New York Prediction- Bernie for the 3 for the win (Faith)

If you have not read any of my other essays then you must understand I am a very upbeat and positive person. Please note I understand there is harm and evil in the world, but we have the ability and capabilities to help to make a positive difference and confront these issues. I believe in luck and that I am living a charmed life- greatest country at the greatest point of time in history. With this background in mind, let me give you some details about why I believe Bernie will win the New York primary by 3%.

First, there are many specific and hard data elements that I could use to prove or illustrate my point, but overall I am saying it is matter of Faith. Okay, before you laugh and stop reading or distracted by something else, let me explain. I am a very spiritual person and believe there is something greater than we are and we are just a small portion of the bigger picture. Does this mean we have no free will or that everything that will happen has already been foretold- not quite, but overall there is cosmic flow/framework and we are players within the grand scheme. Do I believe in God, yes, but that is my reasoning and how I see this overall greater picture; however, that does not mean yours or anybody else opinion is incorrect or wrong it is what I just believe (Faith).

Okay, why Faith and Bernie by 3%? I have many major life events (which I will essay during another time) that have impacted my life and in each circumstance, I asked for a sign. My wife hates it, because I always come up smelling like roses. I know what you are saying, why would God or any omnipotent being care or show some sign to you. I guess it is faith and I believe in an omnipotent being that has the ability to do so many things that why not ask for a small sign or help. Okay, when I ask God for a sign, he/she will let me find money (outside of my home) if the answer is positive to my question. The more money found the better the outcome- I once found a 5 dollar. By the way, I have found money where there should be no money. In addition, I cannot accidentally drop some money then turn around and “find” it.

Okay I know what you are thinking, you are crazy and that is stupid- but I am telling you it always works out for me. Sometimes I am afraid to ask for a sign, or I try too hard to find money, but when I just ask and see what happens because it truly works out for me- Faith.

Therefore, I asked God for a sign if Bernie is going to win New York primary and within a few moments (like within several seconds); I find three pennies about 10 steps from when I asked my question in a crowded parking with no one else around. I know what you are thinking, why are you asking God about the election, first I have never asked before because in most cases elections/states are never this important. Secondly, this state outcome can change everything and if Bernie is not our nominee then our future is not bright. So I asked for a sign, and then there were 3 pennies. 3 pennies is not a lot of money, so the results will be very close- meaning a long night tomorrow. I tried to interrupt the results, like 1 penny for the win and 2 pennies for the margin of victory because 3 is such a weird number for election results. Instead of trying to read too much into this sign, I will just say Bernie by 3%.

Therefore, based on Faith, Bernie will win New York 51 to 48 (rounding or “other” votes could be a little off- but it will be 3% overall). This is a strange number and prediction, but I do not mind making and providing you with it. I could be wrong and that is okay, but sometimes all you have is Faith.

By the way, I asked if I should share this story with this community because it is crazy, and immediately found a quarter in the dirt by the sidewalk. So I got a sign to share my request for a sign regarding the New York election results- a little interesting and wacky, but sometimes it is all about Faith.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and predictions for tomorrow. Finally, I want to leave you with a little video for motivation regarding tomorrow’s election.


I found a dime and penny last night walking on my route from the train station to bus stop. The dime was at the edge of a busy road, not sure how I saw it. A car did not hit me, but it was not easy to get to, plus I had to run to the bus stop to ensure I did not miss my connection. By the way, I have taken this route for months and only found 4 cents during my entire time- interesting. Finally, this morning at the train station in front of the badge swipe I found a dime- I have never ever found money at the busy train station. What does this mean, besides finding some pocket change? I believe it is a good sign for Bernie. Remember, besides working hard and trying your best, you have to believe. Go New York!

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3 pennies and a quarter? Looks to me like Bernie is going to win by 28%!

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Borkrom's picture

Too funny- thank you! I appreciate your humor and for the comment. It truly made me laugh (not a crazy one either).

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mjsmeme's picture

We were just about making it with 2 little kids living in a small ground floor apartment in Brooklyn with private access to a small fenced in yard. One morning we opened the back door and found a fairly large plastic flower pot filled with nickles sitting in front of the door. There was no sign of anyone having been in the yard. If it was dropped over the fence or from up above the coins surely would have spilled out and the pot would not have landed directly in front of the door. We were a little freaked out about it and finally brought the pot inside, counted the nickles ($20 worth), divided them in 1/2 and opened a bank account for each kid. Its still a mystery how they got there.
Also, just as I was reading your post, I noticed a quarter lying under my magazine rack.

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Borkrom's picture

Thank you for sharing your story.

Every since I have noticed or asked for little signs it is crazy but they do appear just like your nickels or quarter. To me it has always been money (mainly coins but depending on the outcome- the greater the amount).

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mjsmeme's picture

Can't explain that either. As for pennies - there are three of them on my counter right now that I used last week when I asked the I Ching about Bernie. Did you notice if your pennies were face up or face down when you found them?

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Borkrom's picture

I think they were 2 heads up and 1 tails up- but not sure. I also thought that might indicate a tight 2 point victory, but I do not try to interpret too much just that I was given a small sign.

By the way, thought it was interesting you found a quarter when reading my story then you shared yours.

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mjsmeme's picture

has spiritual significance

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but it was a Canadian quarter -- is that a sign that we should move to Canada?


Hope your premonitions turn out to be accurate -- if so I'll be asking you for Wednesday's Powerball numbers.... Wink

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Shahryar's picture

they'll say he had to win by 20. I hope he wins. I think he might not. But, as the email we all received said, whether or not he wins he'll pick up a lot of delegates.

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Borkrom's picture

I know this is a crazy prediction and my reasoning might be off. But I am just hoping and praying for a win because it will rattle everyone and the entire game will change.

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riverlover's picture

which is not a good comparison there last few days. My spidey faith agrees.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

I think even TPTB would have to sit up and take notice -- it would be a sign of momentum too big to ignore. They might have to start Feeling the Bern themselves as much as it might give them heartBern. Wink

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Granma's picture

I so hope you are right. I believe in God too. And for first time in my life, have prayed about an election, because I believe this one is so important.

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WoodsDweller's picture

... I asked for money and all I found was this ticket to Bernie's second Inauguration.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Bollox Ref's picture

But New York isn't Minnesota.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Borkrom's picture

but I hope, pray and believe, besides working hard, that is the best I (we) can do.

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and I think Bernie can win.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Gerrit's picture

but on my analysis of the campaigns, polling and political news reports. Faith and reason - hand in glove, eh :=) Good on you my friend. We will celebrate early on Wednesday morning - for it will take at least that long, I think. Shenanigans and all that. Enjoy your evening,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

all are right but I'm a pessimist and paranoid. I see Bernie winning by 3 but Clinton and the Cuomo machine stealing 20 points...

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sure beats winning by 3 votes. I hope your sign is correct! fingers crossed.

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Borkrom's picture

I agree there is a lot of data that could provide insights and information (reasoning) regarding my prediction, but wanted to share a story of some of my beliefs with everyone. Your information is spot on (daily updates and analysis) and prompted me to truly believe in a victory.

I keep thinking 2%, but the 3 pennies keep coming up in the back on my mind- so it will be Bernie by 3% (maybe with rounding).

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mhagle's picture

I like it!

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Borkrom's picture

Thanks for the kind comment- this was a tough one for me to share because I have never told anyone outside my family of this belief.

So thanks for everyone not giving me any grief.

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True story - it was a nice day and I had the front door open and a bird flew in. With thoughts of the Bernie Bird in mind, I let it roam a bit, then opened the window for him to escape. Sadly, he was unfamiliar with interiors and hovered around the window without figuring out the escape. So, he flew instead into the family room, hid behind the console under the tv awhile. I opened the door to the screen porch. After a bit, he flew there - then proceeded to bang against the screen for like, thirty minutes. I opened a door to outside, but he never caught on, came back inside, hid awhile, took a flying leap at the closed door, then disappeared into another part of the house.Finally, another hour went by and I found him by the laundry room in a short hallway, opened yet another door to freedom and he finally left.
Okay, so I encountered the most confused bird in the world, but he persisted, and he learned(like some slower voters who took awhile to warm up to our candidate). I feel we are winning something bigger, and have already won,no matter the votes.

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mjsmeme's picture

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lotlizard's picture

Even faith as small as a mustard seed.

Said our buddy.

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sensetolisten's picture


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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman

Isn't that a saying when you've offered an opinion? Or is it 2 cents as in well that's my 2 cents? Just another phrase that's in my head, that when I think about it it's like where did that come from.

When I was maybe 12 I had a paper route in an apartment complex so a fairly large number of customers in a fairly small area. One day I lost my collection book that was a record of who had paid and what they owed if they hadn't paid. I was very upset and was worried sick about the consequences. I actually got on my knees and prayed to find it. A little while later I found it in an area that I hadn't been in that day. It was a very long time ago and I only remember it because I've told the story, but I do believe in miracles. Sadly cynicism has taken its toll as I approach mid sixties, but I must admit this campaign is bringing back vestigial memories, so no I don't think you're crazy

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“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire

Raggedy Ann's picture

When Bernie announced, I got this choked up feeling I get when the best outcome will be realized. My breath catches, its wierd, but comes through everytime. I've had a sense of calm the whole time. I hope I am correct in what my spirit is trying to convey.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

mjsmeme's picture

(some mind altering substances can help with that)

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Cassiodorus's picture

All kinds of reports of mass disenfranchisement circulating about.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

alexa100's picture

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Go Bernie !!
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

it will be a huge victory.

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"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)

Ajaradom's picture


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