Dems finally identify the enemy

Their own grassroot voters.

A closed-door meeting for House Democrats this week included a gripe-fest directed at liberal grassroots organizations, sources tell Axios.

Why it matters: Members of the Steering and Policy Committee — with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) in the room — on Monday complained activist groups like MoveOn and Indivisible have facilitated thousands of phone calls to members' offices.

"People are pissed," a senior House Democrat who was at the meeting said of lawmakers' reaction to the calls.
The Democrat said Jeffries himself is "very frustrated" at the groups, who are trying to stir up a more confrontational opposition to Trump.

Ever since the 90's the Democratic Party has had nothing but contempt for their voters, and that trend has only gotten worse since Hillary's campaign when she decided to call leftist voters racist and sexist.
Now, when voters simply want their party to act like an opposition party, it's time to smack them down again.

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you spoke about corruption. It must be massive and ingrained in our government. I keep thinking that one day the dems must fight back. Now, I don't think they will. Right now they get about 1/3 of the amount of cash from same corporate donors that the republicans get. I think the democrats are kept around as insurance for when the economy tanks. Obama filled that role well for the 1%. A dem can live well on that, plus some insider trading and sleight of hand legal bribery. The libs are great, because during the election the people respond well to their ideas and gee, good ol' centrist dem is with them 100%, until after the election.

I wonder, if you stand by and do nothing, is that collaboration? Can you be just a little corrupt, or say 13%? or is 49% ok? Just so it's not more than half? I mean, we're 3 weeks in, almost 4 years to go and it's going to get so much worse. These 1/2 wits are going to spend that time trying to impress Trump every day, in every way to hang on to their little piece of the action.

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QMS's picture

Perhaps the supposed two party fallacy of governance
may be more to blame? On that, I could agree. Neither the dems
nor the repugs care to admit that they are all in it for their personal
enrichment. You may call it corruption, but finger pointing does not
diminish the effects either way. Corrupted thought process is more
indicative of what we have to deal with.

10 users have voted.

question everything

Cassiodorus's picture

@QMS and repeated them or strung them together, as it were, without too much analysis of what they meant. This can be hazardous when discussing Trump's misdeeds, as Team Biden (with mass media, Dem party, and alphabet agencies in tow) have deeply polluted the atmosphere for American political discussion. So, also, for instance you have Ralph Nader, repeated in Counterpunch:

A Trumpian Fascistic Coup is Underway—Stop It Before the Terror Starts

What Trump is in fact threatening to do is, through DOGE, crash the economy, as Yves Smith points out. This is, to be sure, also a bad outcome. But it is not as if America's teenagers are being forced at gunpoint to join the Trump Youth. Nor is it as if some ostensibly genuine opposition is being suppressed within the US government, and here one recalls that under Mussolini's regime, whence the name Fascist, the rather prominent Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci was in fact a member of Parliament. Or if you want a German equivalent, there's always the story of Ernst Thälmann, unfortunate victim of Hitler. We have no such equivalent here in the US. Perhaps we might cry foul at today's censorship, largely privatized, as an element of Fascism, but that isn't what Nader discussed in Counterpunch.

So, in short, we have Nader now unwittingly repeating Team Biden talking points about Trump. But this isn't an ideological misstep on his part so much as it is an omission of the extent to which Team Biden was previously granted, and seized, enormous reserves of power, and the extent to which they screwed America and the world with that power. This is our context.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo


and repeated them or strung them together, as it were, without too much analysis of what they meant.

You just aren't used to engaging with someone who isn't a simpleton partisan. You have forgotten how to engage with someone who can hold two different ideas in their head at the same time. You have also forgotten that you probably should at least attempt to back up claims about people before dismissing them altogether. (and no, I did NOT do that to you, but maybe I should)

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Cassiodorus's picture

@gjohnsit It's not about you.

2 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

@Cassiodorus was about me. I CAN read.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@gjohnsit @gjohnsit

What's happening in fact is that Trump is making corruption aboveboard. Our entire economy is based on corruption, and it's been this way for quite some time. Riley and Brenner, from 2022:

Under political capitalism, raw political power, rather than productive investment, is the key determinant of the rate of return. This new form of accumulation is associated with a series of novel mechanisms of ‘politically constituted rip-off’. These include an escalating series of tax breaks, the privatization of public assets at bargain-basement prices, quantitative easing plus ultra-low interest rates, to promote stock-market speculation—and, crucially, massive state spending aimed directly at private industry, with trickledown effects for the broader population: Bush’s Prescription Drug legislation, Obama’s Affordable Care Act, Trump’s CARES Act, Biden’s American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure and CHIPS Acts and the Inflation Reduction Act. All these mechanisms of surplus extraction are openly and obviously political. They allow for returns, not on the basis of investment in plant, equipment, labour and inputs to produce use values, but rather on the basis of investments in politics.

And wtf did you think Project Ukraine was about? This is what I mean by discussing context. NB: Trump "does" a lot of stupid sh*t that gets reversed or that he has an underling walk back at some later point.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

It's like watching one of those "Disturbing '80s Afterschool-Specials" in real-time.

6 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

orlbucfan's picture

in 2000. And, no, I did not vote for him. I've said this several times but it bears repeating. When Raygun won in 1980, the GOPukes and their moneybag, greedball owners quietly jumped ship and landed in the Democratic Party. They slowly infiltrated it, and if one had half an informed brain, you could see the Blue Dog crap begin. A lot of people including liberal progressives said the centrist disease started with Carter. Perhaps so, but it really was the GOPuke Big Biz slimeballs getting Ronbo installed that cemented the slow destruction of FDR's New Deal. The BORG (Musk)/tRump turd elected combo are just the nasty result of a long simmering corruption combustion. Add in the destruction of the public schools and the crapo garbage of corporate media and voila! None of this surprises me, and I'm glad I am an old fart! Rec'd!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.