Welcome to the Forth Reich

We are the Nazi's my friends
We kept on fighting and
We will to the end

We are the Nazi's my friends
We have the strength
We feel the joy

We are the Nazi's my friends
We changed are looks
We saved our thoughts

We are the Nazi's my friends
We keep the Corporation in charge
We feel kinder and gentler today

We are the Nazi's my friends
We may still experiment on you
We do let the poor people die

We are the Nazi's my friends
We support the establishment
We keep the good people down

We are the Nazi's my friends
We torture people and the truth
We pretend to be offended

We are the Nazi's my friends
We lie, cheat and steal
We accuse others of the same

We are the Nazi's my friends
We are the exceptional
We have been chosen

We are the Nazi's my friends
We do not cooperate
We dictate the rules

We are the Nazi's my friends
We support only power
We care for nothing but ourselves

We are the Nazi's my friends
We build weapons to sell
We use the weapons we build

We are the Nazi's my friends
We stop peace no matter how small
We insure conflict no matter how small

We are the Nazi's my friends
We propagandize everything
We are the evil we claim to fight

We are the Nazi's my friends
We are distracted and entertained
We are banal to what is done in our name

We are the Nazi's my friends
We may not look like it
We sure do act like it

This is a work in progress.... please feel free to add to this... It is what I've been thinking for some months now... It makes my angry...

3 users have voted.


The Hindsight Times's picture

Strange Days...

3 users have voted.

just wake up tomorrow, another verse will pop into your head.

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Heed your own headline, and instead of Queen,
try a riff on Guns'N'Roses.

1 user has voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!