OT WED 10 APR 24 ~ social unrest


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an Oppressed People to Rise,
and assert their Natural Rights, as Human Beings


1768 - John Hancock refuses to allow two British customs agents to go below deck of his ship, considered by some to be the first act of physical resistance to British authority in the colonies

1865 - Confederate General Robert E. Lee and 26,765 troops surrender at Appomattox
Court House to US Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant ending the Civil War in North Virginia

1916 - The Libau sets sail from Germany with a cargo of 20,000 rifles to assist Irish republicans;
Captain Karl Spindler changes the name of the vessel to the Aud to avoid British detection

1952 - Hugo Ballivian's government is overthrown by the Bolivian National Revolution,
starting a period of agrarian reform, universal suffrage and the nationalisation of tin mines

1968 - Martin Luther King Jr., buried in Atlanta

1971 - Ringo Starr releases single "It Don't Come Easy", produced by George Harrison, in the UK

Given the significant impact of the Arab Spring throughout northern Africa and the Middle East, it’s easy to forget the series of large-scale political and social movements arguably began with a single act of defiance.


The natives are getting restless. Ever since the Patriot Act we are all considered terrorists.
Under the guise of national security our civil rights are being outlawed one after the other.


I wonder what little spark will ignite the powder keg? Anyway, open thread so toss in
any convenient match.

10 users have voted.


QMS's picture

crawling thru the headlines this morning
couldn't find anything earth shattering
just more half-truths trickling out like
'Burisma / Biden con couched in Rus disinfo terms'
or 'China Bad proving US good' claptrap

being spoon-fed mental poison gets toxic over time
what kind of soup you sipping today?

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare


to my face.

3 users have voted.
QMS's picture

The Burisma romper room.
Why not cut to the chase?
There is no counter to it.
Offensive is more to the point.
Well, it didn't work the first time
so give it another go. Definitely
worth another $60B. Just ask the
departed Ukies, umm, or not.

3 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

usefewersyllables's picture

somehow succeed, and they are able to block Trump from the presidency just before the election (or worse yet, immediately afterwards after he's won it), I expect the increasing rumblings from the heavily-armed MAGA types to erupt into actual open violence. There are a great many of them just champing at the bit to go shoot some of the people that they regard as their oppressors ("liberals", LGBTLMNOP people, non-whites, cops, and so on). That seems the most likely form of civil unrest, at least to this reporter.

That is based upon the naively optimistic assumption that we still exist by the time of the election, though.

6 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture

would be a red line many will fight against.
I think the immigrant voting as non-citizens
could also trigger a serious backlash. I think
TX and MO are attempting that trick.

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

usefewersyllables's picture


open season: ready, fire, aim; in the inimitable American style.

The rest of us non-MAGA, non-arsenal-owning types do constitute what they call a "target-rich environment", after all.

5 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

@usefewersyllables I think I have to take exception to your comment. Without going into any detail about background, I mentioned a couple of comments ago that members of my "family" (estranged) had slapped a labels on me that were contradictory. In effect they had fallen into a fallacy that I encountered long ago:

The Labelling Fallacy
Sat 7 Jan 2012 13:27:27 desipis1 comment

Over the few years I’ve been reading gender related blogs I’ve seen many occurrences of people making the range of argumentative mistakes listed here. Yet one common tactic I’ve seen used that I can’t find in that list is something I would call the “Labelling Fallacy”, which involves identifying an argument one disagrees with as fitting some pattern or another, applying a label to it, and dismissing it on the basis that it fits that label. The most recent example I’ve seen of this was an attempt at Feministe to institutionalise a form a false dichotomic thought, an “us vs them” mentality, by pathologizing a certain way of phrasing nuanced disagreement (to which ToySoldier responded “yes, but…“). There other examples I’ve come across, and this approach does sometimes extend into the ad hominem territory, where once a participant is labelled everything they have said is summarily dismissed. Perhaps the worst example is when it reaches the point of putting a collection of these labels onto bingo cards, as if putting an argument on a card with a collection of other arguments one disagrees with somehow negates the argument. Regardless of the format, the end result is that a point that one disagrees with is dismissed by being labelled, rather than being counter argued. I can only presume that there is an assumption on the part of the one doing the labelling that such arguments have been adequately rebutted elsewhere, yet these are not referenced.

The examples I’ve provided above are all from feminist blogs, however it wouldn’t surprise me to find the tactic being used elsewhere. In particular, discussions about religion and climate change come to mind. To me this sort of behaviour is not a positive one, and it’s one that would both limit the quality of the discussion by excluded potentially valuable input and drive the group dynamic towards simplistic and partisan approaches to political issues. Perhaps the only benefit to the labels is that it might enable someone to rephrase a point in a way that is more likely to be treated as serious by those predisposed to dismiss it otherwise.

In part I think it’s an extension of the 101-blog approach to limiting the scope of a discussion, by out-sourcing discussion of common foundation or periphery topics. This is an approach that comes across as a much more reasonable way to deal with the issue of frequent thread derailing, even though the implementation may leave much to be desired, and as long as it isn’t used a means of arguing from authority. However if you don’t do the ground work of establishing a comprehensive rebuttal and providing a link to it, using a bunch of labels to dismiss potentially valid arguments is something that might make you feel high and mighty, but will make you seem little more than a petty partisan.


Please do not interpret my comment as being judgemental of you but more a muddy spot in our path to improve the situation in our country. MAGA is not a bad thing unless it is being used to divide us. There are parts of the MAGA idea that I very much agree with, there are other parts that I disagree with. People are complex. They do not fit into "Little Boxes"...

Thank you....

9 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture


I can only report on the ones I know in person, and who actually wear the hat and own arsenals. I tend to believe that sort of self-sorting.

One in particular is an Air Force vet who has already told me that, because he likes me, he'd give me a 5 second head start before he started shooting- and that was after the last election. When people say things like that to me, I really do tend to believe them. And since he's a CCW carrier, I won't even be in the same room as him. I haven't spoken to him in a couple of years, for obvious reasons- but it is my assumption that he's more pissed off now than he was then.

Reading the comments on (for example) Zerohedge only reinforces that belief, in the more general case. However, having said that, my apologies to anyone I've offended.

5 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.


I'm sorry if I might have given the wrong impression. It was most certainly not intended.

2 users have voted.
soryang's picture

So far they are looking pretty good for the aligned parties of Lee Jae-myung and Cho Guk, the democratic party and reform parties respectively. Cho-guk's party is a proportional vote party on the proportional vote ticket competing for 50 seats. At this stage of the vote counting looks like he'll get 11 seats according to projections. The projection is for the democrats to take 155 district seats out of 250. The democratic satellite party competing for proportional seats is projected to take 13 proportional seats. Total seats for the "criminal parties" (the dems and progressives) as labelled by Han Dong-hun, the prosecutor turned conservative party leader now at 179, almost exactly the same as the 180 seat blowout four years ago. These numbers could change, some of the races are quite close, unbelievably close in fact. Voter turn out a huge 67 percent.

You know the results are not good for the conservatives by their reactions- PPP conservative party (red) on upper right, their satellite proportional party lower right. Dems on left (blue) Lee, upper left in party situation room, Cho Guk's reform party lower left (in suits) watching vote counts as they come in. I hope the results are as good as they appear to be at this point in the count.

The video reactions in the party situation rooms are telling. We'll see if voting makes a difference any more in South Korea.

Thanks for the OT QMS.

7 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

QMS's picture

hope the good guys make make enough of a gain to balance
the bad guys ways.
Read a report the other day about someone breaking down the
software in the Diebold counting machines. Something like 1.2
million lines of code. Makes one wonder what all of that crap is?


PS - did you receive the member list I sent?

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

soryang's picture

@QMS Thanks, QMS.

4 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey Capt.!

Thanks for the OT! Loved It Don't Come Easy.

It was 2.5 million lines of code, which was done in 77 at the tweet:

We should not be using machines for the same reasons all the other countries in the world do not use them. A couple million lines of extra code is not pure of intent. Open source it, or outlaw it. I mean IF IF IF the results of your vote actually mattered one miniscule nanobit.

I saw this again, and think it bears repeating...

Happy trails all!

7 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

enhydra lutris's picture

a coup before we see a revolution, unless they find a way to pull a color revolution here. John Q. Public is still largely dozing off in the glow of the constant false narratives and diversions and distractions. We will argue endlessly about whether, when, how and by hom the vote was fiddled and if it had a net impact without coming to realize that it is all a farce and sham ab initio.

The question, at home and abroad, is really who the cops and militaries will support if push comes to shove, and that may be anybody's guess in each and every venue where it arises.

Meanwhile spring is here, but it still isn't time to take all of one's meals outdoors, alas. The weeds have taken over the yard and garden, however, so the outdoors cannot be avoided, regardless of the bucketloads of pollen which are largely due to the idiocy of commercial landscapers, at least hereabouts.

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris
owing to the fact that the coup masters have their headquarters here
at Langley, although it is speculated their operational base is now in

Spring is still chilly here with more wet stuff on the way.

Enjoy your weeds!

2 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare


Members of the transition council sent their plan to the regional Caribbean body CARICOM late Sunday.

The accord establishes a nine-member council -- seven voting members and two observers -- representing political parties, the private sector and civil society, that will pave the way for presidential elections by early 2026.

It's mandate "will end on February 7, 2026," according to the agreement seen Monday by AFP.

The impoverished country's new authorities will replace outgoing prime minister Ariel Henry, who announced his resignation on March 11 after Haiti plunged into deadly gang violence.

A political official said the accord was presented late Sunday to CARICOM, which has been instrumental in negotiations over the island nation's latest crisis.

A final step awaits: the formal approval and acceptance of the deal by Haiti's outgoing government.

Note that there is no outgoing government except for PM Henry, who no one ever voted for.

4 users have voted.

I appreciate jtc and c99 and how close I feel to the people here. I know we are different while we are similar but I think that this little corner offers me a place of sanity in really stressful times.

Thank you so much.

So much happening that affects elderly people, so much blame being heaped upon us for our supposed greed in not sharing the meager nestegg we might have built over 4 or 5 decades of sacrifice. The latest BS is one that reminds me of the forced tenancy that happened during WW2 to provide living quarters for all homefront people to support the troops. Hmm, what was that play again.

Excellent piece in NC that linked to the Lever:

Where Nursing Homes Hide Their Profits


Last June, an elderly stroke survivor residing at Chicago’s Lakeview Rehab and Nursing Center fell to the floor while being transferred by mechanical lift from his bed to a shower chair. The fall broke his leg in two places. A single nurse’s aide had texted her coworkers three times seeking help before attempting the lift. None responded. The nurse — in a clear violation of a requirement that two aides conduct any high-risk transfer — went ahead on her own.

It wasn’t an isolated incident at the 178-bed facility. Since the beginning of 2021, federal regulators fined Lakeview Rehab, which is run by privately-owned Infinity Healthcare Management, more than $250,000 for 10 serious violations, according to the government’s Nursing Home Compare website. The facility earned just one out of five stars for quality, the lowest possible rating.

In response to the deteriorating conditions at nursing homes nationwide, regulators have proposed bare-minimum staffing standards. The facilities have cried poverty, claiming they can’t afford it. But in fact, researchers have found many of these private equity-owned operations, including Lakeview, are funneling funds — almost all of which come from Medicare and Medicaid — to pay exorbitant fees to their affiliated companies.

In short, nursing home owners are poaching government funds that could be used to increase staffing levels to line their own pockets with inflated real estate and management fees.

It was my experience last year with a couple of homes near me that forced me to face the requirement to change all of my estate planning and financial activity. In my research I found that my plan involving a trust offered no shelter. So I started dissolving it.

Next was finding a shelter that would provide for the LOML. Looking for legal advice was another grift and one that preys upon their clients in league with the nursing home. Each of the 3 or 4 that I approached used a scripted ploy.

The net result is that after 55 years the LOML and I have been forced to be the same as marriage partners dividing their stuff before a divorce. Hurts but necessary. Today when she hands me her credit card and says I can use it for groceries I have to explain that it is illegal.

Lately I have been following https://www.theautomaticearth.com/the-automatic-earth/ and especially the comments of https://www.theautomaticearth.com/forums/users/dr-d/. If you get the chance he offers an excellent take on our dystopic gov't, particularly his opinion of the PMC crowd and AI. It matches my experiences to a T.

I think this is enough. Thanks for listening.

In my literary project I have found Hemmigway and Islands in the Stream to be fantastic. I can most certainly identify with it.

The part where he is talking of his life in Paris came so close to our experiences there. We stayed in a small hotel just down the street from his favorite bar. LOML and I always found our own paths in the places we visited. The 6th arrondisement was one of them.

It's been a wonderful life and we still have far to go before we sleep.

Thank you all. Be well, please.

8 users have voted.
QMS's picture

the label 'rogue rebel' fits me to a tee (shirt).
Half jokingly I suggested we should have a
sacrificial goat at the eclipse gathering for
good luck. Even my stoner friends thought that
was bridge too far. Where is humor when you
need it? Do we really have to behave somberly
constantly? Hey, if you can't take a joke ..

BTW, Dr. D is a funny commenter at TAE.

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


I don’t remember the details, but during Obama he relaxed nursing home rules that put patients in danger. A few hundred thousand in fines are nothing to those places because of how much money they make. Now putting repeat offenders in prison would do a lot of good, but it will never happen because it’s the CEOs who make the laws that they get congress to pass.

Pfizer paid $2.3 billion for criminal activity but not one CEO was charged for it. Yet Pelosi says that no one is above the law. Pffft!

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture

Pelosi says that no one is above the law.
Except for her and her ilk.

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


Not following you…

2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture

she does indeed operate above the law
insider trading is Ok in her rule book
other people go to jail for that

2 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Years ago, I found a royal blue tee shirt in London. It has a white picture of the crown, and the words, "Keep calm drink beer" on its' front.
I am about to join a zoom mediation, thought that tee would be perfect for a fighting divorcing couple. Hubby said no,
Bad humor

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp
people are too uptight these days Wink
Maybe something in camo chic?
Seriously, life is but a joke anyway.

2 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

a whopper like this.

Coupled with the dismal inflation report the Dems seem to be getting desperate.


Highlights from the article:

Inflation ticked higher once again in March, with consumer prices up 0.4 percent over the previous month and 3.5 percent compared to one year earlier.

The latest data marks the third month in a row that the consumer price index (CPI), a closely watched gauge of inflation, has come in hotter than expected, likely throwing cold water on hopes that the Federal Reserve would begin cutting interest rates soon.

Car insurance, repairs see ‘outsized increase

At-home elder care, video discs post largest increases on record

Frozen drinks, home repairs tick up

Housing, gas drive overall rise in inflation

“Most worrisome is the recent run-up in oil and thus gasoline prices,” he added. “Nothing does more damage to the economy more quickly, as higher oil prices saps consumers’ purchasing power, undermines sentiment, and juices up inflation expectations.”

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture

frozen drinks and video discs post largest increases on record.
Inflation or something else mysterious?

2 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare