Come on folks- relax and take a chill pill- and freaking fight
I am old school that is why I used this phrase from my distant past.
Let’s get real. Bernie Sanders has come a long way. He is fighting everyone- the DNC, the “establishment” democrats, the wealthy, traditional media- everyone that wants to keep the status quo is fighting against him. Moreover, he started 11 months as barely being a blip on the radar. He was underestimated, not respected, and completely overlooked as a candidate. Now he is a viable candidate and is in the fight to be the nominee.
Look at the current state of his campaign- he has won 7 states in row, and cut the delegate lead by 1/3 (spread is now 220 pledged- as acknowledged by Clinton herself on Saturday), and out-raised her campaign the last 3 months. Finally, he now is running a nationwide campaign and has thousands of volunteers and thousands attending his rallies.
There is one week until the New York Primary, and the Sanders campaign is within striking distance. Keep in mind the polls indicate it is just barely double digits, but for Pete’s sake this is one of her home states, she won elections in this state, it is a closed primary and every single establishment state democrat is against him. Therefore, to me this polling information is great news because she should be kicking the crap out of him due to all these reasons- but no. Moreover, every single poll has been wrong (in Bernie’s favor) this entire campaign season- he is a closer. Finally, there is no early voting in this primary unlike other ones that the Clinton camp used to their advantage in the past.
So please do not despair all is not loss and the results for New York will be okay. Continue to stay positive, work hard, and do not let others bring you down- it is all good. Please share the good news, and fight against all the negative vibes.
My prediction is Bernie will win this primary by 3 points- why 3 points I will share my reasoning with you in another diary. Therefore, with this information in mind, I wanted to share a very appropriate song with you that helps cheer your day and clears your frame of mind.

YES! Keep Hope Alive! Thanks, Borkrom
Those of us with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren have no time for despair. We are too busy fighting for their survival. I, for one, will keep on fighting for them until I draw my last breath.
Despair will get us no-where.
Right now the best chance of moving forward in that fight is with Bernie's Campaign. But that is only a small part of that fight. And Bernie is only one part of that fight.
Bernie recognizes that he is only one part of that fight, which is why he says, "Not me, US!"
In the end, the fight is in our hands and it is our responsibility to move that fight forward.
Hillary is NOT the answer. Hillary is the Status Quo, and with the Status Quo, the Ruling Class wins and we and our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren loose.
Right now I fight to get Bernie nominated, but if Hillary is the nominee, then I will be joining a movement to form a strong broad-based political party, of the 99%, by the 99% and for the 99%, one which can destroy and replace the corrupt Democratic Party.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Right on JayRaye
We are fighting for everyone- you, me, us, our family, friends, our communities and country. This movement needs to continue and overcome all the terrible ills of our society. No longer will the few rule the many. That is why we had a revolution and established this great nation. We must wake everyone up and take back our country.
IZ is over the rainbow
he will be missed.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I've always loved
this cover of the song. Didn't know anything about the artist or his story until now. Checked him out on Wiki. Wow.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
cannot listen w/o balling my eyes out. Every. time. eom
Don't believe everything you think.
It is such a great song!
It does bring immediate tears. And it makes me really miss Hawaii, where I was privileged to spend some years growing up.
But I hear from relatives still there that Oahu is beyond the breaking point now with traffic and overcrowding of people. Rents/housing is completely unaffordable. The island has like 2-3 days of food if there's ever any disruption due to emergencies. My sister finally moved back to the mainland because it was stressing her out, and since she left 7 years ago, they've built two 6-8 lane highways and still have some of the worst traffic around. Its sad.
But I'm glad I got to enjoy it when I did, and I got to go back to visit my sister every year until she moved.
Sorry for this rambling bio, the song just got me thinking about Hawaii.... I'll stop now.
Michigan Polls
had a much bigger gap, these polls are all released at the same time, with the same margins and the same margin of error, they only report "likely" democratic party voters and their results have overestimated clinton's performance EVERY TIME. This is nothing but propaganda.
The reason is that Bernie has crossed 50/50 national favorability and is closing the gap in big ways in all future states. The clinton camp and the U.S. political establishment sees New York as a MUST WIN to block berniementum.
If you do not understand that being part of the "establishment" is a slur in the minds of 99% of the U.S. population then you are completely out of touch and probably are one.
Along the line of personing the phones,
is there a way to get the word out to have everyone voting for Sanders in NY to organize to take 4 friends to the polls with them (good for carpooling), then spread the word to have another friend pledge to take four with her/him and so on and so forth. It would help particularly with those who have transportation problems and also as a group provide solidarity and maybe some fun. (It would also provide witnesses in case of any...ummmm.... snafus at the polls.)
Your avatar is driving me nuts. Having taken a Rorschach test, it has me questioning what my diagnosis would be in answer to it. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
my representation of the Queen of Heaven, but she is on her side.
for time space, you can watch an amazing turnout and speech at a Sanders rally in Syracuse.
If you do not understand that being part of the "establishment" is a slur in the minds of 99% of the U.S. population then you are completely out of touch and probably are one.
Ah, okay. That explains a lot.
I taught 7th and 8th grade in NM at a school called Queen of Heaven. My Rorschach reaction of being driven nuts was quite accurate. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I just finished watching "The Big Short"
I think the movie may be a factor in Bernie's success. It was not a big hit when released, but it's now number 2 on the most watched rental list. It really brings home the banker fraud in the 2008 crash. I now get why Bernie keeps bringing up the speaking fees that Hillary received from the banks.
My teenage boys asked to watch it again
Even if we lose, they understand the score. That does not bode well for the establishment. Hope the planet is still here for them, though.
"It's like two plus two equals fish!"
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
saw it last week
More people need to see The Big Short and vote for Bernie!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I heard Rosario Dawson's intro remarks at Syracuse today
[she is a good speaker] She said that the phone banks have so far made 3.5 million calls (I assume many to NY). Additionally she told those Independents in NY who missed the Oct 2015 registration change deadline to each contact two people who could vote and ask them to vote for Bernie. And yes, try to organize car loads to go vote next week.
I thought those were productive suggestions, something for voters in the next primary states to consider.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
She's great
Here she is in CA about 10 min.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Borkrom, you're the best :)
Thanks for the inspirational words! You helped me!
"United we stand, divided we fall, and if our back should ever be against wall, we'll be together....
lol dig the clothes
Thank you for the kind words Ajaradom
Remember we must join together to overcome what is wrong with this world because we can make everything right.
By the way, I was young, but I can still remember some of those clothes
Ever forward
"Drop by drop, the bucket becomes brimful" Gautama Buddha - the Dhammapada
High in the mountains, with a small stick, a line was drawn in the snow. As sure as gravity, that thin, small line has become a mighty river, and we the people, as that river of justice will pour down and across the land.
Every vote, every call, every penny, every thought, every word has tipped the scale...the revolution is now unstoppable.
Set your feet, put your shoulders to the wheel, together we will get this done, we will roll this thing. This is so much larger than delegates, and conventions and jaded calculations ...this is a tsunami of change. Let's do this thing people. Move it ahead, until we all spin forward with the planet itself. Glorious indeed! - Nemoshell