The "Gun Control Issue" Hillary vs. Sanders

The 1st Connecticut Democratic Primary Poll was recently released, and over in the GOS Echo Chamber the Hillary supporters are wondering about the accuracy of the poll based on the "Gun Control Issue," and the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre...

They think that in order for the poll to be "That Close" that Connecticut voters would have had to have forgotten Sandy Hook...

Forget Sandy Hook?


This is literally “The view from my daughters doorstep.”

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Caption: This is the view from my daughters doorstep. My 3 grandsons regularly cross the street to see the firemen and sit in the trucks. They also get to watch the construction, most recently the road being torn up and some of their front yard being taken during the road widening and new utilities being installed to the school. The house has been shook and vibrated for the last year or 2 but it is getting close to the end now.

They support Bernie Sanders!

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Caption: 26 Stars on the roof of the Sandy Hook Firehouse in remembrance of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.

The 26 Stars of Sandy Hook...

That’s Right! They live across the street from the Sandy Hook Elementary School and the Firehouse made infamous in the media during the Sandy Hook Shootings.

They didn’t forget…

They live in it…

The construction… The dust… The ground shaking and vibrating their home… The noise…

The people stopping in front their house to take a picture on a narrow road with fast moving traffic and poor sightlines while horns blare...

Before you pat yourself on the back, and think that you have got it covered because of the “Gun Control Issue,” lets step back and think for a minute why my daughter and son in law would be supporting Bernie Sanders…

Lets start with…

Please tell me the meaningful and effective “Nationwide Gun Control Measures” that have been passed since the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre…

That’s right! “Zero” “Zip” “Notta”…

Why? Because there are 2 sides miles apart with each making unreasonable demands…

Perhaps the fact that Bernie represents his constituents in rural Vermont where the use of firearms is legitimate for the farmers in pest control, and for sportsmen & women, yet also supports meaningful and effective “Gun Control Measures” that should be applied in all states, including both urban and rural populations, might finally cross the bridge…

Connecticut does have both a urban population and a rural population, so don’t pat yourself on the back and think “Gun Control” is going to put Clinton over the top!

It’s not what you think!

I’m a lifelong Democrat, a gun owner, a sportsman, and I vote in every election national, state, & local, I support Gun Control maybe not the Gun Control you imagine…

I want gun control that works...

In the “Bumper Sticker Poll” I see Bernie Sanders way ahead of Hillary Clinton as I drive down the road every day…

My daughters 2 youngest sons, "The Twins" will soon be among the 1st children to attend the "New" Sandy Hook Elementary School when it opens in the fall of this year. After being bused to a school that was unused in the next town over (Monroe) about 10 miles away from their home...

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hester's picture

heck they are talking about. I also live in CT, about 45 minutes from your daughter. I drive past Newtown when I go visit my mom's grave. We never forget and never will forget. And those people for thinking that are don't know what they are talking about. Our best friend packs heat where ever he goes, always. I don't own a firearm. But if some lunatic shoots me, my husband is not going to think that the gun manufacturer is responsible for my death.

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Don't believe everything you think.

One is the wealthy bedroom communities of Wallstreet and corp America
And the other is made up of working class heros and their working class families.

No surprise that the polls are close.

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Orwell was an optimist

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Despite the state having a small size and a high population density, that most of the population is in a narrow band about 10 miles wide along the I-95 corridor from Greenwich to New Haven and along the I-91 corridor from New Haven to Enfield...

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With the exception being Danbury, Waterbury, & New Britain, on I-84, and New London on I-95...

3 deer backyard.jpg

While many of us might legally be able to deer hunt in our own back yard if we were so inclined...
My apologies for the poor picture quality as it was taken with a phone without at ability to manually focus and the through the glass picture was out of focus. The deer were disturbed by one of the grandkids at the window and bolted before I came back with a good camera I could manually focus...

The apple tree provides hard to ignore bait for the deer in the fall when they drop to the ground...
There is an old apple orchard that closed about 30 years ago straight back behind the deer a few hundred yards, which provides great forage as well...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
detroitmechworks's picture

Which Billary conveniently has...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

I get a text from my daughter with an emergency at her home...
The kids are on school vacation, and the sitter was ill, so she needed me to watch the kids, so she could work...

Just for the heck of it I took an actual picture from her doorstep..

sandy hook new school.JPG

The workers in the picture are capping the stone wall out near the road between Dickenson Dr. and the Firehouse, you can see the school through the trees as the leaves haven't come in yet...

She's got nice new curbs along the road in front of her house...
There goes my preferred parking spot on the front lawn during family gatherings there...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,