Biden news 12/26

1) Let's start this one by doing a list of candidates. There are, according to NPR (12/4/2023). six Republican candidates for President: Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Asa Hutchinson, and Chris Christie. There are two important independents: Cornel West and RFK Jr.. There are probably a few Green Party candidates, but none more important than Jill Stein. There are a slew of candidates for the Libertarian Party nomination, none of any importance. The Party for Socialism and Liberation is running Claudia de la Cruz. Are they on any ballots? I don't know.

But who, you might ask, among this field has found their way into my email account? Joe Biden, of course. Joe's most recent email wants $25 of my money. The pitches are friendly and devoid of any elaborate reasoning for why I might, for instance, elect this guy to the post of Janitor. Come to think of it, I might have briefly been a Democrat for the purpose of supporting Nick Heuertz in his run for Congress (that and, I suppose, wondering what was going on with Bernie Sanders). I'm sure that's how they got my name. Lots of messages to delete.

2) The Biden campaign's newest tactic? Going after the "third party" candidates by denying them ballot status.

The real fact of note here is that it's easier for them to do THIS than it is to, you know, actually do something for the poorest Americans.

3) In yesterday's Counterpunch there was a piece by Ralph Nader (remember him?): "Nothing Will Stop Us." Its opening paragraph was as forthright as it was pitiless:

The unstoppable Israeli U.S. armed military juggernaut continues its genocidal destruction of Gaza’s Palestinians. The onslaught includes blocking the provision of “food, water, medicine, electricity and fuel,” openly genocidal orders decreed by Netanyahu and his extreme, blood-thirsty ministers.

Now, I don't keep tabs on Nader as carefully as I might. His insights are welcome. Has he said anything about the 300,000+ Ukrainian Army lives scattered to the winds in pointless "counter-offensives" this year, with the open promotion, planning, and funding of the Biden administration? 'Cause, frankly, with all eyes on Gaza, we do have a precedent out there for pointless Biden administration foreign policy boondoggles which leave behind huge piles of dead bodies.

Oh, and I might add that Israel killed an Iranian general in Syria yesterday. I'm guessing my tax dollars funded that one too.

4) In today's Counterpunch there is a piece written on behalf of -- that's right, folks -- the Biden administration! How Biden’s Economy Puts Money in Workers’ Pockets is its title. Silly me! I thought Jeffrey St. Clair, editor of Counterpunch, was a radical. I hope he's being paid well.

I do not know about the truth or plausible deniability of every factoid in this piece. I do know, however, that it credits Joe Biden with ending the pandemic:

The nation’s unemployment rate soared to 14.7 percent during the early days of the pandemic, the highest level since the Great Depression. But it’s plummeted since Biden took the helm, registering just 3.7 percent—a historic low—last month.

So does Joe lead a double life as President and lab technician, and the Omicron variant of COVID-19 was his most recent work, the end of the pandemic (which doubtless caused the drop in unemployment, and was caused by the spread of the Omicron variant) being his most recent lab leak?

5) Here's a story about someone who has been exiled by Joe Biden: Tara Reade. Ms. Reade explains in detail, here, the apparatus helping Team Biden. Sabrina Salvati explains:

So what's your Joe Biden news?

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QMS's picture

I used to wonder what the hell was going on with the Biden bunch in Ukraine.
Those questions were answered when the Ukies pushed Russia to the reaction
point now known as a special operation. Oh, I see. Fast forward to the corruption
charges being bandied about on bribery, laundering and influence peddling.

The media is busy covering foreign wars, first the Ukie mess, now the Gaza
massacre. Not much news about a corrupt president and his family. Seems
the puppet masters are content to float another term of blackmail-able Joe.

Homelessness, runaway immigration, falling life expectancy, greed-flation,
and issues affecting the working poor are only found in alternate media sites.

It is pretty clear the living standards are spiraling downward at the same time
defense contractors are enjoying record profits. These are the priorities of the
Biden administration. I guess that is OK with the voters?

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Cassiodorus's picture

@QMS -- so I can't really tell you for sure. But how did they cover Ukraine? Seems to me like the mass media simply went to reports, day after day, granted them by designated serial liars who told the world that Ukraine was winning and that Russia was going to collapse in a couple of years. Oh, and Ukraine is a "democracy" even though Zelensky banned all of the political parties which might have mattered. And don't you worry about Nazis, because Nazis were totally kewl and bitchen for fighting Russia. The Canadian Parliament bought that one.

Then they switched up and told different lies -- all Ukraine needed was for the US government to give them the Weapon of the Week and the war would be won. Sure, they said, there are a lot of casualties, but the Russians are suffering a lot more of them (except of course that it was a lie and they weren't).

Now they're on their third set of lies. "The Russians are going to negotiate a ceasefire soon because our anonymous sources say so," they tell us. Never mind that they aren't, and that the West is nowhere close to offering anything remotely related to a proposal which Russia might consider.

So that's my picture of how they covered Ukraine. But, like I said, I don't own a TV, so take it with a grain of salt. Now, however, the WaPo has decided to remove its Ukraine webpage, so I gather the mass media just want it to go away.

In other news, that piece in Counterpunch tells us that people are living large under Biden. I'd like to know who.

9 users have voted.

"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

@Cassiodorus belief that insertion of St. Clair, the Cockburn Bros., Hitchins, et al into Leftist journalism beginning in the 1970s was a deliberate psy-op, committed by British or American "intelligence" agencies, or more likely both.

If Biden is a union supporter, what about the rail worker's strike? Having only two over worked, sleep deprived guys on mile long trains is a grave national security threat. I would argue that consolidation, not to mention foreign ownership, of our rail companies is also a grave threat to national security. Why is not Biden's allegedly revived anti-trust division of the Justice Dept. not looking into the railroads?

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Mary Bennett

Cassiodorus's picture

-- they can do anything and everything in a pinch. They can choose our Presidents for us, tell the media what to tell us, choose which laws they do and don't want to follow, and decide who can and who can't live here. What can't they do?

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

QMS's picture


Or "transparent" (accountable)?
The cloak of invisibility is wearing thin.

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


feathering might come back in style. Or better yet....

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Read the article. Basically, the Unions have started to take back their power and actually demand that these companies pay them after making record profits. What does that have to do with Biden and any of his policies. He didn't do anything to help them. His visiting the striking UAW workers was a joke. A photo-op to make him look good.

As I mentioned before, my family has several retired UAW members. And every one of them have hip, back, and knee problems due to their jobs. None of them would ever vote for Biden. If he wants to help labor, why doesn't he start with those who are not covered by a union. He can start by raising the minimum wage, expanding food stamps, and paying for school lunches.

My rant for the night or early morning. Insomnia is killing me.

12 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@Enchantress Joe lives a double life as a President and as a union organizer, signing legislation while at the same time organizing strikes to insure that the beneficiaries of the legislation get good wages.

Joe's a Renaissance man!

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

NOTA BENE: As of this typing, I have only watched the first 4:51 of the video, but I have this to say:

What strikes me as wild about this is just how far her attackers are going; we've had rape-accusations against Establishment darlings before, haven't we? Not ONE of Bill Clinton's accusers (I'm not even counting Monica, their thing was consensual) got chased out of the frigging country; Cory Booker got MeToo'd (by a guy!), the reaction was media silence - and isn't that the weapon of choice we'd expect for this sort of thing?

This does not seem normal; why the intensity? I mean, I could call it an attack of opportunity if all they'd done was trap her in an "enemy" country she happened to go to (cartoonist Ted Rall has been very open about his visits to Russia and how the Ukraine affair has not prevented American travelers from going there and back again, it doesn't sound like he's ever been threatened by the feds), but apparently somebody is obsessed with her. Who? Why go the extra mile, and what makes whomever-it-is think this will accomplish anything but confirm Biden's guilt to the world?

6 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Cassiodorus's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat How many charges have been levied against Donald Trump again? 91?

(Just as a footnote: it's highly likely The Donald has no clue what's coming. This was from Quora:

How likely is it that Donald Trump will be found guilty in his Georgia trial? What evidence would be needed for a conviction?

One answer was:

Well, let’s put it this way.

It would be very helpful to the prosecution if Trump admitted he tried to have election overturned on live TV. The fact he did so on September 17th probably complicates his defence somewhat.

I mean, sure, The Donald is very sly with the lawyers and all. But it's pretty easy to find Trump's admission on the Internet.

And then you have Joe's relationship to that other famous zealot, Benjamin Netanyahu. Rumor has it that Netanyahu and Biden don't like each other. None of such rumors appear to be of any consequence, though. Biden is willing to bypass Congress to fund Netanyahu's signature genocide.

Also one recalls that earlier phase of the war between Russia and Ukraine in which certain members of Team Biden claimed that they were going to instigate regime change in Russia. Sure, why not. Right?

And as for Tara Reade, yeah. The FBI.

So yeah. Team Biden are all zealots.

4 users have voted.

"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@Cassiodorus In addition to the matter of 'that still doesn't really explain their behavior' the hell does a moldy jack-o-lantern earn zealots???


3 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Cassiodorus's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat Well, zealots will do anything and everything to achieve their aims.

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

The Liberal Moonbat's picture


How is it that somebody like Joe "The Senator From Innsmouth" Biden manages to attract a personal cult,


Why do they think this is a good idea? I get they'll "do anything and everything", but shouldn't that mean doing things that'd work? It's just so out of step with the usual media-silence MO (not that Big Media aren't doing that, too) that does work much better than this. It almost makes me glad they're doing it, it's almost a confession.

2 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Cassiodorus's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

How is it that somebody like Joe "The Senator From Innsmouth" Biden manages to attract a personal cult,

Here one recalls that Joe was the "Senator from Delaware" -- a place where the rules of incorporation were and are such that enormous wads of cash are parked in Delaware, an otherwise uninteresting state. Also, Joe was known as the Senate's deal-maker during his extraordinarily long tenure there, and if you are a Senate deal-maker, well, it suffices to show the initially incredible success of President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was the Senate's deal-maker in the Fifties. (It certainly wasn't JFK who had the requisite level of deal-making success necessary to push the 1964 Civil Rights Act through Congress.)

Today, Joe Biden represents weapons capital, a fraction of capital made especially large during the Presidential tenures of Reagan, Bushes I and II, Obama, and Trump. Remember that a very large chunk of that soon-to-be $34 trillion national debt was caused by weapons spending. Also, Joe Biden is leaning upon his substantial connections to America's shadow government, which plays a very large role today in vetoing "unacceptable" options in national politics.

Why do they think this is a good idea?

Not sure what the "this" is, but it's hard to underestimate the hubris of those within the American system of enriching the super-rich. Here one thinks immediately of three things: 1) Michael Bloomberg, who thought that as the world's ninth-richest person he was entitled to be President, never mind his dreadful record as Mayor of New York City. 2) the Denver Broncos (American) football team, who gave away the store to the Seattle Seahawks to acquire quarterback Russell Wilson, who will be released after this (American) football season is over. Why waste such enormous sums of money on a quarterback who was obviously past his prime? Why be so stupidly arrogant to think this guy would work out? Oh, that's right, the Broncos are owned by the Walton family. And, 3) Elon Musk, who spent enormous sums of money to acquire Twitter, only to lose an enormous chunk of that money after Twitter was later devalued.

In sum, the super-rich in this country think they can do anything, and zealots think they can make the dreams of the super-rich come true. So apparently there are some super-rich whose bets on Joe Biden once paid off, and since they think they can do anything, they're Hell-bent on re-electing Biden even if he's a cadaver by the time next summer rolls around.

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

@Cassiodorus Well yes, he was the senator from Delaware, but no need for the quotation marks. I think you mean he was called the "Senator from MBNA" for most of his final 20 yrs in the senate as he carried water for the big banks and credit card companies.

Re the CR bill and LBJ, his alleged "mastering" the bill through the senate is a myth that was debunked years ago, in the book The Bill of the Century, and in biographies of Majority Leader Mike Mansfield. Actually LBJ had expected the bill to go through the usual route, which he also advised Mansfield to take, where it would end up in the hands of the anti-CR committee chairman who would slow-walk it to death.

Mansfield wisely ignored Johnson, the Master of the Senate, and proceeded to arrange for a parliamentary maneuver that took the bill out of the comm'ee chairman's death grip and sent it directly to the floor of the senate. He then enlisted Sen Humphrey to work on a reluctant minority leader Dirksen, which took months. He also had AG Rbt Kennedy be the public face of the bill, including important testimony about it in congress. LBJ had no part in all this. He feared it wouldn't pass, and so wanted to stay quietly on the sidelines in case it didn't pass and to avoid being associated with a major failure. Others could be blamed in that case, especially his enemy RFK.

LBJ as a maj leader wielded power, the bedrock of his so-called "mastery", by handing out $$ to his colleagues to the extent they played ball with him. This helpful, ill-gotten $$ came from shaking down lobbyists and corp execs who sought favorable legislation.

JFK said not long after introducing his Civil Rights Bill in June '63 that he expected his major legislative program (including Medicare) to have an "18 month birth". According to one Kennedy expert, JFK, a few days before Dallas, had received an agreement from the crucial reluctant committee chair in the House to allow the re-introduced bill to proceed.

As for Biden, you are of course just preaching to the choir on this free-range board as there doesn't appear to be a single regular poster backing Joe or the DNC or the DP generally, and for good reason.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

It's not really HIM, it's what happens to be riding on him,


it's a supply/demand confederacy of dunces.

2 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

@The Liberal Moonbat currently calling herself "Tara Reade" is making those claims, but I'm plenty skeptical, as her original overripe charges against Biden rested on a shaky foundation. Articles by Michael Tracey and investigative pieces in Medium and Vox a few yrs ago considerably debunk her claims and call her overall credibility into question. The entirely unskeptical Sabby is credulous on all this, as she tends to believe whatever is politically pleasing for her. I think Reade is a fraud. A real shame a pretty good news org like decided to give her a platform.

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TheOtherMaven's picture


and didn't it turn out that the "debunkers" were the actual fakesters? Beware of what The Establishment tries to sell you - they have a vested interest in lying to protect their pawns.

3 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Cassiodorus's picture

@TheOtherMaven Yeah, Tara Reade had herself exiled to Russia because, y'know, gotta protect those fraudulent claims.

Not likely.

3 users have voted.

"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

@Cassiodorus gotta find ways to get attention.

1 user has voted.

@TheOtherMaven any court would accept any assertions about another person's previous set of accusations to prove current claims against the different person being accused. Especially (except for Gennifer) when most of those prior accusations were dubious.

But if you want to believe all women who make accusations against a pol you dislike, that's your right, and I'll defend unto your death your right to make such colorful baseless claims.

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