The Weekly Watch

Elections, Selections, Assassinations, and Distortions

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It's ironic that we refuse to accept Venezuela's election results... as we observe a coup on Biden, the installation of Kamala, and a Zionist's owned congress applauding genocide and giving Bibi a green light to commit assassinations and continue the genocide. But don’t worry we’ll select Venezuela’s president, you know a Guido 2.0, as we encourage violent protests against the election results (except not Jan.6). Obviously we are deeply democratic. Meanwhile, the US media disappears the Trump assassination attempt and hypes up Kamala in their effort to promote free and fair elections. Another busy week on the news cycle!


The big news this week were the assassinations in Lebanon and Iran by Israel.
During the night hours between 30 and 31 July, Israel targeted two top Resistance Axis officials for assassination, both unprecedented in seniority during this round of conflict. First, top Hezbollah war commander Fuad Shukr was killed in an Israeli air attack on his residential building in the densely populated Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh, leaving several civilians dead and over 70 injured. The second target, at 2 am on 31 July, was Hamas political bureau leader Ismail Haniyeh – a central figure in ceasefire negotiations – who was in Tehran to attend the inauguration ceremony of Iran’s incoming President Masoud Pezeshkian. Within the course of a few hours, Israel managed to strike at three Resistance Axis members: Lebanon, Palestine, and Iran. In doing so, Tel Aviv violated a whole slew of international laws, diplomatic conventions, and customary practices that prohibit political assassinations while glaringly violating the territorial integrity of two UN member states.

Killing the peace: Israel assassinates chief negotiator across the table
Israel’s killing of Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh was designed not just to eliminate the top Palestinian negotiator in ceasefire talks but also the man most capable of unifying the disparate Palestinian factions in Gaza, the West Bank, and abroad.

Retribution has been promised. Will this be the start of WWIII (or did it already start with Ukraine)?

Let's start with a few interviews from Nima on Dialogue Works. Watch any or all. I found them insightful.

Mark Sleboda provides an excellent recap of the situation in Israel in the first hour of this interview.

Mark later reports of the dire situation in Ukraine.

Mark along with Larry below are not hopeful for Israel's future.

Larry C. Johnson: Israel's Imminent Destruction in All-Out War with Hezbollah and Iran! (33 min)

Col. Larry Wilkerson holds similar views.

Israel on the Verge of a Major Defeat? The Shocking Truth You Need to Know! (39 min)

I've become quite a fan of Chas Freeman.

Amb. Chas Freeman: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh - New Devastating Escalations (40 min)

The situation seems very volatile, as Bibi tries to provoke a regional war.

Max Blumenthal offers a scathing review of Israeli society in this interview and in his book Goliath.

Max Blumenthal : Congress and Genocide (32 min)

Other interviews of interest:
Prof. John J. Mearsheimer: Netanyahu’s Grave Mistakes (30 min)
Aaron Maté : US is Neocon and Paranoid (26 min)

The Ukrainian Proxy War


The collapse in Ukraine may hasten our own collapse. It certainly has the EU's.

(16 min)
Several of the previous Nima interviews confirm what the Alexes are saying...Ukraine is out of men and weapons and the front lines are in collapse.

Today's update from the Duran...
West exhausted, Ukraine losing, NATO refuses peace (24 min)

Glenn Diesen speculates the West may try to use Ukraine as a long term trap.
The Neocon's NEXT Big Scheme: Trap Russia in Ukraine | Prof. Glenn Diesen (59 min)
What if the Neocons are actually on the same page with us? What if they do not believe their own lies and they know precisely what's happening on the battle field? And what if they are happy with it, because they have a plan. The 'Afghanization' of Ukraine has been an option on their play book ever since 2022. And now we are at the verge of a Russian "victory" which the neocons would love to transform into a phyrric one by poisoning what Russia can possibly hope to achieve. Even if this was not the original plan, what if the neocons are going to try everything they can to prevent an end to the war and keep Russia permanently bogged down and permanently bleeding—even if that means literally sacrificing the very last Ukrainian?
In this talk I'm exploring that option with Professor Glenn Diesen, a professor at the University of Southeast Norway and an associate editor at the Journal “Russia in Global Affairs”.

Elections and Selections
Let's start with Venezuela

If you think you’re getting anything even approximating the truth from the corporate media in the United States about the Venezuelan elections, think again. The media merely parrot the U.S. government, which has disputed the results of every Venezuelan election this century, in addition to attempting to overthrow the Venezuelan governments in a series of coups.
Jimmy speaks with Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire author Anya Parampil about this history and the specific types of misinformation being spread by US media outlets about the Venezuelan elections.

Trump Admits Venezuela Unrest Is About Taking Their OIL! w/ Anya Parampil
After his time in office, former President Donald Trump lamented that Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro was still in power when the Latin American country had been poised to fall, which would have allowed U.S. interests to swoop in and control Venezuela’s vast oil supply. This is a case of Trump saying the quiet part out loud, revealing that the United States’ interests in Venezuela has nothing to do with the well-being of the Venezuelan people and all about serving corporate interests.
Jimmy speaks with Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire author Anya Parampil about Trump’s own complicity in destroying Venezuela and the resultant migrant crisis.

Venezuela's Shocking Transformation: BRICS Unleashing Unprecedented Changes!
Alex Krainer
A discussion of Venezuela's changes since the 90's. (54 min)

Venezuela Could Hand Energy Rights To BRICS – Maduro

Venezuela could transfer the development rights to its vast oil and gas fields that are currently operated by American energy companies to entities from BRICS nations, President Nicolas Maduro warned on Friday during a press conference in Caracas. BRICS originally comprised Brazil, Russia, India, and China before subsequently adding South Africa and, at the beginning of this year, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. Numerous other countries, including Venezuela, have expressed interest in joining the group. “If these people up north and their partners in the world make the mistake of their lives, then those oil blocks and those gas blocks that were already signed up [for US companies] will go to our BRICS allies,” Maduro said, adding that Washington was at the forefront of plans to destabilize his country.

That might be quite a strategy to snatch away the oil the US lusts after.

Observer On The Ground In Venezuela Says US Is Threat To Global Democracy (24 min)
Ajamu Baraka the Chair of the Coordinating Committee of the Black Alliance for Peace, and senior editor at the Black Agenda Report (BAR) and Vice Presidential candidate with the Green Party in 2016 is on the ground in Venezuela and joins the show to break down the elections and why they're getting so much attention.

I remember Jimmy Carter went to observe a Venezuelan election in the early 2000's. He said they had one of the best systems he had observed.
My sister is teaching in Caracas this year. She reports things are back to normal except for some grocery shortages.

US Elections
What a contrast between Venezuela and the US election systems. Our state by state full of holes system is anything but secure. There more and more evidence Trump did win in 2020.

Here's the script...
Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.
Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election.
Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte. This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet.
U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.
Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.

Formal criminal charges have been filed against PA. Gov. Josh Shapiro, for obstructing federal and state investigations and for participating in the conspiracy, in the fraud to overthrow the U.S. government.
Documents obtained by Greg Stenstrom and Princess Leah through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
“It was a coup.” it was an interagency effort that overthrew the United States government on Nov 3, 2020.
[FOIA] “We use their own EMAILS, their own DOCUMENTS and their own TEXTS . THEY INCRIMINATE ALL OF THEM.”
And William fucken Barr was at the center of it all,
And Greg naming names,
IG Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Deputy AG, Jeffrey Rosen, AG, Merrick Garland, Michigan AG, Dana Nessel …
“I can say with experience, that prison will come out of it. Eventually they will go to prison. This is not something that’s going to be able to be swept aside.”

Meanwhile in 2024 we have Kamala's coronation with nary a vote. Now that's democracy.


The convention in Chicago will be a pep rally.
Harris Campaign Honeymoon Will Last to Chicago Convention But No Further

California State University Emeritus Professor of Political Affairs Beau Grosscup agreed that Harris was currently benefiting from a wave of adulation that would not last. “Honeymoons are notoriously short. It’s what the word means,” Grosscup said. Nevertheless, Harris brought significant strengths to the Democratic ticket that the aging and obviously infirm Biden had clearly lacked, Grosscup said. “Her prospects against Trump are good. She has solved the age/dementia issue – pointing now to Trump. She should re-rally women/independents on the Dobbs decision [regarding abortion] as Biden left that issue to her,” Grosscup said. The US political landscape unpredictability notwithstanding, Harris’s past record made the flubs and embarrassments inevitable throughout her presidential campaign, Political analyst Charles Ortel said. “Harris is a remarkably undistinguished ‘public servant’ whose track record and policy inclinations are both rash and juvenile,” Ortel said.

We'll see.

Harris Refuses Fox News Debate With Trump (RT)
US Vice President Kamala Harris has declined former President Donald Trump’s invitation to take part in a televised debate on Fox News next month, insisting that her presidential opponent stick to a previously agreed showdown on ABC News.

Media hype around Kamala. Media memory hole Trump bullet (20 min from the Duran)

Talk about memory hole, what have you heard recently about RFK jr? Doug Macgregor makes a good case for Bobby in this interview.
Col. Douglas Macgregor on Monetary Reset, Uniparty and the Election, and U.S. Adopting Bitcoin (55 min) Fast forward through the built-in commercials.

Bobby gets better coverage than Jill Stein. Here's a pretty good interview with her and Michael Hudson on the pressing issues of today.

Israel Just Crossed Hezbollah & Iran's RED LINE and War is Coming
Michael Hudson & Jill Stein (30 min)

Michael and Rick Wolff also had a good conversation with Nima. (60 min)
Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson: The Shocking Truth Behind the End of Financial Colonialism!

Let's wrap up this WW up with: INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern : Weekly Wrap

(30 min)


Friends, there is no telling what will happen this week as everyone awaits response from the axis of resistance. I'm sorry I can't be more positive as I close, but it is what it is... a dangerous world. Perhaps some of you can report some more positive stories below. It's an open thread so share what's on your mind. Have a great Sunday!

19 users have voted.


QMS's picture

The idea that US intends to ramp-up its warring machines to 'protect' Israel
after gross international violations by IDF is ludicrous. This will not turn out well.

The Pentagon will send additional military resources amid the escalation between
West Jerusalem and Tehran



Oh, oh.

Thanks for the Watch Lookout!

14 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


None the less, I'm hopeful that the Iranians are smart enough to outfox the US and Israel, and pull off something unexpected. Hezbollah is currently sending in missiles to Israel and visa versa.

Sleboda in the first clip had an interesting take.

Thanks for the update and visit!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Thank you for putting together this montage. I will be working through the rest of these items today, from the bottom up.

The Venezuela election dust up was a real eye opener on just how maleficent our US foreign policy is. We’ll just confiscate your assets because we’ve spent ourselves into a massive debt hole. We need it, we take it.

13 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

Lookout's picture


you know, we make the rules and order you to obey. Even the media spin can't overcome the obvious...especially among the global majority.

Hope you find some things of interest in the links above.

Have a good one...we need to value every day.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I see it as a good sign that Kamala barely survived a pipe bomb during the insurrection.
If they need to grasp that particular fantasy straw, they have a real problem.

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@kelly well as blatant. Who knows what will evolve. It is interesting to observe and ponder.

The ME conflict will play a role no doubt, but the failure in Ukraine will be less important...that's my guess.

Look for Trump's lawfare to come front and center next month. Gotta pair "orange man bad" with "Kamala is GREAT!"

Get the popcorn ready crazy season is upon us. Enjoy the show!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture



What movie is this from?

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


She continues to show that she is actually a genius and techie.

The rest of the tweet:

There are physical servers across the world that contribute to the 'cloud' you dolt.
Do you want a president who has a Zoolander level of comprehension of technology?

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


the more apparent it is that she isn’t very smart.

She went from dropping out because no one voted for her to having the lowest approval rating of any veep including Pence, Cheney and Dab Qualye! But now shitlibs can’t speak higher English of her.

No wonder America is in the shape it is with so many low infection voters on both sides.

Trump never did what he said he would, but his supporters believe he will this time. Just like people did with Obama.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

"Trump never did what he said he would, but his supporters believe he will this time. Just like people did with Obama."

rebranded for MAGA?

4 users have voted.


What movie is this from?

6 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

snoopydawg's picture


I pictured Will Smith, but couldn’t come up with the name.

LO, the Wilkerson video is very good. Won’t those Arab countries be surprised when Israel attacks them after being good little American lap dawgs rolling over for Israel's decades of international crimes?

Eradgon (sp) is another watch dawg that’s always barking while not doing a damned thing he says he will. He talked about cutting oil off to Israel in the first few months. It’s still flowing. Everyone I listen to says the same thing.
Bark, no bite.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture

@snoopydawg quite good too. Glad you enjoyed the Col.

Turkey is all talk it seems.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

warmangers have been hot to start WWIII with the Rus or the Chinese and have been working feverishly on bringing this about within the moderately near future.

HOWEVER, the "People Of The Book" have a self-fulfilling prophecy to act out first. The book says WWIII, and, indeed, the end of the world, will come from Israel. Not all Jews buy this, but probably nearly all Zionists, and certainly those running the show. Beyong that, boatloads of christers from assorted sects also buy it and desire to aid and assist in bringing it about, 'cause it means that then they get to go to hebbin. Zo, not to be upstaged by Sam's madness and lust for total global ownership and control, Bibistan is doing it's best to hurry the process along in order to ensure that god's will is done and the prophecies come true, and, of course, crazy Sam will provide any and all necessary assistance.

be weell and have a good one.

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

the Zionist Christians can't wait for Armageddon and the rapture. Ironically in their belief the Jews will have to convert or be doomed to hell. I think Speaker Johnson is like minded in that delusion.

Hope we survive the week to discuss the matter further next time.

Take care and be well!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

to propagandize Christians goes back to the 19th Century and Scofield Bible.
Of course the Z's actually despise Christians, but they never let it stand in the
way of duping them wherever possible.

Would be really interesting to have a good look at the finances of some of the high-flying mega church 'Christian Zionist' pastors...

I hope anyone here from Michigan will be voting for a Christian worthy of support tomorrow: Justin Amash. Likely to lose to scumbag Mike Rogers, but Amash has made a decent effort and it is an open primary so hopefully there will be I's and D's crossing over to support him.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@Blue Republic

...remember Tammy Faye's line? Just cause you love God doesn't mean you don't love pretty which she meant jewelry and so on.

There's money in the religion, perhaps it is the God of many churches.

Hope all is well in your world!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

this article from AP.

Excerpts from the article on Venezuela election:

The first part that sounds truly devastating for Maduro.

Machado and González, a 74-year-old former diplomat, said tally sheets they obtained from voting machines in polling centers nationwide show Maduro clearly lost his bid for a third six-year term.

An Associated Press analysis Friday of vote tally sheets released by the opposition coalition indicates that Gonzalez won significantly more votes in the election than the government has claimed, casting serious doubt on the official declaration that Maduro won.Late Friday, Venezuela’s high court, the Supreme Justice Tribunal, ordered the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council to hand over the precinct vote count sheets in three days. There have been calls from multiple governments, including Maduro’s close regional allies, for Venezuela’s electoral authorities to release the precinct-level tallies, as it has after previous elections.

The AP processed almost 24,000 images of tally sheets, representing the results from 79% of voting machines. Each sheet encoded vote counts in QR codes, which the AP programmatically decoded and analyzed, resulting in tabulations of 10.26 million votes.

According to the calculations, the González received 6.89 million votes, nearly half a million more than the government says Maduro won. The tabulations also show Maduro received 3.13 million votes from the tally sheets released.

By comparison, the National Electoral Council said Friday that based on 96.87% of tally sheets, Maduro had won 6.4 million votes and Gonzalez had 5.3 million. National Electoral Council President Elvis Amoroso attributed the delay in filing complete results to attacks on the “technological infrastructure.”

The tally sheets, known in Spanish as “actas,” are lengthy printouts that resemble shopping receipts. They have long been considered the ultimate proof of election results in Venezuela.

Minor detail that puts the above part and the whole story into question!

The AP could not independently verify the authenticity of the 24,532 tally sheets provided by the opposition. The AP successfully extracted data from 96% of the provided vote tallies, with the remaining 4% of images too poor to parse.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Too bad we can't tend to our own house of disorder instead of spreading disorder internationally.

Also anyone else notice that the Carter Center, one of the first groups to have election observers anywhere, were invited and took part in overseeing this election and they gave it a clean bill of health pointing out that the dual system of having both voting machine counts & paper ballots counted as a fallback check was far superior to anything that any state in amerika utilized.

I wasn't aware they were there this time. I knew they have in the past.

Thanks for the links!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

what to think about the Venezuela situation.

I'd caution against assuming that if it were going to be stolen it would be to steal it from the left - this based on the Brazil experience - which I did pay considerable attention to - and that strongly suggests that the US helped steal it from Bolonaro *for* the left.

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@Blue Republic

...otherwise the US selected president would have won.

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


as having the hard to game system.

In Brazil there is a constitutional requirement that the military sign off on
the integrity of the process.

In this case they said that from the results of their technical evaluation they didn't
have enough information to conclude definitely that the result was legitimate. But
their requests for the necessary information (mainly computer source code) had been rebuffed on the grounds that it was proprietary.

The electoral council, headed by Bolsonaro arch-enemy De Moraes, approved the result anyway.
A central demand of the huge demonstrations that followed for weeks after the election was for the source code in question to be made available for inspection.

Just prior to the election the head of the CIA had gone down there and specifically told the Brazilian military not to challenge the results, but that may just be coincidental...

Here's a lefty article on the situation - note the complete dismissal of criticism of Brazil's electronic voting system:

1 user has voted.

2 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

August 4 at 1:00 PM
MOATS with George Galloway

Several analyst have been saying the real purpose of the Ukraine proxy war was/is to subjugate Europe.

Thanks for the X post. The riots in the UK are reminiscent of the BLM protests.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

The Wreckage Biden Leaves
Of the many large truths worth noting about the Biden presidency, the most important in my judgment is that he has turned, error upon error, misjudgment upon misjudgment, stupidity upon stupidity, a gradual but long-evident erosion in American power, prestige and reputation into a precipitous collapse.

Sanction the sanctions!

The US Government sanctions more countries around the world than anyone, but why has this become the favorite tool of US Presidents? In today's video we take a look at the business of sanctions and how they influence markets and the world around us.

All we seem able to do is double down on dumb!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

@Lookout Lawrence's conclusion caught my eye:

I have compared Biden’s exit with Nixon’s, not Lyndon Johnson’s. The latter, who announced 56 years ago he would not seek re-election, had it disastrously wrong in escalating America’s aggression in Southeast Asia. He knew this, he knew he had divided the country, and so stepped aside just short of disgracing himself and his office. Biden already has, as Nixon did.

Joe Biden has been significantly worse than both Nixon and Johnson. How about we compare him with James Buchanan, whose War Secretary was John B. Floyd, or maybe Herbert Hoover or George W. Bush?

3 users have voted.

"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

Lookout's picture


driving us into WWIII.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Lots of countries signed on to South Africa's genocide accusation against Israel, but very few have stopped trading with Israel. This is about Ireland recognizing a Palestinian state, but it has not only not stopped trading with Israel, but it has increased it even though it goes against international law after the UN's many rulings against Israel going back decades. Talk is cheap has never been more true.
Worth a read.

Beyond these direct exports, the Irish state also economically supports Israel through its Strategic Investment Fund, which holds investments in a range of companies named on the UN blacklist of corporations involved in Israeli settlements. While the government has finally committed to divesting from some of these companies—and is facing related legal action claiming its investments in the criminal colonial settlement enterprise are producing revenue which itself amounts to proceeds of crime—it nevertheless maintains its investments in other UN-blacklisted companies.

Yara Hawari’s question is on the money: “What does recognition of a people’s statehood mean when you remain complicit in funding, arming and equipping the regime that is destroying the very people of that state?”

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture


Thanks for the article!

...while most states around the world have recognised Palestine since the PLO’s 1988 Algiers Declaration, they have nearly always also maintained normal trade and economic relations with Israel. This is true of governments with rhetorically supportive positions on Palestine—be that the likes of Spain or Ireland within the imperial west, or South Africa or Brazil in the global south—and regardless of the given context of the time: intifada, annexation, genocide.

Turkey comes to mind providing oil through their pipeline. Saudi comes to mind providing a land route from the gulf through Jordan and into Israel to avoid the Houthi sea blockade. As they both provide harsh rhetoric.

It seems we live in a world of hypocrisy. Hope you and Sam are doing well!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Here is proof of taking down the drone.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


We couldn't handle Vietnam, and we sure as hell are having trouble with Ukraine, and we can't stop the Houthis!

Who in their right mind thinks we have a fighting chance against CHINA?!?!?

He's right.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

their revenge on Israel!

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


...I wish us all good luck!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

Or is it singing out with this one?

Long Time Gone - The Chicks / Darrell Scott cover feat. Josh Turner
We've been a "long time gone" from this channel temporarily (working on our new album and a few other exciting projects!) but we're back with one of my favorite songs by Darrell Scott and made more widely known by the The Chicks fantastic cover of it in 2002. Toni and I recorded this with our friend @JoshTurnerGuitar a few weeks ago in his New York apartment.

I'm glad to report more music in my life both at home and with friends. My music scene is just now recovering from the scamdemic. Have a great week and I'll see you around the site.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

a great song, thanks for sharing LO!

which begs for another long time

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Cassiodorus's picture

@QMS And so, for those who do not want to be exposed to aged CSN milking their legacies for a few more bucks, I add:

3 users have voted.

"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

Lookout's picture

@QMS @Cassiodorus

Were a large influence on my music. I still do a few of their songs.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

...but I found myself unable to post the Netflix trailer on Whirlwind a newer Kdrama I started watching. I was somewhat surprised by the Krama, because it laid out the problem with the dictatorship of prosecutors and their role in protecting political corruption in South Korea, which is virtually entirely to protect the most conservative elements of the South Korean elites. The plot itself differs from the current situation to make the dialogue and representation of characters possible in an administration that rather openly is involved in censorship, repressing dissent, and persecuting political rivals with the prosecutors at its beck and call. Some of the tactics and dialogue are easily recognizable to anyone who follows South Korean news closely in the alternative media in the Korean language.

So I found this article in SCMP which pans the Kdrama, I think for obvious political reasons. But it has the trailer. The explanation "it's no fun," and "boring." Perhaps so if you're not familiar with Korean politics or if the writer has an agenda. It's not a cliche, it's not boring, and the characters are interesting. But the critic is right, it's definitely not "fun."

Netflix K-drama The Whirlwind: Sul Kyung-gu, Kim Hee-ae face off in boring political drama

In a desperate attempt to escape these trumped-up charges and expose the real people responsible, Dong-ho visits the corrupt President Jang Il-jun (Kim Hong-pa, Big Bet) in his office in the Blue House, where he attempts to assassinate the head of government by poisoning him.
The president enters cardiac arrest and is brought to a hospital run by the Daejin Group, which is in cahoots with both Soo-jin and the president. Soo-jin attempts to twist the First Lady’s arm into forcing her husband’s doctors to extend the operation so the warrant for Dong-ho’s arrest can be issued before it finishes, but her ploy is foiled. The president drops into a coma after the operation and Dong-ho is made acting president. But for how long?

Believing he has about a month until an election is called, Dong-ho begins his quest to expose the truth, with the help of his loyal assistant Seo Jeong-yeon (Im Se-mi, The Worst of Evil). He battles Soo-jin at every turn, who immediately tries to turn the government body against him.,,

Tim Shorrock commenting below on the recent 2+2 deal with Japan and the upgrade of the joint command there.

I know Defense News can be a bit much, but at least they admit the new Japan-Korea arrangement may not outlast Yoon's term in office-

US to revamp its command in Japan amid renaissance in defense ties

And yet, despite Japan’s rapid redirect, it still faces barriers. For one, the Self Defense Forces still face more limitations than most militaries due to the country’s pacifist constitution. And while the relationship with Korea has improved, that progress may not be permanent, especially considering the leaders who led it may not stay in office.

“It all comes down to sustainability,” said Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi, an expert on Japanese defense issues at the Atlantic Council.

I'm not following the Olympics, but Tim S., is so right about this BBC article-

I expect next they'll report the NK athletes who were observed in pictures with foreigners will be executed with artillery fire when they get home. Those who merely failed to get medals will get life sentences in the gulag.

Enjoyed the Cyrus video. Will check out Galloway in a bit. Thanks for the WW Lookout!

Very brief heavy shower tonight, so far. We have been very lucky. There was a dry side to to TS Debbie which weakened it and restrained its development somewhat. Also the predicted track moved a bit westward over the gulf. We'll see what happens as it moves further north. I have relatives in south GA. Hopefully it won't stall there as they have been predicting.

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語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture


...I've been thinking of you today as Debbie intensifies. I've got a good friend in Branford I plan to call later. Take care and keep on dodging those storms!

Here's a link to the Trailer of the whirlwind ....sounds intriguing. I can't embed it either.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

sorry I didn't catch you before your sign off to say how interesting the WW is today.
Have a great week in the holler, and all the best to your wifey!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

I wish the news cycle would slow down but it seems to be going ever faster with ME regional war brewing, violent protests in UK and Bangladesh, and the Japan stock market crash. Too much too fast too soon.

Y'all have a wonderful trip. All the best!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”