The Evening Blues - 5-24-24


No news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Young Jessie

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features r&b singer and songwriter Young Jessie. Enjoy!

Young Jesse - Do You Love Me

No News or Opinion Here

Nobody here but us chickens!

A Little Night Music

Young Jessie - Mary Lou

Young Jessie - I Smell A Rat

Young Jessie - Hot Dog

Young Jessie - Pretty Soon

Young Jessie - Don´t Happen No More

Young Jessie - Teacher Gimme Back

Young Jessie - Too Fine For Cryin´

Young Jessie - Big Chief (King Of Love)

Young Jessie - Shuffle In The Gravel

Young Jessie - Well Baby

Young Jessie - Hit Git & Split

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QMS's picture

Thanks for the music. No news is good blues.

ICJ orders Israel to end Rafah offensive

you and what army?

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soryang's picture

Great tune JS! No ad hominem's intended or implied.

I got the link to this Arnaud tweet from Tim Shorrock's thread on X. It's an unfavorable view of "BC's" new FT article, which I was able to read at FT which was kind of surprising. Anyway it isn't as bad as the article he co-authored with Matt Pottinger in Foreign Affairs recently, I think it was, which I felt was over the top.

Look's like Elbridge Colby was trying to throttle back somewhat from Pottinger's marine corps aggressive posture. Anyway what he seems to be proposing is right up Trump's alley, make the allies pay for their own defense, and get ready to confront China. This is the Trump playbook, as I remember it. A professor named Copeland somewhere in one of the related threads takes on "BC" (that's so preppy) for absorbing his mentor's wisdom, and then going rogue. Where have I seen that before? Anyway, Arnaud's tweet fwiw:

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QMS's picture

some things are better left alone
the bear and the dragon would be
good examples

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soryang's picture


I think "BC" is trying the soft sell approach. The Chinese industrial capacity is so far ahead in so many categories. I've mentioned before Adam Tooze's book on the "now or never" syndrome. Meaning the unrealistic tendency to say when there is already no way, if we don't confront them now, we'll never be able to. It's a disastrous course of action. This is what Germany did as described in Tooze's book, The Wages of Destruction. It's also what Japan did in WWII.

I read an article a couple of weeks ago, that basically stated US sealift capability is totally inadequate to support a war overseas. They're using up 1/3 of the army's entire capability building that artificial wharf or unloading dock in Gaza.

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QMS's picture


Dylan cover by Leon

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Pluto's Republic's picture


It's filled with hints of chronic brain damage, of course, but fascinating none the less. (Will these fossilized Neocons never die off?)

FT allowed me to read reader's comments on the opinion piece, which were interesting. They reminded me that readers pursuing investment tips can easily overlook a newspaper's hideous political ideology. Different views came out in the comments.

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soryang's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Thanks for pointing out that they were accessible. I read a fair number of them, and most of them showed that the readers had more common sense than "BC."

I just happened to notice this Elbridge Colby tweet going through Lyle Goldstein's X thread.

Colby is trying to paint himself as the reasonable voice in the room. I don't know why Lyle retweeted it. Lyle is certainly way more talented than BC or Pottinger as a military analyst. I think the opinion of BC as expressed in the tweet is quite misleading, when compared to his prior writing on this subject. In fact, he fancies himself as quite the nuclear game theorist, and can foresee situations where tactical first use of nuclear weapons might be required with China-

Nuclear Weapons Aren’t Just For the Worst Case Scenario

Indeed, rather than excluding the possibility of American nuclear first use, Washington should be emphasizing it. This does not mean the United States should ever use its nuclear weapons lightly. Rather, Beijing should simply understand that, even if it is able to gain conventional military advantages in the Western Pacific, Washington is prepared to seriously consider using nuclear weapons first to vindicate its own vital interests and those of its allies — for instance with respect to their territorial integrity. More than that, Beijing should understand clearly that if it pushes forward with its military buildup, it will spur the United States to rely even more on its nuclear forces to compensate — and, if that is not enough, the real possibility that U.S. allies will be impelled to pursue nuclear arsenals of their own.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


I am reminded of an old memory. My best girlfriend was telling me about visiting her father in the hospital after his emergency bypass surgery,

"How are you, Daddy?" she asked as he woke up.

He replied in Yiddish: "This should only happen to Hitler."

We both giggled madly, and for years we would repeat the phrase in Yiddish whenever something terrible happened. And share a secret smile.

On that note, I'm going to ask my AI to translate my title curse into Yiddish:

"He/she should only live in Gaza.."

Watch for it.

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QMS's picture


.. I'm rollin’ slow, goin’ where the wild red roses grow

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snoopydawg's picture


Jonathan Cook

There they lie day after day, night after night, in a state of utter sensory deprivation, with nothing to distract from their wounds and pain. In the midst of this, Israeli medical interns can use their exposed, vulnerable flesh as a canvas for experimentation.

According to one whistleblower, the detention centre has quickly gained a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”.

There, they are allowed to use Palestinians as little more than lab rats and encouraged to carry out medical procedures they are not qualified to perform.

A whistleblower told CNN: “I was asked to learn how to do things on the patients, performing minor medical procedures that are totally outside my expertise.”

Such procedures were frequently done without anaesthesia. Unlike doctors in Gaza, Israeli doctors have ready access to painkillers. It is a choice not to use them.

Straight out of the Nazis' playbook. You think Biden, Blinken and Sullivan aren’t aware of what is happening to Israeli prisoners? Or most Americans? CNN actually covered whistleblowers testimony. Many American and foreign doctors working in the Gaza hospitals have told how they were tortured and more than one doctor has been murdered. One doctor actually told his story to Biden who just looked bored. Israel doesn’t mind torturing young children either. Madeline Albright just spoke from Hell and said that she thinks it’s worth it.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture

just ask Bibi Zelensky

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@snoopydawg to Israel, and their fall back of defending themselves because of The Holocaust, ain't flying no more.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp
is going about their conquest in an ancient fashion
by killing everyone in their way
somehow the rest of the world is not thrilled with
their tactics using US bombs to destroy a race

the sound of wanna-be empires being flushed down
the toilet of history ..

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soryang's picture

@on the cusp so articulate, so well informed. He's quite the Chinese scholar. I see he calls himself Teacher Freeman in Chinese, using an archaic character for teacher. The character implies mentor, an accomplished teacher, a teacher with virtue. I've heard monks addressed with the Korean equivalent term. In that context, it really means the top teacher, or esteemed teacher.

Can't even find the character on the google translate which is really no surprise.

Thanks for posting this OTC. Really worthwhile.

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@soryang I got off work a bit early today, had some time to browse the tube before preparing dinner. Chas is measured, has a fine way of delivery, much experience, and he is treasure. A wise, wise man, with lots to teach us. You and I listen. Our elected officials could stand to absorb some of his knowledge if their pockets didn't need more cash.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Long, but worth it.

And not just torture has been accepted by our rules based government.

Anyone can be next. Indeed, on Feb. 3 Dennis Blair, director of national intelligence told the House Intelligence Committee that it was now “defined policy” that the U.S. government can murder its own citizens on the sole basis of someone in the government’s judgment that an American is a threat. No arrest, no trial, no conviction, just execution on suspicion of being a threat.

This shows how far the police state has advanced. A presidential appointee in the Obama administration tells an important committee of Congress that the executive branch has decided that it can murder American citizens abroad if it thinks they are a threat….

In no previous death of a U.S. citizen by the hands of the U.S. government has the government claimed the right to kill Americans without arrest, trial, and conviction of a capital crime.

Obama killed 2 Americans over seas without due process because he didn’t like what the father was saying and then killed the son because he should have had better parents. Yep he actually said that and since he got away with it Trump decided that he could kill Americans without due process too. During the BLM protests some guy killed another guy and Trump sent a special squad to kill the first guy. And they did. Jumped out of a car and shot him with no attempt to arrest him or warn him or even speak to him. Just BANG….you’re dead.

Anyone surprised that cops are brutally breaking up peaceful protests and beating the shit out of anyone they want? Including the 65 year old Jewish woman who was telling the cops to quit beating on her students.

And speaking of disgusting cops….

You think anything is going to happen to this piece of shit?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

soryang's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

Pretty good. My reaction was pretty much the same, when I first became aware of it being official US policy to torture people, kidnap people, indefinite detention, murder people, etc. The rationalizations for it were absurd and went against everything I learned on duty. So glad I got off active duty just as the first Iraq war was breaking out. The real trouble when the country simply abandoned any pretense of the law or human rights came with 911.

Remember the drama series 24, with Keifer Sutherland? Complete propaganda justifying torture. There was similar programs, and movies that were just anathema to any semblance of human dignity or respect for human rights, due process and so on. You really couldn't get away from it. I pretty much shut off all US media at that point. No movies, TV, even news programs, it just made me sick. I would read news to determine what was going on. Even that wasn't reliable and full of s..t, as Bremmer points out well particularly with respect to the NYT.

Piece of crap, DeSantis, allegedly a JAG officer at the time, did work at Gitmo putting the imprimatur of legality on a star chamber and torture zone there straight out of twilight zone. He's a disgrace.

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snoopydawg's picture


Remember the drama series 24, with Keifer Sutherland?

I watched a few episodes until I got disgusted with the torture porn. It was definitely created to get us on board with torture.
And like Ian said, if the people who did the torture would have refused then maybe more people would have stood against doing it. Cook said that we learned torture techniques from Israel who has been torturing people for many decades. We send our cops to Israel to be trained and during Rahm's tenure as Chicago Mayor he had that police building where they took people before charging them so they could be tortured. I don’t remember anyone going to prison over that.

The real trouble when the country simply abandoned any pretense of the law or human rights came with 911.

We gave that up before 9/11. Remember the Kuwaiti War when Bush 1 had the Air Force slaughter 10,000 Iraqis coming back from Kuwait on the highway of death when they bombed the lead trucks and then the ones at the end so they couldn’t escape?

Our constitutional rights were removed after 9/11 by the patriot act that Biden wrote in 1995. And just how does the most restricted air space in the country allow hijacked planes to fly for an hour with no response? Maybe like Israel’s most secure border in the world not working on October 7. You just remove your forces.

Piece of crap, DeSantis, allegedly a JAG officer at the time, did work at Gitmo putting the imprimatur of legality on a star chamber and torture zone there straight out of twilight zone. He's a disgrace.

I can’t disagree with that. He also went to Israel to sign the anti BDS bill taking away rights to boycott Israel.

Glad you escaped the Iraq slaughter too.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


I wouldn’t be surprised if every cop responding to the Palestine protests think just like him. People shouldn’t have to accept being beaten by the cops we pay for!

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg worth the read. CNN is FINALLY doing actual reporting?
Never thought I would live long enough to see that happen.
Thanks, Snoopy,and let me know if my client wants me to ship her my cardboard toilet tissue roles for her pleasure.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

They didn’t really say much except that some people said they were tortured in Israeli prisons. They got in that they saw some of the Hamas tunnels, but they didn’t see what was in them. And the tunnels we saw looked more like basement rooms with some fake evidence added.

Sam says thanks, but she has enough. I think she is pleased enough. But she so loves getting her treat out when I put one in the roll. Such a fun game. She took this week off from getting my socks. She’s still doing her stay in the bedroom at day. Unless she wants a treat and then she brings me a soggy toilet paper roll.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg Something is better than nothing.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Pluto's Republic's picture

There's almost too much news to stomach, frankly.

Young Jesse is the antidote. However, several of the cuts c.1953 sound exactly like Elvis in the 60's to me. Like "Don't Happen No More."

This sent me off to find Elvis' earliest recording ever. Also in 1953. This was a strange experience, but Elvis always seemed really strange to me. Still does.

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QMS's picture

Hiway 61 revisited
mighty Quinn
property of Jesus
lay lady lay
boots of Spanish leather
someday baby
tomorrow is a long time
slow train coming
the wicked messenger
like a rolling stone

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snoopydawg's picture


this is an interesting article on the made up claims that the college protest are anti semitic.

Ironically, the lawsuit’s assumption that all Jews at Penn should be assumed to embrace Zionist political ideology or cherish the State of Israel and therefore be victimized by contrary views is itself a display of prejudice.

Someone linked to this site on another topic and I’ve reading his other work. I have enjoyed his writing.

Why is it okay to cheer on sanctions against Russia or Iran, but not support the BDS movement against Israel? Shitlibs say heinous things about Russia, but you can’t say anything critical of Israel. Utter BS and hypocritical.

Oh yeah…they linked to an article about Washington and foreign entanglements that I previously posted. He also writes about how the government has taken powers that the constitution forbids it having and this started with Roosevelt creating social security. The court should have denied him doing it because the constitution didn’t give the government the right to create it. Because of that ruling the government has taken more power than it was authorized to take. Interesting.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


SITREP 5/24/24: Situation Turns Critical as De-legitimized Zelensky Dangerously Escalates

Let’s get right into the most pressing development: a narrative overload has swelled around the topic of allowing Ukrainian strikes on Russian soil. It has suddenly become the top coordinated focus for the entire deepstate establishment, with Zelensky and complicit Congressmembers forming a critical mass of pressure against the Biden administration, with some claiming they’re gaining headway

Here’s where the ominous signs begin.

There are increasing signals that the covert plan from the globalist controllers is to get Ukraine to leave Russia with no choice but to escalate drastically and bring NATO in some form, whether limited or not, into the fight. Ex-British MP Andrew Bridgen stated that this is the real reason why Rishi Sunak has called an early election—he refuses to be a ‘war time president’.

Listen to the chilling details below:

There is a video of Bridget saying that Russia knows that it is NATO troops who are operating the bombs that are hitting Russia territory.

Ritter has a music read on how America giving Ukraine permission to hit targets in Russia could bring us nuclear war. He details all the targets that Russia could hit if this goes forward. Inside Ukraine and other countries that are involved in supporting Ukraine.

These ass wipes are playing with nuclear fire and risking all of our lives.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


is inching higher every time Ukraine bombs Russia territory because they are finally doing damage. They took out one of its long range nuclear warning systems which puts the homeland at serious risk. Both Ritter and Johnson say that the weapons systems are being run by American, British and French troops. Ritter also says that the CIA is helping them too.
Biden okays Ukraine using ATACMS to hit deep inside Russia and all bets of no nuclear war is off. Anyone vote for this?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

soryang's picture

Actually US understanding of torture techniques in the current form, originated from the Korean conflict. It was further developed during the Vietnam War. The torture program as it was, was designed to train military personnel how to psychologically survive torture programs, based upon the experience of communist practices. The US programs were defensive programs in the true sense of the word, ie, those associated with the "war on terror" was actually reverse engineering of the defensive programs that already existed in the US military. In other words they, the contractors and whatever government personnel were involved went from teaching defensive techniques to practicing torture during Iraq II and the so called war on terror. It may be that there was more recent military liaison with Israeli military or intelligence services, but the program came originally from US wartime experiences.

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