Reddit activists/ Sanders campaign prepare for preventing Arizona II
The entire day I have two contradictory feelings: (1) We are close to winning NY (2) The establishment will try some dirty tricks. Let's transform such feelings into action!
Now reddit activists/the Sanders campaign prepare some counter-measures:
URGENT: We need to be ready for establishment antics at the polls tomorrow. Can we get 30+ Poll Watchers in Queens, NYC tomorrow.
by chrisbarrett_VOLUNTEER TODAY | am expecting the same establishment antics that we saw in Arizona and we need to help stop this. I want to find volunteers to be poll watchers in Queens tomorrow for the primary. We need to get volunteers from Reddit to directly help the campaign. Please fill out the form below and we will contact you ASAP to get you set up at your location.
If you are from NY/somewhere close NY: please volunteer for canvassing/GOTV etc (see link below)
If you are from farer away: please phonebank. (see link below)
Keep at it Berners... I have convinced multiple undecideds to get out there and vote for Bernie tomorrow...Here is my favorite:
I introduced myself and asked if we would be having her support tomorrow. She said you know it's funny I just received this pamphlet in the mail and was sitting here and we were all talking about it. I told her that was great and asked her what she thought...
Long story short, she was on the fence to vote, but definitely didn't want to support Hillary either way. She said that after talking with me, she could give me her word that she would go out there and vote for Bernie tomorrow. I told her that would make my whole volunteering effort worth it (seal the deal, people).
It was an incredible call, and made me appreciate, once again, why we are doing this. I was also able to get multiple people their polling place information, and solidified commitments.
Proud of you all. Keep it going....
Some guidelines for NEW YORKERS! Tomorrow
1) Don't wear anything that will give away the fact that you're voting for Bernie, and also don't do any Bernie chanting. We want to avoid voter suppression as much as possible.
2) Don't accept provisional ballots, provisional ballots are sham ballots that don't really count. Do not accept them. Instead, stay in line for as long as it takes.
3) Do take pics & videos of any shenanigans NOTE: Don't take photos of your completed ballot because that is illegal. Only document the shenanigans at the polling place. Take photos and video of those.
This is Bernie's voter hotline number::
This is a unique chance of beating the establishment!!! Let' do it!!!
I fear you are right
New York politics is a sewer.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Let's prevent it!
Let's get everything on video! Then publish it! If this is done systematically and we can show evidence, that will sink them!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
Vote in groups
Everyone should take 3-4 people with them. It provides witnesses as well has encouragement for others to get to the polls.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Saddest thing is that the MSM will collaborate...
with the DLC to suppress anything not PERFECTLY documented.
Names, dates, places, etc, need to be perfect. Video better. If Bill shows up, don't just record Him, record the lines of people waiting to vote while he talks.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
If Bill shows up, Peacefully crowd him with objection to his
blocking polling access.
Be peaceful, be loud and crowd him so you overwhelm his Secret Service detail and they have to move him out of there because they can not guarantee his safety.
Complain loud and long to his detail about THEIR blocking of polling access and advise them that you intend to make it soo difficult to protect him that they will have no recourse but to leave.
All Peacefully you course.
For example perhaps chant
hey hey, hey ho
poll blocking Bill has got to go
hey hey, hey ho
poll blocking bill has go to go
chant this as you peacefully advance on Bill and his detail With your unarmed hands in the air.
chase that slimy bastard out of there!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
dennis1958, I'd have never thought of that!
His detail will have to make him leave!
Except, I hope his detail isn't like asshole Trump's! They'll get yanked around and possibly injured.
But video is the key! Like DMW said, include shots of the lines waiting to vote too.
Damn, I wish I could be there tomorrow!
Maybe we can count to three....
lol, just joking
I agree. There will be dirty tricks. Bernie is winning this.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Somebody have the phone number for
Bernie voter hotline? It should be a part of this post.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I included a number.
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
Been tweeting and fb this around.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Do you remember in 2008- that there were some precincts
in New York City (I think Queens) that reported Obama receiving 0 votes during election day. Then after some questions, these results were updated the following day.
It was Harlem. n/t
Thanks, good catch and help with this one
Please keep an eye for any funny business.
Emergency Voter Suppression Lawsuit Filed In New York
From the TYT Network
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More Voter Suppression
New Yorkers File Emergency Lawsuit To Give Voting Rights Back To 3.2 Million People
NEW YORK, NEW YORK — With less than 24 hours until the presidential primary, a group of New Yorkers who saw their party affiliations mysteriously switched are filing a lawsuit Monday seeking to open the state’s closed primary so that they can cast a ballot.
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First Nations News
OMFG! NY too?
Okay, this is seriously pissing me off.
This shit reminds me of the kid who steals the whole thing instead of just a little so it wouldn't be noticed (I'm flashing back to my first job at a restaurant and "accidentally" smashing a piece of cheese cake, and rather than tossing it, eating it, not stealing the whole cake!)
I used to call them stupid, but if it keeps working, right in front of the whole damn world, then I guess we're the dumb ones.
Smdh! How do we stop this? Private investigators? Obama's peeps won't do it. How?
What are the chances that there will be some kind of injunction before Tuesday?
I wondered this, as well.
Why did they wait until the day before? Can it really happen that fast?
What can be done about rigged
What can be done about rigged voting machines?