Moral High Horses and North Carolina
My biggest pet peeve is people who get on their moral high horses and act like they are so superior to everyone else. I cut my youngest brother Jerry out of my life when I couldn't put up with his right wing garbage any longer. I was a caregiver to our Mom until she died. I tried to help my PTSD Vietnam Vet brother Mike until drink overcame him and he died. My younger brother Reid is with me and will be for the rest of his life. He let his diabetes get totally out of control until it has cost him a leg, most of the use of his hands, and sight in one eye. Jerry refuses to acknowledge me as a caregiver. He refuses to acknowledge that I have a high IQ like our Dad. I am a Bernie Sanders supporting Socialist and that makes me an enemy. I'm on the verge of a burnout now with caregiving I don't need any more personal stress. There is diary here tonight that just pushed my buttons big time. I rarely do political diaries but I'm doing one now.
I live in North Carolina now. I moved down here to be near Mike's daughter and her three special needs children. I have been introduced to a wonderful progressive and involved community. Before Reid came to live with me I worked with the Homeless community. There are so many good people down here who care. People like William Barber and the Moral Mondays. There is a thriving arts community for me to be a part of as an artist. There is a huge and thriving gay community including Replacements Ltd. in Greensboro which has one of the largest gay owned businesses in the world.
I am more aware of the political situation here in my home state then some of the people who have been posting. To start with Governor McCrory pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. He had presented himself as a moderate and then when elected turned 180 degrees right. It is hard to vote here and even harder now that hours have been changed and stupid regulations snuck through to prevent middle class and minorities from voting. We have been gerrymandered into ridicule.
This latest hate bill came out of nowhere. It was snuck in through the middle of the night. The Senate Democrats walked out refusing to have anything to do with this farce. Yes the bill should be roundly condemned however including all the people in North Carolina in your condemnation for something we had no knowledge of and do not support is just as hypocritical as the people who committed this outrage.
Those whose are rejoicing in concerts etc. being canceled and gloating about how that will harm North Carolina don't know who is being harmed. It is the poor. The middle class. The children. The health system. You don't really think the Governor and Legislatures and their friends are going to make up the loss of income do you? No. They are taking it out of the schools. Out of healthcare. Out of taxes on the middle class and poor. So while you are rejoicing the people are being hurt. People who are vulnerable.
You need to get off your high horses. The real people in North Carolina are protesting this abomination. We are trying to raise money to fight it in the court. This law is hell for us to live with. I had to tell my gay brother who finally had the nerve to come out two years ago to keep quiet about being gay because next time I call an ambulance they can refuse to treat him because of this hate act. Try living with that. Try showing some compassion for those of us who are fighting hard. We need your support not your high horse superiority.

Please understand, Compassion Is the motivator
When artists forego big paydays, when companies incur costs to move from NC or incur losses by refusing to do business with NC.
When the average sane Joe on the street ridicules NC because of their bigoted ways.
That is born of the compassion we feel for those oppressed.
It's not a game.
We don't act and speak to feel good about ourselves.
We act and speak out of compassion for our fellow man, however they be different that we are.
Quite honestly, even should you plead with us to not act, to not speak.
We would act and speak nonetheless.
The injustices done to you endanger us all.
We're not just fighting with you, for you, we are also fighting for ourselves.
You would have us stand as stone? Silent and unmoving?
My prayers and tears continue for the people of NC. Both for the oppressed and for the oppressors
for they know not what they do.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
You target everyone with the same brush of bigotry and that is compassion? You can fight a law without damning everyone with the bigot brush. You know nothing about compassion. You fight a law. You don't condemn people who are suffering and will suffer more because of you compassion. You don't give a damn for those of us suffering in North Carolina.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
I really liked your response
It kinda reminded me of the "and then there was no one else to stand for me" line...
I just reread the diary and I am beyond sad.
"I had to tell my gay brother who finally had the nerve to come out two years ago to keep quiet about being gay because next time I call an ambulance they can refuse to treat him because of this hate act. Try living with that."
That's not how I want to ever live. That's why I march and act. We fight hate with love and action - not with shutting other's identity away. That is exactly why so many act against the hate.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
This n/t
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I am sorry that you think that we don't get
all who are being hurt in NC by this stupid law and repercussions. I, for one, am quite aware that unintended consequences of boycotts punish the innocents, the most deserving of aid and assistance. But the only way, like in Indiana, to make that clear to PTB is to shake their money tree, punish by withholding. About the less-fortunate, we know that they.just.don'
I wish you and Reid well, I hope you can get some respite and assistance. Hugs, just hugs.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Don't Care
That is the problem that people don't care if the innocent who are already hurting will be hurt worse. You don't care.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
Really, I do care.
Please don't be angry with me, someone who is nobody in another state. Your anger does make me hurt, and I will try to come up with ways for me to help North Carolinians who suffer the most. And I was referring to the governing body of NC. Peace.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
You Want to Help
Contact the people who are fighting this in court and offer to help raise money for them.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
My brother and my "high horse"
Many years ago, my young brother was walking through a parking garage after his shift as a waiter for a elegant restaurant in Seattle. Three white men charged at him and beat and kicked him nearly to death. Our own mom couldn't identify him because his face was so shattered. They broke his legs and arms. His cheek and jaw.
They would have killed him but a couple came out and started screaming. They never caught the animals that did this to my brother.
My brother was beaten nearly to death because three men thought he was GAY. It was called a hate crime even though my brother isn't gay. 20 years later and he's still trying to climb out of the medical debt because some hate filled cowards felt they were above the law... now they have laws that say they can spout more hate.
The hate laws coming out of places, even entire states, need to be completely shut down because all they breed and inspire is more hate and violence. People die from such hate.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
The poor are always the whipping boys for the rich
When choices stop having consequences fantasies go berserk. How do you think the republicans have survived as long as they have? It is delayed consequences coupled with fantasies over realities.
I never for one second thought NC people were stupid or bigoted. Just the people in power. If we don't kick back now we become complicit. The trick was played on the folks in NC, but the cat is out of the bag and I, for one, would feel I was approving of their choices if I didn't agree with the boycotters.
It is also a warning to all other republican wet dreamers that maybe bigotry won't get a pass. The republicans have been playing tricks for decades and the shit is hitting the fan.
When shit flies it lands on everyone, even the boycotters.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
You stated my feelings
much better than I did, above. Thank you for that. I concur.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I am here in NC too
Polls have shown, sadly, that many people here support the transgender part of this bill, but once they learn that the state is interfering with worker protections, the ability to sue for discrimination due to disability,race, religion, etc. at the state level(must go to federal court now) - there is a rude awakening. There are many people who will lose by boycotts, and people already hurt here, but I feel that we are in apartheid South Africa - unless companies, entertainers, etc. stop coming here, there is no way the governor and state house will back off. It is painful(hey, my husband works a full-time job based in another state so we can keep our home here) but the destruction to this state done since 2010 is hurting everyone. I just hope that this mess is so loud and ugly and humiliating that we vote these destroyers out in November.
I completely agree about our governor- he ran as a sensible, pro-business, former mayor of Charlotte, not particularly vocal about social issues.Then he came in with a full-blown tea party group of legislators who could not wait to ban gay marriage(until it was overturned, we had that, too - and our citizens voted for that amendment), restrict voting rights, reproductive rights - gerrymander the hell out of this place. My county went fully for Bernie in the primary, but there are a lot of people here who are not where we are, and it will take a little longer and a lot of pushing to make this state what it could be.
You are talking about Rick Snyder in Michigan
He ran as the ex-CEO of Gateway. He was just a little ol' pro-business nerd not interested in social issues. He was elected along with a whole bunch of Teabaggers. We ended up with a Republican Governor, AG, SOS, House and Senate. Once elected, the neoliberal nerd sucked right up to the teabaggers and right winger money because he knew where his bread was buttered. MI is considering a version of the same legislation.
fooled? Well, no - begging to be duped is more like it. I have no sympathy for the states that screwed themselves and that includes mine.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Michigander here too
After reading the idiotic op-eds for decades (from BOTH MSM papers), after listening to the hoi polloi opine on everything from taxes to teh gays, after running as a Green candidate and getting home phone calls to my unlisted number from the forced birthers, and getting attacked outside a theater leafletting, I can say with great force-
FUCK those assholes that have destroyed my once beautiful state-and yeah, we will all get hosed because we have allowed the dam conversation and the parameters of possible politics to be constrained and designed by the RW. And that "we" includes the most corrupt, inept-by-design D state party I've seen.
There couldn't possibly be another state party
as bad as ours. You know they are recruiting delegates. Are you going to do it? I think I am going to call and ask what it entails. I'm in Oakland County. One of the few that voted for Hillary. If I'm committed to her as a delegate, over my dead body.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Macomb person here
As a Green Socialist (the "real" kind") I can't stomach the idea of dealing with the Ds in this state (or any other, for that matter). I'd rather run against one of them.
What We Are Doing
This is what those of us who are so affected are trying to do here. We are taking this through the courts. We are on top of all the Legislature and our #$%&*% Governor. McCrory is already starting to panic and we are pushing him as far as we can. What people are failing to understand is that we are the State with William Barber and the Moral Mondays. We are fighting and people need to recognize our fight and stop trying to paint us all as bigots.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
I love your Rev. Barber.
You have to admit the boycott is putting pressure on him. Snyder poisoned a whole fucking city and not a god damn thing is happening to him. ewww, somebody might maybe recall him if they can get some ungodly amount of signatures, and if anybody in Detroit or Flint show up to vote.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
another proof of Thomas Frank's ideas
We have had a weak state Democratic Party, a lot of Blue Dogs in the mix, who have not really put up enough challenge until now, when we are so gerrymandered that getting a Dem elected is very hard.(even if the state leans Dem, districts are too carved) The real challenges to this mess have come from Reverend Barber and others.I know people who used data analysis to show that moving polling places increased travel time for African Americans here much more than white voters. The GOP literally moved convenient college campus polling places to miles down a road with no sidewalk, moved my own rural precinct polling place from a community center with a big parking lot to a tiny fire station several miles south. The pushback has to come from the people, because the state party is just not as uncomfortable with the status quo as we are. There are good representatives, decent enough challengers but we have a lot of work to do.
People who do not live in a gerrymandered state
have no idea how hard it is to get representation for those of us who are liberal. Even very liberal areas like Asheville have been split so as to weaken the liberal vote. It makes it nearly impossible to get any fair representation. It may sound great to beat up on those who live in a state that has been taken over by the right wing, but it can happen in almost any state. Once they get in, it is almost impossible to get them out due to extreme gerrymandering which the legislatures themselves draw up.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
michelewln - What would you have us do?
What would you have the NBA, and Bruce Springsteen, and Cirque du Soleil do?
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
@ Martha-PS, we do . . .
What Cindy Lauper did.
That's what!
What I Would Have Them Do
Quite simply I'd have them perform here and announce from the stage that there are tables where people can contribute to help defeat this measure in court. I would have them announce that the people who make this happen the ushers, the ticket takers, the people who clean up after the mess are going to be hurt if there is no performance. Do you really think Springsteen etc. are going to be hurt financially? It is the people who do the dirty work, the low paid jobs who aren't going to make the rent. Who won't be able to put food on the tables for their families because they can't work. I expect these privileged people to think for a change about who will be really hurt. You can fight the law without hurting the poor. Is that such a hard concept to understand!
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
High Horse
Talk about political corruption, gerrymandering, etc. It is no state secret that Art Pope owns the state of North Carolina. That's how that cretin governor got elected along with the majority of the RW brain dead yahoos in the state legislature. I don't know how long you've lived there, michelewin. I can tell you that there are a lot of rednecks and devout country Christians who are NC natives and vote. And not for their economic self-interest, either. How do I know this? One of my best pals has lived there for decades. She married a 3rd generation NC cracker (farm family). She is country and a liberal So. Baptist. Her hubby is an idiot politically. Thank god, he doesn't vote. She is a registered Republican who voted for Bernie Sanders in her closed primary. She's fed up and will change parties. She's the oddball among her hubby and all the rednecks they know; she's smart and stays informed. I have made trips up there to visit for years. So, that's where I get a lot of info. I also have lived in Florida most my life, so know all about political corruption first-hand. Hang in there--there are a lot of people who are fed up just like you. Stay strong, okay?
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I'm Trying
I've saved Reid's life so many times since he came down here and now there is law which I'm fighting like hell against and people are trying to tell me that everybody here is a racist and ignoring the people who are hurting. Do these people have any idea of how scary it is that because the legislature snuck through a bill that next time Reid goes into crisis they can refuse to help because he is gay? I lost a brother through the government and Vietnam and now have to worry about losing another one because of bigoted laws. These "political conscience" people have no idea what real suffering is. I just filed my taxes and because I took what little money I had to try and form an online business I have a NEGATIVE income. I can't spend the time needed to grow my business because I am too busy with doctor appointments and trying to keep my brother alive. Try living on poverty level. Try to scramble and find money because the blood suckers won't make an artificial leg for your brother if you don't come up with your 20%. Try working for the homeless especially vetrans who risked their life for this country but can't find a home now they are out of the armed services. And they have the nerve to talk about compassion! They don't care. There is no compassion in them. All they care about is their precious politics and human lives be damned.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
How dare you!
I thought long about whether to reply or not, as I completely understand the despair you feel and the terrific stress you are under. Should I give her a pass on this one because of her troubles and state of mind or should I tell her what I really think about her over the top, HYPOCRITICAL outburst. It wasn't an easy decision. I had to sleep on it. And I made up my mind.
No free pass on this one.
How dare you! You think you're the only poor person here who has tragedy and despair in their lives?
Try doing this you cry, try doing that. How dare you!
I've been TRYING to deal with the exact same kind of problems you have AND more!
How dare you!
How about you try to get help for a mentally ill mother living on the streets of California. How about you try getting help for your little sister who has been abused AND ACTUALLY SHOT! with life changing AND shortening medical affect. How about you try being held at gunpoint by your father as an 8 year old as he screams into the phone 'I'll blow his head off first'. Try being beaten for years by your mother as she slips further and further into severe a mentally illness. Try living in your car in the winter IN MINNESOTA. Try eating half a hot dog a day AS YOUR ONLY FOOOD, then going hungry when your hot dogs are gone. Try pulling 15 of your own teeth out, with no pain reliever because you couldn't get dental help OR afford booze or ora-gel!!
Try going through chemotherapy, alone.
I could go on but I've exposed more than is probably wise already.
Again I say,
How dare you!
You don't get a free pass on this from me. I've fucking lived in poverty and despair enough to know I don't have top put up with this kind of crap from you.
You attack those on your side with the very same kind of broad brush and lack of empathy you accuse them of.
The ACLU and other respected civil rights attorneys and groups have been all over this from the moment the bill passed.
I haven't seen any national call for help funding their efforts.
I have seen a nation wide condemnation of the bill however.
You don't get to decide for the world how to express their outrage.
You would have us do nothing, say nothing, less the Nazi's hurt people!
Here's a clue for you, the Nazi's are going to hurt people, regardless of any action or inaction on our part. It's what they do.
You presume FALSELY way too much in your rant against others here.
YOU have a lot of nerve to accuse others WHO YOU DO NOT KNOW of a lack of caring and compassion BECAUSE they take or speak for action for the greater good.
How dare you!
As some of my friends say 'best check yourself'.
I sincerely wish better for you and your family and all the oppressed and troubled people of NC.
Whether you want to believe it or no, I and many here have hard earned clues into your troubles. It wouldn't hurt you to remember that we are NOT the enemy.
For my part, this unpleasant experience will not change my view of you as an intelligent, caring, creative person who is often such a joy to be around. I really do understand, Michcelewin.
But you understand too please, I've been beat up enough in life, I don't take the beatings cowering in the corner no more.
Typo corrections edit.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
How Dare You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't understand a thing about me. I am not the hypocrite! Go take your "compassion" to any street corner here in Winston Salem and talk to the homeless with their cardboard signs and families around them, 28% of whom are vetrans. Tell them how good it is for them to know that because of the boycott what little money shelters can get will be cut because noone is going to cut anything for the rich. It is the poor whose services that will be cut. Look into the eyes of their hungry children and tell them why it is good for them to be hungry. So I'm a hypocrite for not wanting them to suffer more which is what is happening with this boycott. How dare I want to help these people even though I'm living on poverty income? How dare I try and suggest people do something different rather than hurt these people more? How dare I say that the best way to do this is come here and raise money to defeat the bill in court? How dare I care?
I'm sorry you have had a rough life but you aren't the only one who has experienced fear. Trying having a severe COPD attack and almost choke to death because your abusive husband didn't want to have to bother calling 911. Try living you life for years looking over your shoulder because the authorities have warned you the abuser you divorced will try and kill you for leaving. I still cringe every time the doorbell rings because he has the money to follow me around and is mentally ill enough to do so. Try being on your hands and knees in bathroom covered wall to wall in blood and feces from your dead Vietnam Vet brother.
How dare you judge me for trying to help the people in my State who don't deserve any more crap? I've been through hell in my life that you know nothing about. Greater good? Lets kick the poor who are already down for "your moral principals" who cares if they suffer more. Your words above say clearly say I've been down so I'm not going to have compassion for those who are down now. How dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You owe me one hell of an apology but I'm not holding my breath.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
I applaud you for speaking up
about how the loss of revenue may harm those in need.
I applaud you for speaking up about alternative measures that could be taken.
However I DO have a problem with is how you have been demonizing and dehumanizing people.
People who are on your side, who are against the crap bill and the sad state of affairs in NC.
I'm sorry you don't get that.
While I am certain that we could one-up each other all day over who has suffered the most and who is the greater saint.
It's not gonna happen.
Your halo is simply much to bright to bear.
Peace love joy Michelewin
There's no point to continuing this, you are NOT my enemy.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Like I said - everyone gets covered in it.
Don't blame your fans, blame the ones flinging poo.
Edit to add: And for extra credit we must all work at not flinging our own. Personally I find this one really tough at times.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
I'm so sorry you feel besieged, michelewln. I hope the boycotts
will not last long and the government caves. I hope you can get some respite care, it sounds like you could use a break. {{{{michelewln and Reid}}}}
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