.

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mhagle's picture

where I live in Texas as well.

I wouldn't be surprised if we hit close to 120o F. this summer.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Hawkfish's picture

I bike to work, and in past years I have worn close toed shoes for about three months each winter. This year it was only for two weeks.

Prevent the burn: Feel the Bern.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

The Great Lakes shipping season started two weeks earlier than normal because of the lack of ice on the lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway. In our economically sluggish state, this was hailed nearly universally as a "good thing." I did not see any MSM reports about concerns this warming might have on the ecology, or even nature-dependent businesses even though agriculture is still the biggest sector of the state economy.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Lake Erie, at least, has been viewed as a commercial resource to be exploited, rather than a natural resource to be protected, for the last 250 years. At least some of us will have good jobs when the world goes up in smoke.

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You keep using that word...

Deja's picture

Flood stage is 17'. This morning at 5am, it was 28'. I've missed two days of work, and even though it's supposed to rain more between now and Friday, I have to go in tomorrow. They still might get rid of me, but I felt I couldn't risk it. They just identified a 25 year old victim. I'm all my son has, and a job isn't worth my life.

The very first thing I thought of when I saw the weather on TV Monday morning, and saw that 16" had fallen in a matter of a few hours just north of the city, was climate change.

Memorial Day last year (almost a year ago), it happened in Houston too. A storm front parked over the city, and fed by the warm, moist Gulf air, dumped billions of gallons of rain in a very short amount of time. People died then too.

I've been in this part of the state for over 30 years, and save a couple hurricanes and/or tropical storms, I've never, ever seen anything like this. It's historic, say the meteorologists.

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mhagle's picture

I grew up in the upper Midwest. In regards to snow and ice, we didn't take risks with the weather. Good for you that you did not take that risk.

I have been in Texas 24 years now. Reflecting on this past year of extreme rain . . . I think that most have not been that alarmed because at least now the lakes are full again.

It is important to note that the previous years of drought were . . . drought/fracking years. The drought only took us a small distance to low low lake levels. Most of it came from crazy fracking to the extreme. Those in power took advantage of the drought to just suck the water from everywhere as fast as they could.

Surely, more folks will wake up to the fact that this extreme rain is climate change event.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo