Open Thread - Thurs 19 Sep 2024 - Not Surprised!

Not Surprised...

I can't say I'm all that surprised about the revelations Jeffery Sachs and Matt Taibbi have brought forward about the US's interest and involvement in the ending of Communist Russia and the development of whatever Russia is now. I will admit to be depressed by such revelations, because it just confirms how idiotic our leaders are.

Remember the fall of the Soviet Union? Everything was going to be hunky dory, supposedly, and every country, including Russia, was going to turn to capitalism and prosper - or so we were told. And TPTB sent people, like Sachs, to do that for countries like Poland. But Russia? Naw. It seems that TPTB always wanted Russia, the former Soviet Union, to fail, to remain our enemy. Our military industrial complex needs it. And so TPTB set that up to happen. Sachs details some of that in his article 'A True Shock? Economist Jeffrey Sachs Reveals Secret at Heart of U.S.-Russian Relations'. The sub-title of the article says it all: 'The U.S. was advised toward a "Marshall Plan" to help rebuild post-Soviet Russia as a democracy, but a key witness says the Cold War never ended, because we didn't want it to'.

Taibbi and Sachs discussed all this recently on Counter Points - 'Jeffrey Sachs, Taibbi: How The West DESTROYED Russia' (the discussion is 50 or so minutes long):

So, basically, we helped form Russia into what it is now, and we've constantly made it into our enemy. And... here we are. It's like our people in power simply can NOT see beyond their immediate profit, can not do things for the regular people, whether those people are American or European or Russian or Chinese or Ukrainian or... whatever. I suppose most all political leaders are like that, eh?

Anyway, thanks for reading this post. Here's the open thread - remember, everything is interesting if you dive deep enough, so tell us about where you're diving!

9 users have voted.


Sima's picture

Hope your Thursday is going well!

Mine is.. well, this week has been very sad for me. A man who was a friend of mine for over 25 years passed away a couple days ago. My Aunt died about 10 days ago. My father will be joining his sister soon. Sad times.

My mother's phone service is dead. A line atop a telephone pole went down a week ago or so. It's hanging freely, about a mile up the rural gravel road my parents live on. She has no phone, no internet, and no cell phone (because they are in a cell phone hollow area with no reception except the wireless I set up to come over their internet). So, she's got no way of communicating with anyone. I've contacted the phone company, had to do it over the internet with 'chat'. The earliest appointment - the person obviously did not understand or believe me when I said we could see the downed line when driving down the road - is next week. Woo hoo! Modern service at it's best!

On the other hand, Nikko is doing well in training class. And I had a good weekend with my roommate from college, who I hadn't seen in years. It was over 40 years ago we lived together in the college dorms. We were very different then, it's amazing how similar we are now.

So, tell us what's up and how you are doing. I hope everyone is doing better than this week was for me!

8 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

QMS's picture

something fun to get things started

good luck with the phone lines

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture


be well and have a good one

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

Your Mom's phone Co. sounds about like ours. If you have trouble and call them, you get someone in India that doesn't speak good English. Then it takes weeks to get a repair person to show up. Fortunately we don't often have problems. Back in the day of dial-up modems, the neighbors electric fence often interfered...part of the joy of country living.

We finally got a bit of rain off Hurricane Francine. We could use more, but this is our usual dry season.

Mr Fish calling BS on the election

Glad your dog is doing well. Thanks for the OT!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

We don't really want to see American towns and cities bombed into oblivion. But we love Kamala and her laugh.

So we're willing to risk it.

In conclusion, we have one request of you. Please don't bomb our city. We would like to live.

Yours sincerely,

8 users have voted.

"If genocide is not a deal-breaker for you, there is something wrong with you." - Nick Cruse

snoopydawg's picture


How do you work on a TV series that puts human rights first and then endorse a candidate that is committing genocide? Talk about missing the premise of what your work stood for.

The Women of Star Trek are throwing a shindig for Kamala. In my opinion they aren’t just overlooking a single issue. They are overlooking THE issue. That issue is a huge stain on humanity and against everything Gene Roddenberry impressed upon me.

I remember the movie, Insurrection where Picard was ordered to remove people from a planet ‘for the greater good' and he refused.

Beam me up! I am very disappointed in the ladies.

7 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg As advertised on the Den of Delusion itself!

I can only think of one possibility here: we are living in the Mirror Universe, the one in which Spock had a beard.

3 users have voted.

"If genocide is not a deal-breaker for you, there is something wrong with you." - Nick Cruse

snoopydawg's picture


Only about 30 people there have a problem with genocide and many of them are going to vote Biden/Harris anyway. Not too much of a problem then.

Here’s the link.

It’s not all the women. Just 5 or so of the main characters. The rest I don’t remember what role they played.
Whoopie of course will vote for Harris. She recently revived her role as Guinan and she did a lousy job of it. She sounded more like Whoopie of the View than Guinan. It really turned me off even more than she normally does.

Picard asked how many people it takes to make it a genocide. 500? 1,000? 10,000? What’s the number?

3 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

'If you harm an American, we will respond"
~ Joe Biden

usefewersyllables's picture


The last one.

Just like the passenger pigeon...

3 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

enhydra lutris's picture

Sputnik sayz here; about those pagers, phones, scooters solar panels ans such:

A good read and not too long with a Super Bonus PSA linked at the end:

How to Search for, Spot and Stamp Out Pegasus Spyware From Your Phone

BUT - it's an old article and I wouldn't even want to try it. Here it is but I won't go there however, this is a nice reminder to try to find out what, if anything, can currently be used to check for and kill this thing.

be well and have a good one

edit - added all the extra info on the old pegasus [age

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --