Open Thread - 05-24-24 - The First American Dictator

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to America's favorite game show where this year our contestants will vie for the honor of being anointed as the First American Dictator.
As we all know, this year's show is the most important in history, and to commemorate this event, the stakes have risen from one lucky contestant being selected as simply the President of the United States to the ultimate prize, The First American Dictator.
We have several contestants this year all of which have been carefully vetted by a panel of experts that have bought their way to the top. After careful consideration it's been determined that only two of the contestants portray the necessary traits to lord themselves above us all. Those traits include but are not limited to, narcissism, arrogance, and above all else, the love of money.
So, without further ado, here's our contestants:

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. & Donald John Trump

Here are this year's competition categories:
- Liar's Corner.
- Teleprompter Control.
- Most Creative Executive Order.
- Constitutional Oversight.
- Timely Martial Law.
- Best Vice Presidential Insurance Policy.
- Dirty Tricks.
- How Low Can You Go?
Tired of the long lines and being asked for voter registration? This year we are adding an exciting new feature, voting by cell phone, and check this out, voting will be open to everyone, worldwide! And as an added bonus, you'll be able to vote as many times as you want!
To vote for your favorite contestant, call this number: 1(000)Uni-Party, and vote until your finger aches.
Remember folks, vote like your life depends on it, because under The First American Dictator, it just might.

Stickybuds - Crooked Politicians feat. Richard Kim (4:24)

Good morning Free Rangers...
dàjiā hǎo (everyone good)
Elections are like a game show. Wheel of Fortune comes to mind.
Or, Let's Make a Deal .. Oh Monte! Curtain #1 or #2 or #3???
Thanks for the OT!
question everything
The Gong Show...
comes to mind.
Thanks, needed that
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
As my
dear departed gray-haired mammy used to say,
That is all...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
was a wise lady. I drank a whole bottle of pepto-bismol while writing this piece.
Good morning, Master Blogger, et al!
Our First Dictator Evah was scheduled to be Her, but shit happened. Nevertheless, we are on the countdown to meet the goal.
I am so damn glad it is Friday. This work week has been pure hell.
I anticipate next week will be worse.
Oh, well, I asked for it, shouldn't whine.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
count her out yet.
I wonder if Bill
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Whining is ok as long as one devotes equal time
to wining, preferably cabernet. Besides, whining did great things for Jelly Roll Morton, but I'll spare you that and post this one instead:
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
steady as she goes there cap'n
do you like your tuna hot?
question everything
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Kunstler on the chances of the Hellabitch
being on the ticket after the blob pushes Biden out.
I’m not counting Her out until she is buried face down for 6 months just to make sure that the witch is dead.
Side note: I check in to huffpoo first thing every morning to see what I’m supposed to be upset about.
I’d say 90% of the time they post something about Trump. They have posted about his trial every morning it’s been running and now that it’s not in session I thought I’d get a break from Trump…..alas no such luck. For the leftist media that said it was tired of covering him they rarely have let a day since he left office to not cover him. Maybe they did the first week of Biden’s term, but then they lost lots of money and so they started up again.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Oh yeah….
Julie Kelly schooled Bill Maher on how much an election denier Her is. He said that she never denied that Trump won fair and square….she called him an illegitimate president because of Russia Russia Russia and of course Putin. Sorest presidential loser in history hands down!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Lol…of course there’s more
Hey, Hillary…have you noticed what Biden is doing? Almost all the things you see accusing Trump of doing. Persecuting Trump. Persecuting the journalist Julian Assange. Spying on not our enemies abroad, but we the people here at home. Have you been keeping up with the censorship out of Biden’s administration? Maybe she should buy a mirror too and see how hypocritical and a liar she is.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
how many bills has hilarity to pay?
ding dong the witch ain't dead
question everything
Bill Maher gets
He is still in front of the cameras.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
" until your finger aches."
This expression reminded me of an amusing political situation in Gwangju I saw in a South Korean youtube video yesterday. 5.18 was the commemoration day for the massacre of demonstrators in Gwangju in May 1980 by military forces. They had been ordered to liquidate the popular Gwangju democracy movement uprising opposing the imposition of martial law by former dictator Chun Doo-hwan. Chun was in the process of consolidating his coup d'etat in South Korea.
So last week politicians of both the PPP conservative party and the democratic opposition showed up in Gwangju for the 5.18 commemoration formalities. National Assembly member Ahn Chul-soo, a centrist conservative with his own small faction in the PPP showed up a few minutes late and had difficulty getting through a waiting crowd of observers and reporters outside the front gate of the venue. During the 2022 presidential campaign season, Ahn had been a candidate for the PPP nomination competing against current President Yoon Seok-yeol for the nomination. On February 23, 2022, he made a remark that will go down in Korean history.
‘If you elect Yoon Seok-yeol, you will want to cut off your finger within a year,’ and then sided with Candidate Yoon without any explanation,” *
*[출처] - 국민일보
[원본링크] -
Shortly thereafter Ahn was instrumental in throwing his support to Yoon Seok-yeol facilitating his rise to the presidency. To this day Ahn has been subjected to public ridicule for his hypocritical volte face. At the recent 5.18 memorial while Ahn's bodyguards shoved and pushed onlookers out of the way so Ahn could get close to the front area for entry blocked off by police. Meanwhile he was subjected to ridicule and sarcastic yelling and jeers by people in the crowd, "Chul-soo, go home!" "What are you doing here?" "Chul-soo, did you cut off your finger yet?" "Do you have any fingers left?" "Chul-soo, you dare to show your face here?" Calling someone by their surname, is an insult in Korea, unless you are personally close to them. Ahn stood looking away, still and mute by his bodyguards, who scanned nervously about the crowd behind Ahn, waiting for police to decide to let him in, while people around him yelled and jeered about his finger.
Coincidentally, the video of Ahn's arrival was posted on the 99percent ( 99프로 ) youtube channel. Here's the link-
5.18 기념식에 갔다가 호되게 당했다..철수야 손가락은?
There is a saying in Korean "Does an elephant ever forget?" ( 코끼리는 잊을 수 있을까? ). Another Korean saying is "ten thousand years is not too long to avenge a grudge." Perhaps more than anyone wanted to know, but I couldn't stop laughing. I needed that. Of course, Yoon is regarded as a dictator, especially in Gwangju. But the DC blob and the pentagon love him. Doesn't get any better does it? I wondered how he was received.
99프로 also published a video of President Yoon's arrival earlier. He was greeted with chants of "Veto criminal Yoon Seok-yeol," and "Impeach Yoon Seok-yeol," and "Jail Kim Gon hee!" (the first lady). Yoon's body guards were extremely nervous. Also a 99프로 (99percent) video.
앞에서 윤석열 탄핵!,김건희 구속! 구호 터져나왔다 (광주5.18기념식)
Thanks for your essay JtC.
(edited x2 for typos, style)
語必忠信 行必正直
There are indications...
that the tides are turning around the world. People are realizing they have the power, if only they'll wield it.
Thanks for the anecdotal evidence soryang.
I Wonder what Diderot would say about uniparty
politics in the US. You remember Didereot, right?
"sure like to hurt 'em some"- heh, but vote 'em out? Crazy talk.
While each candidate and their backers tells scary tales of the other as dictator, I don't really think that either could keep it together that long, and their supporters will all be yanking the rugs out. A kakistocracy has no king.
Great videos, btw.
be well and have a good one
edited for typos, as usual
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I would imagine...
Diderot would say this:
Even though we seem to be on the trajectory towards dictatorship, I would agree with you, good luck being a dictator of this country.
I wonder what Washington would say about foreign entanglements
to Antony. Here he is in front of a picture of George and yet he forgot everything George said about them.
I wonder if anyone bothers to look at all the bling in the WH and even know what those guys said. Or stood for.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I doubt that they pay any attention to George,
he's only on the one.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It appears as though Blinky is the voice of
authority now in the Brandon train wreck?
Between he and Nuland, it's the end of the world
as we knew it.
question everything
But who are the real dictators who are ruling behind the curtain
There is no way we can vote the real rulers out.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The real dictators?
Corporations. They run the world. Wait, let me amend that by adding an "i", "They ruin the world".
Sam hates Memorial Day weekend
Usually we are the only ones walking at the cemetery, but starting yesterday more people are showing up. Today we hid in the back corner where most graves are over 100 years old…but still some families visit.
By Tuesday morning there will be billions of dollars of Mums dying at cemeteries across the country and millions of cemetery workers will then have to gather them up to be carted off to dumps nation wide. Occasionally someone will bring mini roses instead and the workers will save them for me to put on my dawg's grave. Hopefully I will be dead before the cemetery expands into the back pasture where it located.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.