One of Them For President
Submitted by MsGrin on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 9:52am
Why lookey here! The DNC decided that being even-handed might let them tap into that spigot Senator Sanders seems to have turned on and they decided to indicate (wink-wink) that there may actually be TWO viable candidates for the nomination:
Are you ready to make one of them president, MsGrin?Hillary and Bernie just finished their ninth debate -- and we're so excited to elect one of them in November.
Chip in right now to make sure we have the resources to make it happen:
It's for all the wrong reasons, but it's about damn time they've backed off asking me if I'm ready for their candidate.
Too little, too late.
Typical of the DNC, just a little bit too far behind the curve.
If they had taken that stance from the beginning, they would be in a completely different situation now.
One of them
and ONLY one of them, sure.
I put the DNC (and the DSCC and all the others) on auto delete back in September of last year when the whole "inevitable" meme was ticking me off.
I donate to the one I voted for and I'll continue to do so, but the DNC and all those other 3rd way shills ain't gettin' a dime.
They may finally be seeing
They may finally be seeing the writing on the wall, and wish to cover their bets,,,albeit late in the game.
Between Bernie's rising wins and popularity that exceeds Clintons, his rallys sparking enthusiasm to the point of over-packing venues, while hers barely fill a few bleachers. Her waning support amongst groups they claimed she has total support in. Her crashed firewalls, and his momentum. Her pending FBI case.
NY may just be the upset Bernie needs.
Are ya feeling the Bern now DNC/DWS/HRC?
So long, and thanks for all the fish
They have to be feeling it, to crank up the BS machine
so blatantly and pathetically this morning.
Seriously, anyone that's been paying attention for the last few months knows that. Yet they knowingly LIE, in an effort to prop her up.
She is their lame horse in
She is their lame horse in the race, they know she is not as strong as Bernie vs the Reps, but she is of the status quo, pro corporate clan, Bernie is not. Him winning in NY will shatter them.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Is the term that comes to my mind. Too little, too late, too bad. All our $$$ goes to Bernie
Use those DNC fund raisers
Use your envelope and write them. Let 'em know you disapprove of the direction of the party, and especially DWS.
I get inundated with funding requests. I've been using them this year...if it is a Hellery supporter I suggest they hit up the corrupt corporate Clinton machine since they rejected the peoples movement.
The DSCC hears my thoughts about wall street Schumer as the head of the senate, and so on. Let Them Know! Change the corporate corruption in the party.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Come Together
I read this as the DNC expecting one-sided Clinton wins in NY and PA, after which in their minds she will essentially have the nomination wrapped up. So none too soon to start mending fences with the Bernie-bots, whose support HRC will obviously need in November.
If this plays out as they're expecting, my response will be: "No thanks, I don't believe I will vote for a Republican - even if she is running as a Democrat. Better luck next time!"
inactive account
I got a fundraising letter along the same lines from
Planned Parenthood Action Fund (another $Hillary endorser) stressing the "importance of electing a president that protects reproductive rights!" - not ONCE did they mention their $Hillary endorsement.
I took great pleasure in writing "I will NEVER support Hillary Clinton" on the form, stuffing the postage-paid envelope with coupons, and dropping it in the mailbox.
It's a big club...and you ain't in it!