For a Certain Generation
I was still young when the show "Welcome Back Kotter" first came on the air. So this particular video adapted for Bernie really hit home with me:
Day after tomorrow is NY primary and I'm a NY'er. Very excited about finally getting to cast my vote for Bernie.
It's sad that I have found myself choosing to be extremely selective in what I read both on mainstream and social media. I make no claims to objectivity; I am in for Bernie 110%.
I hear and read the meme that this isn't about Bernie, but to me, it is. I know the movement didn't start and won't end with him, but in my opinion, Bernie is a once-in-a-lifetime leader who has been able to pull together many groups of activists by his very ability to expand his platform to include everyone. That is a skill most people don't have. It's a true evolution, an organic evolution, not a political tactic or strategy.
We are living in dangerous times. I've been following the impeachment proceedings in Brazil as covered by Glenn Greenwald at the Intercept. The Establishments around the world simply don't understand the level of anger so many of us ordinary people are feeling and how easily that anger could spill over into destruction.
We're not stupid. We see the problems of climate change and the disaster of misuse of our world resources; and how so many right now are suffering and dying because of this, and because of the greed of the "owners" who believe they must survive even if if the rest of us perish.
The usual bread and circuses aren't working for us any more, and the Establishment is frightened and willing to play dirty to keep their toys.
Every day of Bernie's campaign is golden to me, every day I see something new and good about my brothers and sisters in the fight. These are the best times.
Speaking of it ...
... just got a WaPo breaking news email that in Brazil Dilma Rousseff has been impeached by the Congress and now it goes to the Senate.
Beat in the USA.
yes, and I found Glenn Greenwald's tweet
in response to some mocking a whining Glenn Greenwald with this:
Lovely, isn't it?
Go, Bernie!
A lot of us old codgers are looking in awe at the work being done by young adults in the cause of Bernie.
Some of them are getting tired, which is understandable. I think they need encouragement. They need to know that we appreciate them. They need to know that we are proud of them.
And they also need to know that NY isn't quite as important as the MSM makes it out to be. There will be campaigns and voters after the NY primary.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Once more unto the breach young friends,
once more!
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Love the video and your essay
I also remember the show. I feel very much the same way you do about Sanders. Yes, the revolution is going to happen, but I so very much want his help and energy. There are just so many bits and pieces that need to come together, accomplished, and protected for the future.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I remember
the show like it was yesterday,a perfect song and video for Bernie going into NY!
I too am old enough to have experienced 1970s television sitcom in its native habitat. Thanks for sharing that bit of entirely applicable nostalgia!
That video is genius, up, down, and side to side, all the way to the kid on unicycle at the end, an image that until I just saw it now did not realize that it was buried way down in my cerebral cortex, decades after having last seen it....
Can the Sanders campaign win simply because it is just too creative and fun to lose?
I loved welcome back Kotter because I grew up in BroOklyn
Not to far from where Bernie lived
This is an INCREDIBLE video
I cannot wait to cast my primary vote on Tuesday
I will be voting for Brooklyn homeboy BERNIE SANDERS
Orwell was an optimist
Thank you NPK for this post,
and for your insight and confidence.
I heard the news from Brazil on the radio while driving home. The sound of the opposing sides of protesters reminded me of Bernie vs. Hillary. The ‘for’ impeachment crowd were having a great time (propelled by legitimacy), while the ‘against’ impeachment crowd were far more reserved, understandably.
Video Brought Memories Of Young Adulthood
When my daughter was a baby/growing toddler, and we spent many evenings at home, half watching her, half watching the Sweathogs.
The video is great, so creative, evoking energy and smiles. I wish it could be seen as an ad in the NY market.
Thank you for bringing it here to share, Nightprowlkitty. It's a lovely way to end this day.
Tweet it to the NY hashtags, I did and I posted it to my FB
Feed too.
Orwell was an optimist
That's it, Bread and Circuses
I totally agree. I posted a rant about it, inspired by your article. Thanks!
Bernie is a win-win.
My version!
Here's a super positive Bernie video: Welcome Back, Bernie! Please share! And watch for Bernie kissing Jane! How many ads show that??
NOTE: I put my "Welcome Back, Bernie" video out a week ago. Two videos with the same idea came out after that, including the one in this diary. I think it's a great idea and I've watched all three of them. Please check ours out!
This is great, chiplazarus. Captures Bernie exactly.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
My fave!
Thank you for sharing this great piece!
Beat in the USA.
thanks kitty
you always seem to capture my sentiments so well.
Loved the vids
Thanks for both. Go NY, Go Bernie!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm so emotional lately - the Welcome Back video made me tear up
Good lord... everything is so intense these days...
But what a great video.
thx Kitty, this is great. The more of these the better!
Bernie, the Socialist Jew from Brooklyn. How great is that?
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Love them both!
I'm of a "certain age" and was a serious Kotter fan back in the day. Both brought tears to my eyes... partly from nostalgia, I'm sure, but also because the well-chosen clips and stills are so poignant.
Twain Disciple
Welcome back
Vinny Barberino, Epstein, Horseshack, Washington. . .
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march