Insurrection Rationale for Civil War Fizzles Out

From CNN

Supreme Court unanimously rules to keep Trump on Colorado ballot

• Big ruling: The Supreme Court ruled Monday that former President Donald Trump should appear on the ballot in Colorado, a decision with nationwide implications that follows months of debate over whether the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination violated the 14th Amendment's “insurrectionist clause” because of his role in the January 6, 2021, riot.

• More details: The court was unanimous on the idea Trump could not be unilaterally removed from the ballot — but justices were divided on how broadly the decision would sweep. A 5-4 majority said no state could dump a federal candidate off any ballot – but four justices asserted that the court should have limited its opinion. You can read the full decision here.

• Trump victory: The opinion is a massive victory for Trump, vanquishing one of the many legal threats that have both plagued and animated his 2024 campaign against President Joe Biden. The decision came one day before Colorado’s primary on Super Tuesday. Trump called the ruling a "win" for the country.

Personally, I believe Donald Trump belongs in prison for the rest of his absurd life, but the various legal attacks upon him ignore his actual crimes, and instead openly strive to criminalize HIM.

This 14th Amendment scam is an affront to the English language. Any definition of the word "insurrection" is based on a subjective intent to overthrow the government. Disrupting the work of Congress is criminal behavior, of course, but not an attempt to destroy the existing Federal Government. You can concoct an argument that preventing the certification of Joe Biden in hopes of keeping Trump in power equals an overthrow of the whole Government -- but that argument of convenience is pure sophistry.

Meanwhile the full panel of the Supreme Court has wisely called a halt to this recipe for civil war. Had the election taken place with Trump off the ballot in several states, and Trump were to win enough states to get over 200 Electoral College votes, there would be real trouble.

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snoopydawg's picture


Personally, I believe Donald Trump belongs in prison for the rest of his absurd life, but the various legal attacks upon him ignore his actual crimes, and instead openly strive to criminalize HIM.

Crimes he committed as president or before he was? Every president in my lifetime should be charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes and if presidential immunity gets crushed then they could be because there is no statute of limitations on murder.

The court made the right decision because if they had ruled for Colorado then 50 states would have different candidates. I can’t believe shitlibs can’t understand that.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg One of his lawyers went to jail for paying off a woman with whom Trump had sex--- paid .
out of campaign funds.

As POTUS, Trump ordered the murder of an Iranian general.

That's a start.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

snoopydawg's picture

@fire with fire

Start with Carter and then every living president like I said. Plus there’s plenty of evidence that Biden used his position for pay to play. As did Hillary and let’s look into the money Obama got paid for helping the banks screw us…Bush for killing a million Iraqis. Clinton for starving half a million kids.. I could go on.

Gonna lmao if Trump is denied presidential immunity.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

composed of 9 flawed and often politically biased people, can be just wrong, legally and rationally, on a given case, and that's true whether we consider this as a 9-0 or more narrowly a 5-4 verdict. The Rs/cons knew what conclusion they wanted to reach, and provided a legal rationale to give the holding a fig leaf of respectability.

Meanwhile the 3 faint-hearted libs likely wanted to do anything to avoid a ruling which could trigger the social outcome suggested in your final para.

Likely too: as a makeup for this awful ruling, which will only underscore the gamesmanship and politics-driven agenda on display by the Scotus majority, the Court will probably deny Trump's sweeping and absurd immunity claim in another case soon to be decided. The cynics who said these type of major cases are decided purely on partisan political grounds and not on well-reasoned constitutional grounds were right all along.

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@wokkamile @wokkamile Not buying this affront to the English language as reasoned constitutional grounds.

As I wrote in the OP:

Any definition of the word is based on a subjective intent to overthrow the government. Disrupting the work of Congress is criminal behavior, of course, but not an attempt to destroy the existing Federal Government. You can concoct an argument that preventing the certification of Joe Biden in hopes of keeping Trump in power equals an overthrow of the whole Government -- but that argument of convenience is pure sophistry.

The 14th Amendment is called a "Civil War Amendment." That historical event involved the establishment of a new national government backed up by a military attack on Fort Sumpter. That was followed by four years of desperate actual warfare, not trashing offices.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

QMS's picture

Yeah, the supremes were stuck between a rock and a hard spot
but the follow-up, as to actual jurisdiction, is very weak.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

usefewersyllables's picture

the ballots in CO were printed 6 months ago and mailed out a month ago, that was a foregone conclusion. They might have chosen not to count those votes, I suppose- but since nobody trusts the counting process in any case, even that was probably moot.

The people who want civil war have an endless litany of Reasons- suppressing Trump would trail far behind pronouns and taxes, to that lot. When they want to start shooting, there won’t be anyone to stop them.

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Cassiodorus's picture

the festival of January 6th of 2021 appears as an actual insurrection. It was, in all likelihood, a false flag operation. The cops let the "insurrectionists" into the gates. Has the FBI revealed their files on this stuff? How about the NSA or the CIA? It's not as if any of the alphabet agencies could claim ignorance of the facts.

At any rate, Colorado couldn't be bothered to wait for any Trump conviction to kick him off of the ballot, so it's no surprise that the Supreme Court put him back on.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus @Cassiodorus Why is mucking around the Capitol an "insurrection"?

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

Cassiodorus's picture

@fire with fire As I said, "to the untrained observer..."

American politics is typically conducted at a low level of intelligence.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus @Cassiodorus I forgot how smart you are.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

soryang's picture

@Cassiodorus I couldn't have imagined that after 911 the security in DC could be so pathetically unprofessional. I guess gross incompetence to that degree is possible, but imo unlikely.

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@soryang 20 yrs in the past, and since nothing of a major security issue had occurred since, the natural tendency is to relax from a heightened state and return to the normal.

Gross incompetence however, in addition to other factors, has been cited in various ways, including official reports re J6, one being the Capitol Police's own IG. Several of these reports cite CP higher ups' failure to adequately foresee the size and aggressive nature of the MAGA mob, which led to badly misguided orders not to equip CP with non-lethal means of repelling the crowd in addition to a failure to send in an additional 200 police that were available. And much of the equipment that CP did receive was outdated, fragile, and not adequate for the task.

It also appears that top CP officials had been concentrating before J6 on having to deal with protestors vs counter-protestors, but the counters never showed up of course.

That's just on the incompetence of the CP. Probably some deliberate incompetence can be found when efforts by responsible parties were made to quickly bring in the Metro Police and National Guard to help, most likely bc of deliberate efforts to stymie same by Trump admin officials.

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soryang's picture

@wokkamile I see this phrase is sociological or psychological terminology. Legally there is a continuum if you will from negligence, to gross negligence, to intentional, to specifically and deliberately intentional. I guess one can have trouble determining where the borderline is, as a matter of fact, but certain acts by individual actors legally speaking are one or the other.

This part that you concluded with is how I saw it at the time-

...when efforts by responsible parties were made to quickly bring in the Metro Police and National Guard to help, most likely bc of deliberate efforts to stymie same by Trump admin officials.

20 years or 100 years from 911, even before 911, after working in a government bldg in that area, I could never conceive of such incompetence in a security matter.

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snoopydawg's picture


knew long it advance about the plans for 1/6 and they put out warnings. Trump even offered Pelosi and the DC mayor the use of the national guard, but they turned him down. Pelosi as house speaker was responsible for security and she did nothing.

Copy pulled back the security gates and opened doors for people to go into the capitol. And how can you have an insurrection if people are unarmed, cops watch them stroll past them and the military isn’t involved.

I’m 1/6 committee was very selective on what videos were shown and now they have destroyed everything they used. Carlson showed cops escorting the buffalo guy around and opening doors for him.

Anyone else believe that was a legitimate insurrection has bought the dem's propaganda. After 5 years of Russia Russia Russia you’d think people would start seeing through it, but alas….

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

soryang's picture

@snoopydawg no longer matters to me, to bother to impute the "laying down" of security in DC to Trump or some other actors. The partisan allegiance of the FBI, police, whether capitol police or otherwise, black stripe or not, national guard, generals, etc., seems problematic to me. This includes any police, security personnel or other government officials who literally or figuratively "opened the door." Security in DC was tight as a drum when I worked there. Imputing blame for what happened is someone else's business, not mine. I'm beyond caring about it.

A person went into the local government office to pay some utility bill. While in there they noticed one of those black stripe flags hanging outside the police station. They said basically WTF I don't recognize that flag what country is it? It's the US flag of course the policeman replied. The story reminded me of another first responder who had a bumper sticker on their official vehicle "protect the police." Again WTF? Isn't it their job to protect the public? Police and other government officials who aren't elected have it in their mind that they are actors for a political cause, their own. I don't trust any of these MFs. I don't care who they are. It's beyond the pale at this point. It's already a brave new world.

fixed a typo

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snoopydawg's picture


Isn't it their job to protect the public?

Cops have no duty to protect the public. I think the supremes ruled on that. Plus they are the standing army that the founders warned about. I see no difference between the military and the cops who have not only been militarized, but get trained by Israel’s military..or cops or their security service. That’s not working out too well for us.

Edit: lots of typos lately so if I miss them please just overlook them. I’m having difficulties seeing small print.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Then we’re mostly peaceful with some a little rambunctious, but it wasn’t until cops started shooting rubber bullets and tear gas for no reason when it got out of hand.

The sentences for most were ridiculously too long for misdemeanor trespassing and strolling quietly through the building and staying inside the rope lines. The FBI even charged people who didn’t go inside, but were just there and left. Good news is that the supremes overturned a long sentence because the DA overcharged and it might ripple down others sentences. Besides the juries were biased and I don’t believe anyone got a fair trial.

But the objective is to keep people from protesting again because the court system is rigged against we are people. Trump should have pardoned them all and hopefully he will if he gets in. Families were ruined by Biden’s unjust system.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Cassiodorus theory, or excuse for insurrectionist behavior, gets raised and flown a lot these days on various matters. Re J6, whose false flag? For what purpose?

As to the CO Sup Ct, there is nothing in the 14.3 Amendment indicating there must be a criminal court conviction on insurrection charges in order to disqualify a former official from the ballot. But as far as "waiting for a conviction", Scotus is doing a good job of delaying his DC criminal trial. 4.5 months delay so far, which will risk having the final outcome occur some time after the election.

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TheOtherMaven's picture


EVER? To distract public attention from the plain historic facts that challenging the certification of election results in Congress is a card that both parties have played, multiple times?

Wouldn't it be conVEENient if such challenges get tarred with the muck of "insurrection", so thoroughly that nobody ever dares do it again?

The Unelected Powers got a perfect setup to do this, and they went boldly for it. So what are they planning for this election cycle?

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

snoopydawg's picture


The Unelected Powers got a perfect setup to do this, and they went boldly for it. So what are they planning for this election cycle?

America used to have printed ballots that were counted by hand and we still got the results that night. It took us to 3 days in the last election before some results were known and they were the places where Trumps was winning, but then changed to Biden.

Democrats call this republicans that weren’t going to certify the election insurrectionists, but they don’t remember that they did the same thing 5 times since Bush and spent 5 years calling Trump an illegitimate president and launched Russia gate on us. Too many people still believe that even though Mueller squashed the accusations.

Don’t know if it’s true, but someone posted a picture of ballot drop boxes at the border. Democrats are trying to do away with voter ID. I’m betting whoever wins the other side won’t believe the results.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg -

I’m betting whoever wins the other side won’t believe the results.

That is the point of this entire drill with Trump. This ties together with the propaganda campaigns behind the wars on Covid, Putin and Gaza -- a coordinated war against the perception of objective reality. Now there is nothing but bullshit in our politics.

A necessary component of The Great Reset. A perfect storm of bullshit intended to make our society collapse to make way for Technotopia.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

TheOtherMaven's picture

Expect to get spam-mail in your inbox from your local Dem shill, whoever s/he may be, screaming hysterically about Terrible Trump and how he's Going To Ruin The Country. But most of the accusations will be either things that Dems have also done, or things that Dems could have avoided by getting off their asses and taking positive actions instead of sitting and sucking their thumbs. (If, that is, they aren't outright, blatant lies - they're still trying to peddle Russia Russia Russia and Evil Insurrectionist, both of which are known by saner folk to be phony-baloney bullshit.)

Don't give in to them. Don't "vote Sauron to stop Morgoth" - it doesn't work that way. Screw the DemStablishment, and the RepStablishment too. They both suck.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

QMS's picture

become more obvious during the 4 year election cycle.
If true choices were to be available to voters, it would not
shock me to see "none of the above" win in most races.
The undecided, uncommitted and independent bloc is the
majority. How to harvest that in balloting changes?
Dirty tricks allow this dichotomy system to perpetuate.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare