Saturday Open Thread - 3/8/25: Odds and Ends

Good morning, good people!

What a whiplash week! Tariffs here, tariffs there, tariffs costs passed on to you and me and mine, but ain't it really cool shit?

I am the owner/boss/manager/bill payer of my office. If some prick asked me about 5 things I did at the office this past week, here is my reply to said prick:

1. I sent my tax prep info and documents to my preparer so as to avoid prison and pay for genocide.

2. I paid my office expenses in a responsible manner and will not face lawsuits. Sigh, it is a way of life in the US. (My parents lived through the Great Depression, so get ready, it may just happen again.)

3. I entered negotiations with the district attorney on a case a client says is bs. I found that evidence is a mile high that he is a violent man, and his family is afraid of him and wants nothing less that prison time. At least he is the perfect gentleman in my office.

4. I was prompt to court, prepared for my two cases. On time, ready.(I had help. Phone alarm and secretary handing me the files for review ahead of time.)

5. I heard tales of crazy spouses, tales of heirs rushing to steal a dead persons property during the funeral, that those drugs in my purse were put there by the cops, etc... And, I stayed until 5pm. daily and didn't escape to freedom until the work was done. (Elon, kiss my ass, after you sanitize your lips in my presence with sanitizer I provide. This is sort of what non-governmental agency employees do all their working life, Mr. Rich.)

And, then, the weekend.

This is an open thread, friends, limited to content only by your imagination.

Several members are experiencing health issues, and I wish them well, encourage all of you to give them a morale boost, as friends are meant to do.

Can't wait to see what is going on in your world!

15 users have voted.


Drop in some info and ideas for a better life, better world,
Let 'er rip!

12 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

Another busy week in the holler too. Got gravel for the road (3 loads), graded said road, cut down some dead trees and cut them into campfire wood, started an new firewood rack, and did all the normal household chores. So I've not been around the site as often as usual. Expecting a calmer week coming up after two busy ones.

Seems to me the world is in flux as Europe war mongers and the US calls for peace in the Ukraine proxy war. Evidently the US is meeting with Hamas. I sure hope that forecasts peace in western Asia. One thing for sure, don't listen to what Trump says (it will change tomorrow), watch what he does. Like him or hate him, there's no denying he is a disruptor and we certainly see some sort of change.

Well better get started on the chores. I've got a chicken in the pot for dinner already. Thanks for the OT, and have a great weekend.

Hope everyoe having health challenges is healing and feeling better!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout Maintaining property is a never-ending task, albeit amongst the most gratifying tasks imaginable.
We currently have 5 large burn piles of stacked limbs and burnable debris, and intermittent rains and high winds make it impossible to set them ablaze. About the time conditions are perfect to light them up, there will be a burn ban.
The addition will be finished by Tuesday at the latest. The crew will frame the windows and doors, we will do the interior paint and install indoor-outdoor carpeting. It is marvelous to watch the herd of 7 deer roaming morning and evening.
I haven't read any headlines today, but am sure whatever policies/threats were made yesterday will be different today. As nuts as the US has become, I gotta say, Europe is nuttier. Russia and China have far superior military, so it would be wise for the US and Europe to STFU.
Well, at least we will be in our respective hollers, friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Socialprogressive's picture

It's a good thing I'm retired or this would have been my response to the South Africa shit weasel.

Dear Mr Muskrat
I'd love to tell you 5 things I did at work this week but it's above your pay grade and you don't have the proper security clearance or need to know, so kindly go fuck yourself.
Have a nice day. Sincerely SP.

7 users have voted.

We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

enhydra lutris's picture


6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@Socialprogressive I nominate you to be the official Stick it to the Man spokesman!
Mr. DOGE is crashing government the way he is crashing rockets. The little people will clean the debris.
Ok, I feel badly for those losing their government jobs, but there is no doubt that various government agencies are overdue for streamlining.
I am anxiously awaiting to learn how many people work for the CIA, and what are their job descriptions and what are their salaries? I kid... If they told us they would have to kill us.
I hope you have a great weekend, friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

My boss (me) knows I do at least 5 work things / day, 7 days / week.
Can understand how 'office culture' exists and may be counter
productive, depending on management. The spouse speaks of how
staff do little more than the minimum required, if that, in a small office.
Expanded out to hundreds of agencies with thousands of employees,
can see where the 'punch the clock' attitude can become a slow-down.

Great tunes to go with your OT.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

enhydra lutris's picture

employed, a private sector employee, and a government employee. With respect to the latter phase o my life, my response to Must would be highly similar to Social Progressive's. I once knew a guy who had worked for the TVA, and later for Bechtel who swore that there was not an ounce of difference between them when it came to efficiency, effectiveness, employee productivity and management competence.

Today I got up and dressed for Household stuff and got some brownies into the oven, had breakfast and changed into clothes for the rest of the day, which will include going to farmers' market, feeding the birds, and attending a party for a retiring neighbor to which I will take said brownies, once out of the oven, cooled, cut up and all that.

for the moment, however, there is a ton of bird noise outside, indicating that they would really appreciate a hand out, so I'd best go deal with that and the dishes.

be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris I haven't baked brownies in decades. By the time I top them with ice cream, chocolate sauce, gobs of pecans, whipped cream, cherry on top, they are so disguised, they disappear.
Our grocery shopping will wait until tomorrow. It is drizzling rain today, with a heavy storm coming after 5 pm. It is a household chore day, no excuses.
Dear One is busy chasing black birds from the feeder. The usual crowd of birds make noises and display body language suggesting Dear One must get off his ass and feed them, or there will be trouble.
I am preparing a roast for dinner. Easy cooking. Good for 2 meals.
Enjoy the retirement party! Kudos to anybody that can actually retire!
Enjoy your weekend, friend!

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

dystopian's picture

Hi all,

Thanks for the OT and sounds OtC! The Stone' Salt of the Earth has been an anthem to me from age 13... 'who need leaders but get gamblers instead.'

Just a quickie drive-by,.... Best thing I saw all week was an 8-year old girl from India.

Apologies if someone posted already.

Happy trails all!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

@dystopian develop such poise and self-confidence at such a young age?
That performance is the best thing I have seen all week, too! Maybe going vegan ain't so bad!
Enjoy your weekend, friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

reply to QMS:
I worked in an engineering firm. I was told if my productivity was noticeably greater than co-workers, they would betray me, one way or the other. The goal was always to work slowly, get in lots of overtime. When I started working 70 to 80 hours per week, literally no personal life, I walked away from it.
Since it is a rainy day, looks like I have no excuse to postpone doing laundry.'s always something!
Have a great weekend, Cap'n!

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Five things I did this week:

Paid the energy bill. Get that private tax out of the way when it appears. Rent was already paid last week, ahead of time just so the landlord doesn't get the idea I might not be able to pay and he better sell the house.

Making requested place mats for a relative, using stash fabric, thread and needles, and working slowly and carefully. Fast and easy doesn't live at my house.

Working on my 50 States quilt project. I will refrain from pointing out how this project is a revival of American craft. Wouldn't any MAGA fragilista darlings to get their feelingses hurt.

Ordered seeds on sale from American proprietor owned small seed co. Pinetree, and the first four Nancy Drew books from Thrift Books for a Grand's birthday. I do shop sometimes, just not at the South American River.

Shoveled three feet of snow from in front of my doorstep and put down salt, not being interested in having the mailman sue me.

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Mary Bennett

QMS's picture

being retired does not equal inactivity
working for change rather than dollars
makes sense.

good luck!

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS Thank you.

3 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

@Nastarana a stellar report, chica!
Glad you protected both you and the mail man.
Quilting is a "thing" around town. We actually have a quilting resort here. It attracts rather wealthy women, and their quilts are laden with gold and silver thread, of course.
One of my friends lives near an upholsterer who gives my friend her leftover fabrics. My Christmas gifts are purses, place mats, shoe bags, and the like. Waste not, want not is how we all must have been taught as kids. Re-purpose whatever you can.
Texas is not favorable to land lords, so rent prices are getting off the charts, just in case there is that pesky eviction process that ensures you do not get paid rent for 6 months.

It is great that you can devote your time to life's simple pleasures, now that you are retired. When I look at it realistically, I could retire, but the state of our economy greatly concerns me. Tariffs are gonna hurt us in multiple ways. I will postpone my retirement when I am comfortable that my lifestyle will not dramatically change. I am not ready or willing to give up the multiple vacations we take. It is an expensive habit.
One minute I am upsetting MAGAs, next minute Dumbs. Both are on my shit list.
Enjoy your weekend, and slow and steady sewing, friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp hobby for me, so I had to start with a big project, naturally.

It occurs to me that a person asked for the list of five could have a lot of fun with it. Everything from planning quality time with the dreamboat in the next office w/out our spouses knowing, to diverted $XM to my private account, don't worry, you got your cut of course.

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Mary Bennett

@Nastarana all quilted. The small retail store in town sold cotton pallets and tie threads and needles. I didn't know people slept under anything else until I got to college. I am glad you enjoy carrying on the tradition.
My list would be exactly what Elon would want:
1. I managed tto keep my drunken supervisor from falling down, and still finished the chart.
2. I took allowed breaks and cleaned a commode a co-worker messed up.
3. I ignored smears about my gender and finished up the spread sheet.
4. I turned down the offer for cocaine (99% pure) by my supervisor until the weekend, and attended a meeting.
5. I put in the request for my vacation time and will head to Russia, and will return with some suggestions how to stimulate business infrastructure. I will use a business account for flights, hotels, and food.

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

lotlizard's picture

3 users have voted.

@lotlizard Bondi looks really in over her head. Guess she was late to the meeting wherein it was decided that Israel is protected every which way but loose. Government's Number 1 job is to keep hidden anything that puts Israel into a bad light. (Including sex trafficking, genocide, black mail, assassinations, and, ya know, things like that.)
AntiSemitism will not be tolerated, but Israel creating legislation to make it illegal to discuss Jesus in their country is fine and dandy!
Have a great weekend, ll!

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

Been interesting learning about our various C99ers activities and approaches to life.

My five
Spring has sprung added more outside activities this past week.

1. Daily chores include water and feeding livestock, watering potted plants and normal household to eat, organize and clean.
2. Hauled trash to the transfer station for the semi-annual dump run.
3. Bought a few plants and bulb for early planting next week, unless the ground refreezes.
4. Found and took delivery of a Dexter Bull. He will spend a few weeks in the corral area until time to join the cows in the pasture.
5. Found and picked-up Boston Terrier adolescent to add to the household as a companion for a housebound person. I was accused this morning of getting a dumbbell for exercise that can not be ignored and has to be pick up several times a day - Guilty. (and the pup is very smart at encouraging one to pick her up)

There are many reasons to criticize Musk, but lack of an appropriate security clearance is probably not one of them. Not uncommon for executives and specific employees working on projects with the government including Defense department to require a clearance level and sometimes includes project specific clearances.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

QMS's picture

may your critters be helpful

only found a step stool at the X-fer station today
a well made locking box with an old fashioned key
the dark wood is inlaid with symbols and seashells

helps me get up to the higher shelves

good to hear from you


3 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@studentofearth How cool is that! Go dairy or beef. Your choice!
Thinking back, we had water on every property where we ran cattle, so at least watering was not a daily chore.
Boston terriers are so darn cute. What did you name her? I hope she will be a joy to you and yours. The best dogs of my life were rescues.
The storm this evening missed us. Some rain, no winds, no hail. We got lucky.
I selected the roast/baked potato/asparagus meal before I remembered I would do all the cooking.
Have a great weekend playing with the doggie!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

soryang's picture

The Seoul Central District Court canceled Yoon's arrest warrant, on dubious grounds not used before. The prosecution team wanted to go ahead with what was essentially a necessary appeal, but the current Prosecutor General in a very Yoon like move, had a meeting of senior prosecutors and overruled the prosecution team. The Prosecutor General decided not to appeal. Therefore, Yoon was released 27 hours after the court judgement. An appeal could have been prepared in four hours or less. Yoon could have been held longer as the appeal proceeded.

Here's the crowd waiting to celebrate Yoon's release at the driveway approach to his official residence. (one minute)

There was also a large demo supporting Yoon at Gwanghwamun. The nearby demonstration around the corner near the palace of Yoon opponents was substantially larger. 60 percent of South Koreans want Yoon dismissed from office. Because the acting president has already defied the Constitutional Court's decision to appoint the ninth justice to the CC. And because the Prosecutor General took control of the criminal case from the trial team prosecutors, clearly not the regular procedure, and basically ratified a legally erroneous decision, things don't look very promising for South Korea at this point. Under the bogus legal theory of the case, other conspirators in the insurrection could also be released. Only one thing really stands between constitutional government and a dictatorship now, the pending decision on impeachment by the Constitutional Court.

Thanks for the open thread OTC. Can't say I've done much productive this week. Envy those here at C99 who have. You all must have the Dragon horse spirit. 龍馬精神 I'm temporarily out. 沒有精神.

Enjoyed the music selection. Thanks.

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語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang The US wants him in. So there, folks!
Hope the flu becomes that distant vision in your rear view mirror soon, friend!
Enjoy your weekend!

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981