The Evening Blues - 7-29-24
Submitted by joe shikspack on Mon, 07/29/2024 - 3:00pm
No news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Big Jay McNeely
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features r&b saxophone player Big Jay McNeely. Enjoy!
Big Jay McNeely - There Is Something On Your Mind
No News and/or Opinion
You guys have a great week, I'll see you next week.
A Little Night Music
Big Jay McNeely - Artie's Jump
Big Jay McNeely - Back Shack Track
Big Jay McNeely & Ray Collins´ Hot Club - Funky Bug
Big Jay McNeely - Nervous Man, Nervous
Big Jay McNeely - I Got The Message
Big Jay McNeely - Honky Tonk (Live)
Big Jay McNeely - Insect Ball
Big Jay McNeely - Deacons Hop
Big Jay McNeely - Deacon In Minor
Big Jay McNeely - Blow Your Brains Out

Hope your getaway is fruitful
thanks for all you do here
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
More videos at link.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I have to step back remember it is K-hive that is pissing me off.
This election will revel which party is the best election cheat.
After the election, we will finally have the truth revealed. s/
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I’m trying to tickle your fuzzy bone. Shitlibs can’t see that Kamala is as dumb as rocks just like they couldn’t see Biden was senile.
How she ever got elected to various positions is beyond me. Not the ones she was selected for, but has she ever made sense?she acts like every appearance is to have the best time ever and not to be taken seriously. Did you watch the one about the yellow school bus?

I’m surprised that she didn’t start singing
"The wheels on the bus go round and round."
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Kamala has always been a corporate hoor. with ties to Hillary Clinton and her sister is aligned with the deep state, the CFR and other Wall Street think tanks. It also talks about her husband, Dug.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Democratic Party is 100 percent committed
. Kamala Harris. This looks like a long-planned done deal. If she wins the election, she will be handled by the same Neocon Coup Government, and she will receive their daily, Top Secret, Presidential Briefing. Her appointments to key departments and positions are even now being vetted by the Neocons. The list of her choices is being written.
Lists and choices are also being prepared for her Republican opponent — whether it is Donald Trump or someone else.
I don't think the old-money Billionaires and Oligarchs are at all concerned about which one is going to win the Presidency. It doesn't really matter. What matters is the ongoing foreign policy narrative, and general gaslighting of the nation, which is completely under their control.
The Neocons in the permanent bureaucracy are not interested in domestic matters. The States and the Courts will deal with those issues, and keep the People busy making signs and staging little protests. Some may need to be beaten by the police. But no one really cares.
It's kind of hard to be for or against these candidates. They are both going to be lying to the People, but they are both too dumb to know they are lying. They believe all the propaganda 100 percent. Look at all the dumb lies they believed and repeated in 2016. They have no shame for their ignorance that misled the nation in 2016 and 2020. They are even dumber now — which is why they are the candidates being imposed upon the People.
What I am saying is that they are both really, really dumb. You can see it in their faces. I guess I pity them for their inte3llectual defects.
But the people who get off their asses and vote for them, are clearly just as dumb.
Do Americans deserve the government they get if they vote in an obviously fake democracy?
Do the people deserve the government they get? I would say everyone over 50 absolutely do become they have watched both parties make promises that they never kept. And when their lives kept getting worse they kept voting for the people who did it to theinstead of waking up and seeing it. I did after Obama’s 1st 100 days, but then kicked myself for not seeing how much Clinton screwed the country.
Now people are saying that Biden has been the best president of their lifetime while ignoring how his entire career he served the oligarchs. His horrible history was known when he was running, but Trump destroyed America so they had to vote for Biden whose history showed that he and fellow dems did that long before Trump decided to run. So yeah…they do.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The issue is
that the American people are now more addicted to propaganda than they are porn. In general, Americans don't avoid propaganda- they actually seek out more and better propaganda, especially the kind that speaks to their personal confirmation biases.
As OTC's signature says: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
We as a society have now been bred and conditioned for many generations to seek out, bathe in, and appear to enjoy our propaganda. We can't get enough of it. We've been fed it exclusively for so long that we can no longer taste anything else. We'd rather eat the predigested sawdust than the steak, at this point- mostly because the steak would require us to chew too much.
This is not an over-50 phenomenon, thank you very much. I am now hearing about the amazing sudden (nearly instantaneous) groundswell in support for Kameltoe among the millenials and post-millenials. Any possible "attraction" that she might appear to offer is purely born of propaganda, and nothing else.
She is the ultimate empty suit, and dumber than a bag of hammers. I'm sure that the dems will follow the Biden playbook, and keep her locked away in a basement somewhere so that she can't open her mouth in public before the general. Shit, if she gets a full-throated endorsement from Taylor Swift, she could actually win this thing.
On the other hand, nothing could drown out the propaganda better than making her attempt to coherently communicate policy. Even having HRC's hand up her butt, and voice screaming talking points into her earpiece, won't help in that trainwreck. We need real debates, soonest, so that the newly minted, starry-eyed DemsForLife can see just what sort of smegma their donations are helping to purchase.
Not a fan.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Caitlin on your comment
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hey, joe!
I am so glad you are taking a break and having some vacay time. That's what we are doing next week.
oK, I have a little quibble with your "No Opinion" because wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you do have an opinion, dear friend!
We can pitch in! No worries!
A viewpoint on the Maduro election victory from the Duran. 20 minutes.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The article is dated but it reveals the likely US game plan for
link to the article:
And some Scott Ritter on Ukraine, while it exists!
20 minutes
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So much for Genocide Joe's plan to reform the Supreme
An Updated View of Global Trade
. Cyrus Janssen.
Cyrus Janssen just dropped this new vlog today. It covers Brazil's decision to join China's BRI global trading infrastructure — extending it across South America from the Pacific to the Atlantic: Bringing streamlined global trade to the nations of South America is very big news..
Janssen writes: "Brazil is now moving to join China Belt and Road Initiative which will change the entire future of South America. China has a massive presence in South America but for the past 11 years, Brazil has been waited on the sidelines. What happens if South America's largest economy Brazil joins China's BRI? The same thing that happened to Peru joining the BRI, huge infrastructure deals and better economic trading!"
Comments from the first two days come from interested viewers from around the world, grateful for the clarity of the data, and hopeful for the future of the Global South. Cyrus produced this vlog for a sponsoring investment company, so, exit at 08:00 if you want to skip the commercial.
A few updates from the situation in Venezuela.
Here's Ben Norton Countering the Arguement
...that China and Russia are election meddling:
The opening scene is from Nicaragua and is a real eye-opener on their thought about the US Colony.
Another perspective on the last supper parody It had nothing to do with Christ and his dudes, but it was a take on pagan gawds.
But I think the Catholic Church deserves to be mocked and anything else after it’s spent decades, centuries covering up child sex abusing priests. Instead of turning them in to the police the church moved them from one diosie to another without warning the community that they were putting a sexual predator in their mists.
And the church has lots on bloody on its hands through the ages.
Of course the Catholic Church is not alone in covering this up. I heard stories from my Mormon friends of a Bishop diddling them.
Anyhoo…get over it. I’m more upset with the support of genocide than a few men dressing as women.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The spooks are casting a pretty big net here. LOL
Right on cue!
The script never changes much, does it?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Unfortunately the sheeple take this as the gospel truth. NT
Evening joe
I wish you a refreshing, satisfying, and enjoyable vacation.
Forgive me for bringing up a 1st-World Problem, but...
...I do wish this site wouldn't randomly log me out every so often; why does it do that, and might it be fixed?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
It's not the site...
or I'd be hearing more about it from other users. It's on your end and is probably cookie related. Clear your cookies or your data in your browser and see if that helps.
Or possibly, are you using a browser extension for cookies, it may be limiting the session.
Just FWIW, I also
get logged out about twice a week, and have for a long time. I've never worried about it, and just log back in. Happens on all of my browsers- Safari or Firefox on the iThings, Firefox on my real machines. I don't routinely kill off the cookie collections, either.
Just a data point- certainly, no action required on my part. I still think that this whole Web thing is a flash in the pan... (;-)
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Do you stay...
logged in permanently with your browser settings, or do you log in every session?
I attempt to stay
logged in permanently in a given browser tab. I find out that I got logged out when I try to comment and it won't let me. It's really not an issue for me...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Yep. I get logged out, too.
Not while I'm online, but when I return. I always thought it had to do with some task you were running at that end, archiving, what not. Just FYI. It's not a big thing.
That's my case, too.
What's odd about that, given JtC's reply, is that I've not cleared my cookies in a while, soooo...while that may help, I don't understand why it's still happening at random.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
now that I know it's more than just one person I think I know what the problem is. It's a session time out setting. If your account isn't active for the X amount of time and it reaches the time out limit it will log you out. I'll have to increase the session time out setting.
This Saturday we're leaving for vacation for 9 days and I'm running in overdrive until then to get everything done. I'll try to get to it before then, but it may have to wait until I get back from vacation.
A quick fix is not important.
I leave many c99 tabs open, sometimes for weeks at a time. It could be the browsing behaviors of certain users.
(If my browser was a library, the tables would be filled with opened books.)
Let it wait
It's obviously no big deal or inconvenience.
Have a refreshingly forgetful vacation.