So... I'm gearing myself up to phone bank...
I know a lot of you have done so, and I really need your moral support right now. This is my first post here, although I comment a lot, and I'm sorry its one asking you for something!
You have to understand the kind of person I am - I can run my mouth all day on the Interwebs, I have no trouble stating my opinions here, but I also generally get really stressed out by pie fights, conflicts and nastiness, which I why I avoid GOS like the plague now.
I'm the type of person who will sit there and watch the phone ring and be typing the number into Google rather than answering because I don't know who it is. Once the DNC managed to get me on the phone, and got $32 out of me, FFS. This was before my eyes were truly opened to the rampant corruption, but still, if I wanted to give money at that moment, I would have preferred it go to Bernie, but I got talked into it because I'm a sucker.
I've been known to actually hit the floor and hide behind my coffee table when I saw a sales person approaching my door - since there's so many windows there was no time to walk into another room. Yep - I laid on my living room floor like a soldier in a trench, and waited for them to leave rather than just answering it and telling them I wasn't interested.
Obviously, I have issues.
But I also feel so strongly about taking action in some way, this election is so important, and I can hardly blame others for their apathy if I won't move out of my own comfort zone.
So what I am hoping for, from you all, is some encouragement and stories about how phonebanking has been for you to help me prepare. How does the script work for you? It feels stilted to me, but they recommend not changing it. Have you personalized it at all? Has anyone been super mean to you? Do I need to take a Xanax to get through the abuse? Do you feel like its made a difference for any of the people you spoke to?
I'm going to do it, and I'm sure you guys will think I'm crazy for acting like its such a big deal... but for me, its making me have a little bit of an anxiety attack.

My recommendation:
See it as a process. The first will be somewhat strange and then it gets easier and easier. Help Bernie win NY!
Here some motivation from Makahali:
It's time for us to heavily phone bank NY (or PA). The clock is ticking, like a bomb. We are within striking distance. People are switching sides or deciding, "Yes, I guess I will vote after all." Sanders is going heavy in the state but has to close the deal in NY before heading to Vatican City. He's won seven or eight races in a row -- I can't even remember. He's won for an entire month. Let's not permit NY to cut into that streak. Let's not concede to Clinton NOW, while we are UP.
New Yorkers like winners. We want to pick the guy whose been winning a whole months straight without flinching or faltering. We like competition. Bernie Sanders IS NY.
Sick of meta? Phonebank. Sick of drama? Phonebank. Hillary got you down? Phonebank. Timed out for something asinine? Phonebank. Wish we won by a heavier margin yesterday in Wyoming? New York has 50X the number of delegates Wyoming had. Phonebank. Angry at the Daily Kos? Phonebank. Too busy to phone bank today? Canvass. Not in a state where canvassing matters? Phonebank. Planning to donate instead? Okay, donate. Please!
And then come back and phone bank. Been phone banking every week? Perfect. Please phone bank. Wondering when you can stop phone banking? June 7th. Democracy is interactive. It means people need to talk to each other. Scared of people? Phonebank. Most people are lovely. Unless you want to phone bank "persuasion calls," you are just getting out the vote. For Bernie Sanders. Angry about the war in Iraq still? Phonebank. Angry about the humanitarian crisis in Europe? Phonebank. Feeling pissed off at CNN or MSNBC or the NYT? Phonebank.
You need no special skills! All you need is a burning desire to see Bernie Sanders become President, a phone, and a voice, which does not have to be perfect, well-trained, or anything. If you can make just 20, or 30, or 40 calls today, that will bring us CLOSER TO WINNING NEW YORK.
Otherwise Clinton wins.
Raise your hand, say hello, speak up, if you want us to WIN NEW YORK. Or forever hold your peace! No one can do the work for us but us, and that is why we are going to win this thing; because together, when we reach out, we make that fleeting human contact that Clinton's paid phone banking team cannot replicate. Go off script. Be weird. Stay on script. Be careful. Just make contact. Again, the click is ticking. In a few days, the fruits of our efforts are going to come to fruition, and that is the truth.
The below link only represents a tiny fraction of all calls made, but if you need some inspiration, check this out and realize that these are people who decided to be brave today and to put in their time, people just like you and me. I have 75 four-page papers to grade, and I am going still going to make 30-60 minutes worth of calls today. Please join me. Otherwise, who are we? Why are we here? What are we really doing? This is it. NOW IS THE TIME.
If you phone bank, maybe I will share something of interest? Set your price. And now, to the phones.
And if you are in NY, PA, CT, RI, or NJ, please canvass if at all possible instead. It's significantly better than phone banking.
And if you are, right now, busy in another window with a pressing argument, just tell the person, "You know, that's okay, I have to GO PHONEBANK NOW, so have a good day."
Ask every Sanders' supporter you meet to also please phone bank. Today we have momentum; it's ever fleeting. Capture it now. This is the time we elect Bernie Sanders as POTUS, not in two days and not on the day of the primary either. There is no other time but now."
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
I know I just need to jump in and do it
Once I'm done work today, I'll just suck it up and do my best.
Thanks for the detailed comment/mahakali post.
Have you called people? How did you find it?
know first,
that you are brave. And I mean that sincerely.
There is nothing wrong with consuming Medicine before encountering strangers. Feel free to deviate from the script. Go with what feels right for each particular person. Some people will be cranky, drunk, even mean; one or two may bark like loons. From these, quickly but politely withdraw. Get plenty of rest, and remain hydrated. Good luck!
Thank you!
I shouldn't need encouragement at my age, but I still do. Its sincerely appreciated.
And as a sort of good omen
- I just got a text that the Annapolis campaign office is opening tomorrow evening, and I'm going to go down there and get to meet some other local enthusiasts as a reward for doing this today.
you'll be fine ; )
It occurs to me that sometimes when you encounter people in a sour mood, they have a right to it.
When I was very young, I was doing door-to-door stuff, and I rapped on this guy's door, and he opened it, and I cheerily inquired whether he intended to vote.
"They won't let me vote," he said. "I have a marijuana conviction."
That was more than 40 years ago. I can still see his face.
Can I ever relate!
I hate, hate, hate phonebanking. Like you, I'm not shy in other situations. Door to door canvassing, e.g., which I'll get to do soon in California.
BUT phonebanking works. So here are some things that have helped me:
1. Phone with others. I've hosted four phonebanks. Hearing other people make calls taught me a lot, and the support helps.
2. Alter the script if it feels awkward, but make sure you hit the same points. I've heard only one woman use the script exactly. She was a theater major and was she ever good. Incredibly persuasive.
3. Practice the script, or your version, before you make calls.
4. Promise yourself you'll make calls for a set period, say half an hour, and then promise yourself a break. By then you might not even want a break.
5. Smile when you get someone on the phone. You're calling about something you believe in! Something important!
6. It helps me to check the person's age as soon as the information comes up on the screen. Notwithstanding the script, I think it's rude to ask for someone over, say, 40 by first name alone. I'm 67 and I don't like having strangers call me by my first name. So I ask for an older person by full name.
7. The people I talk to are almost always polite. At one phonebank, another caller talked to the nicest guy EVER who revealed he was voting for Trump (?!) but said how great it was that we were making calls.
You can do this, and you can be good at it. Please report back and tell us how it goes.
Rely on the script. It gets easier with practice.
I haven't had anyone be outright abusive. No pie fights. Both sides can always hang up at that point. If you feel inspired, you can go off script. Knowing you don't have to can help you relax, they're not your words, you're not responsible for them. Of course, don't give anyone your full real name, phone number, or personal info, so there can't be further attacks later. Anyway, I think once you've done it, you'll be glad you did and probably do it again.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
You can do it!!!
I thought I could never fly across the country and march in protest against these fucked up wars.
If I can do it... you can
You rock!
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Good for you
Just remember that you don't know these people, you'll never see them or meet them. If you screw up, you can just forget it and move on to the next one. No one will know but you and there are no repercussions!
We are not embracing a politics of envy if we reverse a politics of greed. - Joseph Stiglitz
Good for you- thank you so much
This type of challenge is not easy for people, glad you are taking it on. My recommendation, be calm and positive, and finally be yourself. We are all truly wonderful people and so are you. Just let yourself shine.
My family, friends, this community and I thank you for investing part of yourself in this great cause.
Phone banking is easy
The Bernie system does the dialing so you only talk to people who have answered their phones. You'll likely be doing ID calls. You're finding Bernie supporters so they know who to get to the polls. You may get a lot of wrong numbers, i.e. Someone else has the number now. That's good too. Those get crossed off list.
The worst I ever encountered were a few saying take me off list. You say "will do". Most people are very nice. You don't argue with anyone. Persuasion isn't part of the job. That is done by locals face to face.
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how fast and easy it goes.
Good luck.
Well... I did it!
I never managed to actually speak to anyone, I got a bunch of voice mails and "wrong numbers" or hangups.
But I only had about 15 minutes since its still during the workday, so I'll try again after work when I have more time.
At least I broke the fear barrier, so now I have a better idea of how it will work....
Thanks all for the supportive words. Its always best to face a stupid fear, right?
it is sooooo easy
well, easy is a state of mind. . . If my mom can do it, then you can too!!! she is the most shy person I know but you know what? she just reads the script and people can hear her authenticity and her kindness in her voice and they respond very well.
you can do it!!! we all MUST do it!!!
If you do not understand that being part of the "establishment" is a slur in the minds of 99% of the U.S. population then you are completely out of touch and probably are one.
"When something is worthwhile, we find the time to do it."
Shaky at first but you will get rolling!
Hi HK!
I'm only a month-ish in front of you. The Ides of March Edict was what got me motivated - I did my first phonebank the next day.
Some of the scripts are more challenging than others I find, mostly determined by what you're working - voter ID, canvassing setup or GOTV. I try to go over the script a few times and think about how I might say things a little differently so if I'm on a call and get flustered or lost I have something already in my head to fall back on. (This isn't hard for Bernie on the issues since he's saying the things I've been saying also for over 30 years!)
The logistics of the process is much improved from the Obama pbs - cellphones are included but folks move around a LOT these days so after a while I find myself in a space that I don't take personally the hang ups or the wrong numbers and I'm DELIGHTED when I get a real human being I can talk with about Bernie.
It is a little nerve-wracking at first, but it gets to be a lot of fun!