There's something lacking in the Dems' Ukraine position.

Honesty? Realism? A sense of the bigger picture? I'm still looking for the exact term. (This is a reaction to the vast display of "support Ukraine" flag-waving you can see on social media at this moment.)

To focus the mind, let's look at this Bernie Sanders tweet again:

I thought there was some semblance of a point to being a Democrat before 1992. Sure, they're totally sold out, I told myself. But they're not warmongers like Reagan or the senior Bush, and they're not as stupid as Ross Perot. So I voted Democrat. Then the Green Party formed what was basically a club in my area in 1992. I may have occasionally popped in twice to vote for Bernie Sanders, but otherwise I was no longer a Democrat.

My guess at this point is that Democrats, those who still remain with the Party, pop out of the womb knowing their mission, more or less in the automatic, instinctual way in which calves know their first task in life is to stand up when they pop out of their cow mamas. And the Democrats' mission, in this vein, is to hand America over to the Republicans. Or maybe it's this link from the last decade I ought to post here. That's who they are; that's why they do it. I think that's the best explanation -- it's hardwired. They are all careerists, of the sort I saw in utero in high school in the late Seventies; empowering Republicans is their primary career objective in this era. Pretending to be the opposition to the CPAC crowd while selling out said opposition is their primary MO.

Anyone can tell what's going on; there are plenty of resources. Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal of The Grayzone, The Duran, anyone who's been a guest on Napolitano's show, Sabby Sabs or Revolutionary Blackout, Danny Haiphong, Brian Berletic, Due Dissidence, Status Coup, Jamarl Thomas, Jimmy Dore or pretty much anyone else not connected to the Deep State. Look 'em up on YouTube. I'm amazed they're still allowed to participate in the Internet. But what you also see now on the Internet, this tsunami of activity, is this great howling that Donald Trump is a Putin puppet and "I support Ukraine" and all of the other Project Ukraine talking points. I'm amazed at its volume.

It should be clear at this point that if there had been any substance to the notion of "supporting Ukraine," at least, I don't know, six months ago you would have seen this dramatic effort among Ukraine's supporters to shore up Ukraine's deficiencies in the war-fighting effort. A lobby would have emerged: America needs to be retooled, it would have argued. We need to produce 155mm artillery shells to match Russia and to establish air supremacy over the boundaries of Ukraine, they would have said. Above all, they would have promoted a military draft; maybe said draft would have started with America's now-enormous unhoused populations. The advocates of this movement would have argued for a new Marshall Plan to shore up the economies of Europe after the massive hit they took when the Nord Stream pipeline went down.

But nothing like this occurred, and the moment for such a movement has passed if it ever had one. I am suggesting this alternate history as a speculative possibility simply because I wish to illustrate what "support Ukraine" would have looked like if it had been backed by a shred or two of political realism or honesty. (The flag-waving you see now is way dishonest.) Instead, the political realist par excellence, John Mearsheimer, who believes that the drive to war began around 2004 under Bush Junior when the realists lost their ability to advise the US government, sums up the realist position on Ukraine below.

The rest of the history is laid out in Jeffrey Sachs' video here.

Now, granted, amidst outraged depictions throughout social media of Putin puppets and of the sweet, kindly Zelensky being so rudely insulted in the White House by Trump and Vance, there are a few outside voices saying "don't you want peace in Ukraine?" Oooh, peace! Peace! Who could be opposed to peace? This speculation is also completely lacking in honesty, realism, or a sense of the bigger picture. The peace faction in the think tanks and shadow governments in the US is mainly interested in peace so that the movement I suggested above could be made a reality. We have peace, Ukraine rebuilds, and war begins again, they imagine. So who is to establish peace in Ukraine? Count me with the skeptics, with Mark Sleboda and others: Trump might walk away from Ukraine, but I don't think Donald "Chaos Bomb" Trump will give Ukraine peace. (In an attempt to promote honesty, here, I will confess my inactivism. I do not think there is any way I can affect this situation.) Trump's re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia, the silver lining to all this, will indeed prove useful in averting nuclear war, but that's about it. The initial problem was that Russia did not trust the West, and for good reason; why should Russia set a peace treaty with the US when it is winning the war and when Trump will remain in office for at most four years, after which the chaos might increase further.

Instead what we will eventually have in Ukraine is a coup d'etat and a capitulation. Europe will abolish what is left of its democracy as it has done in Romania. Simplicius, from a week ago:

I have stated multiple times myself that it’s more likely that Ukraine will ultimately lose via internal revolution leading to some kind of capitulation, rather than military defeat. The cutting off of US aid has far greater dimensions than just military: it will result in a lot of internal political and moral turmoil, which will greatly exacerbate the potentialities for a regime collapse.

The rest of the world will carry on with business as usual because, you see, the rest of the world outside of the trilateral nations may be itself lacking in the realism, honesty, and bigger picture departments, but not so thoroughly as what you see in the trilateral nations.

I'm awaiting the reaction to this diary. "Oooh, Cassiodorus, you're so depressing!" To which I respond: go ahead, then, and do something, and not "something" like a social media blitz where you post a bunch of Ukrainian flags on Facebook.

11 users have voted.


as I was dumbfounded to see that the "liberal" position in this news cycle jabberfest is to favor war against Russia, channeling the late, great Joe McCarthy.

Irony never sleeps.

10 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

QMS's picture

except for this site
so wouldn't have known
there is a new 'love ukie'
thing going on
thanks for the insights Cass

7 users have voted.

question everything

this war was fought with drones, bots and shill whores who turn on a dime for a nickel.

4 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@kelly Waiting for the coup d'etat and the capitulation now.

3 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

with the mind set of the supporters of Ukraine too. There is a comment, in response to Joe Lauria at Consortiumnews today, supporting Zelensky and blaming Trump’s voters for endangering the United States, that has me completely distracted. Her seeing Zelensky as a hero and Putin as Hitler makes perfect sense if you know nothing, I mean, absolutely NOTHING, about Nuland funding, arming, and training multiple Nazi armies who videoed themselves committing atrocities against the people of Ukraine, if you know NOTHING about the Maidan coup, if you know NOTHING about the violations of the Minsk agreements by Ukraine, if you know NOTHING about the mass murder of Eastern Ukrainians by private armies and by the Ukrainian military during the civil war, if you know NOTHING about the extreme austerity forced on the people of Ukraine by the IMF.

If you know NOTHING about what has happened in Ukraine I guess the mind set makes sense.

But how is it possible for such people to know NOTHING about this conflict, for all these years, with all the access we have to information? It confounds me.

Clearly, the traditional media are owned and operated by the war machine, and clearly people receive their information through these sources. But even so, even those media sources have covered the Nazi element in Ukraine to some extent. What’s shocking is that, to people with this mind set, it doesn’t seem to matter.

I’m beginning to make lists of cognitive dissonance in the mind set:

Putin is a madman, a killer, a thug, a terrorist, AND, Putin will not use nuclear weapons if we launch a nuclear first strike because he’s bluffing.

NATO will bring Ukraine into membership in order to provide for its defense, AND, NATO will not bring Ukraine into membership at this time.

We can win a war with Russia, but we don’t want to send our kids or grandchildren, so, we’ll use other people’s kids and grandchildren, and if they run out, SOMEHOW we’ll think of something short of nuclear war, but if we do have to use nukes, we’ll win, because Putin is bluffing.

I know that last one isn’t exactly cognitive dissonance, but it drives me to distraction.

10 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@Linda Wood
of cognitive dissonance examples
makes it easier to spot a pattern

thinking people can not un-see
reality just because authorities
prefer to re-clothe events to suit
their changing agendas

4 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

But how is it possible for such people to know NOTHING about this conflict, for all these years, with all the access we have to information? It confounds me.

Most Ukrainian supporters only watch corporate media which spouts propaganda. And they follow pro Ukrainian media that is telling them that Russia is still on its last leg and they are still running out of weapons and troops. There are a few people on DK that write daily updates on the war and all their sources are pro Ukraine propaganda. It’s very good too.

If anyone posted the Joe Lauria article that describes the Ukraine war timeline they would be hounded off the site.
Go check it out yourself. Quoar is one who writes one and it’s full of tweets about how badly Russia is doing. The group cheers every time Ukraine blows something up in Russia and they call the Russians Orcs.

Seriously check one out.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg The Enemy is simultaneously infinitely strong and on the brink of collapse. We have always been at war with Eurasia.


It's all about controlling the narrative, manufacturing consent, silencing dissent.

On a not dissimilar note, my reddit account of 10 years was permanently banned today for speaking out against the genocide of Palestinians..

9 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@BORG_US_BORG What a great writer.

5 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

snoopydawg's picture


As it’s often said: Orwell’s 1984 was supposed to be fiction and not an instruction manual.

That’s what has been funny about the Russian narrative. Russia is weak, running out of ammo and they have to steal Ukraine washing machines for the chips all the while Putin isn’t going to stop with Ukraine, but then march into Europe. Sadly I see people agreeing with both points.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

Just the other day someone said that if NATO had entered the war it would have been over in just days. That’s the mindset there. Russia doesn’t have a good military.

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Cassiodorus's picture

@Linda Wood It's amazing that they can't see this in themselves.

5 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Sampling, without too much time invested, the Dem/MSM talking points criticizing Trump this weekend leaves me baffled as to what they want from Trump other than to eat shit and die. The lamest notion being tossed around as though it were self-evident truth is the lamentation for how bad this exchange of noise has damaged our nation. How? People around the world will lose all respect for America because Trump didn't let Zelensky take over the TV show with his semi-comprehensible English diatribe and thereupon commit the USA to fight on to the bitter end of final victory over the evil Putin?

I guess that would not work as well at making Trump look bad. The opposition has no further ambition other than to fuss and fume indignantly, as Trump goes on his merry way.

These cretins have finally figured out how to be worse than Trump.

Disclaimer -- I really do think it is all just a show with the same bottom-line result, no matter who "wins" the "elections."

6 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

Cassiodorus's picture

@fire with fire

the Dem/MSM talking points criticizing Trump this weekend leaves me baffled as to what they want from Trump other than to eat shit and die.

... maybe they want Trump to carry on Biden's foreign policy exactly as it was, you know, because Biden had the sacred (D) next to his name?

I clearly can't speak for these people as I do not share their orientation toward life. The side I would choose would be that of the Ukrainian exiles, those who decided to leave the country to save their own skins. "War's good business so give your son/ But I'd rather have my country die for me," Grace Slick once sung.

But that would be my best guess.

4 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

@Cassiodorus do not think through their "opinions" about Trump. They start from the premise that whatever he does is by definition evil with a capital E. This leads them into contortions and contradictions that make no sense in the real world -- but are obvious Truths in Mass Media Fantasy Land. You can see this tendency even on this board.

You give them too much intellectual credit, in my opinion, when you correctly identify their loony ideas..

I also have my doubts about the literal reality of social media "commentary." Paid influencers and bots inhabit this brave new world called cyberspace. Real human beings are rarely heard from this decade.

7 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

QMS's picture

@fire with fire
created by bots and pushed
by 'polls' gives the uninformed
masses cover for ignorance of
most issues. Quite the monster.

4 users have voted.

question everything

but because I, like most of the members of this board, disbelieve what the "news" says.

January 14, 2025
President-elect Donald J. Blowhard
@earthling1 is the King of Kayfabe.

I actually enjoy seeing him now claiming to bring an end to the Ukraine War. He will order Putin and the flakey boss of Ukraine to make a deal. That way he can keep his bloodthirsty supporters and donors happy to imagine that his "toughness" is working miracles on the world stage.

Time will tell if the Permanent Government insists on slaughtering more hapless Ukie draftees or if my cynicism is accurate and they really do not want to blow up the world -- just to scare the shit out of everybody on earth.

Putin is on board but the Little Ukie Turd is not ready for civilian life.

5 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.