Seedless to say

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As a closeted prepper, I'm always trying to think ahead and contemplating the future demise of western civilization. The collapse of the dollar is looking very real,
A cursory look at various countries around the world that have experienced a collapse of their own currency, brings with it hyperinflation, unemployment, and a surge it crime.
Usually, this has been the result of falling afoul of the western (U.S.) oligarchs and their quest for world domination thru monetary policy, the dollar as the primary reserve currency worldwide.
For the last 30 years it has become impossible not to see how the weaponization of the dollar has been used to first strangle a sovereign country into poverty, induce regime change, and then enslave the economy and people through predatory loans through the IMF, World Bank, and other western institutions bent on getting something for nothing, or as cheaply as possible.
It appears the western world is going to get a taste of it's own medicine.
More and more countries are ditching the dollar and trading in their own currencies.
The BRICS+ organization is growing larger as the Global Majority seek freedom from western dominance, Turkiye being the latest to approach membership.
What happens right here in river city with the collapse of the dollar has been an urgent question for quite awhile now.
I know I had suggested in a previous OT the best guess should come from reviewing recent history of another country that went through this process. The former USSR collapse of the early nineties would be a good start.
And I promised to start a review of that very unfortunate debacle. But finding English language versions of legitimate historical facts of that time period in Russia is near impossible.
Running searches through the regular engines only gives up western (think tank) versions of "Russia bad, barbaric, third world, stupid populace, etc.
The rise of Putin got the same treatment, psychopathic, warmonger, dictator, etc.
The local libraries are of little help. I still have a long list of books that they are supposed to find in the interbranch system for me.
Hell, I can't even get any of Andrei Martyanov's books.
But reading the comment sections of his blog, and other Russian expatriates give clues as to how bad it was in the early Yeltsin years.
But I will keep searching and will entertain any suggestions you might have.
Thread is open.

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QMS's picture

growing edibles, eliminating debt, finding a rural enclave.
Have been purchasing silver rounds as a back-up trading
chit for the eventual dollar demise. Most important is to make
community connections before domestic upheaval spreads.

thanks for the OT!

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

earthling1's picture

in developing close(er) community relations with like minded others.
I don't want to become involved with militant or errant organizations bent on holding exercises or war games and fervent anti-government actions.
Occasional meet-ups are more to my liking.
Planning contingencies and safety measures more akin to neighborhood watches, etc.
My rural enclave has immediate neighbors that are on the low income side and raise their own pork, chicken, turkeys, and veggies. Plus they are well armed for hunting and fish the river frequently. They use only firewood to heat their very modest homes and are not so much survivalist or preppers, they are just poor.
At first I thought they might be Mormon (I'm sorry, I meant LDS), what with the entire extended family living together on 8 or so acres. But most LDS I've met are a lot richer and successful.
But I have a good rapport with them.
I'm certain we could all work together for mutual support and trade.
Very nearby there are numerous cattle, goat, and sheep operations and plenty of hay, grain, and alfalfa fields.
I'm sure I can work out some barter deals using silver coins of the pre-1964 variety.
I have bags of those. And ounce rounds.
My 3+ acres sits near the end of an 4 mile dead end road with the river as the only other access.
Very defensible.
Thanks for the post.

3 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@earthling1 and also a butcher, with a locker plant on his ranch. He has assured my family we will not go hungry, come what may.
Sounds like your neighbors would not only be allies, but trustworthy as well.
We are in a very exposed intersection of 2 country roads. However, 1/3 mile away, there is a fairly large subdivision. I have friends there, and they might well regard my property as the front line of defense, should the area become unsafe.
Everyone is already noticing the influx of illegal immigrants and a rise in the crime rate.
It is Texas. You'd be correct in assuming every home is armed to the hilt.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Maybe there is a way to seek help by contacting Dmitri Orlof or even Jeffrey Sachs for some books from Russian historians and economists that have been translated. Dmitri appears on Dialogue Works from time to time, and they have a comment section where you can submit questions during, and presumably, after the live videos. Just a thought.
As for being a closeted prepper, I strongly urge you to remain closeted in your interactions with people where you live. When shit hits the fan, you do not want to be the target of a robbery. Word need not get out that you have a vast store of food.
I have stocked up on foods that I can eat, even though they are not what I consider particularly nutritious. If no food is available or affordable, a can of Campbell's Soup is better than nothing. Beggar's can't be choosers.
I am not a hunter, but wild game is fair game when desperate.
I have acreage that can grow a substantial amount of food. The problem will always be to pay the elevated water bill gardens always cause. I am bordered on one side by a creek that typically as water, as it is spring-fed. I can transport it and store it to some degree.
Tough decisions ahead. I look for a de-dollarization sooner, rather than later.
E1, at least we are being realistic and properly bracing ourselves against the high winds of change.
Thanks for the OT, friend.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

earthling1's picture

@on the cusp
on my home page along with many others. Such as Ian Kummar, Simplicious, Karlof1, Martyanov, even the late Andrei Vitchek, which his archives are still viewable.
The Saker was a great source for expats views.
Couldn't agree more about the closeted issue.
I actually have a closet filled with #10 tins of assorted foods with a 25 year shelf life.
All of it was purchased by great-grandma back in the 70s and 80s. If someone breaks in, that is the first thing they will find. Hopefully, they will think they hit the mother lode and not search any more intently and find the real mother lode stashed more safely.
I am trying the Ruth Stout method of heavy mulching, no tilling gardening. She claimed that she rarely watered her very abundant garden.
So far so good. I do water it, to be on the safe side. But I don't use near the water I used to.
We had a hot spell a couple of weeks ago and I brought up so Tomato plants to put in the ground. Poking down below the mulch revealed a very moist soil.
Will keep you informed on how things go.
Thanks for stopping by.

4 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@earthling1 on the Ruth Stout method.
Despite constant rain, my water bill has increased with occasional watering of 5 buckets of tomatoes and bell peppers, more than $20 a month since the planting took place. The last really large garden I grew saw my water bill rise over $100 per month.
Seems our new City Water service is a giant rip off, and our county judge and city mayor have no direct control over the private company. The state water commission gave them the contract, and has not done any inspection or audit since day 1.
Anyone can dig a well, given our springs and high water table. In my experience, the water has a sulfur taste and smell, and the well goes out right at the time of a holiday, when repair services are closed for several days.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

people have in the upcoming election.

7 users have voted.

@humphrey in Honduras, but the US? Those are the ones that rose to the top?
Was this a plan?

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp
when candidates are chosen by "parties"
whose only difference is which can float
the least desirable sh*t in the punchbowl

2 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

earthling1's picture

on billboards across America.
What a joke we have become.
Our government has not done a thing to make the American people proud since the moon landing. And now even that is questionable.
Thanks for sharing.

5 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

on Trump's trial. I have not viewed it, but feel certain Greenwald will have a solid opinion.

edit: I just watched it. He did not discuss specific appeal issues, stayed mainly on the political implications of the trial itself.
I learned from him that fraud trials generally take a year and a half, or more, to get to trial in that Manhattan judicial district. I learned this one was fast-tracked, and learned the prosecutor was openly saying a verdict must come before the November elections. I learned a Republican poll showed sufficient percentages of R voters would consider or change their minds if Trump was a convicted felon, and the percentage would put Biden over the finish line in the presidential race.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

is reflected in the price of metals. The saying goes, silver to buy bread, gold to buy the bakery. Having some of each on hand isn't a bad idea to my mind.

Thanks for the OT.

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”