Open Thread - Thurs 17 Oct 2024 - What Works?

What Works?

Like I mentioned last week while writing about Frank Church, I've been reading a book called Battlefield America: The War on the American People, by John W. Whitehead, published in 2015. It's well worth a read, although it's very, very depressing. I can't say it takes a right or a left wing slant; it gets angry at both sides. Towards the end of the book, Whitehead lists 10 basic principles that 'We, the People' can, understand, agree with, insist upon and support in our attempt to stop our country's almost finished progression to a police state, an empire. I found the principles interesting, so I thought I'd list them here.

  1. 'We must come to grips with the reality that the present system does not foster freedom.'
  2. 'Voting is practically worthless.'
  3. 'Question everything.'
  4. 'Materialism is a death knell to freedom.'
  5. 'There is little hope for true resistance if you are mindlessly connected to the electronic concentration camp.'
  6. 'An armed revolt will not work.'
  7. 'Be wise and realize there is power in numbers.'
  8. 'Act locally but think nationally'.
  9. 'Local towns, cities and states can nullify or say 'No' to federal laws that violate the rights and freedoms of the citizenry'.
  10. 'Understand what freedom is all about.'

I think we agree that we already know all these things; maybe most Americans do, whether they acknowledge it or not. So, where do we go from here?

1932: Bonus Army shacks on fire after the attack on their 'Hooverville' in the Anacostia flats (the Capitol is in the background) by the regular army under MacArthur, from Wikipedia. Bye, Bye, Hoover!

Number 6: armed revolts will not work is true. I think they can work, they have in the past, but not here, not recently. Unarmed, 'peaceful' revolts, like that of the Bonus Army in 1932, work. They aren't actually that peaceful, protesters get hurt, and killed, by those in charge (the police, the army, etc); still such protests can work.

Numbers 7-10, when put together, show what has to be done. There has to be peaceful revolt in large numbers including local actions - over and over. Local towns, cities and states, if they are not completely controlled by those in power, should be/will be protesting against the federal government. And freedom means it is not one side (right or left) against another, but all sides (and there are more than two) acting together against those in power so all can be free. Just a pipe dream? Maybe. Another thing to recognize is that this kind of thing has to happen over and over again throughout time. Even if the 'people' 'win', it will only last - maybe - 40 years (hello 1930's and post-wwii improvements) and then the greedy will gain control and we'll be under their heels again.

Matt Taibbi spoke at a recent rally in DC called 'Rescue the Republic'. He talked about freedom of speech and its history. It's a very good speech, here's a link to it and a transcript on his website.

Walter Kirn also spoke at the rally. Here's his wonderful speech with a transcript, including a bit of folk music (and Simon and Garfunkel - is that folk?). Man, these two songs made me remember my childhood, my parents loved these songs and so we listened to them a lot :-).

As these speeches, and the rally, show, we are starting to come together, we are starting to realize 'we' have to do something, anything, about those in control. Maybe victory won't be in our lifetime, but perhaps the start of the road to victory will be. What do you think might work, if anything?

Thanks for reading this post. Here's the open thread - remember, everything is interesting if you dive deep enough, so tell us about where you're diving!

5 users have voted.


Sima's picture

I hope it's going to be, and has been, a great day for everyone. Me, I'm getting a hair cut, that'll be fun! I've had the same hairdresser since, err, ok, for 30 years. Dang. So, we're friends and have fun.

Whatcha up to? How you doing? What are you paying attention to and learning? Let's hear it!

3 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

mimi's picture

may be that is ok, because those things which worked once upon the time, are not amymore.

I have euronews running all the time. it can make you sick.

I want to be reunited with my son.

I want to live in Amerika.

4 users have voted.

@mimi Our borders are open nowadays, so getting a residence visa should not be that difficult.
I have a friend who has a partner who is an attorney. He may know some immigration attorney there. The embassy in Berlin would be helpful.
Send me a pm and I will get you some information.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

Whiteheads' ideas are interesting. I like this one:

'There is little hope for true resistance if you are mindlessly
connected to the electronic concentration camp.'

Resistance is not futile IMO. It is a coping strategy to maintain sanity.
No excuses.

Thanks for the OT!

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

the way to crush TPTB is to stop buying their products. Depriving government entities of sales taxes would get their attention.
Do not believe anything in the MSM. Do some research before you swallow their BS.
I am headed to court for 3 trials. Perhaps 1 of them has a chance of settling. A long day, hysterical clients, a little girl victim of sexual assault, one boy being coached and groomed to join a violent gang. Another being forced to spend time with his Dad whom he has not seen in his 4 years of life.
Not every parent is good at it, to put it mildly!
Thanks sima, and I will get that book.

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981