Adolph Reed tells you he's voting for Biden

There's a bunch of stuff disparaging Biden on The Nation's webpage. But there's also this:

Why I'm Voting for the Enemy

Adolph Reed's defense of why he's voting for Joe Biden is emblematic of what Cornelius Castoriadis called the "complete atrophy of political imagination" that afflicts our era of history. So we begin with this sentence:

The left needs to challenge Biden, especially on US involvement in Gaza. But to do that, we need to keep him in office.

News flash: the Left's failure to challenge Biden means there's no Left left. The best you can be is an anarchist or a socialist or a utopian of some sort. The foot-stamping about "the Left" can be exported too, judging from the sheer numbers of Americans who support those "brave Ukrainian freedom fighters," basically conscripts dying pointlessly for a country which has banned all of its "Left" political parties.

The body of Reed's argument contains a fundamental contradiction. He starts off with a rejection of moral voting:

... it's necessary to approach the electoral domain instrumentally, not as a moment for moral declaration.

Then he proceeds with a wholehearted embrace of moral voting:

... despite Biden's great limitations (and there's no question they are great), this is truly an instance in which the pathetic mantra that the Democrats have offered us for three decade -- "the other guys are worse" is true.

There is nothing to "lesser-evil" voting besides moral declaration, though. If we are really approaching "the electoral domain instrumentally," then we'd want to think of what we'd accomplish with our votes. None of us will accomplish anything with our votes in this cycle. There is simply not enough time to organize against a system designed to keep the same groups of people in office in perpetuity, with the goal in mind of creating a credible challenge by November.

And it's hard to see how the Republicans could create bigger heaps of dead bodies than those created by the Biden administration, whose foreign policy playbook is borrowed from the first Reagan administration. Remember the first Reagan administration? They thought a nuclear war was winnable.

Then Adolph Reed plays the "End Is Near" card:

We could be facing the destruction of whatever democratic institutions exist in American society...

We had four years of Trump, and two of those with a Republican Congress. If Reed's nonsense had any credibility at all, we'd have no democracy already. Hitler abolished the Weimar democracy in eight weeks, so what's up with these slackers? (You see, they have this evil plan to destroy democracy, but it takes a really long time to enact because Trump is super-busy eating junk food and playing golf.) And it bears repeating that if the people who manufactured this kind of rhetoric were really afraid of a second Trump term, they'd run someone more capable of self-presentation against him than Biden. And we'd get a greater variety of talking points than the solemn monotony put out by Reed and a few hundred other Democrats being instructed to say the same, easily refuted, things. Oh, and QUICK! Let's inspire the fear of losing democracy before Joe Biden signs the bill currently in Congress banning TikTok.

And that's pretty much it. There's no sense that we could have a dialogue with anyone like Adolph Reed, any more than we could have a dialogue with the current crop of Republicans. We are getting Trump again, and if Reed really wanted an alternative to that outcome, he'd be supporting someone other than Biden or Trump, because the way you defeat the system is not by propping up superannuated fools.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

with his full-throated support of Israel. He could have been a real contender, and I don’t think even the anti-vax smears would have stuck.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@FutureNow was the price he paid for getting a couple of billionaires to support him. Also I think this is a copycat move in imitation of Ted Kennedy, though it's a particularly bad look right now. (And Ted Kennedy wasn't exactly a role model.)

Anyway, I have to wonder how many states will see RFK Jr. on the ballot.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

We have one now? We have a two party system and they mostly agree on how to control us. The rest is just blah blah blah. Our job is to show up and vote for who is going to exploit us.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@Snode They will assassinate anyone, any time, to maintain control of the system.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo