$HillBots trying to use sexism meme again (re: Lift SS Tax Cap)
First, watch it for yourself... and see the audience booing Hillary's triangulated BS:
New Yorkers have a BS meter and it went off in spades last night and they promptly booed Hillary letting her know she was seen for the empty suit that she is.
And what do the $HillBots do overnight?
They publish a diary the very next morning at 4:36 AM pushing the sexist meme to cover up Hillary's failed triangulation BS, attempting to claim — that when Sanders puts Hillary on the spot demanding a "YES or NO" answer in order to get her to take a definitive stand on "legislation to lift the cap on taxable income and expand Social Security" — that it is sexism.
- In what reality is it sexist to demand a straight-forward answer to a straight-forward question sexist?
Okay, so when Bernie does exactly what so many of us Americans would just love to do, which is to putting Hillary on the spot, and thus get Hillary (Heck, it would be nice to get ANY politician) to finally answer a straight-forward question with an unqualified definitive unequivocal straight-forward "YES or NO" answer, to which she, in complete Clinton Triangulated character, predictably responds with yet another parsed NON DEFINITIVE qualified parsed talking point:
SANDERS: Are you or are you not supporting legislation to lift the cap on taxable income and expand Social Security for 58 years and increase benefits, YES OR NO?
CLINTON: I am .... I have said yes, we are going to pick the best way, or combination of ways...
(causing the audience to understandably justifiably erupt in boos)
Note this bullshit piece on DailyKos (Daily-Hillary):
The angry sexism of "YES OR NO?!!" by dhonig.
And here is the BS meme and money quotes, so you don't have to click the link to earn money for Markos:
Last night, one of Sanders’ big applause lines came when he thundered his demand that Clinton answer his question whether she would save Social Security by lifting the cap. “YES OR NO?!?!” he thundered at her......
SANDERS: Are you or are you not supporting legislation to lift the cap on taxable income and expand Social Security for 58 years and increase benefits...
CLINTON: I am...
Note how the diarist transcribes the verbal exchange to make it appear as if Bernie interrupted Hillary when it was Hillary who interrupted Bernie with her stuttering "I am..." before Bernie was finished phrasing his question. Clearly Hillary was so eager to push her spin that she could not wait until Bernie had finished his sentence.
Transcription should have been, as I included above:
SANDERS: Are you or are you not supporting legislation to lift the cap on taxable income and expand Social Security for 58 years and increase benefits, YES OR NO?
CLINTON: I am ... I have said.... [snip]
Watch the video. See for yourself.
And here's the BS sexist meme deflection:
First, the privilege was the idea that there is only one simple solution to a complex problem, and he had it. It’s pretty typical, frankly, and any female in an office has seen it. A guy gets an idea and then demands everybody agree, rather than consider other ideas, or even that a big problem may have multiple solutions. How many of us have been there, where a guy has an idea, and if a woman says, “well, I think we should think about X, too, because it’s not so simple,” he answers, “you’re trying to change the subject — answer whether you agree or not”?
Second, the privilege was the idea that he, not the moderator, gets to demand that she answer his question.... [snip]
Third, the privilege that he gets to interrupt her.... [snip]
And fourth, that he gets to raise his voice .... [snip]
In real life, in a real debate, each person asks the other person direct questions. These MSM moderated debates are BS because the biased moderator all-too-often allows the politician to sidestep answering straight-forward questions that put them on the spot, which is a farce.
Bernie ignored the BS farce.
FishOutofWater IB JOHN Apr 15 · 05:37:12 AM
Tone police & typo police. Team Hillary at work.
Sanders pushed Hillary for a concise answer because Hillary filibustered all night. Dragging the sexism canard into a matter of debating style is a predictable tactic of team Hillary. Hillary has faced enough real BS all these years that there’s no need for her supporters to make them up.
FFS, lets fight real battles over substance not make shit up over tone.
$HillBot Defense:
RASalvatore FishOutofWater Apr 15 · 05:45:45 AM
Sorry, she answered that question right out of the gate. She said she’d support a raise in the cap on SS if that was the way they decided to fund SS benefit increases and longevity.
More truth...
Tool dhonig Apr 15 · 05:40:06 AM
Lifting the cap is the only solution unless you love cat food. What other options are there? Privatize? Savings accounts? You achieved the maximum effect by raising the cap on taxable social security income. Millions of seniors can have their income raised without anyone needlessly suffering.
Bernie only wants a modest increase to 250,000 a year for FICA; up from the 118k it is at now after being raised from 113k. This is a very incremental position. I'd rather Bernie be bolder and say that SS should apply to income upwards of 10,000,000 a year. It affects earners in those brackets very little.so much so they would never even notice the change.
This problem has been studied. This is the only realistic solution for people who are serious about making social security solvent for future generations and ensuring seniors don't face their golden years in poverty.
webranding Apr 15 · 04:45:34 AM
In this Diary you are doing the same thing you are accusing Sanders of. He “thundered.” He “demanded.”
His question was very straightforward. Try as you might to muddy the waters, a lift on the cap would get you, me, our kids and our kids kids Social Security.
That ain’t a small thing.
There is very real sexism in this world, but this ain't it, and it is an insult to those who have suffered from such abuse to be using this BS in this manner. It devalues and pollutes the discussion thus weakening the effort to address this pervasive problem of authentic sexism. And yet Hillary and her supporters claim to care about Women issues.
It really disgusts me when false claims of sexism are used to protect a triangulating Corporate Puppet from having to take a definitive stand, especially when it is regarding something so fundamental to the Democratic Party's core values, namely, SOCIAL SECURITY. These people are insulting our intelligence with these BS games, but fortunately, in this internet savvy information age, the NYC audience saw through Hillary's BS in a New York Second and responded with a resounding booing.
Bet that one left a mark on her ego.
And if Hillary loses NY State? Now THAT will really leave a mark on her ego that she will NEVER live down. It will prove what everyone knows, that Hillary is a Faux New Yorker, just like she is a Faux Democrat.

Ironic that
this same person who is complaining that this is symbolic sexism is the same one that used the 'soup nazi' to scold Sanders but said it was stretching to mention it. There is no shame there. They have no sense of decency nor recognition of the hypocrisy running rampant in their CCJs.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
CCJ == clinton circle jerk
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Rather ironic and totally effin' hypocritical.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
I've never heard a candidate in any debate get so many BOOS.
I saw the ridiculous headline-SEXIST to demand a straight answer. What an steaming pile of excuse-making bullshit. The audience reaction was the first indicator of that. Most of them weren't buying it.
Seriously, I hope the propaganda pushers are reading here so they can see how much they FAIL. We're hardly alone in the ridicule of these people who actually believe, fervently, that they're fooling everybody. That's just laughable.
Honestly, its extremely offensive to call it sexist.
If someone thinks I can't stand up for what I believe because I'm a woman, fuck them. If I can't be asked to give a straight answer because I'm what - too weak? Need to be handled with kid gloves?
It's extremely offensive to equate being asked to give a straight answer with the very real examples of sexism in the world today.
Yes, and that was one of my main points.
Not speaking as a woman or for women, but even still, in what reality is it sexist to ask ANYONE to answer a straight-forward YES or NO question???
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Yeah I know...
and you made it clearly. I just got so fired up I commented before I read your whole post.
Sorry, sometimes I get ahead of myself.
At least I didn't argue with you about something you didn't say because I didn't finish reading, I've done that once or twice...
Never apologize! ;-) You emphasized and added your
perspective to his point, is all.
And I agree with both of you. Hill can't commit to anything. Not the simplest, most obvious of things. I saw a replay of that video years ago where she says Obama's not a Muslim "as far as I know". Criticism of her indecisiveness is just an observation; it's only sexist if someone thinks she can't make up her mind because she's a woman.
I think she and her team call names like this trying to distract from her disastrous lack of commitment to a stance on any issue of importance.
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And if it is verbal sexism to call a woman "shrill,"
which I think, due to the way that word has been used for generations to dismiss the higher-pitched female voice when it gets louder and makes demands, then I think it is equally verbal sexism to accuse a male of "thundering" a question to a woman, a word that carries another stereotype, the overbearing male bully verbally threatening the less powerful female. I didn't see it, but Bernie's not what I'd call overbearing, and if ordinary debate back-and-forth like this is seen as a gender issue, we're not liberated.
Note: edited for spelling.
Agreed! I heard the word "thundering" and wondered "WTF?!?"
Bernie is the least "thundering" person I can think of. He's passionate about what he believes in, yes, but... "thundering?!?"
I took umbrage when I heard one of the "nooz" types use the phrase Bernie was "attacking" Hillary (don't remember for what now). Demanding a straight answer is NOT "attacking."
I did have to chuckle when I found this 1988 interview of Bernie on YouTube. He's STILL talking about the same issues today. Obviously, no one has done anything about the issues he was talking about..., so if he's elected, he very well might (with our help) get to do the things for which he's advocated for so many years.
A Conversation with Bernie Sanders (In 1988)
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
You say "thundering" like it's a BAD thing!
And I'll call down thunder and speak the same
My word fills the skies with flame
Might and Glory gonna be my name
And they gonna light my way.....
-- Grateful Dead, Estimated Prophet (lyrics: Weir/Barlow)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
what makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage!
:-) I've done my own "thundering" in my life
My b/p was healthy then!
Maybe I should do more "thundering" - well, okay. More like shrieking like lightening. I didn't employ that tactic often. One man who was built like the stereotypical Viking, a foot taller than me and outweighed me by 100 lbs. once told me I intimidated the heck out of him and other men. Keep in mind we were both police officers and each wore a pistol (which never left the holster, but I qualified Master/Expert at every qualification shoot) - he certainly looked more intimidating; well, at least until he smiled. Then he looked like the happy Buddha.
Little ol' Moi?!? Intimidating?!? Heaven forfend!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
If the woman up there had been Sarah Palin
would anyone have said asking for a straight answer from her is sexist?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
In fact, doubtless many of the same people hurling that particular "bull patty" in Bernie's direction right now at TOP.
The place is infested with the species of narcissistic vermin referred to in the psych trade as "Injustice Collectors". And just like "grifters gotta grift", injustice collectors gonna collect "injustices", even if they don't really exist.
"Those who are easily offended should be deliberately offended as often as possible."
-- attributed variously
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
some people we've met online tut-tutted about Scalia's end
you know the type..."don't say anything bad about the dead. It isn't nice. His family might be hurt by it"
too many Peggy Noonan types pretending to be Democrats
Will Dick Cheney ever die?
I've got a bottle of wine I'll be opening should it ever finally happen.
I'll be toasting the devil and suggesting he keep a special eye on Dick.
The passing of great evil has always been celebrated, throughout the history of mankind.
How I long to pop that cork.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
I dont know how hard they are failing
it has 375 recs, and 1900 comments. My dad used (a far left white cop in Mississippi believe it or not) said dam near every day "they're good at what they do" a reference to the republicans scaming voters in to voting aginst their interest, same can be said of third way dems.
Solidarity forever
But what are all those comments accomplishing?
Not to mention, if it's up to 1900 comments, it's useless to try and load on mobile devices, for the most part. Hell, with that many comments, it's not exactly fast on a stationary device either!
These people aren't good at what they do at all, none of them, including Mrs. Clinton. Particularly Mrs. Clinton, otherwise her unfavorables wouldn't be in the toilet...
Why didn't the DNC vet Hilary?
Forget the very shifty money grabbing, forget her moving the US SoS office to her own prvate server, forget all the days that have passed with Hilary in the very public eye. If she's truly the wilting flower that Markos trying to make her out to be, she's a very bad candidate just for that reason. What if she wilts in a debate with the Donald?
And I, for one, definitely think she will crumble in a debate
against Donald Trump.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Forget Trump! How will she handle Putin?
She's forever reminding us she's the more "experienced" candidate, then whines when pressed for a straight answer. Does she think Putin or the Chinese or North Korea will lob softballs at her for four years?
Honestly, I know she's playing a game and trying to elicit sympathy from her supporters, but, as President (Athena help us) she will have to put up with much, much worse than a slightly heated request for information. Women in all walks of life have to stomach so much crap, and still succeed, but this is her go-to response? Really, it makes me lose respect for her every time I read her or her surrogates throwing this out there. As a woman in science, I expect to ask, and answer, tough questions about my work. So should she.
Hillary, go count your millions and leave the country in Bernie's hands, okay?
littlevoice, not feeling at all charitable today
Sorry, OT, but is your username a reference to the movie?
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Not really
It's a measure of how I felt after the purge in the other place: that I should take my little voice of protest and go elsewhere.
In the other place, I went by radarlady, FWIW.
You don't need to be vetted
if the Billionaires are the ones financing your campaign.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I doubt she asked them for permission; this is the inevitable
one you speak of. After more or less graciously losing to Obama, she spent 8 years convincing everyone it was her turn.
To be fair, if I wanted to run for President, I wouldn't seek the DNC's approval or permission first either.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Isn't it sexism to feel the need
to "protect" a woman because one feels she cannot do it herself? Methinks the many screams of "sexism" are Sexism in full bloom.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
actually, it's "Injustice Collection"
Actually, it's "Injustice Collection". Grifters trying to collect more chips in their little game of Victim Poker on behalf of their candidate.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I'm not sure of the ethics of naming the writer,
but the author of "The angry sexism of "YES OR NO?!!" on TOP is one of THE biggest jerks on the board - invariably negative, insulting, biased, and humorless. They bubble to the surface like a plume of toxic heavy metals all over that blog.
I've long since concluded that they must have some kind of hold over The Powers That Be, over there. Otherwise, anybody that poisonous would have been long gone.
that's dhonig
He's an out wino.
He's a lot of things, but "wino" is not the first thing that springs to my mind
a serious boozer could be that in the bag for Clinton II.
zomg, boozism!
I just updated the essay to add his name.
I had no intentional reason why I did not add his name.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
I'm a wino, too -- and dhonig makes winos look really bad.
I wish he'd take up drinking something else, like maybe cheap bar bourbon, at least in public.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Its publicly posted on the Internet
I can't see why the writer shouldn't be named.
There is no intentional reason I did not name the author,
I was just being lazy.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
All of the hillpeople are pathetic....
but that one might be the very worst. If halfwits like that are the future of the Democratic Party, I want out.
Rather pathetic. Completely agreed.
They are giving democrats a bad name.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
I was thinking how sexist I am to have voted
for men only in my life. Because it obviously is, when refusing to vote for a female candidate, whose policies you don't support, is considered sexist.
It's getting ridiculous, isn't it?
Turn the tables on them.
Those who are yelling "sexism" at Sanders for pretty much everything he says and does tend to use sexist terms to do so.
The definition of sexism from Merriam-Webster includes "behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex." How is not saying that Sanders "thundered" or "demanded" not also sexist? Whether people like to admit it or not, sexism also happens to men. Women can be just as sexist as a man. In fact, claiming that sexism is the sole problem of women is sexist. Yes, it is used much more often against women, but it does happen to men also.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
no, but
you can't be sexist against sanders because he's white or something...
Hillbots arer prepared to sell out core values
in order to "win".
What constitutes "winning"? Nothing that will benefit any Hillbot.
I'm done over
ThereIm' sure that I've probably been banned, after being a Kossack for 12 years. I told Kos "Fuck you." in response to him calling Bernie "delusional" and a "dick." Kiss my ass, Kos.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Well, I was banned. I still read TOS for the sole
purpose of staying away of the DNC / $HillBot memes being pushed.
Once this Primary is over, and Hillary is indicted, I will no reason to visit there again, except for maybe morbid curiosity to gloat.
And Hillary will be indicted. That's my assessment/prediction.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
She needs to win
Because a Republican President would allow the FBI and DOJ to indict her. Obama will play a four corners defense on the multiple FBI investigations until after the election in November. If she wins, those investigations will be over forever. If she loses, Obama will do nothing, but as soon as the keys are handed to the Republican in January, well ...
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
This tactic is pathetic...
mainly because it's becoming the new go-to excuse for corporate slime.
Gamers hating your new games because they suck? Sexism.
Hate the new movie because it sucks? Sexism.
Etc, etc. Essentially it's hiding behind groups that have NOTHING to do with it, in order to change the subject and gin up controversy.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
TYT talked about the overuse of "sexism"
after last night's debate. The overuse leads to the devaluing of the term to make it meaningless which in turn makes the very real issues less likely to be addressed.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The expansion of "Everything's political"
to encompass all criticism as a tool of the "Patriarchy" is a ludicrous overstep in recent years, IMHO. It is practically begging for abuse and has been abused CONSTANTLY over the past couple of years to encompass things that have nothing to do with sexism. All while conveniently ignoring real sexism going on in the world.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
It is very, very sexist.
I agree that sexism is at play. Since women outlive men and typically draw Social Security longer, anyone that refuses to make the system solvent and increase benefits is seriously harming women. Now that's sexist.
my new favorite thing is bots whining about bojo
I've trimmed my routine there down to counting the number of front page articles that are about Republicans, hovering over the titles of the diaries on the right-hand side, going to the help desk to see who's complaining about their timeout/banning.
I thought they'd go after Bernie for calling her a racist.
He did say the super predator remark was racist. Seemed like a logical conclusion. I know I jumped up from the sofa when he said it.
FYI - there's a rebuttal to dhonig's piece on Wreck List now
I thanked D for mansplaining sexism to me. Not the first time he's done it this season.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yes, I saw the rebuttal.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman