Redacting Comments
Submitted by JtC on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 9:37am
The ability to edit comments was enabled from the onset of this site with the caveat that it not be abused. There has been a rash of redacting complete comments the last few days by a couple of members that is borderline abuse. If you are not comfortable with the comment you made then maybe it's best that you not make it at all. If this practice continues the edit feature will be disabled, it is making a mess of our comment threads.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Is there a best practice
For when a comment is posted in the wrong place e.g. as a general reply to the essay as opposed to a reply to a specific comment?
How about making it compulsory that an edit is acknowledged along with the nature of the edit?
I do agree with your fundamental thinking on this.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I can't speak for JtC
But if it was in the wrong place, I think simply editing it to say "Deleted bc posted in wrong place" would give context and let people know you posted it elsewhere.
Its just a little weird when its an entire conversation and half of it is suddenly gone.
Sounds good to me
disjointed comment threads and missing context are not good which is why I think this is important.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
If a comment is posted...
in the wrong place you can always edit it to let folks know that it was misplaced. Or, it can be totally wiped so that "No subject" appears in the subject line, which I always delete when I see them unless there is a reply to it, then I'll leave it.
I do wish that folks would leave an acknowledgment of an edit, but that may be hard to enforce without knowing exactly the content of the original comment.
My big concern is a flame war where someone goes back and covers their tracks, that's the big reason most blogs don't allow editing.
I have been using the
'No subject' option but will happily adopt the explanation one instead.
I think that this is even more important than the continuity issue.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I agree it is pure...
Assholishness when a complete comment thread is destroyed by someone abusing the edit privileges here. I really like the option of fixing spelling and grammar moments after posting because I never see mistakes until then...
Is it possible to have a level of user privilege where editing is not allowed? Just for those who abuse or, possibly just realize they are flaming azzoles that belong somewhere else full of immature users...
We had a guy on a V-Bulletin Forum that abused the editing privileges and other users just started quoting every post he made... Even if they didn't have a reply... Essentially it went something like this:
Eventually everyone flamed him and he left...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Yes that is possible...
and may be deployed if it continues.
I've seen blogs that only allow an edit
for 1 hour, or until a reply is posted, whichever comes first...that usually gives the original poster time to review for spelling etc...not sure if this could be done here, but perhaps it is a compromise solution?
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
JtC: What if we add edit to the beginning of the subject line.
Unedited comment's subject line: We did that.
Edited comment's subject line: Edit: We did that.
Until we get the upgrade, I often wondered if it would be helpful if we put the person's name that we were responding to in the subject line (look up). I know some of you don't need the extra help navigating the site, but maybe others do.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
We'll have the
replies notification program finished Mon. or Tues. then much of that will be a moot point. I was hoping to have it finished today but the developers haven't gotten back to me yet. It was finished a couple of days ago but not to my satisfaction so I sent it back to the drawing board. i have been making improvements to our other monitoring programs also, I will unveil them all when the replies notification is finished.
Here's a sneak peek. If your used to using this page, then here's our version of it. Bookmark it.
aaah, looks nice ... :-) /nt
Very nice, JtC!
~ Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~
looks good, can't wait
They've been working on it...
(the developers I hired) for two weeks now. I'm getting anxious myself. It will be an exact replica of the comments page that so many of us are used to.
You built it!
It is exactly the interactive overview c99 needed. It brings cohesiveness to what happens in the community over the course of a day, and is an excellent table of contents for ongoing members. Using it will allow users to keep up with essays where discussions are continuing and resolving, as well, bringing more depth and contour to the community experience.
I was not aware that redacting a comment would wipe out a continuing thread. Is that true?
I edit almost every comment I make — but only within the first 15 minutes or so. If folks start responding, then I stop.
I picked this habit up at Quora, an intense information community frequented by many with expertise or renown from all over the world, especially in technologies. I quasi-host a couple of topic areas. At Quora, commenters are encouraged to edit again and again until their comment is perfect and polished.
As a result of that experience — and the editing feature here — I notice my comments are much fuller than they once were, and packed with as much useful information and fun factoids as I can muster. Although I preview my comments, it is only when I save them that the flaws jump out at me. Ack! The fact that I can fix them frees me to deliver more spontaneous content and ideas.
At Quora, editing can be ongoing but any thought of deletion goes to a moderator to decide. At the Washington Post, editing is permitted for perhaps ten minutes, allowing people to correct typos or mark duplicate posts as "Duplicate." I think editing makes a forum read better and makes people feel more comfortable commenting when they know they can give a quick read and correct typos, which many find embarrassing or unclear.
As for falsifying one's comment later, after people have started responding to it, that is really a matter of honor, and respect for the community. A quick explanation, such as — "I was unhinged when I wrote that. My apologies" — will earn empathy and understanding at c99, because we all type unfortunate things and know just how you feel. Of course, newcomers must be given time to adjust. I needed time to adjust! It's a jungle out there.
In any event, I don't think the damage you are referring to is done in the first fifteen minutes of the editing window. In fact, much good is done. I hope you might simply put a time limit on editing and let the software manage the community. That way, you can return to your creative and dedicated and generous self.
PS: I only wish that editing didn't bounce the comment back up to the top in the right-hand column list of comments. Sigh.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Hi P...
redacting a comment in and of itself doesn't wipe out a whole thread, but will very much break up it's continuity. A thread with many redacted comments would be a real pain to read. If a redacted comment has replies to it it can't be deleted without also deleting the replies, that would surely decimate a thread.
I'm glad you continually edit your comments, they are some of the best information this site has to offer and most would make great essays unto themselves.
I would love some way to better follow the threads. I may just
be too dim to manage without training wheels, but I can only follow who is replying to who when context makes it clear. The underlying structure (I'm assuming there IS one, lol!) remains opaque and not at all intuitive for me.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Early next week Phil...
see my reply to dk above.
Cool! Any chance of implementing hot keys like they've done
at TOP? In the good old days of two months ago when I hung out there, I found the P for parent and J for new comment features to be a really useful innovation.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
that's on the back burner. A "parent' link and some way to progress through the new comments, be it a hotkey or whatever..
I agree with dkmich.
Have the developers add Edit: to the subject of edited comments and Delete: to deleted comments. That way, the thread won't be trashed and people still have the privilege of editing.
I expect many people, like me, edit only for typos (1 or 2x for
a duplicate post)--and are grateful to be able to do that when we knock off a reply in a hurry. No point in a message that I fixed a typo, yes? A substantive change, to add or update info, seems to merit a note.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Would it be possible to automatically add
that the comment has been edited? Some forums have that function -- after you edit it adds a line: "Edited by (username) on (date) at (time)". So if a comment thread doesn't make sense you can look and see that okay, the original comment was edited. Other sites only allow a certain period of time that a comment can be edited, usually about 5 minutes, so you can correct typos or grammar/spelling goofs without totally making complete threads gobbledy-gook by going back a few hours later and totally changing the comment.
I thought we were allowed to delete our comments.
I was in a discussion several weeks ago where admin here said it was a feature of the site (not a bug) and allowed.
Can I delete my content or not?
Well so say you are a dog
and you write a comment about how great canines are. Some cat comes along and says "Nope". Then you, being the dog you are, change your comment to say that cats can sometimes be cool but never as much so as dogs.
Later some rat comes along and assumes cat is a self hating pussy.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Delete, not dishonestly change
There is a very big difference in intent
See my comment below.
You cannot delete a comment, but you can edit it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
If I put nothing but redacted in the subject like above and leave this box blank, is that allowed? That seems like an honest "deletion" without intent to deceive or mislead.
I just need to know what is allowed. I don't need to know why. Private site, private rules can be whatever, whenever, however, agree, disagree fair or not.
See my comment below.
And it wasn't just you, there were several full comments redacted a couple of days ago. I just want to stop it before it gets out of hand. Can you imagine what the comment threads would look like with half of the comments redacted?
guilty here, I know, I have redacted several of
my comments, because I didn't like what I had said, once I calmed down. I understand your argument that one shouldn't comment at all, if one is not sure that one like ones own comment "the morning after".
I was expecting your reaction and I am glad you spelled out your opinion about it clearly.
As you know I have difficulties NOT to comment. I banned myself from dailykos for that reason, so that I have a straight jacket put over my mouth. I am glad I did. I realize that it's my personal problem and the same situation occurs now here as well. You know what I asked you to do with me in our private message.
I think for me this is a bigger issue than just being too spontaneous and too under-informed about facts, which would make my comments more substantive.
I apologize to have abused the right to redact my whole comments about certain issues. On the other hand the fact that it is possible to do so on this site, is one of the reason why I came here. I appreciate that this site gives one the freedom to delete ones comments, because there is a lot to be said about the fact that as Robert Sheer says so nicely "They know everything about you". I am opposed to have every word that appear in my comments to be saved for eternity on servers to be used by people for purposes I have no control over. In fact for me it's not only a personal issue, but a political one.
But I will try hard to not do it again and to comment less. As you know people can't live without communicating with each other. In real life this is no problem to communicate the way we do. Nothing gets a decade long trail of "proofs" which follow you like shadows through your life.
But online it's different, and I reject that part of the internet technology. As we are so dependent on communicating with each other, it's something that should never be abused by a technology that takes away our own control over our words. The audience is world wide, the words archived for eternity, a clear recipe for abuse and potential personal destruction. You can see what it does to "political debates and fights". I see no reason to change my mind about this lack of control we as commentators have over our own words.
Ok, JtC, it will not go out of control. I am going to beat this beast of online communication on blogs. No worries. Glad it was taken out in the open by you.
BTW, what I think the comment thread would look like when half of the comments were redacted, is probably how real comments in conversations would look like. People who talk have enough clues in real life when and to whom to shut up about what. Online this barrier is missing. Some people have more difficulties than others to handle that lack of inhibiting factors online conversations present. I am one of them. Guilty as accused.
No probs mimi...
I just want to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.
I feel my bud ... being bitten... I'll get over it :-) /nt
oops, I looked up now the meaning of "nip the bud"
and it means something totally different than I thought it would mean. Shute.
Now I would like to redact my comment above this one. Sigh. OMG it's hard to understand English... AND I mixed up bud with butt and misspelled butt into bud.
I'm redacting my thinking about what you were thinking about redacting. I think.
LOL, I love your humor, I really do. Thanks. /nt
You may not have intended it
But I loved it - it was a funny comment, inadvertently or intentional.
we're still gonna love you mimi
if you change your mind or get mad or misunderstand or are having a bad day. It's all good.
Not only do we understand but many of us have actual experience in being human!
We got your back mimi.
Peace love joy!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
thanks, dear /nt
I love that comment:
So true. Admitting your faults goes a long way toward conquering them.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Thank you
Thank you, JtC, for your strong and gentle stewardship of this site.
Thank you Mimi for receiving the comment in the good spirit with which it was given. THANK YOU.
Do we all realize and appreciate how good it is to be in a community of good will.
Old fashioned word, but then, I'm old, ( 71 years young) and never been in fashion: comity.
Thank you all for contributing too. Newer here, and I've learned so much.
Very grateful.
Deleting essays is allowed...
deleting comments are not. When a comment is deleted it takes all replies with it, leaving the comment threads shredded. It's also not fair to other members to delete their replies to comments because a person may want theirs gone.
Comment editing was enabled to fix the occasional typo and to remove content from a duplicate post. When I see "No subject" or "Duplicate post" in a subject line I delete them. But when a comment has multiple upvotes on them and then is redacted, it makes subsequent readers wonder what was said that needed to be redacted. If that's allowed to continue, I can see our comment threads with half of the comments redacted, who wants to read that?
I'm just giving fair warning instead of just disabling the feature, that if it continues, a function that many folks like will be disabled. There are obvious reasons why most blogs don't allow you to edit comments, abuse being at the top of the list.
To put it more plainly, comment editing is a feature of this site until it is abused.
Feel free to remove any of my comments I redacted. They were copyrighted quotes and very little else.
I'll refrain from further editing and more closely monitor and restrict my commenting.
I have no problem...
deleting redacted comments, but I may not see them all, and if many folks start doing it I will be spending precious time cleaning up the threads rather than performing important site maintenance. And there has been several that had replies to them that I wont delete because it will delete the replies too.
I'm just trying to save our threads from looking like a mess. As I said above, if you feel the need to totally redact a comment, maybe it was better to not have made it to begin with.
Some places auto fill the word "edit" + date/time
So at least people know it was edited.
I usually try to post Edit: and my new addition. Though I don't think I've ever posted "spelling correction" or anything at all if I corrected errors.
TOS has a helpdesk thread where they are apparently deleting Phoenix Woman's comments as they come in, because I saw one they hadn't deleted yet. VERY CONFUSING regarding the flow of the thread. People are obviously responding to her, but nothing they're responding to is there.
I COMPLETELY understand why you don't want them redacted/deleted.
Note to self - formatting buttons on c99% are actually usable while posting from yer phone! No more need to use all caps as an alternative.
Would it be possible.. put a character limit on the edit function that would allow for minor corrections while preventing substantive changes or deletions?
I could be in trouble in that case, I am a TERRIBLE typist! lol
but I do also edit my commetns quite a lot (thanks DK traingin camp!)
^demo of my patheric typing
Sometimes someone might want to
add additional information though -- like an "On further review" -- that will explain their stance without having to add a completely separate comment.
People may have no idea
That that is unacceptable. Perhaps somemkind of message like instead of an edit button a "minor edit" button or maybe some better idea like a message if you do hit edit on a posted comment explaining that "the integrity of a thread can depend on the consistent content of all its units". Or a mechanism which allows only cross-outs and '+' marked additions? Or maybe some easier to impliment and even better idea.
(I was unable to find a way out of preview(!) so I have always posted, then edited right away .)
Petral - way out of preview
Gotta scroll way down past your preview, text box, tips on formatting, URL box, and copy of comment you're replying to if applicable.
Same 3 buttons down there: Save. Preview. Cancel.
At least that's how I get out provided my WiFi isn't crapola. Time for new router me thinks.
Maybe a 5 minute rule
just enough time to fix a couple typos but not something that you can go back and change later to alter the meaning of the thread.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
That's a good idea - a 5 or 10 minute window
I'm notorious for catching typos after I post, but my edits are always minor clarification or correction edits, and I don't want to lose that, because then I'll have to post another comment saying, oops - typo!
I often reply and have to dash and spot a goof only hrs later
when I'm back online again, so that timeframe wouldn't help me tidy up the results of my rushed fingers.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I am assuming that JtC
is referring to people editing comments to change the content, not when someone misplaces a comment by accident. I edit my comments often to correct spelling error or typos since I am a horrible typist, but usually that type of edit is immediate.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm referring to...
folks redacting complete comments that have 10-12 upvotes on them, leaving subsequent readers to scratch their heads wondering why that post was redacted. if allowed to continue more folks will start doing it until our comment threads will make no sense at all.
here is
my experience.
Once another user and I got into a stupid spat and when we soon realized we were both boneheads we both excised the stupid-spat comments. That to me seems preferable to subjecting everyone else who wanders by, and for all eternity, to the online equivalent of a couple of people rudely shouting at each other on the street.
Then there's somebody here who speaks their mind but then later worries maybe they were too harsh and so excises the comments. This doesn't bother me at all, whether I'm the person they were conversing with, or not.
Then perhaps the comment could just be edited?
Such as "Edited to remove combative comment"?
It's kind of weird, because seeing the series of redacteds actually makes things seem more combative, because you wonder how terrible must it have been that it had to be deleted.
But also, the thing I really like about this site is that we can speak our minds, and learn from others, and it would be great to see people come to that realization and apologize to each other, if they felt so inclined.
But I understand where you're coming from, sometimes you say things you really wish you didn't.
I have redacted my comments not because I think they
were too combative, but because I think they revealed too many private facts I don't want to have linger around on a server for eternity. Ok, I have also redacted one in response to fff and dmw that was combative, because sometimes I can't stand it to be silent.
And of course, what is combative to one person, is talking truth to power or being overly sarcastic to the next.
I think that's a fair concern
Perhaps you could just selectively redact for privacy reasons. I've seen other blogs redact emails and phone numbers if someone inadvertently posts them publicly without removing the entire comment. I sometimes realize that given the many comments I've made, someone could pinpoint me geographically fairly easily.
But I've given up worrying about that, although I certainly understand why others do.
But even just explaining (Deleting most of comment because of personal info) would give context.
Anyway, you don't need to listen to me - I have many opinions, which need not concern you!
for me it was not so much something obviously
private like email or tel numbers or so.
It's more that some "political or social" opinions I have result out of my personal life experiences, which of course are just anecdotal and therefore not much worth for others. Sometimes then I talk about those things that are personal and later regret it. That's basically it. And sometimes I am just mad as hell.
So maybe encourage "best practice"
of providing a reason for editing/retracting: "Edited to correct link" for example, or "Retracted for TMI" or "Retracted for being an asshole".
I remember that morning Hecate. Not wanting to take sides in a
disagreement between two of my favorite writers here, I just bit my tongue while silently wishing you two would knock it off and was very happy when I came back a bit later and saw that you had. Redacting, in that instance, was a good thing, but if I recall, it was early morning and no one else had joined in or replied so redacting didn't affect an entire thread. I can see Jtc's point that in cases where other's had joined in the conservation it would make a mess of things. Peace
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
All I know is I don't want to lose the edit function
I type so fast I sometimes leave out whole words (and change the meaning of the sentence), so its helpful to be able to go back and clarify. I don't know about redacting an entire comment, I've never done it but whatever the rules are for keeping the edit button, I'll do it, I promise. It's such a wonderful feature.
there was no problem when there was only a couple of hundred members here, everyone knew not to abuse the feature. Now that there's almost 1,600 members things are at a much larger scale. I'm giving fair warning so we don't lose the function, rather than just disable it like most sites would do.
Me either....
I'll do your laundry to keep it. I have got to be the worst at proofing, and even when I do proof, I often don't see my mistake until later when I come back to it. Age is not helping my case either.
I would rather you take a few people out back to explain their error of their ways than to do a blanket restriction. The only time I ever change what's in my comment is to a) make it make sense, b) correct a typo or grammar, or c) eliminate a duplicate post when I click too many times. Please don't take my edit from me.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I messed up once
I edit continually. I post exclusively from my phone and type horribly, even as I try to be careful. But I did screw up royally once, by typing a comment and question before realizing (u.e. reading the whole essay before knee-jerk responding) that the essayist had addressed my question. I shifted my post, then realized that some massive typos had changed my intent. By that time, I was so frustrated that I altered my post completely, forgetting that all the while my idiotic words were out there. Thumbs McGee here loves him some Edit function, but I will try to be careful.
I sure hope we can keep the edit
As it's a proven FACT that I am a lousy typist, speller AND proofreader, the ability to edit of comments is darn near necessary to my attempts to communicate here.
Rather than delete or redact comments I'd like to suggest simply editing the comment so a message is at the top saying something about why you no longer support your post.
You could say, hey look I changed my mind on this, or I misunderstood, or I was in a bad mood or anything
just post an edit saying please ignore the following comment because (insert reason)
They people here all appear supportive, loving, patient, forgiving etc,, all those good kind of things.
If you're ashamed of a post or uncomfortable with it upon reflection, just go ahead and say so. The rest of us are human too and we'll still respect and love you.
It's good people here, you can trust us.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I like that idea - to correct typos, missing words & a quickly
added afterthought.
only time I edit is when i misslept something
Me too pretty much
Misspelling, adding punctuation, or when I had restructured a sentence when originally writing it, and I left a portion of the old sentence in there...
If I ever stupidly type something, and was getting flamed for it, I'll proudly lean forward, and take the deserved punch in the nose...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
And such a lovely nose, too!
I noticed that three candidates still running never or rarely admit to making a mistake:
Teh Donald
Ted Cruz
Thy Hillary
Hmm. Methinks there be a hidden message there.
misslept ... that's a good one! n/t
Gandalf and Saruman unite, demand to bring back Greywolfe359!
learning from each other and why not to redact
I try to be careful in what I say, not always successfully. But here's why I feel no one should feel that they need to redact a comment. It's an opportunity for me/u/us to learn
If I say something insensitive or obnoxious or wrong, I want it pointed out to me. It's a lesson about speech/style and content. IF I've inadvertently offended someone by my style or substance, I need to know that and apologize, publicly. that's the best and most honest way in real life and on line. It opens up an opportunity for learning, thinking and apologizing, none of which ever killed anyone.
okay done
Don't believe everything you think.
Must one dact prior to re-dacting?
My thinking is very simple: editing of ANY type after publication is an online-only 'feature' that has absolutely no parallel in the real world.
In real life I can, have, and probably will again blurt out thoughtless words. Sometimes funny, sometimes hurtful, usually just dumb. I've no edit button - the words are out there. I also have the option to think a wee bit and choose my words based on both the thought I wish to express and the audience I am addressing. I've done that too with mixed results, and - again - no edit button.
Once posted, in my humble opinion, there should be no editing anymore. IF I notice a mistake immediately I can (have, and will again) reply to myself and point out that I too see a typo. If my words are in fact dickishly flammable then I've earned the ire of the community and HOPEFULLY will one day grow up.
Just my thinkin' is all
for example this reply
Rather than edit, I'll simply add: in an online environment I can see my words before they're "heard" by others, I can preview, I can backspace away the poorly expressed thought, and - when I feel I've said what I want - can publish or post or whatever the appropriate term is for the equivalent of "say" my piece.
And then I can realize OMG I left out the part about how online I can edit stuff before I post and jeez louise now I gotta comment on my own comment which is as bad as finishing in real life then blurting out "OH YEAH ONE MORE THING" and droning on and on and on ...
I wonder how many smilies we have in here? I totally love smilies ... used to be the crusty curmudgeon who wouldn't use 'em cuz they ain't proper speakin' but then got all kinds of liberalized in my thinkin' and decided no man smilies are cool
Do it enough & it becomes a teradactyl.
TY JtC. I need the minor (typo) edit button a lot. Please folks,
don't mess it up :=) I think my typing fingers love to mindf*ck my mind, so to speak. I really need the typo edit function. I don't give a rat's arse what people think of my points, really, but I do like to be clear in the first place.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
correct - in real life you have no edit button -
but you also have the chance that the few people who heard you saying something will forget it and it will not get used against you some twenty years from now when you are going to run for office or a year from now when you apply for a job and your future employers digs into your 'online life'.
The right to be forgotten is an issue that needs not only be respected but also somehow implemented online for obvious reasons, imo.
how about making revision history accessible?
This might be a good compromise:
People reading through the comments would see the final version, i.e. what you wished you'd written, but you would still remain accountable for everything you typed.
On the one hand, I absolutely don't want to see C99 begin
to implement draconian sanctions liked banning users, other than the most blatant spammers and trolls. OTOH though, a lesser sanction might be all that's needful in the case at hand. If a particular user consistently abuses the edit feature, I suggest disabling that feature for the member in question only.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
that can be done and would be a good alternative because I'd hate to penalize everyone for the behavior of a few.
go ahead, and withdraw my editing privileges -see my comment
below. .. I have no problem with it. It is a good solution to get unruly women in line.
OMG, now, not only me, but you too have to live with my unedited non-redactable comments. Be careful what you wish for ... just kidding, JtC.
Please go ahead, at least this way I can put this episode of rule violations behind me and hopefully this issue is no longer a problem.
Again, I am sorry for the hassle I caused.
lol - go ahead and take mimi's,
just don't hurt the rest of us. *
Just kidding mimi. I would never throw you under the bus.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
lol, no problem, there are interesting people under the bus
I like to chat with ... as long as you don't tell me I have Stockholm Syndrome and just love to be thrown under the bus by my beloved abusers ... I can take it.
Otherwise ......
what if god was one of us
just a stranger
under the bus
there to talk with mimi and me
while we're on our way home.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
What if God was one of us?
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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I love that song, thanks
a welcome blast from the past. My tiny granddaughter memorized that song and would sing it to me endlessly.
Totally OT, but as the spouse
of a (now retired) bus driver, that phrase "throw under the bus" rubs me the wrong way on occasion. Mr. Scribe would do his best to not run over someone thrown under his bus, and I suspect most professional drivers would be the same way.
Carry on...
Since I see now my point was made multiple times already,
obviously I have no choice but to change said comment to "redacted."
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
OK mister...I'm watching you...